TL is my third most visited site according to FF and I can hardly bring myself to even read these sc2 'updates' anymore. Think blizzard lost the plot long ago.
Do i need to make a list again of things ignored by the developers and left unaddressed? Here we go.
-snipe should not be cancellable, let this unit not have a handicap -para bomb nerfed / changed to not be so oppressive -raven auto-turret too strong on test map, not sure if this was changed yet. -swarmhost on test map is absolute cancer. Worse than old swarmhost because locust fly + cheaper. Bad unit, fix -reaper grenade removed from the game. this needs to happen for both tvz and tvt. coinflip gameplay is bad. -mech still has no anti-air. Anti-air is non-existent on test map vs carrier/tempest. cyclones worse vs air bad bad -protoss adept still is OP, same with warp prism. These two units lead to terrible games. -protoss design in general is hampered because the adept is ridiculously OP. Fix adepts, then address Protoss design -mech upgrades should be re-combined, doesn't affect liberator because libs already were hardcore nerfed -hydralisks are going to be OP as fuck with avilo hydralisk/lurker + viper style™ i can see everyone abusing this style now -corruptor ability to piss on buildings is overboard, should be removed. Makes the unit too versatile. -queen range needs a revert, it kills too many Terran openers, forcing 16 marine drop every single game. -invincible nydus worm is absolute horseshit. why is it still in the game? Needs to be counter-able still... -8 armor ultra...they say they are nerfing it but increasing it's base armor. We'll see
I would say the most pressing gameplay issues of the above mentioned things are these:
-REAPER GRENADE MUST BE ADDRESSED. It impacts two match-ups to be luck oriented build order win/loss allowing really bad players to beat players way over their skill level.
-SWARMHOST/RAVEN CANCER will return if these units are not addressed on the test map. No one wants this.
On November 11 2016 13:27 avilo wrote: -MECH ANTI-AIR LEFT LARGELY UNADDRESSED
DK commented that he wants the Thor to be hte primary anti-air weapon of Mech and that the Cyclone's AA should be good enough to get a player to the stage where they can build Thors. Further, He doesn't want people using the Cyclone's AA like its just a big mechanical Marine.
-protoss adept still is OP, same with warp prism. These two units lead to terrible games.
Terran marine is still OP, same with medivac. These two units lead to terrible games
I wish Blizzard listened to the coaches about these sorts of issues... I feel like blizzard is just making the game as different as possible from the original just for the sake of it
Like i ***ing hate this. Is that a 'new' standard to make intestines-like maps? So you focus more on finding your way out of the maze instead of actually playing the game. 3 heavy rains in the pool. AWESOME. Can you please leave at least 3 standard maps in the pool? Why are you so obsessed with rewamping the pool every ***ing half a year. Game is 6 years old already. There were maps that had proven themselves (like KSS, frost, coda, overgrowth, whirlwind and arguably some others) to be very good and balanced maps. But for some unknown reason people are being afraid to play on 'old' maps. It is almost considered blasphemy. While none of the shit maps DK 'experimented' with (like dash and terminal, dasan and many others) never delivered 'fun' games they were supposed to and were forgotten by everyone. Why keep doing this? FFS.
What does Shoutcraft Kings September have to do with the new patch? The November Shoutcraft kings was played on the balance test map, but none of the others were.
On November 11 2016 15:10 insitelol wrote: Like i ***ing hate this. Is that a 'new' standard to make intestines-like maps? So you focus more on finding your way out of the maze instead of actually playing the game. 3 heavy rains in the pool. AWESOME. Can you please leave at least 3 standard maps in the pool? Why are you so obsessed with rewamping the pool every ***ing half a year. Game is 6 years old already. There were maps that had proven themselves (like KSS, frost, coda, overgrowth, whirlwind and arguably some others) to be very good and balanced maps. But for some unknown reason people are being afraid to play on 'old' maps. It is almost considered blasphemy. While none of the shit maps DK 'experimented' with (like dash and terminal, dasan and many others) never delivered 'fun' games they were supposed to and were forgotten by everyone. Why keep doing this? FFS.
Most people don't like playing on stagnant maps made for a different game.
Yeah, it was only the November Shoutcraft Kings at Blizzcon that was the special balance test map series. The ones before were with the live balance version.
Here is the official, comprehensive list of changes. They specifically mention removing Medivac pickup but never mention reverting that.
On November 11 2016 15:22 ZigguratOfUr wrote: Most people don't like playing on stagnant maps made for a different game.
I guess this is the reason KSS is being played in EVERY pro bo3-bo5. Because it stagnant and made for a different game. While dasan station is always the last to choose. Because its fresh and innovative.
On November 11 2016 15:22 ZigguratOfUr wrote: Most people don't like playing on stagnant maps made for a different game.
I guess this is the reason KSS is being played in EVERY pro bo3-bo5. Because it stagnant and made for a different game. While dasan station is always the last to choose. Because its fresh and innovative.
Dasan isn't played because it's bad, not because of anything innately wrong with new maps. And these maps aren't hugely experimental either. Give the maps a chance to prove themselves before whinging. Every map has to start somewhere.
On November 11 2016 13:27 avilo wrote: Do i need to make a list again of things ignored by the developers and left unaddressed? Here we go.
-snipe should not be cancellable, let this unit not have a handicap -para bomb nerfed / changed to not be so oppressive -raven auto-turret too strong on test map, not sure if this was changed yet.
The problem with any ability in sc2 always was that getting more spellcasters doesn't make the control any harder. Ofc abilities which are designed to be strong are ridiculous when you can easily spam it. Smartcast is the issue, any fix which doesn't address this is a bandaid.
Cyclone Reducing the anti-ground +armored damage by 1. This puts the Cyclone at 3 (+2 vs armored) damage per shot.
you didnt test this did you? nobody is going to make cyclones outside all ins because you didnt adress mass viper or carrier, they will be produced as a gimmick to deny protoss 3rd or allin zerg and thats it
this is going to be SO frustrating for z/p players and adds nothing for mech
you need to take out the cyclones anti ground and make it a pure anti air ranged anti armored unit that can subtitute the immobile thor, but you wont do this and so i can only say "i told you so"
if you are not attacking constantly and you sit and build an army the z/p just go air and you will be contained on ~3 bases until the z has hive or protoss has mass air
also the new cyclone is terribly badly designed; guardian shield and non "armor" tagged units absolutely destroy it, if you are going to nerf an already bad easily hardcountered unit then atleast give us a choice about having the old one over this one, dont just surprise buttsecks us with a huge cyclone nerf after so much discussion on not even implementing the new cyclone to begin with...
and your tank fire rate nerf is entirely uncalled for.
On November 11 2016 08:59 Probe1 wrote: Yeah. It would be nice to see these upgrades research time altered if it's going to be an even bigger commitment to get hydras out. I appreciate that the buff is making hydras very strong but they aren't exactly lights out amazing units right now. One of the big issues with that is when they come out. Adding more tech and delaying it even further is shifting some of their problems from one area and adding new problems to another.
I can't really say. The changes to mech are going to toss everything up.
Hydras are extremely good right now and even splitting their upgrades up might not be enough.
guys wtf is that hate on 3rax reaper??? Just because byun made it work now everyone as to complain about reaper being op??? its same as saying marines are imba because marineking splitted them like god or saying that Lifes lings need to be nerfed because he controlled them well, rly ppl wtf is wrong with u??? Anyway diffrent ways to open are interesting to viewers , do u wanna see only 2 options to expand as terran?