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On September 12 2011 02:52 epikAnglory wrote:If I use Charter 12 MBPS internet: http://www.charter.com/internetIs that enough for the average StarCraft 2 gamer? I am only getting 4 MBPS download speed, but I think that is due to a slow adapter (which I am switching to LAN next Saturday). ![[image loading]](http://www.speedtest.net/result/1477721465.png) So I am assuming if I get Ethernet I will be close to 12 MBPS. Should I upgrade to 18 MBPS for $10 more a month (and an offer for Charter is free TV HBOCinemax Channels for one year if you upgrade, though we barely watch movies). EDIT: I tested again and got 6 MBPS download.
Are you using a USB or wireless adapter because you aren't describing your problem clearly... A LAN is a local access network, it is not ethernet... Switching to LAN has absolutely nothing to do with your WAN connection speed.
I mean switching from a USB Wifi adapter to a wired connection. I don't know the terms so well =[
@ CuraOh. Will this computer be able to handle streaming for sc2 and other games? I have a 2MBPS upload internet connection
I also have a GTX 460 on my current computer and a 650W power supply that I can use?
will be handle stream but in 480p if you want 1080p you need a i5 2500k overclock you can use the gtx 460 and the supply depend of who made it
I have the antec power supply 650W. But for the overclock do I need additional fans to handle the heat?
i am in the same situation as psp219, except my budget is $706. what would u upgrade, if anything?
Is a case fan at the bottom front of the case necessary (where the HDD is)? It died out and it is SOOOO DIFFICULT to replace that fan. I have two additional working case fans, one on the side and the other in the top rear.
I use a WD Blue 500 GB HDD.
On September 12 2011 04:48 epikAnglory wrote: Is a case fan at the bottom front of the case necessary (where the HDD is)? It died out and it is SOOOO DIFFICULT to replace that fan. I have two additional working case fans, one on the side and the other in the top rear.
I use a WD Blue 500 GB HDD.
It isn't just about the HDD. It's also about front to back path of least resistance airflow. Side intake back exhaust doesn't work all that great on its own, if your components put out much heat or your ambient is highish.
Replacing it is kind of a good idea if your PC is halfway decent.
On September 12 2011 04:48 epikAnglory wrote: Is a case fan at the bottom front of the case necessary (where the HDD is)? It died out and it is SOOOO DIFFICULT to replace that fan. I have two additional working case fans, one on the side and the other in the top rear.
I use a WD Blue 500 GB HDD.
Check your HD temps... if too high then yes. High being over 50 i beleive
I dont have any fans blowing over my HD and its running at 40~, I was told ideal Temp for HD is 35.
If I had to guess, (which is all this is, pictures are a terrible way to figure it out) you take the front panel off and remove the screws from that side.
thanks. is it enough for an overclockable setup tho?
On September 12 2011 05:24 xyOr wrote:thanks. is it enough for an overclockable setup tho?
Overclocking...what? CPU? i5-2400 can't be overclocked except trivially, and H61 motherboard doesn't allow you to overclock anyway. You could spend say $80 on upgrades that would allow you to overclock to say 4.5 GHz with no problem, but I question if that's worth the cost on your budget. Are you going to be running anything on the computer that would do noticeably better with a Sandy Bridge quad core at 4.5 GHz or so as opposed to 3.1-3.4 GHz?
On September 12 2011 04:57 JingleHell wrote: If I had to guess, (which is all this is, pictures are a terrible way to figure it out) you take the front panel off and remove the screws from that side. Ok thanks, I managed to install it by ripping out the screws (fuck the $30 shit case) with my bare hands while both causing the plastic, screws, and my hands to bleed. Anyways this is how my case looks like now:
Side: Rosewill 80 MM Fan Rear: Coolermaster 120 MM Fan Bottom Front: Rosewill 120 MM Fan
They are all set to Exhaust (How do you set to intake, do you still flip it over or are there certain fans for that?). Is it ok if they are all on exhaust mode?
And this thing is loud as a beast, mainly because of the Xigmatek Loki (GOD THAT THING IS HORRIBLY LOUD).What programs do I use to control the speed of the Loki? I am planning to drop my 4.2 GHz to 3.9 GHz.
You should be able to configure fan speeds for certain temps for your Loki in the BIOS. Also make sure you have the correct type of fan selected between 3pin/4pin. That can be the difference between always 100% and actually controlled.
On the front fan, was it shitty little plastic retaining clip thingies? I hate those.
No, it isn't good to have all your fans exhaust, that kind of destroys airflow. You generally want roughly linear airflow, and if you have an odd number of fans, go for more intake than exhaust.
And yes, just flip the fan over to face the other direction and it will magically blow air the other direction. Not to be sarcastic, but that one was just a bit silly.
The back of my case uses a clip, the front is just really difficult to change because the front cover is connected to the power button wires and stuff. The easiest to change would be the side fan.
Which should I set to intake? I did research, I see some saying front intake is best, and some all exhaust.