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The casting is done, and now it's your turn to pick a winner! We've had some pretty cool entries thus far (and one even found it's way to reddit) so it's going to be close at the top! Nevertheless, in order of submission, here are the entries:
Vaul -

+ Show Spoiler [entry] +
f10esqftw (aka moletrap) -

+ Show Spoiler [entry] +
AlexLawrie -

+ Show Spoiler [entry] +
Diggity -

+ Show Spoiler [entry] +
Trozz -

+ Show Spoiler [entry] +
+ Show Spoiler +
+ Show Spoiler +
Hi, this is Trozz commentating for you
In the Pokestrategy.com TSL2
round two, game three
it's mikeol vs xiaozi
or I think he pronounces it "shout-zoo"
If you havent seen the first two games yet
You should Check em out for play you won't forget
These guys are quite skilled
which one will be killed?
the winner will advance to face koget
This is the map you all know, Destination
Xiaozi spawned at the bottom location
he's a canadian player
and a noob slayer
He's one of the best zergs in the nation
Meanwhile, Mikoel from spain... sends out a scout?
probably for proxy buildings no doubt
maybe proxy rax?
maybe some facts?
we'll see what his play is all about
So what can be said about this map's TvZ?
I see Terran mech regularly
they don't bio much
because of bridges and such
lets see if this scv can spread misery
I wonder what chaos this dude will lace?
maybe proxy building in the Zerg's base?
cant be a scout
was sent too early out
both the scouts come face to face
The drone scouts the close proxy spot
wait, did he see the scv? I think not!
or maybe he did
and im a clueless kid
check out terran's mad plot
oh right, I've seen this play before
manner ebay! this is pretty hardcore
you can take it from me
this is annoying for Z
and its a tactic you really can't ignore
alright, so this play shifts the whole game
you can't caluclate timings in a standard time frame
it's tough to keep track
everything is set back
but in the long term, you want to play the same
so it doesn't look like he's doing 12 pool
he's playing pretty calmly, not losing his cool
just don't overreact
you'll lose: that's a fact
just dont let yourself be terran's tool
So Xiaozi has his 12 hatch up
which is a pretty good build in this matchup
it will amount
to a good larva count
lets see if this win is something he can snatch up
meanwhile, there's this scouting drone
he's here to checkout the unknown
what will he see?
gas, obviously
looks like terran wants to tech up, then own
the first overlord's at the natural base
while the second one checks this space
maybe he'll find
a proxy that's blind
terran's a pretty cheesy race
notice that this dumb bay is still here
zerg didnt pull drones to kill it in fear
not pulled by terran's strings,
he'll just kill it with some lings,
altough third hatch will be late here
sorry if it sounds like I'm on zerg's side
but what can I say? is it canadian pride
or the action
breeds satisfaction
and I'm a fan of zergs worldwide
so zerg pulls two drones... frank and eddie
and th- holy crap he's at 400 minerals already?
things just got weird
ever since this appeared
hopefully his play keeps steady
I've never done this build as terran before
but it looks like standard mech is in store
he builds one marine
no, not fifteen
eventually he'll have factory units galore
if you zerg, scouting, there's one point of interest
counting the scvs on gas is something I suggest
if you see three
do you know what's likely?
maybe a starport strategy? I like those best
zerg finally kills the blockade
thanks to the zergling parade
still no gas yet
did he forget?
if you're in this situation, don't be afraid
it feels like I'm just casting for the zerg collective
I'll try to commentate in proper perspective
to all you terran and toss
and fans of lacrosse
entertaining you is my objective
oh yeah, and this is my first cast
I wanted it to be unsurpassed
it's for a contest
and I'm quite obsessed
as this commentary may be my last
Look what he slammed down with such an impact
Mikoel the terran opens with 2 fact
with an addon too
I think zerg gets the clue
yeah, he already took a step to react
the first anti-vulture colony is down
and this long distance mining is frown town
but alas
that ebay was class
terran can be the most annoying guys around
To fight mech, I get an early den
but it doesn't look like we're seeing that again
I also admire
a really quick spire
cuz mutas are good at fighting men
Lair? Hydra den? Excellent, it has begun!
