WCS Disciplinary Rulings - Jan 15 2019 - Cyan, JieShi, Rou…
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Finland7084 Posts
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Germany4434 Posts
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United States4894 Posts
On January 16 2019 22:40 graNite wrote: There are ladder tournaments, why dont they use these or something like that? huh? what would that do? the only reason to build WCS into ladder is to reward actual queued ladder performance. why in the world would blizzard, which already knows how to operate tournaments (in before the jokes that they don't know how) use a built-in auto tournament system designed for one-off casual play? | ||
7377 Posts
On January 16 2019 22:12 graNite wrote: I dont have all the information, but what did Nice do wrong? If he did not login to the Route account, what can he do if someone jsut instant leaves against him but plays all others? I can log in to the KR server, win all matches and always instant leave against maru, would that get maru banned? The comment section of this thread references Nice's situation, apparently he wasnt colluding at first, but noticed that Route is throwing games for chinese speaking players, so at the end he also messaged him and asked for an intentional throw, which he got. He admitted as much, and apologized for it, accepting the ruling in a FB post I obviously dont speak Chinese, but I trust the translations here/ on reddit are roughly accurate. So to sum it up, he wasnt guilty of account sharing, but at first he unwillingly benefited from the actions on Route's acc, then he willingly asked for a free-win from the compromised account, and he got it. | ||
47656 Posts
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215 Posts
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China3 Posts
(The origin post on weibo has been deleted, this translation is based on a copy from NGA forum. http://nga.178.com/read.php?tid=16159233 ) + Show Spoiler + 先给大家解释下这次的赛制吧 11号开始 每天至少15盘天梯 最后截止时间MMR最高的前8晋级 。限定盘数就是为了防止有些人运气好 MMR打高以后赖着不打了。 当然 你只要MMR够高 打够15盘 还是可以求稳不打了 因为竞争是非常激烈的 一个不慎很可能就-40,很多盘白打 巴西人皇 噶姐 tlo他们都是最后一天很早时候打够15盘 就不打了。 puck最后一天 本来在前8 结果截止时间前为了补足盘数 直接掉到6300 10名开外 我在最后一天国内时间晚上4点左右 已经打到了6422 在TLO下面排名第六,按照竞争情况 基本上不出意外的话 大概率是晋级了 但是凡事都有个意外。最近我的身体和精神状况很糟糕,我其实前一天晚上8点就睡了 想着睡到第二天凌晨起来养足体力拼天梯 一直打到截止为止。然而因为一些战队的事情 11点多被电话吵醒了。我有失眠的问题,于是只能强撑着起来打天梯,幸好运气还不错,抓到puck冲上了6400。于是我就去休息了,然而很困却睡不着。 辗转反侧到7点多 就干脆起来观察天梯情况了 其实和预料的一样,我们盘数补足的情况下基本上不会再打,那么后面的人就没有机会把排名靠前的拉下来,只能自相残杀,所以导致分数争抢非常激烈,谁也上不了6400…… 但是我觉得还是不稳,就想打打看,但是自己一晚没睡了,精神非常差。。。我很怕去打大号掉出前8 最后功亏一篑真的受不了,因为最近比赛都是毫厘之差失利,心理压力实在太大了。 然而等待到截止的时间 这段时间太难熬了 所以借了朋友的号想着随便打打 不然一直盯着电脑看也受不了 虽然说在打美服的时候 可以选择低ping的服务器,但实际上真正匹配到的时候,通常都不会是之前选好的。开了加速器的情况下,连美国西部是最好的 大概是150ping左右。。但是搜到美国人 却都在美国中部服务器下(特意选择英文客户端可以看到所在服务器) 而搜到国手 却都是在新加坡服务器。我不知道为什么连到这个服务器非常卡,前两天我在直播的时候观众也有看到,在这个服务器下会经常掉线,很卡,所以搜到国手的时候我就不是很想打,随便修个地堡,有几盘甚至直接就掉线了。。。 反正他们也并不知道是我 但是这样当然是不好的,有刷分嫌疑,所以我不会刻意和他们对着搜然后送分,都是错开搜索的。但是有时候打完一盘之后出来立马搜 就没有注意到这些,又恰好搜到了一起。。 到截止时间前20分钟 基本上算是尘埃落定,噶姐 cham 巴西人皇 tlo,然后就是has 我 nice 解释 如果没有意外的话…… 在我安心看着倒计时的时候,有人突然发截图说,他怀疑puck和astrea开始刷分了 what?? 因为puck很早就跌出6300,没有丝毫机会了,而6400的astrea 在最后关头输给了mcaning,丢了很多分,也基本上没时间回6400了 除非另外有分数差不多的送分给他 于是puck和astrea连搜两盘了 第二盘puck修地堡失败不到两分钟直接送astrea到6400 距离我的第8位置只有不到20分了 还有不到10分钟 他们又搜到一起了 在最后时刻大家都拼命搜天梯的情况下,他们连续搜到一起 第三盘了 。。于是最后我也不理智的做出错误的事情……其实挺后悔的,真正去刷那一盘分的时候,其实和astrea和puck的最后一盘一样,都过了截止时间没有算数(以暴雪官推截图看) 却因此让事情走向了最坏的情况,我也不知道说什么好,咎由自取吧 然而无论我为自己的行为找多少理由,这毫无疑问是不对的,更像是懦夫所为,藏头露尾用这种阴招去稳固自己的排位。 错误的行为受到惩罚 我理应承担这样的结果 只是不甘心的是 puck和astrea最后的行为也应该受到审查。 我仔细研究了他们比赛历史里的数据曲线,非常不合理。而这次审核,我们上交了最近所有的天梯Rep。 这些rep我也发出来了,这里面包含了到上海以后所有在美服冲天梯的rep,供大家检查 人格担保什么的都就算了,毕竟都被官方禁赛有黑历史的存在了。美服第8 6422的分都是自己拼命打上去的,里面没有1分是刷上去的 。