monk: Just talked to Dustin and did an interview. There's a mistake in this translation. He said in the test map, Psionic units will be unaffected by Fungal, not Neural. Also, they're looking into a lot of changes for the infestor, including removing Neural entirely in HotS.
"We are concerned by all the balance issues relating terran late game. We applied a buff to the terran race and more specifically, the Thor, the 250mm cannon did not see any play so we reworked it : It now does twice the damage against destructible rocks. While this doesn't seem a big change, I swear it is a huge one because, we're gonna add a shitload of destructible rocks on ladder maps to make this buff legit. You're welcome.
On November 17 2012 22:52 digmouse wrote: I did that interview and asked those questions lol.
lol in that case you may as well post a transcript of the interview in english, instead of going from english to chinese back to english
I might do that some time later since my schedule is batshit crazy right now. BTW I have a 20 min exclusive interview with DB and a joint interview with the sc2 dev team tomorrow morning, if you guys have any more questions feel free to add.
"dont you think that terran doesnt gain enough new stuff in hots?" "why didnt you adress the lategame issues of terran in hots?" "are you happy with how the reaper is doing in hots? being a cheesy tvt only unit" "is there a concept how to get mech tvp going especially considering that immortals are a single amove counter to it" "when can we expect the map editor for beta?" "are the new features getting more functions? xp system, clan system, etc"
I'll add them, and map editor is already in beta I think?
On November 17 2012 22:52 digmouse wrote: I did that interview and asked those questions lol.
lol in that case you may as well post a transcript of the interview in english, instead of going from english to chinese back to english
I might do that some time later since my schedule is batshit crazy right now. BTW I have a 20 min exclusive interview with DB and a joint interview with the sc2 dev team tomorrow morning, if you guys have any more questions feel free to add.
"dont you think that terran doesnt gain enough new stuff in hots?" "why didnt you adress the lategame issues of terran in hots?" "are you happy with how the reaper is doing in hots? being a cheesy tvt only unit" "is there a concept how to get mech tvp going especially considering that immortals are a single amove counter to it" "when can we expect the map editor for beta?" "are the new features getting more functions? xp system, clan system, etc"
I'll add them, and map editor is already in beta I think?
"Is the current role (jack of all trades) for the infestor intended ?"
I am interested to know how he pull off to answer that one haha.
On November 17 2012 22:52 digmouse wrote: I did that interview and asked those questions lol.
lol in that case you may as well post a transcript of the interview in english, instead of going from english to chinese back to english
I might do that some time later since my schedule is batshit crazy right now. BTW I have a 20 min exclusive interview with DB and a joint interview with the sc2 dev team tomorrow morning, if you guys have any more questions feel free to add.
What a coincidence. TL also has an exclusive interview with DB tomorrow! ^^
After hosting their own tournament, wich has almost only protoss and zergs, they don't even think about that terran might be UP. Wow this is really weak, not to mention that this infestor change doesn't helps terran at all. I guess it's time to switch races, since terran won't change -.-
now finally i can overcome broodlord/infestor with terran because ghosts getting mind controlled was such a problem. also ghosts proved to be so strong against zerg since you nerfed snipe. they can totally deal with all units and not only be a huge investment risk to exclusively count infestors (which are cheaper than ghost).
and thanks for making fungal a projectile. the first of the 20 fungals or so zerg has in lategame might actually miss my retarded ai clumped up vikings forcing zerg to use one more fungal then they used to to destroy 3k resources vikings and my only chance to win.
On November 17 2012 22:54 flakmonkey wrote: Neural not working against massive is what it should be. If it's psionic, then really what left is there that's worth using neural parasite on?
Thors, Immortals, Colo? Did zergs really neural HTs and ghosts anyways?
i recall a pro tournament game where zerg neuraled a HT and then fedback few HTs, plus few pros neuraled ghosts on streams to emp
Yes, there were some cases but I think they were so rare that it really doesn't need to be considered. I don't think too many people were complaining about infestors neuraling their ghosts and HTs. Due to the range, if you can get HTs and ghost that close to infestors, you should EMP, snipe or feedback them.
doesnt it add to the excitement factor tho? it's like landing a nuke - pros usually notice the dot and dodge it, but once in a while they dont... i guess we could change the nuke to not kill units, but only bring them down to 1 life? :-) because due to the dot people should dodge it anyway, besides obs should be flying left and right to spot the ghost, right? RIGHT?
if someone isnt paying attention, he should get punished for it - and NPing a ghost/ht to emp/feedback your opponents casters is an awesome thing to pull off
On November 17 2012 22:52 digmouse wrote: I did that interview and asked those questions lol.
lol in that case you may as well post a transcript of the interview in english, instead of going from english to chinese back to english
I might do that some time later since my schedule is batshit crazy right now. BTW I have a 20 min exclusive interview with DB and a joint interview with the sc2 dev team tomorrow morning, if you guys have any more questions feel free to add.
"Terran has a lot of micro potential and is balanced accordingly, without the warhound terran will still have the highest skill ceiling and requirement, any plans to raise P and Z to this level? if not, any plans to help (casual) terrans?"
causal in brackets because terran struggles just about everywhere now, even in the korean godrealm of gaming, but at least we still see them there ~~
Mech in HotS is for casuals as far as I remember Blizzard's intention for HotS. E.g. bio being micro intensive, while mech being 1a.
On November 18 2012 00:58 fezvez wrote: Psionic immunity is such a bad thing...
Because I actually LOVED when a good player neural a ghost and EMP the other ghosts. Or neural a templar and feedback the other templars.
That was actually a showcase of sick micro, something I would never be able to do. And I loved it.
I mean, I can NP a mothership. So I'm glad that this disappears. But preventing a lot of incredible micro at the same time? Bad idea...
That wasn't a showcase of sick micro. It's super easy to do. It's a showcase of the opposing T/P being completely terrible or going afk for a short while for a drink or for a pee or something similar to that. Both EMP and Feedback outranged 7range neural with 1sec cast time BY FAR.
Perhaps in the lower leagues, this will reduce the infestor viability a tiny bit if you like to neural ghosts/hts for fun, but it literally will not do anything to pro level games.
Yuck... I don't like the concept of a projectile fungal at all.. This double nerf is going to make infestor play extremely unpopular. I do think the infestor is too strong but this change is going to obliterate zerg defensive capabilities. Zerg is going to get destroyed by mass air protoss, blink stalkers, drops and Terran bio balls. I found a video of projectile fungal for patch 1.3 and I have no idea how amateur zergs (like me ) are going to hit split stimmed marines and blink stalkers with a projectile. That said at a pro level im all for the change! But sadly im not that good and i would like some different zerg options.
I don't think a lot of protoss players properly account for neural parasite. I mean, what other justification is there for having your mothership away from your army, exposed and without observers in proximity to spot for ambushing infestors?