Ohhh, this is more than a zvt rerun
vultures with speed
could really succeed
unless zerg's hydralisks are done
this overlord help these zerglings for scouting
they can help to keep scvs routing
but he only made six
and the rest of his picks?
look at how many drones he's outing
Zerg throws down the den, but it feels kinda late
I would throw down my hydra den right outta the gate
but don't listen to me
I'm barely ranked D
I think these drones await a date... with fate... vulture drone hate... so irate
Zerg sees that Terran is opening the door!
The vultures flare up with a mighty roar!
can this overlord keep alive?
he sees three, no wait, five
I think you need sunks... could I emplore more?
One hydra egg in the nat and two in the main
forward sunk placement... this'll be pain!
vultures in here
will wipe this base clear
here comes the drone genocide campaign!
5 vultures just drive right in
good attack, is it enough to win?
only a few drones die
his count is quite high
these hydras need to keep the vultures within
Xiaozi cant let Mikoel's vultures get up
they'll rape too many drones and be like... sup?
this drone block is nuts
although it takes guts
great defense, using the drones as a cup
look at all the blood on the lawn!
those top 4 zerglings are gone
I was way too enthralled
hey look, expo stalled
looks like these vultures showed their brawn
Zerg is following up with pure economy
this is solid play as some would agree
you could also hit back
do a counter attack
but that's not what we see
our canadian player is getting lurker with haste
he might as well get it, otherwise the lair is a waste
I'm afraid of one thing
the danger this will bring
because we all know tanks turn lurker into paste
vulures attack! or is it a feign?
Mikeol is dangerous and he is from spain
but there's so many drones
he'll be richer than dow jones
this game definitely wont fail to entertain
vultures are done, now he's making a tank
terran has lots of gas stored in his bank
vulture count is six
that's enough to do tricks
looks like these vultures are going for a shank
or maybe they're just randomly darting
the spire for zerg is just starting
what's this on the map?
vultures laid a trap
and now it looks like they're departing
look at the danger he's showing
where are these hydras going?
I dunno where
they should be there
holyshit the danger is growing
ok good, hydras are now morphing
only one hydra is walling
vultures are fast
they could zoom past
he's planting mines, hatchery stalling
gunna follow the vultures around
wherever they are is where action is found
oh wait they stopped
cuz an ebay was dropped
verses spire half done, the timing was sound
oh hey, these hydras might morph to lurk
thanks to this overlord maphacking jerk
he can burrow in this vale
and the lurkers will impale
all of the workers at work
to fight against mech, you need many bases
thats why mikeol is mining these places
send an overlord to each
is he really gunna breach
these three hydras with sadfaces?
wow these bridge hydras got rocked
looks like the vultures arent blocked
drone rape time
that's sublime
too bad that front door wasnt locked
vultures are back for more
they hunger for drone gore
there's a lot of drones
gettin eatin like toblerones
so... more blood on the floor
zerg has no hydras anywhere!
and his spire JUST finished, so unfair
he needs hydras instead
or else he'll be dead
count the deaths in this square
really good defense with just hydra drone
fortunately for zerg, his drones weren't alone
6 mutas indeed
now he'll preceed
to make terran bleed and groan
terran's goliath count is pretty high
he'd preparing for the threat of the sky
and as for +1
looks like its half done
and he's close to 50 supply
no scvs are mining
this tactic really is shining
check out the debris
that turret was key
with no detection, this is so confining
look who's on a stroll
mutas say: "you have map control"
he's got a turret or two
which mutas can undo
remember, doing damage is not the main goal
zerg finally takes his third
that makes me a happy nerd
arg misssiles
they're stabbing like bristles
if he lost every muta, that would be absurd
when terran pulls all the goliaths back,
that's when zerg laid off the attack
in case you didnt know
metal is super slow
and mutas move like they're on crack
terran needs to secure his second base
or else he'll fall behind in the economy race
what the hell do I see?!