我只是想证明,我们顶着延迟打进前8是靠实力,不是靠刷分之类的手段 这件事情也波及了nice jieshi 和route……因为我个人的行为却牵连到其他国手,真的很对不起 最后是我这次美服所有rep的云盘链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1G_UjVhLMmw0KIUt6yEHYsg 可一一对应我美服账号的比赛历史 对不起…… Translation : First I'd like to explain the format of this tornament: From Jan 11th, at least 15 ladder games per day, and players with top-8 MMR will advance. The 15-game limit is set to prevent the case when some players reach high MMR by luck after a few games and stop playing. Of course as long as your MMR is high enough and you've finished 15 games you can choose to be prudent and stop playing, because you may waste all your previous efforts by losing 40 points in a single game in this cut-throat competition. Kelazhur, Scarlett and TLO all finished 15 games very early in the last day and stopped playing. Puck was in top 8, but he unfortunately dropped to 6300 (out of top 10) when trying to finish the required 15 games. I was at 6422 MMR on the last day 4 o'clock in the evening (4AM? (= 3PM EST) - translator's note) , ranked 6th after TLO. I thought I already could advance with very high probability if nothing unexpected happened. However there was something unexpedted. My psysical and mental conditions has been poor these days. Actually the day before that I slept at 8PM (7AM EST), planning to get up early in the morning refreshed and continue fighting in the ladder until it closed. However I was woken up by some business in my team at 11PM (10AM EST). I had insomnia and couldn't sleep anymore so I had to get up and keep playing the ladder, I was lucky to defeat puck and reached 6400. Then I got to bed to get some rest, but I was exhausted and couldn't sleep at all. I Tossed and turned in bed until 7AM (6PM EST), and decided to get up and look at the ladder. It was as expected - since high-ranked players like us were no longer playing, the other players could only compete against each other without affecting our standing. The competition was cruel and no one was able to reach 6400. I thought I wasn't safe enough so I wanted to play, but I haven't slept in a day and was exhausted. I was afraid my account would drop out of top 8. I lost a few tournaments in the final moments recently and was under tremendous pressure. Waiting for the deadline was a torment for me. So I borrowed a friend's account just to play. Although we can choose a server with a low ping when playing NA server, the game we got matched isn't usually the one we chose. Even with a proxy, the lowest ping I could get is 150 ping on Western American Server. However the opponent I got matched are usually on Central American Server. However when I got matched with Chinese players, it was always on the Singapore server. I don't know why games on that server was extremely laggy for me. As can be seen on my stream a few days ago, I often lag and even get dropped out of the game. So I didn't want to play against Chinese players at all. I usually just cannon rushed. In a few games I just got dropped. My opponents didn't know it was me. But it was still not a right thing to do, because it looked like trade wins. So I tried to avoid them by not searching immediately after games with them. But still I sometimes forgot and got matched with them again. 20 minutes before the deadline, the result already seemed certain: Scalett, Kelazhur, TLO, Has, Me, Nice, Jieshi. If nothing unexpected happened... However when I was looking at the count down peacefully, someone posted a screenshot and suspected Puck and Astrea were trading wins. What?? Puck had long been lower than 6300, and he had absolutely no chance. While Astrea at 6400 MMR lost to MCanning, and had no time to get back to 6400 after this MMR lost, unless someone give him some MMR. So Puck and Astrea got matched for two games in a row. In the second game Puck's less-than-two-minute cannon rush helped Astrea reaching 6400, he was only less than 20 points MMR from me. And then they got matched the third time when it was less than 10 minutes before the deadline. At the time when everyone was searching games like crazy, they got matched, the third time. Then I irrationally did the wrong thing. I regret it very much. The one game that I was really intending to trade win, it was actually later than the official deadline, just like Astrea and Puck's