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I haven't kept up in new computer technologies in a few years. (Best video card back then was GeForce 7900s, before the release of the 8800s.) I feel that it is a good time to upgrade my computer now that I have the chance to; more like forced by new and ever-increasing minimum specifications for games.
What is my budget? $500-$700
What is my resolution Currently, I'm using a monitor that has a 1280x1024 resolution. Also, I have a monitor that has a native resolution of 1680x1050 that I can switch to.
What are you using it for? Mostly gaming for BF3 and SC2 on maximum settings, if possible.
What is your upgrade cycle? 4+ years. I'm running a computer now that's 5+ years old.
When do you plan on building it? Possibly the end of October, definitely by the end of this year.
Do you need an Operating System? Possibly, but I should be able to obtain one through student discounts.
Do you plan to overclock? Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire? No.
Where are you buying your parts from? I'm from the U.S. Mostly newegg.
Also, do you think that I should use my WD 74GB Raptor as my boot disc, or should I just order a new HD for this purpose. I plan to order a hard drive anyway.
5930 Posts
Getting a case is annoying, I want things I probably don't need like the setup when the cables route behind everything in a "hidden" space? I want this because then I don't have to be good at cable management to get good airflow, and it just makes things more simple(?). But it looks like you have to pay at least $20 or more to get it in cases right now, what is the term for this? This looks OK for 69.99 AMIR? It utilizes a large top fan which I prefer because I would like the quietest PC possible. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129021&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL092711&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL092711-_-EMC-092711-T-_-ComputerCases-_-11129021-L03AI don't really care about looks, except I don't want a "gaming" looking pc, the lian li and fractal design cases are my style. Unless it is cheap, and I can disable the LEDs.
The Antec 900 is a shit case by any metric. Its cramp for such a large chassis, it has bad cable management, it mounts hard disks bareback, it has no dust filters, and it has a ton of holes for sound to leak out.
Now cable management features is useful but isn't exactly a necessity - cable management is more of an aesthetic thing than something that improves thermal performance considering we don't use thick ribbons anymore. How you cable manage is through the use of zipties and those adhesive 3M hooks/clamps...with everything bound up together, its basically impossible for cables to obstruct airflow.
How much do you care about quiet computing? If you want something truly quiet, you're going to have to spend quite a lot ($100-130) since the NZXT H2, Antec P183, Antec Solo II, and Fractal Design R3 are all in that rather pricey price bracket. If you want something that looks slick. is fairly cheap, and doesn't make a huge racket, the Lian Li PC-A05NB and PC-A05NA are probably good enough.
What sort of games ? And at what graphics ? And also upcoming gameso n max ?
As you're not doing eyefinity or 1440p you don't need to spend 1.5k on a computer.
What's wrong with the january computer again and why do you need another one?
On September 28 2011 23:40 Shikyo wrote: As you're not doing eyefinity or 1440p you don't need to spend 1.5k on a computer.
What's wrong with the january computer again and why do you need another one?
Sorry, I should have specified I'm building this for a friend... just using his words.
Diablo 3 for sure... don't know what other games he would get. Everything maxed for whatever he plays though.
gtx560ti should be more then enough then (and is already overkill for that, stepping down to an hd6870 and keep some money to upgrade to a better gpu later might be a better idea)
On September 28 2011 23:50 Rachnar wrote: gtx560ti should be more then enough then (and is already overkill for that, stepping down to an hd6870 and keep some money to upgrade to a better gpu later might be a better idea)
He doesn't want to have to upgrade for a while. Like I said earlier, build it then forget it is most likely what's going to happen.
Well ... hd6950 or gtx560ti i s'pose, even though that's a waste for the games he wants to play now
IMO 6870s crossfired would be the best option for futureproofing 1080p as they're extremely cost-effective and will run anything at 1080p. Greatly outperforms both a single 6970 and GTX 580 in 1080p. These would be a good choice as they're only 160$ each with POCO926, 140$ after MIR, total 320$, 280$ after MIR: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814131378 x2
Then a good, cheap mobo that supports crossfire, 125$: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157271
The best gaming CPU in existence and an optical drive for free, 220$: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115072
8GB of RAM at 40$: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820313086
For that budget, I'd suggest a SSD. A 64GB SSD should work fine at 95$: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148447 Because of the pricing of this product, if you want 128gb instead of only 64, I'd suggest 2 of these in RAID0 instead of a single 128gb SSD.