a tank getting punched in the face
clearly zerg is now winning
the wheels in terran's head must be spinning
he needs critical mass
so he can kick ass
these lurkers must be grinning
so zerg, unchallanged, rules the skies
getting the mutas at this point was wise
it's kinda funny
when terran spends money
on stuff other than gas heavy guys
with the goliaths, he can take this base easy
they can really stop mutas from being cheesy
check out +1
its pretty much done
+1 metal makes me queasy
zerg is doing pure hydra production
he's not giving in to greed's seduection
and this hydralisk speed
is just what he'll need
to start ridiculous hatchery construction
why doesnt terran mine these 4 spots?
its not like the lurks can take free shots
check out these thrillers
the might be drone killers
they could do damage... lots...
and here I thought they were having a nap
usually mech gets steady
but he's pushing already?
maybe just to set up a trap
nine metal men comin out of the gate
one gets broodlinged, then there were eight
nah im just joking
terran is provoking
lurkers? this will be great
the mutas jump into the fight
stalling for backup, am I right?
muta armor at 50%
goliaths tell them to get bent
will the hatch be killed? the timing will be tight
still no mining, that's insane
this attack needs to deal lots of pain
he might get the hatch
and while it won't win the match
he's limiting the zerg's mining domain
zerg got supply locked at the worst time
3 idle larva at hatcheries is a crime
well this hatch is dead
he'll expand here instead
worthwhile attack, worth every dime
terran needs his forces to survive
and these lurkers shouldn't be alive
these guys go no where fast
lurkers getting hits as they go past
zerg is on lair tech, he isn't rushing hive
looks like terran is done upgrading
also looks like he's only in the game by a string
free overlord kills
good supply stumping skills
these mutalisks are looking for a spot to sting
whaaaat, clueless muta flies away
and of course it dies right away
we totally beat him!
he's alone, let's eat him!
yeah mutalisks dine on gourmet
bout a control group and a half of hydralisk
he defenetly isn't facing a tank risk
in fact I think he has enough
to really get tough
+1 armor for mutalisk
Zerg's supply pushes 72
no hydralisk upgrades, but he has quite a few
a lone goliath hears the noise
but then gets messed up by the zergie boys
this is probably way more than terran can chew
looks like our friendly spanish terran is in trouble
he needs to kill these lurkers on the double
if the tank wasn't sniped
these lurks would've been wiped
I guess all terran can do is hide in his bubble
this hydras and mutalisks can just a-move
yeah, charging in when there's no tanks? I approve
wait he needs mutas first
otherwise it'll be the worst
aww yeaaa they're back into the groove
this game is all but done, xioazi totally won
and I hope all you guys found this commentary fun
even though I was biased
I regard zerg the highest
and I'm just happy that a canadian guy won
this is a limerick commentary by trozz
for a contest, and for a jacket of hwaseung oz
the contest isnt over yet
visit teamliquid dot net
come commentate for an awesome cause
that was fun to write
I had quite a few late nights
this was a haiku
In the Pokestrategy.com TSL2
round two, game three
it's mikeol vs xiaozi
or I think he pronounces it "shout-zoo"
If you havent seen the first two games yet
You should Check em out for play you won't forget
These guys are quite skilled
which one will be killed?
the winner will advance to face koget
This is the map you all know, Destination
Xiaozi spawned at the bottom location
he's a canadian player
and a noob slayer
He's one of the best zergs in the nation
Meanwhile, Mikoel from spain... sends out a scout?
probably for proxy buildings no doubt
maybe proxy rax?
maybe some facts?
we'll see what his play is all about
So what can be said about this map's TvZ?