third game, it had no impact on the final standing according to the screenshot in Blizzard's official tweet. However this game made things go to the worst possible case. I don't know what to say, it's my own fault. No matter how many reason I find for my wrong behavior, it's wrong. It's a coward trying to secure his position with this treacherous trick. I should be punished for my wrong behavior, I should bare the results. But I still feel a bit unfair, because I think Puck and Astrea should also be investigated. I carefully studied the curves in their match histories, and found them very abnormal. We submitted all our ladder replays in our investigation. They are all here, in case you want to check. I know I can't really convince you anymore because I'm already stigmatized after this ban, but I just want to say my 6422 MMR, ranked 8 in NA server, are all by my own capability. There's not a single point in this MMR that's gained by trading wins. I want to say we reached top 8 despite of lag by our own skill, not the tricks like trading wins. This incident also affected Nice, Jieshi and Route. I'm really so sorry for affecting other Chinese players all due to my own behavior. Here is all of my NA server replays, you can corresponds them with every game in my match history. https://pan.baidu.com/s/1G_UjVhLMmw0KIUt6yEHYsg Sorry... | ||
France3319 Posts
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27 Posts
1. There are no rules that state I have to stop playing due to no longer being able to qualify. 2. There are no rules that state that I cannot perform specific strategies as long as I play to win. At the final hour of the qualifier there were not many people beyond players with 6300 mmr playing, since many people decided to sit back and watch the final hour unfold. Yes, it is true that it would be near impossible for me to qualify but that doesn’t mean I have to stop laddering. I queued into Astrea and played 3 games in a row, I also queued into nice over 6 games in a row that same day. However, I could’ve also queued into any other player who decided to ladder at the final hour but instead everyone wanted to sit on their points, their loss. I had Nice and other CN/TW players added to my friends list they could see that I was queuing, it is their responsibility to try and gain more points if they do not feel safe. Immediately after the qualifier Cyan made a post which he has since deleted on Weibo stating that “Oh, so thrilling... Puck is intentionally throwing game in the last 10 minutes, for he has no chance to qualify, and cannon-rushed Astrea for 3 games and make Jieshi become 9th in the last. But thank goodness, they past the deadline and Blz discovered this. Anyway, battling on NA server with 200 ping does not end up in vain, Jieshi and I qualified for WCS America!!!” If you notice this post states that I cannon rushed 3 games which is a lie, I cannon rushed once, I also cannon rushed 2 games in the Ladder Heroes tournament that same day. However, this post immediately caught interest from the CN/TW audience and Blizzard demanded our replays. So, replays were given, analyzed, and were determined that no foul play was involved. Now I am getting harassed by countless people, mostly from CN/TW, for playing games beyond the point of which I could still qualify... | ||
8748 Posts
Props to puCK for continuing to play even when he was mathematically out of it, which is good for the finish of a ladder qualifier, giving people still in the running a high MMR opponent to match against. | ||
United States6225 Posts
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Canada16378 Posts
On January 17 2019 06:07 puCK wrote: 2. There are no rules that state that I cannot perform specific strategies as long as I play to win. in CraftCup events that would often go 10 rounds deep , Naniwa would 4-gate his way into the quarter-finals. he liked lots of relaxation time between rounds. | ||
China3 Posts
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Japan1926 Posts
