When using this resource, please read FragKrag's opening post. The Tech Support forum regulars have helped create countless of desktop systems without any compensation. The least you can do is provide all of the information required for them to help you properly.
I'd stay with the Bitfenix Merc Beta and use an additional front fan. Not sure what's happening regarding air flow with those very open cases when not using a lot of fans.
PcPartPicker is great and improving. Most of the time, it finds the lowest pricing. It's added some combos for better deals The estimate power consumption is probably the best I've ever seen from a PSU calculator with reasonable breakdowns by component TDPs The guy who owns the site is actually active, takes feedback and improves it. And so many other cool things that actually help people.
But go ahead and keep bashing it instead of taking advantage of it, and scaring newbies away from it because of your blue highlight of authority. This applies to some other regulars around here too. I've praised you before for the good you do, both in public and private, but I strongly disagree with you here.
Maybe in the states... but I still see it in the same condition as a year ago or whenever it was introduced.
Combos are only for Newegg, I've never seen it list a Memory Express or NCIX combo.
Why would you factor in shipping to the total when you don't have the algorithm to calculate combined shipping, yet alone shipping for single items that are not from Newegg?
Why would you not include environmental fees and taxes into total if you are going to include shipping and mail in rebates?
im o.k with the mobo and cpu from amazon, i dont know i trust them and i want to keep the variations of websites i order from to a minimum (also free shipping).
Im going to see if i can get the deal you mentioned
Hey so I am helping a friend build a new PC yet again. When would you guys guess the Haswell will be available for consumers, he is looking to build soon, but wanted a date so he could judge. I know it is going to be unveiled June 3rd, but when would I be able to hold one in my hands. Either a firm date, or a guess from previous experience.
June 3'rd is the launch date. Like, tens of thousands of people will be using them in consumer PC's date, unless i have a major misunderstanding somewhere, and i've been waiting to own one for years
It's out of stock on amazon.ca for $38 and i don't think you'd want to pay 60 for it on newegg, i mean compared to other pricing
Personally i'd go for something with 120mm or 140mm front intake, at least 1 intake and exhaust, preferably coming with 2-4+ fans (more = better) but no idea how that would affect pricing. As long as you have a decent intake and exhaust (usually front bottom intake and back top exhaust) it doesn't really matter for moderate overclocking
I think you can use pretty much any atx case with any atx motherboard (it's a standard) but i only bought one before in my life (and had reccomended to me) so i know very little in that area
It's out of stock on amazon.ca for $38 and i don't think you'd want to pay 60 for it on newegg, i mean compared to other pricing
Personally i'd go for something with 120mm or 140mm front intake, at least 1 intake and exhaust, preferably coming with 2-4+ fans (more = better) but no idea how that would affect pricing. As long as you have a decent intake and exhaust (usually front bottom intake and back top exhaust) it doesn't really matter for moderate overclocking
I think you can use pretty much any atx case with any atx motherboard (it's a standard) but i only bought one before in my life (and had reccomended to me) so i know very little in that area
This is an order im working on for newegg, it gets me a 25 dollar discount and it's all from the same place so i like that. But i really have a hard time interpreting what all the specs about cases actually mean. are there any good cases (exhaust wise) that you can find on newegg or amazon?
(also the case i asked about is 49.99 canadian, not sure if you saw a different price)
The grand total is 357.69$ with tax for all of that, and so all i need to add is a GPU, which i may also order from newegg at the same time... not sure yet but this is looking good
A case will support X amount of fans of a specific size like 80mm, 120mm, 140mm at front, back, top etc - for airflow reasons, you usually set up fans to pull air into the case from the front and/or bottom, and blow air out of the back/top
I thought that case only had a single 80mm front fan, which was why i mentioned it, but it actually seems to have two 80mm's front and a 120mm back, which is ok.
Better cases would support for example 2x120mm front, 1x120mm back, 2x120mm or 1x200mm top, a side fan etc, not of much use but nice to have (i think the haf 912 had all of those when i checked, but it was more expensive)
It doesn't really matter for moderate overclocking on CPU (case temperatures) on a single graphics card system. If i wanted a high overclock or to run multiple graphics cards in the case, it would be more of a concern, i just mention it because you can usually keep a case for a crazy amount of time (they don't really wear down or break, ever) and it's always nice to have a good case, if for nothing else other than looking sweet =P
I'm worried about that case choice. Using 80mm fans sounds like a suspicious decision nowadays. They are either weak or noisy compared to 120mm. It's perhaps a very old design. Older cases had serious deficiencies compared to what's current from what I've seen, things like little room behind the motherboard tray and nothing to dampen vibrations of fans and drives.
the only thing that gives me pause before ordering is this : Compatibility Notes
Gigabyte GA-Z77X-D3H ATX LGA1155 Motherboard has an onboard USB 3.0 header, but the Raidmax ATX-238WU ATX Mid Tower Case does not have front panel USB 3.0 ports.
I assume this means that i wont be able to use the front usb support that the mobo comes with but everything should still fit right?
Can anyone please reccomend an alternative in the same price range or less? I would like the computer to last so a case unlike how the previous post describes this one would be good ^^.
You can use any (sane) resolution with it, 1920x1080 if you want, it's just a lower end card so it's unlikely to perform well at high resolutions and graphics settings in demanding games