On November 18 2016 05:48 Diabolique wrote:Show nested quote +On November 17 2016 08:22 MoonBear wrote:On November 16 2016 19:39 Diabolique wrote:
Is it really the goal of TeamLiquid to kill interest and passion for StarCraft 2? If yes, then OK, my fault, I just misunderstood the purpose. If not, I would be interested, if you do have any procedures in place for banning incompetent moderators from their powers (in this case MoonBear).
I normally don't deign to reply to things like this because it's a waste of my time but sure, I'll take the bait this time.
Firstly, don't play the sympathy card and try to claim you're just some poor fan who's being oppressed by me. Since you joined TL last year you've been mod actioned 11 times before I temp banned you for being an aggressive shitposter. This isn't me picking on you seeing as quite a few other people seem to agree.
Secondly, you're right, we are a community site. And we believe that everyone's better off when the community isn't full of shit. You might disagree. That's okay! You can go somewhere else then.
Thirdly, you try to portray yourself as just some passionate dude who was trying to make a funny post. Multiple mod actions for being incredibly aggressive, trying to start fights, and insulting people says otherwise. When someone has a history of not knowing how to use a toilet properly, when they take a dump on your sofa it's not some performance art or comedy routine. They're just an asshole.
Fourthly, you claim to be a poor soul who's just concerned about the health of SC2 and try to use the emotional image of the game dying to show how much you love it. And yet somehow you can't be bothered to show any respect for the very same community you claim to uphold by disrespecting the hard work of the dedicated volunteers who write these articles. They've probably done more for this scene than you ever will. And again, you can't claim this was a joke when you have a history of shitposting. Or maybe you just have a really crappy sense of humour. "Why is the community in peril when shitposters like me make the experience worse for others?" Hm I wonder.
Look, I don't like banning people. Even for people where there's a consensus they should have been perma banned, I'll still temp ban them instead. To me, a temp ban isn't a punishment. It's the moderators trying to perform an intervention. If you're being temp banned, it's because you've already had multiple warnings about shitposting but you've clearly ignored them. And now we're performing this intervention because we think you need to stop and take a time out. You need to step away from the keyboard and think about how you're coming across to other people.
If I wanted to get my jollies off there's a ton of more interesting shit I could do. Being a moderator's honestly a pretty dull and boring thing to do. Dealing with PMs, talking to people privately about how they could be a better poster, talking to other mods to negotiate reductions in people's bans because you think they're reforming, listening to people and asking to have your ban reversed cause you've reconsidered the issues, this shit is all boring. I could be, like, playing actual computer games or something. That stuff is pretty fun.
But I mean hey. Maybe I'm reading too much into this. Maybe I'm giving you too much of the benefit of the doubt. Maybe I got baited by the really low quality troll. Congrats, you got me! But if you're actually serious about not having a clue about why you got banned then hopefully this gives you some insight into how to stop shitposting.
A nice try, but sorry, it is all just bullshit.
You are calling me an aggressive shitposter and you are not banned for it, so I hope, I will not be banned for calling you an aggressive shitmoderator.
I do not consider myself being a shitposter. I understand, it must be disturbing for some people to see someone else being more intelligent than they are. Like when I calmly and rationally explained in my posts why the only viable way for Korean SC2 will be disbanding Korean teams and dismissing all the TOP players. I did this several weeks before it actually happened and was "crucified" for it and labelled as "doomsayer". I actually believe, this was the real reason, why you have banned me.
I was banned 5 times in my year and half here. The list of my bans is:
- 1x banned after expressing mildly unpolitely about Russia, which is linked to my country history with Russia (hard, but OK ban, I did not protest).
- 1x banned in the discussion after the announcement of the ban of Koreans from international tournaments, against which I strongly protested (OK ban).
- 1x banned for multiple posting, when I did not know that when I answer to 4 different people, I should not answer to them individually in 4 different posts, but put it into one post (after I learnt it, I never did it again).