In this case it seems pretty shitty to harass someone when it is impossible to prove that they actually committed any wrong. I feel quite sad for puck considering he had these guys on his f list, probably played with them sometimes, and they decided to skew the truth in their post and throw him under the bus. That apology/explanation(cn) post is pretty poor in that regard, and moreover, has a pretty questionable explanation about lag... Hope they take those few months to actually think about the final pm/decisions they made. | ||
Finland542 Posts
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Australia3123 Posts
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7377 Posts
On January 17 2019 05:18 lisuiasdf wrote: Cyan's long post on Weibo. Im fairly disappointed by this non-apology apology, giving bullshit excuses, throwing shade and not taking responsibility for account sharing, for which he was found guilty as well. he even has the audacity to throw out the ” The one game that I was really intending to trade win, it was actually later than the official deadline”. Like that would make it better (if it was true, and it isnt) Between the bogus excuses and blaming Aster+Puck he does squeeze in that he was wrong and what he did was cowardly, but then he has to go on and still complain it was unfair they got punished. He says ”But I still feel a bit unfair, because I think Puck and Astrea should also be investigated. I carefully studied the curves in their match histories, and found them very abnormal. ” OK, abnormal how? Because apparently Blizzard and the other community members who investigated it didn't find them abnormal, so what are the signs that he discovered, hmm? Also, special thanks for Puck for commenting here! | ||
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Finland1838 Posts
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494 Posts
On January 17 2019 06:07 puCK wrote: I want to be clear as these accusations should never be taken lightly. 1. There are no rules that state I have to stop playing due to no longer being able to qualify. 2. There are no rules that state that I cannot perform specific strategies as long as I play to win. At the final hour of the qualifier there were not many people beyond players with 6300 mmr playing, since many people decided to sit back and watch the final hour unfold. Yes, it is true that it would be near impossible for me to qualify but that doesn’t mean I have to stop laddering. I queued into Astrea and played 3 games in a row, I also queued into nice over 6 games in a row that same day. However, I could’ve also queued into any other player who decided to ladder at the final hour but instead everyone wanted to sit on their points, their loss. I had Nice and other CN/TW players added to my friends list they could see that I was queuing, it is their responsibility to try and gain more points if they do not feel safe. Immediately after the qualifier Cyan made a post which he has since deleted on Weibo stating that “Oh, so thrilling... Puck is intentionally throwing game in the last 10 minutes, for he has no chance to qualify, and cannon-rushed Astrea for 3 games and make Jieshi become 9th in the last. But thank goodness, they past the deadline and Blz discovered this. Anyway, battling on NA server with 200 ping does not end up in vain, Jieshi and I qualified for WCS America!!!” If you notice this post states that I cannon rushed 3 games which is a lie, I cannon rushed once, I also cannon rushed 2 games in the Ladder Heroes tournament that same day. However, this post immediately caught interest from the CN/TW audience and Blizzard demanded our replays. So, replays were given, analyzed, and were determined that no foul play was involved. Now I am getting harassed by countless people, mostly from CN/TW, for playing games beyond the point of which I could still qualify... Just please be careful. | ||
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