If you have something else on mind to put/change on the template, tell me so.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/dQUreyS.jpg)
Zerg (with HOTS logo)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/o7c3D9w.jpg)
Zerg (with LOTV logo)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/RzHR0QG.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/GQFMahl.jpg)
All 3 races in one big image
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/M1lutYm.jpg)
(note: how the topbar is meant to be used - though you can put anything you like in there)
LEAGUE: Type your current league
PLACEMENT: Type your current placement in the league
#W: Put the number of your wins
#L: Put the number of your losses
%vs.T: Win percentage against Terran
%vs.Z: Win percentage against Zerg
%vs.P: Win percentage against Protoss
#ALL: Number of total played game this season
#MACRO: Number of macro games played
#CHEESE: Number of cheese games played
#vs.CEESE: Number of games played aginst cheese builds
A.U.R: At the end of the week/month put your "Average Unspent Resources" (you can check these stats after playing one game, at the score screen, it will show your overall statistics)
T.S.C: At the end of the week/month put your "Time Supply Capped"
W.C: At the end of the week/month put your "Workers Created"
APM: At the end of the week/month put your "APM"
First i did one for zerg only (for myself) since i needed a planner.. than some people wanted for the other 2 races so yeah

I hope you like it, and use it, i am using it

EDIT: Would be awesome if you can upload some images with filled info inside