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R1ch and skyR are right. The wattage is fine.
The quality however...
To summarize what I recommended on facebook:
Forget the shift to Haswell, just buy a 3770K instead. You'll end up saving yourself $150.
Go for a Seasonic, Corsair, or XFX PSU. Bronze certified at least and modular is nice but not necessary.
I really don't see why he would need to overclock (hence the Ivy Bridge).
On June 07 2013 15:58 Sacrieur wrote: I really don't see why he would need to overclock (hence the Ivy Bridge).
He doesn't, but even without overclocking a better aftermarket cooler will let the processor do its max turbo boost without throttling, which the stock cooler probably can't unless Suppy lives in a fridge. Also like I mentioned, it is probably quieter and it is better for the CPU to not be up against the 90 degree limit that the stock cooler will probably produce.
Also Suppy, since you live in cali look for a microcenter instead of ordering online. Even if it is a bit of a drive, you can generally get really good deals on processor+mobo combos, usually in the order of 50+ dollars.
On June 07 2013 15:28 Superiorwolf wrote:Hey okay so you guys told me to wait for the next line of Intel processors, and from what I can tell it looks like they are out! Please give me thoughts on my plan here: Current PCi5-2400 nVidia GTX 560ti H67MA-E35 Motherboard 8 GB RAM 90 GB SSD 500 GB HDD 760 W PSU Extra PartsRadeon HD 4850 512 MB And my plan is to turn it all into this: New PCi7-4770K ($350) Link NEWnVidia GTX 560ti MSI ATX DDR3 2600 LGA 1150 Z87-G43 Motherboard ($120) Link NEW8 GB RAM 90 GB SSD 500 GB HDD Cooler Master 460 W Power Supply ($35) Link NEWAftermarket Cooler (?) PC for my parentsi5-2400 H67MA-E35 Radeon HD 4850 4 GB RAM ($31) Link NEW500 GB HDD Western Digital ($57) Link NEWCooler Master 460 W Power Supply ($35) Link NEWTotal Cost: $628 Questions: Some people have said that the upgrade from i5-2400 to i5-4670k would not be that big of an improvement, I decided to go with i7-4770k after hearing it's better for streaming (I'd like to be able to stream on better settings). Currently I think the i5-2400 is my bottleneck, and late game in SC2 I get sub 30 fps, and probably even lower in battles. I would like to be able to play like on the MLG computers that were at a constant 200 fps throughout. How much gain will there be without overclocking, and with some moderate overclocking? Will the power supply unit be enough power, and will it be quiet if it's at a high load? I am very much concerned with fan noise because right now I think my PSU is what is causing my computer to be so loud and I really really want a quiet computer! Also a PSU comes with all the cords you need to connect things right? Any suggestions for better options (mobo, psu, etc.) that you think would be nicer or if there are any good deals going on right now? Should I get an aftermarket cooler with moderate overclocking?
So everything seems OK with the setup except for the PSU. This type of PSU is designed to do the job but it still is a little lower on the totem pole here are some good alternatives:
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3 (One I currently use)
Micro Center 4770k $279.99
Not sure if they have a store near you but processors are INCREDIBLY cheap at MicroCenter. I'd try to get one through a friend and ship it out there or something - saves $$$ A lot of times they run deals on Proc/MoBo combos for $50 off if bought together.That could add up to another $100 off this rig your building.
Also, try to shoot for about ~600W PSU with this rig - it's always better to be safe and it leaves you a little room for expansion if you really want to later (or upgrade your GPU assuming you mess around with some new games for fun). If you want to know approximately where you'll be at with all of your hardware you can use http://www.extreme.outervision.com/psucalculatorlite.jsp and add it all up!
Unless you plan on OC you really don't need an aftermarket cooler OR if you are in a poorly cooled space. Ambient temp is pretty important. Also, as a side note, if you have a really small case sometimes it is necessary to get an aftermarket cooler in case regardless of your ambient temp your computer heats up a lot. Hope this helps! GL HF :D
Sorry but is Superiorwolf a famous person or why is there a sudden influx of people posting poor advice?
A CX500 is not a high quality unit. It's just an okay budget unit that won't explode, it is a terrible value at $50 as the Capstone 450 is significantly better in all aspects for $10 more.
