Where dat snitch at?36921 Posts
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Banner by the ever-so-freaking-talented shiroiusagi
+ Show Spoiler [Main OP] +With the conclusion of WF64, it is now time for the main tournament to finally begin! Welcome to the main tournament thread! We have 64 players that will battle it off in the most intense TL tournament ever in history! It is time to find out which community member truly is the MVP in our lives~ The format for this tournament will be pretty much GSL format but with an additional group stage in the beginning. Here is how voting will take place: Group Stages (Ro64, Ro32, Ro16) - Matches 1/2 - 48 hours to vote Winners'/Losers' Match - 48 hours to vote Final Match - 48 hours to vote Playoffs - Quarter-finals - 48 hours to vote Semi-finals - 48 hours to vote 3rd&4th Place/Finals - 48 hours to vote Rules:Vote for your favorite forum member~! That's it! Contestants must keep all propaganda in the propaganda thread, but are allowed to trash talk, say bad things, sling mud, and generally be really really mean to their opponents in this thread. No self propagandizing in this thread! Voters are allowed to do anything in their power to get people to vote for their favorites! Everyone understand? Good, then LET THE SHOWDOWN COMMENCE!
Ro16 Winner Interviews: To all the playoffs participants: congratulations on advancing to the TLCMAT playoffs! The following interviews were conducted in order to HYPE up the playoffs, and so that the TL community can get to know each player better. Hopefully everyone gave detailed and/or interesting answers. People get enough of the KeSPA PR crap with the interviews that I translate So, without further ado, here are the Ro16 winner interviews! (NOTE: Unfortunately, due to my hectic schedule, I was not able to conduct any LIVE interviews.)
![[image loading]]( The_Templar + Show Spoiler [Interview] + First off, please introduce yourself to the TL community. (What do you do eSports wise and what do you do real world wise?) Please explain your ID as well. How did you come to choose it?![[image loading]]( I'm The_Templar from America. My recent time on TL is usually divided between the TLMC, live reporting, and super official TL writing... but in the last few days I've been frantically putting together my promised RO16 blog and searching for a job in real life, since all I make on TL are ESPORTS dollars. Still, I'm working on keeping a reasonable amount of my #passion around here. My ID is as reasonable as I could make it. When I originally had to use a permanent one for battlenet in 2010, I considered the fact that I couldn't change my name by making a new profile like I could so easily in Brood War, where I could change my ID between whatever my 12 year old heart desired. Since I wanted to look more mature (I was 13), I eventually decided on a unit, and to make the whole thing as ambiguous as possible I went for templar since there were two different kinds. In order to participate in the TLCMAT, you had to be nominated in. How did you feel when members of the community nominated you in so that you could take part in this season’s TLCMAT? Were you surprised at how quickly or slowly you were nominated in?![[image loading]]( I expected to get nominated in, since I am slightly more ESPORTS famous than I was last TLCMAT. Even so, I was surprised that I got the third spot, especially as I was ahead of every admin, I needed five nominations, and it meant I was even more ESPORTS famous than expected. Of course, the format of TLCMAT guaranteed that my third spot didn't actually matter.  Out of the Ro64, Ro32, and the Ro16, which match/matches did you anticipate was/were going to be the most difficult? How come? What was your strategy to defeat that/those opponent(s)?![[image loading]]( I was a little worried about my RO32 group. From the start, I've been pretty sure that I'm weaker against the top four writers (lichter/Zealously/DLO/stuchiu) since their skills just outdo mine, so if I beat Nazgul, the creator of TL itself, I'd likely have to lose to one of those and face Nazgul again. This happened, and I had temporarily run out of steam with my propaganda. Fortunately, I managed to squeeze past him anyway. While RO16 was full of excellent people, I actually found my group (SeeKeR + Plexa + ZeromuS) very doable, as the latter two were both AFK for the entire week and I could beat the other guy if it came to that. You participated in the previous season of TLCMAT. How does it feel to participate in it again this season? What did you tell yourself that you were going to do differently this time around than last time?![[image loading]]( I was eliminated fairly early (RO32) last season, so it's pretty interesting to get further this time. Unlike the November 2013 edition, I made stretch goals for each round, so every time I've advanced has been more thinking "Oh no, I have to do X" and less of a celebration. I still enjoy it though. :D What is your goal for this season? How badly do you want to win the championship?![[image loading]]( I want to get either first place or lose in the RO4, as I'm actually a huge kong both on TL and in real life. Of course, I'd rather win the whole thing... Let’s have some fun with this one. Please use this opportunity to shit-talk your Ro8 opponent into oblivion!![[image loading]]( According to Liquipedia, I am facing Die5Evah. This is too easy. I understand that Die4Ever (his name is less cool when written this way) did the community a great service with his Blizzcon prediction website, and because of him we get to be obsessed with even more statistics instead of waiting for math-obsessed people like me to figure out the rough odds four weeks before. I also appreciate that he's still tweaking it more than 18 months after coming up with the concept, showing his dedication. However, he's taken it way, way too far. At this point, it's pretty clear that he thinks of himself as the most important person on TL when all he's done is crunch the numbers. His computer program is his work, while an endless number of vital contributors have graced TL with their presence and contributions for years. Looking at the top eight, it's obvious that he's the weakest player left. He's also weaker than 5-6 of the people that got eliminated in the RO16, but due to a mysterious surge of votes at the beginning of each poll (he wasn't posting it anywhere on TL) he managed to somehow eliminate two far more deserving competitors in lichter and Zealously. I don't think Die4Ever is necessarily cheating, but something is unfairly tipping the balance in his favor and going against the spirit of TLCMAT, a Teamliquid popularity contest. Join me. Die4Ever deserves far less than a RO4 finish, and by voting for The_Templar you will help achieve great things. Why should people vote for you? What exactly makes you stand out among the rest?![[image loading]]( I've gotten a few accusations of cheating, due to my polls getting almost as many votes as Die5Evah's! If you look more closely, you'll see that I've been contributing in far more places and receiving my just rewards. Every round I advance