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+ Show Spoiler +On June 08 2013 01:51 MisterFred wrote:Show nested quote +On June 07 2013 06:17 S3ph wrote:+ Show Spoiler +On June 06 2013 08:58 MisterFred wrote:Show nested quote +On June 03 2013 05:46 S3ph wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Hello, everyone. My system has finally broken down, so Im looking for a new one. Im a total noob, so dont go too harsh on me. What is your budget?Actually, Ive got a birthday gift of 2000 Euros for PC issues, but I never plan to use them all. LOL... So my budget is around 1000 Euros. Might be slighly more, because of dual monitor wish. What is your resolution?1920x1080. In plan, because I don't have sutable monitor(s) yet. What are you using it for?Would be nice to play modern games like Crysis 3, Far cry 3, Sc2 Hots, etc - on max with decent fps. Other than that - a simple typewriter and Internet. No streaming or 3d-Max'ing or video rendering. What is your upgrade cycle?I would say 4-5 years. So yeah, I need decent stuff from the start. When do you plan on building it?June-July 2013. Do you plan on overclocking?Though I have read articles and saw videos how to make it, Im just a bloody noob. Plus, I dont have time to run Prime95 for 24 hours without BSOD. So OC'ing other than muliplier - no. Do you need an Operating System?Yes. Windows 7 Extreme (Home edition? Somebody?) Windows 8? NO! Do you plan to add a second GPU for SLI or Crossfire?Im planning to use only 1 grafik card. A decent one. So SLI - no. Where are you buying your parts from?hoh.de or notebooksbilliger.de or drivecity.de or compuland.de. I'd rather avoid buying stuff from mindfactory or hardwareversand. I got lazy, so I went to alternate.de. You can find the equivalent parts at your preferred retailer. BenQ GW2450HM monitor - a high-quality but otherwise standard 24" 1920x1080 monitor (170 euro) http://www.alternate.de/BenQ/BenQ GW2450HM,_LED-Monitor/html/product/1007923/?or Dell u2713hm monitor - a high-quality 27" 2560x1440 monitor (550 euro) http://www.alternate.de/Dell/Dell UltraSharp_U2713HM,_LED-Monitor/html/product/1028408/?------------------------------------------ i5-4670 (210 euro) http://www.alternate.de/Intel(R)/Intel(R) Core(TM)_i5-4670,_CPU/html/product/1063387/?tk=7&lk=8920Gigabyte H87 (85 euro) http://www.alternate.de/GIGABYTE/GIGABYTE GA-H87M-HD3,_Mainboard/html/product/1081332/?Gigabyte 7950 or Sapphire 7970, depending on how much you want to spend (280 or 360) http://www.alternate.de/SAPPHIRE/SAPPHIRE Radeon_HD_7950_with_Boost,_Grafikkarte/html/product/1060525/?http://www.alternate.de/SAPPHIRE/SAPPHIRE Radeon_HD_7970,_Grafikkarte/html/product/1031667/?2x4gb Crucial RAM (53) http://www.alternate.de/Crucial/Crucial DIMM_8_GB_DDR3-1600_Kit,_Arbeitsspeicher/html/product/1008044/?Case: you can reuse your old one, but if you want a nice new one, the fractal design r4 is a good choice (90) http://www.alternate.de/Fractal_Design/Fractal_Design Define_R4_Titanium,_Gehaeuse/html/product/1010810/?PSU: XFX Core 450w (45) http://www.alternate.de/XFX/XFX 450W_Core_Edition_V2_Full_Wired_(Bronze),_Netzteil/html/product/924186/?SSD: Samsung 840 128 or 250gb, depending on how much you want to spend on fast storage (83 or 145) http://www.alternate.de/Samsung/Samsung 840_series_2,5_120_GB,_SSD/html/product/1038279/?http://www.alternate.de/Samsung/Samsung 840_series_2,5_250_GB,_SSD/html/product/1038276/?HDD: Samsung 1TB (57) http://www.alternate.de/Seagate/Seagate ST1000DM003_1_TB,_Festplatte/html/product/963366/?DVD-burner: another part it seems like it would be easy to reuse a used one (18) http://www.alternate.de/Samsung/Samsung SH-224BB-BEBE,_DVD-Brenner/html/product/1033259/?Windows 7 (84 euro). Note that I'm not sure that this is the Deutsch version. Make sure you get the language version you want. But for whatever language, you want Home Premium 64-bit OEM edition. http://www.alternate.de/Microsoft/Microsoft Windows_7_Home_Premium/html/product/825250/?Total: 1175 euro to 1700 euro You call it lazy?  So now a recap. CPU: i5-4670 GFX: Gigabyte 7950 MoBo: Gigabyte H87 PSU: XFX Core 450W RAM: 2x4 GB Crucial Case: Fractal Design Define R4 SSD: Samsung 840 pro 128 GB HDD: Seagate 1TB Soft: Windows 7 Home Edition OEM + 2 x 1920x1080 monitorsbolded = will buy for sure Need one more thing: what if I would like to overclock CPU, GFX, and RAM? Iso help with the parts best suited for it.
To overclock GPU: you already have everything you need with the list above. Same with RAM, though I won't guarantee that particular RAM suggestion will overclock well. I don't pay attention to that since overclocking RAM is pretty pointless from a real-world performance perspective.
For overclocking CPU: replace the i5-4670 with an i5-4670k. Replace mobo with a z87 motherboard & add an aftermarket cooler, like so:
115euro Gigabyte Z87-HD3 mobo: http://www.alternate.de/GIGABYTE/GIGABYTE GA-Z87-HD3,_Mainboard/html/product/1081326/?
HR-02 Macho tower cooler @ 40 euro: http://www.alternate.de/Thermalright/Thermalright HR-02_Macho_Rev.A,_CPU-Kuehler/html/product/1024658/?event=search[spoiler]
Thank you, sir. Now I have almost all I need.
CPU: i5-4670k --> 217,34 € boxed with stock cooler (weird thing: same CPU boxed costs 229,00 € WITHOUT stock cooler) GFX: Gigabyte 7950 --> 278,24 € MoBo: Gigabyte GA-Z87-HD3 --> 105,98 € by hardwarenversand.de its called Gigabyte Z87-D3H is it the same MoBo?? I mean HD3 = D3H? PSU: XFX Core 450W --> 44,99 € HSF: HR-02 Macho CPU cooler --> 36,05 € RAM: 2x4 Kit Corsair Vengeance --> 61,48 € Case: Fractal Design Define R4 Black Pearl --> 92,89 € SSD: Samsung 840 pro 128 GB --> 116,99 € HDD: Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 1TB SATA 3 --> 62,16 € Soft: Windows 7 Home Edition OEM --> 75,44 € (no Microsoft Support) + 2 x 1920x1080 monitors
1091,56 € without monitors. All prices from hardwareversand.de
Only got 3 last questions: 1. Is the PSU strong enough, if I overclock the CPU? Only 450 Watt... Maybe be quiet! System Power 7 500W 80+ Silver better? 2. Is the GFX Gigabyte 7950 overclockable? Just for future, if I decide to. 3. What monitors should I take? The 1920x1080 ones. For info: I dont need the 500€ ones.
The HD3 and D3H are not the same. There are also multiple variants of the D3H. Assuming you're talking about the Z87X-D3H and not any other variant of the D3H, that board is better than the HD3.
Yes the XFX Core Edition 450 is sufficient for such a configuration but the XFX 450 only has a single PCIe connector while the 7950 requires two so you will have to use a molex to PCIe adapter. You may just want to get another power supply if you don't want to deal with adapters, maybe a Superflower Golden Green if that's available to you (which will be more expensive since its higher quality).
Yes, the 7950 is overclockable.