CX600, also terrible value.
Both HX750 and AX850 are very good units but they're extremely unnecessary...
All this misinformation posted by people I've never seen post in this thread before... Oh my god.
Edit: To not be a filler post.
Antec VP-450 for your parents computer. Rosewill Capstone 450 for your computer.
Superiorwolf is EG.Suppy.
On June 07 2013 16:06 skyR wrote: Sorry but is Superiorwolf a famous person or why is there a sudden influx of people posting poor advice?
I facepalmed after it went over 600W.
On June 07 2013 16:14 Sacrieur wrote:Show nested quote +On June 07 2013 16:06 skyR wrote: Sorry but is Superiorwolf a famous person or why is there a sudden influx of people posting poor advice? Moderately. I facepalmed after it went over 600W.
600W is perfectly fine and not even that much more money... I recommended it only so he has room for expansion later.
Sure, you can tighten up your PSU to fit your exact system but it's kind of stupid seeing how cheap it is to add 100W and not have to worry about expanding later instead of having to buy another PSU and whatever you're adding in along with it.
Computers are long term investments, leaving yourself wiggle room (for a very small amount of money) will save you money in the long run.
There is an argument to be made in PSU efficiency vs. intial cost... Usually it balances out the the higher wattage models are the better deals because of increased quality.
The only reason to go higher wattage is quality though in this case. Suppy goes to college and presumably lives with his parents the rest of the time.
On June 07 2013 16:25 Sacrieur wrote: There is an argument to be made in PSU efficiency vs. intial cost... Usually it balances out the the higher wattage models are the better deals because of increased quality.
The only reason to go higher wattage is quality though in this case. Suppy goes to college and presumably lives with his parents the rest of the time.
There are plenty of high quality low wattage models as well. There's probably more junk in the low wattage range, since it's a larger market, but all the good brands also offer low wattage models.
Yes, computers are investments but throwing away money is called stupidity, not an investment.
Recommending an unnecessary unit so that there's room for expansion is a very weak argument as the Rosewill Capstone 450 is enough for all single GPU configurations except for the most absurd and heavily overclocked configurations.
A ~600w unit is only necessary if the individual plans on upgrading to SLI or CrossfireX at some point in time. So if the individual even has the slightest thought of doing SLI or CrossfireX within the next few years then yes, he should get a ~600w unit.
And no, going to a higher wattage does not ensure quality. CX430, CX500, CX600 are all the same, only difference is how much power is provided. The same can be said for many lines of power supplies.
Okay trying to decide now if I am going to go with Sacrieur's advice and just get a i7-3770K to keep my existing mobo or to do what I had originally planned. Only problem is then I don't think I'll be building a comp for my parents with the leftover Radeon HD 4850 and i5-2400, so I wouldn't know what to do with them. Also the H67MA-E35 motherboard it isn't really good for overclocking from what I understand though right?
Here's the MLG computers specs btw http://www.ibuypower.com/info/Dad_Grad_Special_Default.aspx It's the white one called REVOLT. Yeah I guess I didn't really check late game at its fps, but it definitely felt much much smoother than my computer 
Yeah I wish there was a way I could really figure out what was making the noise and pinpoint it - I just "feel" like its the PSU from where I can hear it but that's obviously a really inaccurate way to tell. This is my case - http://www.amazon.com/Rosewill-Black-Gaming-Computer-CHALLENGER/dp/B003YVJJ5Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1370591490&sr=8-1&keywords=rosewill challenger so I'm not sure how noise isolating it is - one problem is I only could connect 2 of the 3 fans to the mobo, third would have been connected via molex and woulda been running at 100% afaik. In BIOS I was only able to put fans to a flat 50% rate in order to reduce noise (no dynamic fan control or whatever I think)
Just preferring to use Amazon because I have prime and I'd be able to get the parts a bit faster than if I used Newegg I think ^^
Current PC i5-2400 nVidia GTX 560ti H67MA-E35 Motherboard 8 GB RAM 90 GB SSD 500 GB HDD 760 W PSU
Extra Parts Radeon HD 4850 512 MB
New PC i7-4770K ($350) Link NEW nVidia GTX 560ti MSI ATX DDR3 2600 LGA 1150 Z87-G43 Motherboard ($120) Link NEW 8 GB RAM 90 GB SSD 500 GB HDD Rosewill Capstone 450 W PSU ($60) Link NEW Cooler Master Hyper 212 Plus - CPU Cooler ($25) Link NEW
PC for my parents i5-2400 H67MA-E35 Radeon HD 4850 4 GB RAM 1600 Mhz ($31) Link NEW (Seems to be the cheapest, even cheaper than the 1333 Mhz on amazon) 500 GB HDD Western Digital ($57) Link NEW Corsair CX430 PSU ($45) Link NEW
Total Cost: $688
How does it look now?