requires me to write a battle report of an amazing game and carry out one of my stretch goals, which is far more than anyone else is offering, and I also LR and write. I outdo everyone else in #passion. Out of the players remaining in the playoffs, who do you consider to be the toughest opponent(s) that could hinder you from winning the whole thing? Why so?![[image loading]]( There is no way I can beat stuchiu, and DLO would also be a very tough opponent. I mentioned that I would have a tough time against the top 4 writers earlier on as they are simply better at what they do. Another reason is that everything I offer up to the finals involves writing, a reward that will tempt fewer people if I'm facing a better writer. Stuchiu in particular is an incredibly interesting writer and person. Out of the players who did not make it to the playoffs, which one(s) surprised you the most by the fact that they got eliminated? How far did you think they were going to go?![[image loading]]( I thought Lorning was going to win. Unfortunately, he got the totally rigged group of death in the RO32 and since he didn't really focus on propaganda as much, he was eliminated pretty suddenly. Also, lichter and Zealously both deserve to replace Die5Evah, since they are simply more popular than he is. Have you been posting in the propaganda thread? Have you kept your promises? How creative did you have to get to try to get those votes?![[image loading]]( I'm still working on my special RO16 blog, but otherwise I have kept every promise I've made. Die5Evah only made one promise, DLO fulfilled 1/2 (Haven't seen a PvP article yet...), and everyone else was boring. Since no one else really tried, I didn't have to get creative at all although I did post in the propaganda thread. BAH! Boring questions… Let’s dick around now. Imagine that instead of through TL’s online voting system, the winner could instead be determined by bare-knuckle fighting in a steel cage. Would the winner be you or your Ro8 opponent? What would your strategy be?![[image loading]]( I'm pretty sure I would have already lost to R3mnant and KodHH/R3mnant in the RO64 if the tournament was administered like this (Dammit SeeKeR, this is a popularity contest!). In fact, since AFAIK Die5Evah is similarly a math nerd, this match would more unlikely than a MyuNgSiK/Sacsri playoffs match in the GSL. If by some miracle I made it to the quarterfinals, I would probably win since I think I have the size advantage. However, his RO8 run would probably involve some really sneaky punches, or his friends helping him or something, so I'd have to be on my guard. Let’s say that throughout this whole tournament, you had the opportunity to sabotage people in real life. (NOTE: Your opponents can also do the same to you) How would you go about sabotaging to ensure your victories? What steps would you take to ensure your own safety?![[image loading]]( Probably nothing except make sure that Plexa and ZeromuS don't get near a computer during the RO16. I might also release my rewards a little more punctually. I'm not very sneaky.  Sometime in the near future, you end up stuck on a deserted island. After searching for about an hour, you come across three TLCMAT participants from this season. Which ones do you think you would run into? Why those three? How did they get there? How would the four of you survive on that island?![[image loading]]( I would find swag_bro, KadaverBB, and prech. Why? Because my luck is pretty bad. Swag_bro would explain to me how their ship was in a slump which caused it to sink into the ocean, but this wouldn't really help. I don't know who prech is at all even though he's probably important, and that's one more thing I have to deal with. KadaverBB would get mad at swag_bro every ten minutes and hit him with the hammer that for some reason he carries around with him all the time, leaving me and prech to stare at each other awkwardly. Despite this, our survival skills would be more than sufficient. On the second day, swag_bro would find wild, edible berries and talk about how they are the greatest in the world, accidentally inspiring them to cover half of the island. KadaverBB's agility with the hammer would allow him to build one of the most sturdy shelters possible, and prech would probably be carrying around a four year old survival guide (since he's liquipedia). I would live report this, try to send help messages, and fish/hunt even though I'm vegetarian (since I'm so passionate). Before this season of TLCMAT began, let’s say that Seeker was kidnapped and the police had no idea where he was. You are now in charge of TLCMAT. How would you run the tournament? Though the better questions is… Why aren’t you out there searching for Seeker?!![[image loading]]( How am I supposed to find Seeker if even the police can't? SeeKeR pls. I think running TLCMAT would be pretty easy for me, especially as I was going to anyway . While I would do a lot of stuff the same way, my first move would be to use some hybrid of lichter points and nomination order for the first two group stages, not seeds entirely based on status. As I mentioned near the start of the tournament, a Me/lichter/stuchiu/Lorning group was totally possible in the RO64, which is ridiculous. After that, I would make sure that the tournament is in both SC2 general, not TL community, and community featured. While the TLCMAT is not based on SC2 at all, almost no one actually reads TL community, a problem which made the tournament much less well-known this time. The increased number of votes would likely get rid of most attempts at cheating. From the RO8 and onwards, I would switch the voting system so that you have to post in the thread or PM me to vote. The eventual result would be a hybrid between SeeKeR's and lichter's TLCMATs with a few original ideas added. FINAL QUESTION! Nazgul decides to invite you out for a 1 on 1 dinner. All expenses will be paid for and he’s even going to fly you out on private jet. You plan on killing Nazgul so that you can become the new CEO of TL and take over the eSports world. What is your plan? Who do you think could end up stopping you? How do you plan to overcome that obstacle?![[image loading]]( This plan sucks. There is no way I could run TL since I don't even know where I'd begin, Nazgul is a fine person so I don't want to kill him, and murder is a serious crime. Anyway, where (geographically) am I going to be eating dinner? It's surely going to be an unfamiliar place, but will other people be around? I don't think I could become the CEO of TL before getting closer to HQ, so I would have to get on the jet, but how guarded will he be shortly after getting off? How am I supposed to plan everything without knowing the details about where I am? If I waited until after dinner, he would probably drive back to TLHQ or his private jet in his fancy limousine with his two bodyguards, at which point I can't do anything. I would have to distract his bodyguards or draw him away from them near the end of dinner by pretending something else is happening, but my acting is extremely poor. Basically, the only person that could stop me is myself.