On June 08 2013 07:43 skyR wrote: The HD3 and D3H are not the same. There are also multiple variants of the D3H. Assuming you're talking about the Z87X-D3H and not any other variant of the D3H, that board is better than the HD3.
Yes the XFX Core Edition 450 is sufficient for such a configuration but the XFX 450 only has a single PCIe connector while the 7950 requires two so you will have to use a molex to PCIe adapter. You may just want to get another power supply if you don't want to deal with adapters, maybe a Superflower Golden Green if that's available to you (which will be more expensive since its higher quality).
Yes, the 7950 is overclockable.
Thank you very much! Appreciate your help, sir.
Yes, I dont want to use molex, so I would go with "Super Flower Golden Green PRO SF-450P14XE", if its suits well. Costs 65,44 €. http://www.hardwareversand.de/articledetail.jsp?aid=41092&agid=1627&pvid=4mxvel2ts_hhncs3ua&ref=13
About the MoBO: I was actually talking about a regular Gigabyte Z87-D3H. With no "X". http://www.hardwareversand.de/DDR3/79801/Gigabyte Z87-D3H, ATX.article Costs 105,98 €.
But I can switch to the "X" one. http://www.hardwareversand.de/DDR3/79805/Gigabyte Z87X-D3H, ATX.article Costs 145,72 €. 40 € more, but if its worth it.
Is my choice OK?
Yes, Super Flower Golden Green 450 is excellent.
A Z87-D3H does not exist to my knowledge. That's a Z87-HD3 as you can see printed on the board. Hardwareversand.de just mislabeled it or are calling it a D3H for whatever reason.. The HD3 will be fine for a moderate overclock.
On June 08 2013 08:09 skyR wrote: Yes, Super Flower Golden Green 450 is excellent.
A Z87-D3H does not exist to my knowledge. That's a Z87-HD3 as you can see printed on the board. Hardwareversand.de just mislabeled it or are calling it a D3H for whatever reason.. The HD3 will be fine for a moderate overclock.
Yeah, I got kinda confused about this issue.
Hmm, now Ive checked the shippment time - of this MoBo. Over 7 days (sic!). Damn... Maybe this way Im forced to buy the "X" one. Because its in stock.
CPU: i5-4670k --> 217,34 € boxed with stock cooler GFX: Gigabyte 7950 --> 278,24 € MoBo: Gigabyte GA-Z87-HD3 --> 105,98 € (shippment over 7 days!) ... thats why Gigabyte GA-Z87X-D3H --> 145,72 € PSU: Super Flower Golden Green PRO SF-450P14XE --> 65,44 € HSF: Thermalright HR-02 Macho Rev.A CPU cooler --> 36,05 € RAM: 2x4 Kit Corsair Vengeance --> 61,48 € Case: Fractal Design Define R4 Black Pearl --> 92,89 € SSD: Samsung 840 pro 128 GB --> 116,99 € HDD: Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 1TB SATA 3 --> 62,16 € Soft: Windows 7 Home Edition OEM --> 75,44 € (no Microsoft Support) + 2 x 1920x1080 monitors
1112,01 € (1151,75 €) without monitors. All prices from hardwareversand.de
Now the very last question left: Monitors. 
Edit: what do you think about LG Electronics M2382D-PZ? http://www.chip.de/bestenlisten/Bestenliste-TFT-Monitore-22-Zoll--index/index/id/591/ http://www.chip.de/preisvergleich/195992/LG-Electronics-M2382D.html http://www.computeruniverse.net/products/90492340/lg-flatron-m2382d-pz.asp Price: 199 €.
just tried to oc on my 3570k, didnt go so well, had to clear cmos T_T i probably just gonna stick with non oc for now cuz that scared the shit out of me
What went wrong? To be honest, these days it's pretty hard to mess up an OC.
i ve no clue, probably too much undervolting, was 4ghz step with 1.05v and froze instantly after reboot <: btw just for reference, what is the temp i should aim for while ocing? i mean...whats tollerable and what is too hot
United Kingdom20275 Posts
too much undervolting
If you don't think it will boot, then dont set it. I usually target voltages that will boot but give failures under stress tests. I've only had to clear cmos, ever, from undervolting that i knew before i hit apply was silly.