On June 07 2013 16:53 Superiorwolf wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Okay trying to decide now if I am going to go with Sacrieur's advice and just get a i7-3770K to keep my existing mobo or to do what I had originally planned. Only problem is then I don't think I'll be building a comp for my parents with the leftover Radeon HD 4850 and i5-2400, so I wouldn't know what to do with them. Also the H67MA-E35 motherboard it isn't really good for overclocking from what I understand though right? Here's the MLG computers specs btw http://www.ibuypower.com/info/Dad_Grad_Special_Default.aspx It's the white one called REVOLT. Yeah I guess I didn't really check late game at its fps, but it definitely felt much much smoother than my computer  Yeah I wish there was a way I could really figure out what was making the noise and pinpoint it - I just "feel" like its the PSU from where I can hear it but that's obviously a really inaccurate way to tell. This is my case - http://www.amazon.com/Rosewill-Black-Gaming-Computer-CHALLENGER/dp/B003YVJJ5Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1370591490&sr=8-1&keywords=rosewill challenger so I'm not sure how noise isolating it is - one problem is I only could connect 2 of the 3 fans to the mobo, third would have been connected via molex and woulda been running at 100% afaik. In BIOS I was only able to put fans to a flat 50% rate in order to reduce noise (no dynamic fan control or whatever I think) Just preferring to use Amazon because I have prime and I'd be able to get the parts a bit faster than if I used Newegg I think ^^
On June 07 2013 17:00 Superiorwolf wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Current PCi5-2400 nVidia GTX 560ti H67MA-E35 Motherboard 8 GB RAM 90 GB SSD 500 GB HDD 760 W PSU Extra PartsRadeon HD 4850 512 MB New PCi7-4770K ($350) Link NEWnVidia GTX 560ti MSI ATX DDR3 2600 LGA 1150 Z87-G43 Motherboard ($120) Link NEW8 GB RAM 90 GB SSD 500 GB HDD Rosewill Capstone 450 W PSU ($60) Link NEWCooler Master Hyper 212 Plus - CPU Cooler ($25) Link NEWPC for my parentsi5-2400 H67MA-E35 Radeon HD 4850 4 GB RAM 1600 Mhz ($31) Link NEW (Seems to be the cheapest, even cheaper than the 1333 Mhz on amazon) 500 GB HDD Western Digital ($57) Link NEWCorsair CX430 PSU ($45) Link NEWTotal Cost: $688 How does it look now?
H series boards cannot overclock.
Well if you do want a 3770k instead (because its like $30-$40 less expensive than a 4770k) then you can purchase a Z77 board for it and give the H67 to your parents.
Well the noise could be coming from your power supply since you never listed what it is but the Capstone 450 won't be audible over the other parts of your PC.
The case you have is definitely not sound dampening and you never listed a case for your parents computer so maybe give this case to them if they don't mind it looking ugly and maybe a bit noisy? For your build, you should be looking into getting a sound dampening case like the Fractal Design Define R4 which is about $90.
You should also download MSI Afterburner or similar software to control your GPU fan speeds.
Ok I just opened it up to see what my PSU is, held my ear near it and I feel like it really is the PSU. Couldn't see the model/make though, as it's facing towards the CPU case wall that is closed off even if I open both sides of the case
Well there aren't many 760w units so we can take an educated guess as to what it is. If it has a small fan on the back, it might be a PC Power & Cooling Silencer from a few years ago which wasn't that quiet from what I remember.