![[image loading]]( Die4Ever + Show Spoiler [Interview] + First off, please introduce yourself to the TL community. (What do you do eSports wise and what do you do real world wise?) Please explain your ID as well. How did you come to choose it?![[image loading]]( Hi TL! I'm Die4Ever, I run WCS Predictor and WCS Wars. This is my 3rd year doing WCS Predictor and the first year of WCS Wars. Last year I also did the #PASSIONBOARD4EVER for the Blizzcon LR thread that eventually got closed down (I have ideas for improvements this year). In addition to this I hang out in LR threads and sometimes start them, and sometimes I write random things like the WCS Predictor retrospectives from last year, my 8k post or terrible fanfics, and I have a visual novel fanfic game coming up since that was something I promised if I make top 8. In real life I'm a professional programmer, but that's boring compared to WCS Predictor lol. I also made the top 8 in last year's TLCMAT, KadaverBB and I are the only repeat quarterfinalists. You can read that interview here. My ID is dumb, I picked it when I was like 11 or 12 years old, but the idea is that it's like commanding the opponent to die forever as opposed to respawning, kinda like a "stay down" thing I guess. In order to participate in the TLCMAT, you had to be nominated in. How did you feel when members of the community nominated you in so that you could take part in this season’s TLCMAT? Were you surprised at how quickly or slowly you were nominated in? I was nominated pretty early in the thread by Circumstance and it was a very nice nomination. I got enough votes to get seeded straight into the top 64, so I didn't have to fight in that mini bracket. I can't say I was surprised lol, but it was a nice comment that made me warm and fuzzy and full of passion. Out of the Ro64, Ro32, and the Ro16, which match/matches did you anticipate was/were going to be the most difficult? How come? What was your strategy to defeat that/those opponent(s)?![[image loading]]( In the ro64 I knew I wouldn't beat stuchiu, so I was planning to advance in 2nd place. Because of this I figured I could lay low and let salle beat me in the first match, this made it easy to get people to rally behind me right away because me saying I lost before and don't have another chance gives a good sense of urgency. In the ro32 I figured I would make it through either way, but I wanted to beat R1CH in that first match because a 1st place seed can be pretty important for the ro16 when everyone left is really popular. If I didn't beat R1CH I think I would've made it through anyways. Maybe my promise of the fanfic helped me beat R1CH here. In the ro16 I got a really tough group, voted the group of death in the poll by a wide margin (thanks Cricketer!). I was out on a cruise for the group selections and voting, so I can't really say I had a strategy here. Although I had just released the Snute fanfic and had the stretch goal of the visual novel game if I made the top 8, so that was good timing on my trump card lol not sure how much it helped. You participated in the previous season of TLCMAT. How does it feel to participate in it again this season? What did you tell yourself that you were going to do differently this time around than last time?![[image loading]]( It feels great to make the quarterfinals twice in a row, feels like Parting in GSL lol, he did eventually make the finals again. I didn't really plan on doing anything different this time for TLCMAT specifically, I just try to continue working on and improving WCS Predictor and WCS Wars and keep trying to think of new things to do like the #PASSIONBOARD4EVER was well received last year and people seem to be enjoying WCS Wars. What is your goal for this season? How badly do you want to win the championship?![[image loading]]( Winning the whole thing might be a bit ambitious, but I'd love to at least beat The_Templar in the quarterfinals lol. I'll need to think of some new stretch goals, probably just more fanfics, and if I win the whole thing maybe I'll make another visual novel game, but I'm sure those will be a lot of work. Let’s have some fun with this one. Please use this opportunity to shit-talk your opponent into oblivion!![[image loading]]( I watched The_Templar grow up, he's just a baby on TL. Sorry, I'm not good at shit-talking. Why should people vote for you? What exactly makes you stand out among the rest?![[image loading]]( As you saw above I program lots of things for TL/SC2 and try to keep everyone informed about the statistics and runs to Blizzcon. I try to answer every question and listen to all feedback. If you read through my threads, especially the first one for the Blizzcon qualification probabilities simulation, you can see I got lots of ideas from them on additional stats, word choices, new features, and different presentations of the data. I've continued to improve WCS Predictor, starting with just posting stats in a thread, to having a full (but ugly lol) website with tons of data with a much more complete simulation, and now I have a rewritten and refined version of that website looking much better with the newly added WCS Wars fantasy league. Out of the players remaining in the playoffs, who do you consider to be the toughest opponent(s) that could hinder you from winning the whole thing? Why so?![[image loading]]( I'm pretty sure stuchiu is the toughest. Right now I'm just focused on beating The_Templar. Out of the players who did not make it to the playoffs, which one(s) surprised you the most by the fact that they got eliminated? How far did you think they were going to go?![[image loading]]( lichter and Zealously getting knocked out in the ro16 is pretty surprising but it makes sense because we were in a crazy group of death. R1CH losing in the ro16 is fairly surprising, I thought he'd make the quarterfinals. Have you been posting in the propaganda thread? Have you kept your promises? How creative did you have to get to try to get those votes?![[image loading]]( Yea I post a bit in the propaganda thread. I started with a poster in the style of a movie poster like how they have commendation quotes on them, I looked up a bunch of nice quotes about me and my work and picked some of the best ones I found and put them on a poster. A bunch of other people were doing stretch goals, so I decided to do that too. I'm not much of a writer but I wanted to do fanfics lol, so I figured I could put a twist on them and make them somewhat statistically realistic and that also gave me the chance to implement and show off the new feature I already had planned long ago, branched simulations, in order to help come up with the stats. I released the Snute fanfic I think within the same day of me winning the match, maybe the day after, but it was quick. The visual novel game is gonna take longer though of course. BAH! Boring questions… Let’s dick around now. Imagine that instead of through TL’s online voting system, the winner could instead be determined by bare-knuckle fighting in a steel cage. Would the winner be you or your Ro8 opponent? What would your strategy be?![[image loading]]( I actually used to be a martial arts instructor for years lol, I think I'd do pretty well even though I'm rusty now. Let’s say that throughout this whole tournament, you had the opportunity to sabotage people in real life. (NOTE: Your opponents can also do the same to you) How would you go about sabotaging to ensure your victories? What steps would you take to ensure your own safety?![[image loading]]( I would send them all on cruises, seriously the internet sucks out there and it's expensive. Sometime in the near future, you end up stuck on a deserted island. After searching for about an hour, you come across three TLCMAT participants from this season. Which ones do you think you would run into? Why those three? How did they get there? How would the four of you survive on that island?![[image loading]]( I'm pretty sure that statistically speaking I'd be more likely to end up stranded with countrymates rather than otherwise, coincidentally there are 4 americans in the top 8! So I'd have to say it'd be me, The_Templar, shiroiusagi, and stuchiu. As unlikely as it sounds, I think a flight on the way to a tournament outside of America somehow going the wrong way and crash landing on the island is the most likely method, since there's no way a flight from America to Blizzcon would end up on an island. For survival I would calculate where food and fresh water are most likely to be found, stuchiu and The_Templar would write about the locations and keep logs, shiroiusagi would draw maps. Yea that means I have the most important job, vote for me and I'll help you survive if we ever get stranded. Before this season of TLCMAT began, let’s say that Seeker was kidnapped and the police had no idea where he was. You are now in charge of TLCMAT. How would you run the tournament? Though the better questions is… Why aren’t you out there searching for Seeker?!![[image loading]]( I would definitely automate large parts of this tournament, and actually update results on time. Also you could've made a separate account to create the polls and threads so you could share the account with someone else to help manage it. And I would've advertised it better, I think a lot of people didn't notice this until after it started. With all the automation I'd have in place I'd still have time to be able to seek out the Seeker. FINAL QUESTION! Nazgul decides to invite you out for a 1 on 1 dinner. All expenses will be paid for and he’s even going to fly you out on private jet. You plan on killing Nazgul so that you can become the new CEO of TL and take over the eSports world. What is your plan? Who do you think could end up stopping you? How do you plan to overcome that obstacle?![[image loading]]( This is easy, poison the food. Bribe the chef to put something in his food, I don't have to say it's poison could just say it's medicine he needs to be taking. Obviously the chef could be a problem, maybe some social engineering could help. I think if I manage to get Nazgul to seem off or sick in some way it'd be enough to convince the chef that he needs to sneak him medicine. Maybe just something that makes him itchy which would be easy since it just needs to touch his skin, and then I can start an argument with him about why r/starcraft is better than TL so the chef sees him as a mad person who keeps scratching hives on his arm. Also breaking the AC in the car on the way there could help.