As you'll have an SSD you just need some storage, here's 1.5TB for only 50$ with EMCKAHH25, note the offer ends today: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148725
CPU cooler 27$: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103065
PSU 70$ xfire certified 80+ bronze: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371044
Case 90$, 80$ after MIR: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119216
Totals 1037$ before MIRs and might be slightly overkill but this can max everything in 1080p now and in the future if that was what he was looking for. Win7 is going to be 100$ more if you decide you need it and can't get student discount.
If you don't want to crossfire, you can just go for GTX 560 Ti and get a cheaper P67 mobo in the 105 dollar range, note that this is going to drop your performance to about 60%. If you don't want the SSD you can skip it and instead get a 1TB 7200 RPM HD.
EDIT: fixed retard mistake
On September 28 2011 16:16 89vision wrote:+ Show Spoiler +So whats the deal with USB 3.0, is it not really worth it to get it now? How long until it is worth it and why? It looks like I can save at least $50 if I get a mobo with only 2 dimm slots, vs 4, but this feels like shooting myself in the foot in a year or two. The i5 seems like it is going to be a good CPU for the next 2 years, and I bought a GTX460 because I don't need super awesome graphics capabilities right now, so the only thing I can think that I would want to upgrade in the next 1-2 years is adding more memory and switching over to SSD's. Is 8gb going to be the total limit for the i5-2500k OC'd for its entire lifecycle? If so what does the memory actually do, that it wouldn't be beneficial to add more later? Overall I'm pretty confused on the MOBO's, the different versions 6gb/s sata vs 3, usb 3.0, DIMM slots, etc... I missed the $200 i5 2500k at ncix, hopefully a sale comes out in the next month similarly priced. I bought from NCIX already: MSI GTX 460 for $130(100 AMIR) http://us.ncix.com/products/?sku=55409&vpn=N460GTX HAWK&manufacture=MSI/MicroStar&promoid=1367Seagate 1TB $39.99 http://us.ncix.com/products/?sku=58746&vpn=ST31000524AS&manufacture=Seagate&promoid=1367Mushkin 8gb 1333 1.5v $29.99(24.99 AMIR) http://us.ncix.com/products/?sku=55544&vpn=996770&manufacture=Mushkin Enhanced&promoid=1367Getting a case is annoying, I want things I probably don't need like the setup when the cables route behind everything in a "hidden" space? I want this because then I don't have to be good at cable management to get good airflow, and it just makes things more simple(?). But it looks like you have to pay at least $20 or more to get it in cases right now, what is the term for this? This looks OK for 69.99 AMIR? It utilizes a large top fan which I prefer because I would like the quietest PC possible. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129021&nm_mc=EMC-IGNEFL092711&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL092711-_-EMC-092711-T-_-ComputerCases-_-11129021-L03AI don't really care about looks, except I don't want a "gaming" looking pc, the lian li and fractal design cases are my style. Unless it is cheap, and I can disable the LEDs. Also, you guys are awesome, skyR, Myrmidon, etc thanks for all the help for myself and everyone.
Antec Nine Hundred is a terrible case as Wom pointed out. You do not want this case unless it is hugely discounted. Most of the sound dampening cases are of simple design such as the Antec Solo II and Fractal Design Define R3, all of which are just a little north of $100. Cases basically last an entire lifetime so it wouldn't be a bad idea to spend extra on a case you'll be pleased with.
6Gbps is primarily for SSDs. HDDs can't saturate 3Gbps right now and will most likely never will so don't worry about them. If you ever plan on getting an SSD in the future (without switching motherboards obviously) than 6Gbps would be ideal but not required as using an SSD is still an enormous improvement from using a HDD and some of the good SSDs such as the Intel 320 series are still 3Gbps.
USB3 would only be useful if you plan on transfering large files to or from external devices regularly.
Unless you are going to do some heavy editing, VM, or multi-boxing. You'll never ever see the need for 16gb in the life of Sandybridge and Ivybridge. Most applications (basically every game) cannot utilize more than 2gb of memory. Memory acts as short term memory for the computer, data is stored on it for the CPU to access. Having more of it is only beneficial if you are actually using all of it. Memory that is unoccupied is useless memory.
If you're getting a 2500k than why is this even a concern? Basically, every P67 and Z68 board except for the ITX boards will have 4 DIMM slots.
Now I have a question: Antec Two Hundred is a super cheap case, has done well in the cooling tests I've seen, has dust filters, and costs only 45$.