I see Terran mech regularly
they don't bio much
because of bridges and such
lets see if this scv can spread misery
I wonder what chaos this dude will lace?
maybe proxy building in the Zerg's base?
cant be a scout
was sent too early out
both the scouts come face to face
The drone scouts the close proxy spot
wait, did he see the scv? I think not!
or maybe he did
and im a clueless kid
check out terran's mad plot
oh right, I've seen this play before
manner ebay! this is pretty hardcore
you can take it from me
this is annoying for Z
and its a tactic you really can't ignore
alright, so this play shifts the whole game
you can't caluclate timings in a standard time frame
it's tough to keep track
everything is set back
but in the long term, you want to play the same
so it doesn't look like he's doing 12 pool
he's playing pretty calmly, not losing his cool
just don't overreact
you'll lose: that's a fact
just dont let yourself be terran's tool
So Xiaozi has his 12 hatch up
which is a pretty good build in this matchup
it will amount
to a good larva count
lets see if this win is something he can snatch up
meanwhile, there's this scouting drone
he's here to checkout the unknown
what will he see?
gas, obviously
looks like terran wants to tech up, then own
the first overlord's at the natural base
while the second one checks this space
maybe he'll find
a proxy that's blind
terran's a pretty cheesy race
notice that this dumb bay is still here
zerg didnt pull drones to kill it in fear
not pulled by terran's strings,
he'll just kill it with some lings,
altough third hatch will be late here
sorry if it sounds like I'm on zerg's side
but what can I say? is it canadian pride
or the action
breeds satisfaction
and I'm a fan of zergs worldwide
so zerg pulls two drones... frank and eddie
and th- holy crap he's at 400 minerals already?
things just got weird
ever since this appeared
hopefully his play keeps steady
I've never done this build as terran before
but it looks like standard mech is in store
he builds one marine
no, not fifteen
eventually he'll have factory units galore
if you zerg, scouting, there's one point of interest
counting the scvs on gas is something I suggest
if you see three
do you know what's likely?
maybe a starport strategy? I like those best
zerg finally kills the blockade
thanks to the zergling parade
still no gas yet
did he forget?
if you're in this situation, don't be afraid
it feels like I'm just casting for the zerg collective
I'll try to commentate in proper perspective
to all you terran and toss
and fans of lacrosse
entertaining you is my objective
oh yeah, and this is my first cast
I wanted it to be unsurpassed
it's for a contest
and I'm quite obsessed
as this commentary may be my last
Look what he slammed down with such an impact
Mikoel the terran opens with 2 fact
with an addon too
I think zerg gets the clue
yeah, he already took a step to react
the first anti-vulture colony is down
and this long distance mining is frown town
but alas
that ebay was class
terran can be the most annoying guys around
To fight mech, I get an early den
but it doesn't look like we're seeing that again
I also admire
a really quick spire
cuz mutas are good at fighting men
Lair? Hydra den? Excellent, it has begun!
Ohhh, this is more than a zvt rerun
vultures with speed
could really succeed
unless zerg's hydralisks are done
this overlord help these zerglings for scouting
they can help to keep scvs routing
but he only made six
and the rest of his picks?
look at how many drones he's outing
Zerg throws down the den, but it feels kinda late
I would throw down my hydra den right outta the gate
but don't listen to me
I'm barely ranked D
I think these drones await a date... with fate... vulture drone hate... so irate
Zerg sees that Terran is opening the door!
The vultures flare up with a mighty roar!
can this overlord keep alive?
he sees three, no wait, five
I think you need sunks... could I emplore more?
One hydra egg in the nat and two in the main
forward sunk placement... this'll be pain!
vultures in here
will wipe this base clear
here comes the drone genocide campaign!