Stock voltage is like 0.1v over that, and you want to run 4ghz on it blindly? =P
Temp depends on CPU. High 80's as an absolute max for sandy, ivy, haswell is what people generally say
United States5509 Posts
On June 07 2013 17:19 skyR wrote:Show nested quote +On June 07 2013 16:53 Superiorwolf wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Okay trying to decide now if I am going to go with Sacrieur's advice and just get a i7-3770K to keep my existing mobo or to do what I had originally planned. Only problem is then I don't think I'll be building a comp for my parents with the leftover Radeon HD 4850 and i5-2400, so I wouldn't know what to do with them. Also the H67MA-E35 motherboard it isn't really good for overclocking from what I understand though right? Here's the MLG computers specs btw http://www.ibuypower.com/info/Dad_Grad_Special_Default.aspx It's the white one called REVOLT. Yeah I guess I didn't really check late game at its fps, but it definitely felt much much smoother than my computer  Yeah I wish there was a way I could really figure out what was making the noise and pinpoint it - I just "feel" like its the PSU from where I can hear it but that's obviously a really inaccurate way to tell. This is my case - http://www.amazon.com/Rosewill-Black-Gaming-Computer-CHALLENGER/dp/B003YVJJ5Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1370591490&sr=8-1&keywords=rosewill challenger so I'm not sure how noise isolating it is - one problem is I only could connect 2 of the 3 fans to the mobo, third would have been connected via molex and woulda been running at 100% afaik. In BIOS I was only able to put fans to a flat 50% rate in order to reduce noise (no dynamic fan control or whatever I think) Just preferring to use Amazon because I have prime and I'd be able to get the parts a bit faster than if I used Newegg I think ^^ Show nested quote +On June 07 2013 17:00 Superiorwolf wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Current PCi5-2400 nVidia GTX 560ti H67MA-E35 Motherboard 8 GB RAM 90 GB SSD 500 GB HDD 760 W PSU Extra PartsRadeon HD 4850 512 MB New PCi7-4770K ($350) Link NEWnVidia GTX 560ti MSI ATX DDR3 2600 LGA 1150 Z87-G43 Motherboard ($120) Link NEW8 GB RAM 90 GB SSD 500 GB HDD Rosewill Capstone 450 W PSU ($60) Link NEWCooler Master Hyper 212 Plus - CPU Cooler ($25) Link NEWPC for my parentsi5-2400 H67MA-E35 Radeon HD 4850 4 GB RAM 1600 Mhz ($31) Link NEW (Seems to be the cheapest, even cheaper than the 1333 Mhz on amazon) 500 GB HDD Western Digital ($57) Link NEWCorsair CX430 PSU ($45) Link NEWTotal Cost: $688 How does it look now? H series boards cannot overclock. Well if you do want a 3770k instead (because its like $30-$40 less expensive than a 4770k) then you can purchase a Z77 board for it and give the H67 to your parents. Well the noise could be coming from your power supply since you never listed what it is but the Capstone 450 won't be audible over the other parts of your PC. The case you have is definitely not sound dampening and you never listed a case for your parents computer so maybe give this case to them if they don't mind it looking ugly and maybe a bit noisy? For your build, you should be looking into getting a sound dampening case like the Fractal Design Define R4 which is about $90. You should also download MSI Afterburner or similar software to control your GPU fan speeds. Just posting to follow up and let you guys all know what I got, ended up being ~$800 total with tax Got everything there except the Corsair CX430 PSU for my parents, I will keep the current PSU even though it's loud since I think my parents won't mind it (it's not THAT loud especially compared to our older computer). I got the Fractal Design Refine R4 case for ~$90 (white version) for its sound dampening capabilities, the black version was cheaper at $80 but had a shipping time of 1-4 weeks which I did not want to wait for. Finally I switched the motherboard for this mATX motherboard (Link), as again the previous motherboard had a shipping time of like 2-5 weeks and I want to get these parts at the same time 
Thanks everyone! Will post later to let you all know how it goes ^^
Got my build up and running, although I made some silly cabling mistakes haha. Didn't take me too long, setting up windows right now!