Why isn't it recommended more often? What's wrong with it?
Is there any particular reason you suggested laptop 204pin RAM?
On September 29 2011 00:50 FabledIntegral wrote: Is there any particular reason you suggested laptop 204pin RAM? FK why do I always make retarded mistakes???
On September 29 2011 00:34 Shikyo wrote:+ Show Spoiler +IMO 6870s crossfired would be the best option for futureproofing 1080p as they're extremely cost-effective and will run anything at 1080p. Greatly outperforms both a single 6970 and GTX 580 in 1080p. These would be a good choice as they're only 160$ each with POCO926, 140$ after MIR, total 320$, 280$ after MIR: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814131378 x2 Then a good, cheap mobo that supports crossfire, 125$: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157271The best gaming CPU in existence and an optical drive for free, 220$: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E168191150728GB of RAM at 40$, free gift can't hurt: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231295For that budget, I'd suggest a SSD. A 64GB SSD should work fine at 95$: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148447Because of the pricing of this product, if you want 128gb instead of only 64, I'd suggest 2 of these in RAID0 instead of a single 128gb SSD. As you'll have an SSD you just need some storage, here's 1.5TB for only 50$ with EMCKAHH25, note the offer ends today: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148725CPU cooler 27$: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103065PSU 70$ xfire certified 80+ bronze: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371044Case 90$, 80$ after MIR: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119216Totals 1037$ before MIRs and might be slightly overkill but this can max everything in 1080p now and in the future if that was what he was looking for. Win7 is going to be 100$ more if you decide you need it and can't get student discount. If you don't want to crossfire, you can just go for GTX 560 Ti and get a cheaper P67 mobo in the 105 dollar range, note that this is going to drop your performance to about 60%. If you don't want the SSD you can skip it and instead get a 1TB 7200 RPM HD.
thats laptop memory you linked ...
edit : ninja'd
On September 29 2011 00:55 Shikyo wrote:Show nested quote +On September 29 2011 00:50 FabledIntegral wrote: Is there any particular reason you suggested laptop 204pin RAM? FK why do I always make retarded mistakes???
Ha it happens, I've made plenty myself.
On September 29 2011 00:56 FabledIntegral wrote:Show nested quote +On September 29 2011 00:55 Shikyo wrote:On September 29 2011 00:50 FabledIntegral wrote: Is there any particular reason you suggested laptop 204pin RAM? FK why do I always make retarded mistakes??? Ha it happens, I've made plenty myself. I make one fullretard mistake like every build, OH WELL
Can anyone chip in on their experiences with the PC-K60?
Ok. The case is absolutely AMAZING for under 70. The build quality, tool-less design that isn't made from flimbsy plastic, thick steel plating, very nice polished look to it.
I would say it is better than my previous fractal core 3000 in every single way...except for how goddarn loud it is.
I currently have the stock 4x lian li fans in there, fan from a v8 cooler, fan on a XFX 850W core edition, and a WD caviar black. I don't mind so much the sound of the GPU fan spinning while im gaming since I wear cans that somewhat drown the noise. However, when the PC is idle, its prettttty loud.
I notice this when I try to catch some sleep. Previously with the fractal case it didn't bother me enough for me to notice, but now, unless im excessively tired, I have to go turn off the PC because it nags me enough.
5930 Posts
On September 29 2011 00:50 Shikyo wrote: Now I have a question: Antec Two Hundred is a super cheap case, has done well in the cooling tests I've seen, has dust filters, and costs only 45$.
Why isn't it recommended more often? What's wrong with it?
It looks like it was designed by a 10 year old gamer, uses 0.6mm steel, has a bottom mounted power supply but has no cable management whatsoever unless Antec did a silent revision, and mounts hard disks bareback.
The NZXT Source 210 basically better in almost every way and there you have a choice of white or black.
Cooling tests are the most pointless things because 10 degrees and 20 degrees below the threshold temperature is basically the same thing. You shove a front intake fan and a rear intake fan in a small enough case and no system recommended in this thread will overheat.
I would say it is better than my previous fractal core 3000 in every single way...except for how goddarn loud it is.
Obviously its louder, it has one extra fan. Not to mention Fractal uses sleeve bearing fans while Lian Li is probably using ball bearing fans and the Lian Li's rear 120mm fan is spinning at a crazy 1500RPM. Swapping out the rear 120mm fan for something slower is probably going to make the computer less annoying because OEM quality fans spinning that fast simply sound like shit no matter what.