5 vultures just drive right in
good attack, is it enough to win?
only a few drones die
his count is quite high
these hydras need to keep the vultures within
Xiaozi cant let Mikoel's vultures get up
they'll rape too many drones and be like... sup?
this drone block is nuts
although it takes guts
great defense, using the drones as a cup
look at all the blood on the lawn!
those top 4 zerglings are gone
I was way too enthralled
hey look, expo stalled
looks like these vultures showed their brawn
Zerg is following up with pure economy
this is solid play as some would agree
you could also hit back
do a counter attack
but that's not what we see
our canadian player is getting lurker with haste
he might as well get it, otherwise the lair is a waste
I'm afraid of one thing
the danger this will bring
because we all know tanks turn lurker into paste
vulures attack! or is it a feign?
Mikeol is dangerous and he is from spain
but there's so many drones
he'll be richer than dow jones
this game definitely wont fail to entertain
vultures are done, now he's making a tank
terran has lots of gas stored in his bank
vulture count is six
that's enough to do tricks
looks like these vultures are going for a shank
or maybe they're just randomly darting
the spire for zerg is just starting
what's this on the map?
vultures laid a trap
and now it looks like they're departing
look at the danger he's showing
where are these hydras going?
I dunno where
they should be there
holyshit the danger is growing
ok good, hydras are now morphing
only one hydra is walling
vultures are fast
they could zoom past
he's planting mines, hatchery stalling
gunna follow the vultures around
wherever they are is where action is found
oh wait they stopped
cuz an ebay was dropped
verses spire half done, the timing was sound
oh hey, these hydras might morph to lurk
thanks to this overlord maphacking jerk
he can burrow in this vale
and the lurkers will impale
all of the workers at work
to fight against mech, you need many bases
thats why mikeol is mining these places
send an overlord to each
is he really gunna breach
these three hydras with sadfaces?
wow these bridge hydras got rocked
looks like the vultures arent blocked
drone rape time
that's sublime
too bad that front door wasnt locked
vultures are back for more
they hunger for drone gore
there's a lot of drones
gettin eatin like toblerones
so... more blood on the floor
zerg has no hydras anywhere!
and his spire JUST finished, so unfair
he needs hydras instead
or else he'll be dead
count the deaths in this square
really good defense with just hydra drone
fortunately for zerg, his drones weren't alone
6 mutas indeed
now he'll preceed
to make terran bleed and groan
terran's goliath count is pretty high
he'd preparing for the threat of the sky
and as for +1
looks like its half done
and he's close to 50 supply
no scvs are mining
this tactic really is shining
check out the debris
that turret was key
with no detection, this is so confining
look who's on a stroll
mutas say: "you have map control"
he's got a turret or two
which mutas can undo
remember, doing damage is not the main goal
zerg finally takes his third
that makes me a happy nerd
arg misssiles
they're stabbing like bristles
if he lost every muta, that would be absurd
when terran pulls all the goliaths back,
that's when zerg laid off the attack
in case you didnt know
metal is super slow
and mutas move like they're on crack
terran needs to secure his second base
or else he'll fall behind in the economy race
what the hell do I see?!
a tank getting punched in the face
clearly zerg is now winning
the wheels in terran's head must be spinning
he needs critical mass
so he can kick ass
these lurkers must be grinning
so zerg, unchallanged, rules the skies
getting the mutas at this point was wise
it's kinda funny
when terran spends money
on stuff other than gas heavy guys
with the goliaths, he can take this base easy
they can really stop mutas from being cheesy
check out +1
its pretty much done
+1 metal makes me queasy
zerg is doing pure hydra production
he's not giving in to greed's seduection
and this hydralisk speed
is just what he'll need
to start ridiculous hatchery construction
why doesnt terran mine these 4 spots?
its not like the lurks can take free shots
check out these thrillers
the might be drone killers
they could do damage... lots...
and here I thought they were having a nap
usually mech gets steady
but he's pushing already?
maybe just to set up a trap
nine metal men comin out of the gate
one gets broodlinged, then there were eight
nah im just joking
terran is provoking
lurkers? this will be great
the mutas jump into the fight
stalling for backup, am I right?