![[image loading]]( DarkLordOlli + Show Spoiler [Interview] + First off, please introduce yourself to the TL community. (What do you do eSports wise and what do you do real world wise?) Please explain your ID as well. How did you come to choose it?![[image loading]]( Hello TL community, I'm Oliver "DarkLordOlli" Herrmann. In the ESPORTS world I'm a TL main website admin, writer and Editing Commander in Chief of SC2 (yes, that title is made up). I've also done interviews at MSI in Taiwan and at Homestory Cup X. Along with the other two (now eliminated) chief editors, lichter and Zealously, I'm responsible for editing and publishing our written content. The three of us are usually referred to as "the chimera". In the real world, I work full time (shifts) at a betting company. It's quite boring at times, TL is blocked at work  My ID was created because 14 year old me found it cool. I'm a massive Lord of the Rings fan and Sauron is one of the most fascinating characters in any story, so that was the one I felt most intrigued by. Whatever. In order to participate in the TLCMAT, you had to be nominated in. How did you feel when members of the community nominated you in so that you could take part in this season’s TLCMAT? Were you surprised at how quickly or slowly you were nominated in?![[image loading]]( I think it took a while before people nominated me. I wasn't really surprised though, lots of people were being more active than me at the time (still are now). Out of the Ro64, Ro32, and the Ro16, which match/matches did you anticipate was/were going to be the most difficult? How come? What was your strategy to defeat that/those opponent(s)?![[image loading]]( The_Templar somehow beats everybody and gets tons of votes doing so as well, so I thought that would be tough - it was. Heyoka was supposed to just straight up beat me. No idea how that happened. The guy's amazing. You participated in the previous season of TLCMAT. How does it feel to participate in it again this season? What did you tell yourself that you were going to do differently this time around than last time?![[image loading]]( This season was always going to be better for me since lichter isn't running it. He rigged the groups last time and put me against you, shiro and Sayle. I've also done lots of stuff since then. What is your goal for this season? How badly do you want to win the championship?![[image loading]]( I actually would love to win if only to fulfill my stretch goals. I got the painful out of the way already, the PvP article is close to being done and the rest of these would be a lot of fun for me to do. But I already made it further than I thought I would so I'm quite happy already. Let’s have some fun with this one. Please use this opportunity to shit-talk your Ro8 opponent into oblivion!![[image loading]]( I was right about SackOfWetMice. Why should people vote for you? What exactly makes you stand out among the rest?![[image loading]]( I've got a great snapchat series going. Add me to find out what it is! Out of the players remaining in the playoffs, who do you consider to be the toughest opponent(s) that could hinder you from winning the whole thing? Why so?![[image loading]]( I would say Templar, but I already beat him. If I face stuchiu I'm 100% dead though. He'll win the whole thing I think. Sorry Seeker. Out of the players who did not make it to the playoffs, which one(s) surprised you the most by the fact that they got eliminated? How far did you think they were going to go?![[image loading]]( I was surprised to see lichter lose last round. Templar knocking out Nazgul shows what's wrong with the world though. No idea how people allowed that to happen. Have you been posting in the propaganda thread? Have you kept your promises? How creative did you have to get to try to get those votes?![[image loading]]( Yes, I have. My promises so far have all been kept! The PvP article is mostly written, I just need to flesh it out a bit and get fancy CSS for it. Everything else is done. BAH! Boring questions… Let’s dick around now. Imagine that instead of through TL’s online voting system, the winner could instead be determined by bare-knuckle fighting in a steel cage. Would the winner be you or your Ro8 opponent? What would your strategy be?![[image loading]]( Oh, I'd win easily. I grew up on the streets. No strategy, just pure instinct. I don't think Yoshis are that good at fist-fighting anyway. Let’s say that throughout this whole tournament, you had the opportunity to sabotage people in real life. (NOTE: Your opponents can also do the same to you) How would you go about sabotaging to ensure your victories? What steps would you take to ensure your own safety?![[image loading]]( I'd cut their internet connection. Mine already sucks so badly that I wouldn't really notice the difference. Sometime in the near future, you end up stuck on a deserted island. After searching for about an hour, you come across three TLCMAT participants from this season. Which ones do you think you would run into? Why those three? How did they get there? How would the four of you survive on that island?![[image loading]]( I'd find three different The_Templars. The original is not here, it's just his alternate accounts that were exiled. I don't think we would survive, I would probably hang myself after a while. Before this season of TLCMAT began, let’s say that Seeker was kidnapped and the police had no idea where he was. You are now in charge of TLCMAT. How would you run the tournament? Though the better questions is… Why aren’t you out there searching for Seeker?!![[image loading]]( I would show vote standings  That's also why I'm not looking for you, no standings. FINAL QUESTION! Nazgul decides to invite you out for a 1 on 1 dinner. All expenses will be paid for and he’s even going to fly you out on private jet. You plan on killing Nazgul so that you can become the new CEO of TL and take over the eSports world. What is your plan? Who do you think could end up stopping you? How do you plan to overcome that obstacle?![[image loading]]( I don't need to kill Nazgul for that. With my admin powers, I could give myself control over TL store, send myself everything and then destroy TL with the recursive snippet loop. Then I'd start a new TeamLiquid that looks exactly like the old one and has all the store items too. Nobody would even know what happened, or that it isn't the same TL as before. R1CH could stop me because he's a wizard and can probably defeat the recursive snippet loop.