noob question as I've never had a tower cooler on my own pc. Is the fan supposed to be pushing onto the heat sink or pulling away? I assume pushing onto?
I'll post my overclock when I get everything running :D
Well I'm pretty sure my "repaired" card from ASUS is still artifacting.
On June 08 2013 15:04 Alryk wrote: Got my build up and running, although I made some silly cabling mistakes haha. Didn't take me too long, setting up windows right now!
noob question as I've never had a tower cooler on my own pc. Is the fan supposed to be pushing onto the heat sink or pulling away? I assume pushing onto?
I'll post my overclock when I get everything running :D The fan pushing the air into the cooler is better. Mounting the fan on the back and letting it pull is for when you have problems with space.
Maybe for heatsinks it's a little different, but for radiators it doesn't matter at all.
Great, that's what I set up. Thanks!
Edit: Has changing the voltage on my RAM changed since sandy bridge? I need to downvolt mine (it's at 1.65V) but there isn't an explicit setting anymore. Do I need to change the XMP profile? Or is 1.65V now ok to run at again?
On June 08 2013 07:18 Cyro wrote: My CPU Base clock is stuck at 99.77mhz. It's set to 100 in bios; anyone heard of this before? That's not unusual. I've seen people mention they set it manually and go for something like 100.5, just to make sure that the numbers will look like 4500+ and not 4496 etc. You might also want to see what it's like on "Auto". I think that's a tiny bit increased compared to manual 100.00 for my board.
On June 08 2013 16:07 Alryk wrote: Great, that's what I set up. Thanks!
Edit: Has changing the voltage on my RAM changed since sandy bridge? I need to downvolt mine (it's at 1.65V) but there isn't an explicit setting anymore. Do I need to change the XMP profile? Or is 1.65V now ok to run at again? You should select the XMP profile. It's custom numbers that come from a chip on your memory sticks. The voltage is included. There could also be more than one XMP profile coming with your memory sticks, so you might want to try the one that seems to set lower timings.
For manually setting voltage, that's probably just a bit hidden and in a separate menu, not together with the voltage for the CPU.
Is IBT a test I can/should run overnight to test stability, or should I go with P95?
And if I don't touch my adaptive voltage, I assume I won't get that voltage spike issue? (Sorry I can't watch videos! I assembled this out of town and have no speakers x_x)
United Kingdom20275 Posts
IBT i usually use for a few minutes to an hour, p95 for certain testing or solidifying overclock
It's really hard, hard to say anything about haswell and voltage, heat etc right now; im so confused
I reinstalled service pack 1 for windows 7 and my max temps rose from the mid 60's to approaching 90's, we're talking like 23 degrees, ambient might have shifted upwards a couple but this is just disgusting. 4.5 on a good CPU breaking the 90's with a twin tower dual 140mm fan heatsink, wtf
I could just uninstall the service pack and go back to where temps were as i hoped/expected; but AVX instructions are kinda important to have
I was gunna get a i5-3570K + ASRock Extreme4 but they are out of stock of the 3570K at my local microcenter. I finally have time to go to microcenter tomorrow which is about 60 miles away and i was thinking instead of waiting I should just get a i5-4570 + ASRock PRO3 or PRO4. Has anyone heard anything about this CPU and MoBo. Any advice to help me make a purchase with confidence? I dont know what i should be asking here, hell i dont know if i should be buying this stuff.