muta armor at 50%
goliaths tell them to get bent
will the hatch be killed? the timing will be tight
still no mining, that's insane
this attack needs to deal lots of pain
he might get the hatch
and while it won't win the match
he's limiting the zerg's mining domain
zerg got supply locked at the worst time
3 idle larva at hatcheries is a crime
well this hatch is dead
he'll expand here instead
worthwhile attack, worth every dime
terran needs his forces to survive
and these lurkers shouldn't be alive
these guys go no where fast
lurkers getting hits as they go past
zerg is on lair tech, he isn't rushing hive
looks like terran is done upgrading
also looks like he's only in the game by a string
free overlord kills
good supply stumping skills
these mutalisks are looking for a spot to sting
whaaaat, clueless muta flies away
and of course it dies right away
we totally beat him!
he's alone, let's eat him!
yeah mutalisks dine on gourmet
bout a control group and a half of hydralisk
he defenetly isn't facing a tank risk
in fact I think he has enough
to really get tough
+1 armor for mutalisk
Zerg's supply pushes 72
no hydralisk upgrades, but he has quite a few
a lone goliath hears the noise
but then gets messed up by the zergie boys
this is probably way more than terran can chew
looks like our friendly spanish terran is in trouble
he needs to kill these lurkers on the double
if the tank wasn't sniped
these lurks would've been wiped
I guess all terran can do is hide in his bubble
this hydras and mutalisks can just a-move
yeah, charging in when there's no tanks? I approve
wait he needs mutas first
otherwise it'll be the worst
aww yeaaa they're back into the groove
this game is all but done, xioazi totally won
and I hope all you guys found this commentary fun
even though I was biased
I regard zerg the highest
and I'm just happy that a canadian guy won
this is a limerick commentary by trozz
for a contest, and for a jacket of hwaseung oz
the contest isnt over yet
visit teamliquid dot net
come commentate for an awesome cause
that was fun to write
I had quite a few late nights
this was a haiku
iCCup.Raelcun -

+ Show Spoiler [entry] +
DejaVu119 -

+ Show Spoiler [entry] +
Stipulation -

+ Show Spoiler [entry] +
HuskyTheHusky -

+ Show Spoiler [entry] +
TomPhoenix -

+ Show Spoiler [entry] +
How to Vote
Step 1) Listen to all the casts above and decide on your two favorites
Step 2) Decide on which of your two favorites is better
Step 3) PM your ranking to me, Commentary Contest, just hit the PM button at the top of this post. It would be nice if you could PM me like this:
#1: Kennigit
#2: Sonuvbob
(#1 being your first preference)
And you're done!
Voting eligibility
For your vote to count you must satisfy the following criteria:
- At the time that voting closes, you must have 10 posts
- At the time that voting closes, you must not be banned from TL
- Your vote must clearly indicate two commentators, not just one
Voting Rules
- You may vote once
- To change your vote, please indicate that you are changing your vote in your PM
- If you are using an alternate account, your vote will be discounted (one vote per IP/account)
The winner of the commentary contest will be announced during the first TSL Ro16 broadcast. So who's going to win? You decide - vote now! (and keep your eyes peeled for more TSL contests coming up).
+ Show Spoiler [Notes about Prizes] +
The Hwaseung Merchandise will be shipped to your address once the order has been processed - there might be a small wait! So please be patient. The Hwaseung Merchandise comes in two sizes - M and L. If you choose to take the money, then your prize will be sent to you via paypal as soon as we received your details. We would much rather use paypal than any other means, but if you do not have one we will do our best to work out an alternate way of getting you your prize.
This TSL is sponsored by PokerStrategy.com, the world's largest poker school and community. With hundreds of Poker VODs and an assortment of learning material in 18 different languages, PokerStrategy.com offers the chance for aspiring Poker players to learn from a beginner to a professional level.