![[image loading]]( KadaverBB + Show Spoiler [Interview] + First off, please introduce yourself to the TL community. (What do you do eSports wise and what do you do real world wise?) Please explain your ID as well. How did you come to choose it?![[image loading]]( Hello. I am KadaverBB, most of you probably know me because I warned or banned all of you at some point. I am in charge of moderation and my job is to make your stay on our sites as miserable as possible by putting you into a constant state of fear. I also lead our Heroes of the Storm coverage together with GMarshal. My ID is ~14 years old, when I first played Counter-Strike I kept dying over and over and over again since it was my first online game, my internet connection was horrible and I sucked super hard. Therefore it made sense to call myself Kadaver since I was dead 99% of the time. BB stands for my Starcaft/Warcraft/WoW/Diablo3 clan/guild. I love them almost as much as I love TL <3 In order to participate in the TLCMAT, you had to be nominated in. How did you feel when members of the community nominated you in so that you could take part in this season’s TLCMAT? Were you surprised at how quickly or slowly you were nominated in?![[image loading]]( I honestly did not pay much attention to it, I participated in the first one so I sort of "expected" to be nominated into this one as well, but I wouldn't have been disappointed If i wasn't. Out of the Ro64, Ro32, and the Ro16, which match/matches did you anticipate was/were going to be the most difficult? How come? What was your strategy to defeat that/those opponent(s)?![[image loading]]( I had to battle Bisudagger about 15 times to get here. We fought like gentlemen and I happened to come out on top every single time. ( I had no particular strategy against him since he is super awesome and I he does not deserve trashtalk. You participated in the previous season of TLCMAT. How does it feel to participate in it again this season? What did you tell yourself that you were going to do differently this time around than last time?![[image loading]]( At first I didn't care at all, now that I am in the ro8 it's kinda fun though. Which sucks since DLO is probably going to leave me in a puddle of my own blood. My strategy is to die with honour. What is your goal for this season? How badly do you want to win the championship?![[image loading]]( Eh, I am pretty content with me being in the ro8. Everyone else realistically should be more popular than me, except for you and Die4Ever, I have no idea what you guys are doing here. You're weird (in a good way) and he is a cheater. Let’s have some fun with this one. Please use this opportunity to shit-talk your Ro8 opponent into oblivion!![[image loading]]( DarkLordOlli sucks at moderation, he is actively making my job harder whenever he does anything. Please make him stop. If he doesn't I'll start editing mistakes into every single article of his! Why should people vote for you? What exactly makes you stand out among the rest?![[image loading]]( I have the best icon by far, I am also the funniest person left in this contest. Out of the players remaining in the playoffs, who do you consider to be the toughest opponent(s) that could hinder you from winning the whole thing? Why so?![[image loading]]( Probably Die4ever since he cheated me out of this competition the last time. He spammed his twitter like every 5 minutes to get people to vote for him. I expect him to continue this dishonourable behavior to defeat me again  Out of the players who did not make it to the playoffs, which one(s) surprised you the most by the fact that they got eliminated? How far did you think they were going to go?![[image loading]]( Plexa  He's so awesome and if I could I would switch places with him. Have you been posting in the propaganda thread? Have you kept your promises? How creative did you have to get to try to get those votes?![[image loading]]( I actually haven't, I posted my propaganda in the wrong thread by mistake. I was not creative at all, I just posted some of my favorite hatemail. I like getting insulting PM's, makes me feel good about banning people ! BAH! Boring questions… Let’s dick around now. Imagine that instead of through TL’s online voting system, the winner could instead be determined by bare-knuckle fighting in a steel cage. Would the winner be you or your Ro8 opponent? What would your strategy be?![[image loading]]( My strategy would be to get beaten up by DarkLordOlli since I haven't won a single "fight" in my entire life. My last one was also about 15 years ago, so I am probably out of practice. Since Olli is a ladies-man he probably has to beat up jealous boyfriends all the time, I don't stand a chance. Let’s say that throughout this whole tournament, you had the opportunity to sabotage people in real life. (NOTE: Your opponents can also do the same to you) How would you go about sabotaging to ensure your victories? What steps would you take to ensure your own safety?![[image loading]]( I'd delete Die4Ever's twitter. #Rekt. Then I'd probably get killed by some devious scheme of The_Templar that I could not anticipate. Sometime in the near future, you end up stuck on a deserted island. After searching for about an hour, you come across three TLCMAT participants from this season. Which ones do you think you would run into? Why those three? How did they get there? How would the four of you survive on that island?![[image loading]]( Tough question. I have been thinking about this for like 15 minutes now and I am realising that I am uncreative as fuck. Maybe I can come up with a better answer to the island question in the next few hours, but I'm hungry and will probably forget about it after dinner. I recently watched "Cast Away". I don't think survival would be a problem, I know all the tricks now. Before this season of TLCMAT began, let’s say that Seeker was kidnapped and the police had no idea where he was. You are now in charge of TLCMAT. How would you run the tournament? Though the better questions is… Why aren’t you out there searching for Seeker?!![[image loading]]( You're honestly doing a pretty good job organizing this thing, but I think we could spice it up by banning everyone that gets eliminated. I obviously would have to recuse myself to ensure a fair competition... I am not searching for you since we live on different sides of the planet and the chances of me finding you are remote. I am also very lazy. FINAL QUESTION! Nazgul decides to invite you out for a 1 on 1 dinner. All expenses will be paid for and he’s even going to fly you out on private jet. You plan on killing Nazgul so that you can become the new CEO of TL and take over the eSports world. What is your plan? Who do you think could end up stopping you? How do you plan to overcome that obstacle?![[image loading]]( Nazgul scares the shit out of me. I'd rather kill myself than even attempt to kill him. He would read my thoughts and suck my soul out of my body and toss me aside like an insect. To even attempt this I would first have to aquire several superpowers to even the odds. I honestly don't want to go into too much detail, I don't want to make Nazgul suspicious.
![[image loading]]( Aeromi + Show Spoiler [Interview] + First off, please introduce yourself to the TL community. (What do you do eSports wise and what do you do real world wise?) Please explain your ID as well. How did you come to choose it?![[image loading]]( Hello guys, I'm Aeromi, I'm TL and O'Gaming staff. I'm mostly working on SC2 at O'Gaming, doing Liquipedia pages, some propaganda on TL, french stream etc... I'm also the schedule guy and the handbook guy. I'm doing plenty of things in eSport and it's funny. I'm still a student in real life. My ID is Aeromite because I like Aeromite, the Pokémon, the english name is Venemoth so you could say that my ID is Venemo.  In order to participate in the TLCMAT, you had to be nominated in. How did you feel when members of the community nominated you in so that you could take part in this season’s TLCMAT? Were you surprised at how quickly or slowly you were nominated in?![[image loading]]( To be honest I was not that surprised to be nominated, I did not feel happy or anything. I know that I was nominated for two things, me spamming LR threads and asking people to add the French stream and because of my " fight " for schedule. It's still funny to be nominated but I'm not focusing on TLCMAT. Out of the Ro64, Ro32, and the Ro16, which match/matches did you anticipate was/were going to be the most difficult? How come? What was your strategy to defeat that/those opponent(s)?![[image loading]]( So I lost against lichter, shiro and DLO. I knew I was going to lose because they do way more things on TL than me and they deserve to advance first place. I was really surprised to lose by only one vote against shiro. This time in RO8 I'm going to face shiro and please people vote for the guy/girl who do the most on TL. Just a reminder, shiro is GFX queen on TL.  I don't have any strategy, I'm just laughing when I see the result. I don't think I deserve to be in RO8 but well, people voted for me so thanks people. You did not participate in the previous season of TLCMAT. How does it feel to participate in it for this season? Did you tell yourself that you were going to try to do things differently than what the participants from last season decided to do?![[image loading]]( I did not remember if I was in TLMACT last year. I just don't really care about being popular, I just want eSport to grow with TL and O'Gaming. And with this question you remind me that NovaMB disappered one day and he is not active on TL which makes me sad because I like this guy. What is your goal for this season? How badly do you want to win the championship?![[image loading]]( I don't have any goal, this contest is just fun, I don't care if I win or if I lose. Sorry for this boring answer.  