- 1x banned in the discussion about the ban of Koreans from international tournaments, where all people were full of hatred against Blizzard, "shitposting" against anything what Blizzard was and is doing, and I felt, it was too much and wanted to "protect" Blizzard a bit and as I know from negotiation techniques that you win the best support of a group of people, whose opinion you want to change, when you show at the beginning, that you are part of their group with the same opinion, so I wrote a post saying "Fuck WCS, fuck Blizzard, but we need to be reasonable, Blizzard is trying to do what is the best, we do not know everything, maybe the tournament organizers were threatening to remove SC2 completely from their tournaments and this was the only chance for Blizzard to keep it in, Blizzard is not the enemy ... bla bla bla ...", but a moderator took just the first 4 words from my post and banned me for a week (obviously, I cannot complain about this, although he banned me for a positive, good post, just introduced by these 4 words).
- 1x banned in a thread about Lilbow playing Overwatch, when I wrote that maybe, when everyone thinks, he is playing Overwatch, he can secretly practice SC2 and become good again (this ban was a mistake of another moderator, but there was at least some previous communication and we solved it in a funny way, when I made fun of him at this Automated ban thread)
Show nested quote +On November 17 2016 08:22 MoonBear wrote:
Multiple mod actions for being incredibly aggressive, trying to start fights, and insulting people says otherwise. When someone has a history of not knowing how to use a toilet properly, when they take a dump on your sofa it's not some performance art or comedy routine. They're just an asshole.
This is my favorite part :-) Well, I do not think, that the list of bans above makes me a shitposter, or even an "incredibly aggressive, trying to start fights and insult people". I actually believe, that the fact that you are writing it, is a nice proof of you being a true shitmoderator. Except of the obvious fact that I am insulting you. There you are correct, but you fully deserve it.
It is nice that you are giving me advice to go to discuss to other community sites, or even to my toilet. Don't worry, as I mentioned in my post, your ban took away all my passion for SC2 and any interest to discuss at TL. But the problem is not my quote saying that "I did not read the Flash article" (which I have actually read, even when Flash is not my favorite). The problem is your misuse of power. I believe, it will be a much better contribution to this TeamLiquid forum, if you go to moderate some other sites, eventually your own toilet.
But even when we forget all this, correct me, if I am wrong - did you mean by your post that WHEN YOU PERSONALLY CONSIDER SOMEONE BEING A "SHITPOSTER", then YOU ARE ALLOWED TO BAN HIM WHENEVER YOU WANT FOR WHATEVER REASON YOU LIKE? Because if this is your understanding, then the problem is much bigger than making once a mistake with an unjustified ban due to your poor judgement.
I wanted to end my post with writing that I insist on an "impeachment process" about removing you from the moderator function. I wanted to write "It is nothing personal, so please, don't have any hard feelings, I just don't like when incompetent people have powers above their skills." But then I finished reading end of your post, and I see, you are a reasonable guy, I actually do not care if you are or are not a moderator, I personally would never accept such a role anyway, so good that anyone is willing to do that.
By my post, I just wanted to express my feeling. I really liked SC2, I liked TL forums, I was (very reasonably) discussing topics related to it. And then, in one moment, from the thin air - BOOM! I got banned. FOR NOTHING!!! Completely unjustly. So I sat there, based on someone's wrong evaluation of the situation, I didn't have any chance to protest, I didn't have any chance to sue you at court, I didn't have any chance to fight against misuse of power, to fight for "my rights". The only thing, I felt in that moment, was frustration and helplessness. My reaction was that I made sure to never again in my life whitelist TL in my adblocker, but more important, I lost the interest to have anything to do with TL forums and following SC2. Why being part of a community, where incompetent people can punish you for nothing.
And I got the idea that maybe, I am not the first and last person with these feelings after an unjust ban. So I wanted to start this discussion. Maybe, TL should introduce somewhere one thread, where the people, who were just banned, could protest, explain, ask for verification, and eventually immediately be unbanned. The biggest moderator errors could be immediately solved and some extensively aggressive people even there could be permabanned.