Let’s have some fun with this one. Please use this opportunity to shit-talk your opponent into oblivion!![[image loading]]( Hello shiro, I don't want to BM you but this time I'll win with one more vote than you. Please shiro vote for me People please vote for shiro Why should people vote for you? What exactly makes you stand out among the rest?![[image loading]]( You should vote for me because I like schedule and Seeker was late multiple times to send us results. And I also because I worked with KeSPA. And because you like Pokémon. Out of the players remaining in the playoffs, who do you consider to be the toughest opponent(s) that could hinder you from winning the whole thing? Why so?![[image loading]]( Die4Ever because he's obviously cheating.  Out of the players who did not make it to the playoffs, which one(s) surprised you the most by the fact that they got eliminated? How far did you think they were going to go?![[image loading]]( lichter, Zealously and Lorning. They should be atleast top8. Have you been posting in the propaganda thread? Have you kept your promises? How creative did you have to get to try to get those votes?![[image loading]]( I did post in the propaganda thread, I think I said I'll announce an O'Gaming tournament or something. Obvously I lied because I did not annonce anything. But it may change in the next few weeks.  BAH! Boring questions… Let’s dick around now. Imagine that instead of through TL’s online voting system, the winner could instead be determined by bare-knuckle fighting in a steel cage. Would the winner be you or your Ro8 opponent? What would your strategy be?![[image loading]]( I'm pretty sure as an insect Pokémon I can force shiro to sleep. Then I'll poison her and run until she faints away. Let’s say that throughout this whole tournament, you had the opportunity to sabotage people in real life. (NOTE: Your opponents can also do the same to you) How would you go about sabotaging to ensure your victories? What steps would you take to ensure your own safety?![[image loading]]( shiro can't upload any files on TL or on Skype or on Whatapps. easi win for me then. I think I'll win if every tournament org won't release schedule because I'll whine. Or if O'Gaming announces Iron Squid 3 then it would be so easy. Sometime in the near future, you end up stuck on a deserted island. After searching for about an hour, you come across three TLCMAT participants from this season. Which ones do you think you would run into? Why those three? How did they get there? How would the four of you survive on that island?![[image loading]]( I'm pretty sure I'll find Lorning, DarkLordOlli and stuchui. Lorning because he's looking for PRIME victory in ProLeague, DLO because he's trying to escape of his harem and stuchui would be looking for ByuN. We would survive thanks to Lorning's tears about PRIME, stuchui is going to create a religion for Has and DLO would save us because his harem would save us. Before this season of TLCMAT began, let’s say that Seeker was kidnapped and the police had no idea where he was. You are now in charge of TLCMAT. How would you run the tournament? Though the better questions is… Why aren’t you out there searching for Seeker?!![[image loading]]( I won't run the tournament, too much work and I'll complain about Seeker missing and not following his schedule. FINAL QUESTION! Nazgul decides to invite you out for a 1 on 1 dinner. All expenses will be paid for and he’s even going to fly you out on private jet. You plan on killing Nazgul so that you can become the new CEO of TL and take over the eSports world. What is your plan? Who do you think could end up stopping you? How do you plan to overcome that obstacle?![[image loading]]( I would rent big eagles on LotR, the only think would be the prize but it does not really matter because I have a lot of eSport $$$$.
![[image loading]]( shiroiusagi + Show Spoiler [Interview] + First off, please introduce yourself to the TL community. (What do you do eSports wise and what do you do real world wise?) Please explain your ID as well. How did you come to choose it?![[image loading]]( Mostly people call me Shiro, and the queen of graphics as people dubbed me and I am now running the creative side of the TL store (GMarshal partner in crime of the logistics.) I was born year of the rabbit and also I always wanted a rabbit, but never got as a kid (I learned I am alergic to small animals anyways.) With my obsession of wanting a rabbit I ended up using shiroiusagi in high school after taking Japanese. My dad said I was supposed to drop the "I" in the middle, because shiroiusagi means, "the rabbit is white." Shirousagi means. "white rabbit." I never really changed the grammar error, so this just stuck with me. In order to participate in the TLCMAT, you had to be nominated in. How did you feel when members of the community nominated you in so that you could take part in this season’s TLCMAT? Were you surprised at how quickly or slowly you were nominated in?![[image loading]]( I told people not to nominate me and Jer did.  Out of the Ro64, Ro32, and the Ro16, which match/matches did you anticipate was/were going to be the most difficult? How come? What was your strategy to defeat that/those opponent(s)?![[image loading]]( I thought I would be out Ro16, the difference between people who moved on last season vs this season is very different. My stategy is to do nothing, like I have been doing majority of the time.  Cause everyone has been so generous some people telling to vote for me on witter. *COUGHCOUGHAEROMICOUGH* You participated in the previous season of TLCMAT. How does it feel to participate in it again this season? What did you tell yourself that you were going to do differently this time around than last time?![[image loading]]( I feel like I am less into it if you want my honest answer.  I ended up not doing much cause my mind isn't really focused on it like last year. What is your goal for this season? How badly do you want to win the championship?![[image loading]]( Winning is the TLMAC is not a want I need being in the community makes me feel like a winner already. Let’s have some fun with this one. Please use this opportunity to shit-talk your Ro8 opponent into oblivion!![[image loading]]( I'm gonna rip you apart like baguette and put butter on it! Why should people vote for you? What exactly makes you stand out among the rest?![[image loading]]( People should vote for who they want! o / Out of the players remaining in the playoffs, who do you consider to be the toughest opponent(s) that could hinder you from winning the whole thing? Why so?![[image loading]]( Die4Ever and KadaverBB they both got far last year. Out of the players who did not make it to the playoffs, which one(s) surprised you the most by the fact that they got eliminated? How far did you think they were going to go?![[image loading]]( A lot of people who got to finals and won last year didn't make it to the "playoffs." Have you been posting in the propaganda thread? Have you kept your promises? How creative did you have to get to try to get those votes?![[image loading]]( Nope. I have no promises. I didn't have to do anything! o / BAH! Boring questions… Let’s dick around now. Imagine that instead of through TL’s online voting system, the winner could instead be determined by bare-knuckle fighting in a steel cage. Would the winner be you or your Ro8 opponent? What would your strategy be?![[image loading]]( My opponent, cause I would be running around trying to dodge things then eventually get tired and get hit. Let’s say that throughout this whole tournament, you had the opportunity to sabotage people in real life. (NOTE: Your opponents can also do the same to you) How would you go about sabotaging to ensure your victories? What steps would you take to ensure your own safety?![[image loading]]( D: That sounds a bit mean. Sometime in the near future, you end up stuck on a deserted island. After searching for about an hour, you come across three TLCMAT participants from this season. Which ones do you think you would run into? Why those three? How did they get there? How would the four of you survive on that island?![[image loading]]( Meru~ <3 monk and Wax! I would lead the group and we all make a huge raft and sail off the island. XD Before this season of TLCMAT began, let’s say that Seeker was kidnapped and the police had no idea where he was. You are now in charge of TLCMAT. How would you run the tournament? Though the better questions is… Why aren’t you out there searching for Seeker?!![[image loading]]( Why would I want to run this tournament!? FINAL QUESTION! Nazgul decides to invite you out for a 1 on 1 dinner. All expenses will be paid for and he’s even going to fly you out on private jet. You plan on killing Nazgul so that you can become the new CEO of TL and take over the eSports world. What is your plan? Who do you think could end up stopping you? How do you plan to overcome that obstacle?![[image loading]]( Wow wtf Seeker! This sounds like YOUR plan with Plexa and Waffles. 
![[image loading]]( Seeker + Show Spoiler [Interview] + First off, please introduce yourself to the TL community. (What do you do eSports wise and what do you do real world wise?) Please explain your ID as well. How did you come to choose it?![[image loading]]( Hello, I am Seeker. I am a KR/EN translator on TL, the person in charge of SC2 liquibets, the person in charge of fan clubs, the author of Plexa & Waffles, and the person in charge of just being all around awesomeest dude on TL. Oh, and I’m also the supervisor of this tournament so my word is final on everything MUAHAHAHA! Real world wise I’m just a college student that’s trying to survive the cut-throat world of education T_T My ID originates from Harry Potter. I was really into HP during my elementary/middle school years. When the time came to finally create my ID on TL, I decided to go with Seeker since that position was my favorite from the HP sport, Quidditch. To be honest, I was known as Conan (later on ShinConan) on my BW ladder accounts. I was going to name change to ShinConan but I became way too notable as Seeker during 2011/2012, so I decided to just change from Seeker to SeeKeR. I realized it looked kind of stupid later on, so I changed back to Seeker. In order to participate in the TLCMAT, you had to be nominated in. How did you feel when members of the community nominated you in so that you could take part in this season’s TLCMAT? Were you surprised at how quickly or slowly you were nominated in?![[image loading]]( I felt honored to take part in this season of TLCMAT. I got eliminated in the Ro64 last season so I was really looking forward to place better this season. Making it to the playoffs though was way out of my anticipations. I was expecting a Ro16 finish at best. I was surprised that I was the 12th person nominated in. Mainly because I thought there were at least 30 other people who deserved to get in before I did. Out of the Ro64, Ro32, and the Ro16, which match/matches did you anticipate was/were going to be the most difficult? How come? What was your strategy to defeat that/those opponent(s)?![[image loading]]( I figured I was going to lose against Zealously in the Ro64 since he’s so much more awesome than I am. But I still wanted to put up a fight so I went ahead and posted in the propaganda thread to grab some votes. It did not go so well. I got pwned by Zealously… Ro32 was a pretty easy ride for me, but holy shit, Ro16 was absolutely insane! When Plexa said he was picking me for the group selections, I was like #fml #imout #nowayimmakingthroughthisonealive. As expected, I lost against Plexa in match 1. But then, miraculously, I overcame the losers’ match and took down TL Strat bonjwa, ZeromuS, and then I won my rematch against Plexa in the final match. I honestly would not have expected to defeat Plexa in a hundred years. Not sure why I made it through and he didn’t… Oo;; You participated in the previous season of TLCMAT. How does it feel to participate in it again this season? What did you tell yourself that you were going to do differently this time around than last time?![[image loading]]( I’m happy to participate in it again this year. Like I previously said, I was eliminated so quickly last season so I really wanted to redeem myself this season. For this season, I told myself that I would do things differently by becoming a better community member on TL. I’m not sure how well I’m doing on that front but I’m hoping my efforts have been paying off  What is your goal for this season? How badly do you want to win the championship?![[image loading]]( My goal for this season was like Ro16 or maybe Ro8. Now that I’ve achieved it, I don’t really expect to go further. I want to win the championship and all but I don’t think I’ve got what it takes to take down the other 7 that are in here with me. I think I’m done at this point. It was a good run though  Let’s have some fun with this one. Please use this opportunity to shit-talk your opponent into oblivion!![[image loading]]( Dear stuchiu, you’re a one-trick pony. All you do is write really long articles every now and then so that you don’t fall off the map completely. I have no idea how you 2-0ed all your groups up till now. Your GOAT threads are “okay” at best… I’m pretty sure you’ll beat me, but I don’t care. I just want you to know that the only reason you made it this far was because you got super lucky. And I mean like, SUPER LUCKY. I honestly expected you to get eliminated in the Ro64 or Ro32. You’re garbage Mr. 10 pool… And soon, everyone will see what I see. Why should people vote for you? What exactly makes you stand out among the rest?![[image loading]]( Meh, I do a lot of crap for TL I guess. So if people appreciate that, then they should vote for me  If they don’t vote for me, I’m just going to assume they’re just tired of seeing Koreans win all the tournaments so they decided to root for the foreigners. Out of the players remaining in the playoffs, who do you consider to be the toughest opponent(s) that could hinder you from winning the whole thing? Why so?![[image loading]]( The_Templar is ridiculous. He f*ing beat Nazgul twice… Die4Ever is the only non-staff player participating, so he’s got that going for him. People like to root for the underdog, and D4E has got them all in his traps. But the scariest opponent has got to be shiro. She does so much gfx work for TL and everyone knows that. She barely participates in TLCMAT and yet she has been killing every single one of her opponents left and right. I wouldn’t be surprised if she won the whole thing without even lifting a finger Oo;; Out of the players who did not make it to the playoffs, which one(s) surprised you the most by the fact that they got eliminated? How far did you think they were going to go?![[image loading]]( Pretty much all the Liquipedia people getting eliminated shocked me. They are like, the saviors of the SC2 world. So I don’t understand why they all got eliminated so quickly. DO PEOPLE TRULY UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH WORK AND TIME THEY PUT IN TO MAINTAINING LIQUIPEDIA?! Also, we have only 1 admin remaining in this competition. I don’t understand how that could have happened. The admins are what keep TL and the sister sites functioning so damn efficiently. They should have gone MUCH further than they did this season. T-T shoutout to my opponent, Plexa. You are fucking awesome and everyone should do well to remember that. Have you been posting in the propaganda thread? Have you kept your promises? How creative did you have to get to try to get those votes?![[image loading]]( I posted once during the Ro64 because I wanted to beat Zealously. I said I would go back to posting 2 chapters of P&W each week if I won against him. I lost so I don’t have to keep that promise hehehe… Frankly, I’m glad I lost because it’s so much damn work to release 2 chapters a week  Other than that, I haven’t posted about anything else. I couldn’t really think of anything creative to say to gain votes like D4E, NovemberstOrm, The_Templar, etc. etc. BAH! Boring questions… Let’s dick around now. Imagine that instead of through TL’s online voting system, the winner could instead be determined by bare-knuckle fighting in a steel cage. Would the winner be you or your Ro8 opponent? What would your strategy be?![[image loading]]( I have never seen stuchiu’s face or physique in real life before so I can’t really comment on who would win. But seeing as how I’m Asian, I’d probably go all kung-fu-karate-chop-yo-ass all over him. I’d also probably just #yolo and Rambo him till he got knocked unconscious. Let’s say that throughout this whole tournament, you had the opportunity to sabotage people in real life. (NOTE: Your opponents can also do the same to you) How would you go about sabotaging to ensure your victories? What steps would you take to ensure your own safety?![[image loading]]( If I could sabotage my opponents, I would just make sure I steal all their electronics. If they can’t get on TL, then they can’t ask people to vote for them  As for my own safety, I would probably hire bodyguards and install super safe security systems. I would also ask the government to put me under a witness protection program after creating some kind of fake story about how my life was in danger. If that plan becomes a bust, then I’d undergo plastic surgery to look different. IDK, maybe become an undercover KPOP star or something? Sometime in the near future, you end up stuck on a deserted island. After searching for about an hour, you come across three TLCMAT participants from this season. Which ones do you think you would run into? Why those three? How did they get there? How would the four of you survive on that island?![[image loading]]( I would end up meeting Lorning, BisuDagger, and GumBa. All reasons as to why they’re on that island would be eSports related. Lorning is on the island because he’s so sick of being the only Prime fan. He’s also fed up with cheering for a team that sucks so hard in Proleague. BisuDagger is there because he heard rumors that Bisu was on that island. He arrived only to find out that the only bisu on the island was a lone dagger that he found while scouting the place. GumBa is there because he’s searching for ByuN. He’s also searching for ByuN’s puppy. We would all survive by creating a new eSports world on that island. A world where Prime doesn’t suck, a world where Bisu won an OSL golden mouse, and a world where ByuN runs the KeSPA jail, instead of being a prisoner in it. As for food, water, shelter, and all that junk, I think we’d probably go with survival of the fittest method. Before this season of TLCMAT began, let’s say that Seeker was kidnapped and the police had no idea where he was. You are now in charge of TLCMAT. How would you run the tournament? Though the better questions is… Why aren’t you out there searching for Seeker?!![[image loading]]( If I was kidnapped then how the hell am I answering these questions right now? Also, I read everyone’s interview. Most of you are bastards. Almost none of you cares enough to look for me apparently… FINAL QUESTION! Nazgul decides to invite you out for a 1 on 1 dinner. All expenses will be paid for and he’s even going to fly you out on private jet. You plan on killing Nazgul so that you can become the new CEO of TL and take over the eSports world. What is your plan? Who do you think could end up stopping you? How do you plan to overcome that obstacle?![[image loading]]( Blah… I’m way too tired at this point to fully answer this. Let’s just say that I’ll reveal this plan sometime in the future through Plexa and Waffles.
![[image loading]]( stuchiu + Show Spoiler [Interview] + First off, please introduce yourself to the TL community. (What do you do eSports wise and what do you do real world wise?) Please explain your ID as well. How did you come to choose it?![[image loading]]( I'm stuchiu. I am the longest living writer now for TL. I don't even know how many articles I've written. I know for sure I've written the most editorials now. In real life, imagine trying to open a pickle jar. Sometime you just try to twist really hard, sometimes you have to hit it a few times before twisting it open and sometimes you just have to pull out a chainsaw. My ID was a typo I liked. In order to participate in the TLCMAT, you had to be nominated in. How did you feel when members of the community nominated you in so that you could take part in this season’s TLCMAT? Were you surprised at how quickly or slowly you were nominated in?![[image loading]]( Didn't feel anything in particular. Out of the Ro64, Ro32, and the Ro16, which match/matches did you anticipate was/were going to be the most difficult? How come? What was your strategy to defeat that/those opponent(s)?![[image loading]]( I didn't follow the matches. You participated in the previous season of TLCMAT. How does it feel to participate in it again this season? What did you tell yourself that you were going to do differently this time around than last time?![[image loading]]( I just wanted to see if R1CH would cheat, that was the best. What is your goal for this season? How badly do you want to win the championship?![[image loading]]( My goal is to watch R1CH cheat. Don't care about the championship. Let’s have some fun with this one. Please use this opportunity to shit-talk your Ro8 opponent into oblivion!![[image loading]]( Who? Why should people vote for you? What exactly makes you stand out among the rest?![[image loading]]( Don't vote for me, vote for R1CH. Out of the players remaining in the playoffs, who do you consider to be the toughest opponent(s) that could hinder you from winning the whole thing? Why so?![[image loading]]( Dunno. Out of the players who did not make it to the playoffs, which one(s) surprised you the most by the fact that they got eliminated? How far did you think they were going to go?![[image loading]]( gfx ppl. Poor gfx ppl so underrated. Have you been posting in the propaganda thread? Have you kept your promises? How creative did you have to get to try to get those votes?![[image loading]]( Nope, no propaganda from me. BAH! Boring questions… Let’s dick around now. Imagine that instead of through TL’s online voting system, the winner could instead be determined by bare-knuckle fighting in a steel cage. Would the winner be you or your Ro8 opponent? What would your strategy be?![[image loading]]( Probably the other guy. I'd stay at home and watch SC2 probably. Let’s say that throughout this whole tournament, you had the opportunity to sabotage people in real life. (NOTE: Your opponents can also do the same to you) How would you go about sabotaging to ensure your victories? What steps would you take to ensure your own safety?![[image loading]]( My work is so large that I think it speaks for itself. No need to sabotage people, I'm not Blizzard when they did in Lowely. Sometime in the near future, you end up stuck on a deserted island. After searching for about an hour, you come across three TLCMAT participants from this season. Which ones do you think you would run into? Why those three? How did they get there? How would the four of you survive on that island?![[image loading]]( Zealousy and two other randoms. Look Zealousy is Atlantian with a strong emphatic streak. He'll just call his whale and then let us ride him back to land even though it is taboo to let men ride whales ever since the death of Moby Dick. Before this season of TLCMAT began, let’s say that Seeker was kidnapped and the police had no idea where he was. You are now in charge of TLCMAT. How would you run the tournament? Though the better questions is… Why aren’t you out there searching for Seeker?!![[image loading]]( I wouldn't run the TLCMAT. I'd wait for someone like lichter to run the TLCMAT. I was looking for lichter, but like lichter I got distracted and let God wait for 20 minutes. FINAL QUESTION! Nazgul decides to invite you out for a 1 on 1 dinner. All expenses will be paid for and he’s even going to fly you out on private jet. You plan on killing Nazgul so that you can become the new CEO of TL and take over the eSports world. What is your plan? Who do you think could end up stopping you? How do you plan to overcome that obstacle?![[image loading]]( Get your own ideas about what to write for Plexa and Waffles you hack!