What I got from that is that instead of disbanding in style, Slayers_Jessica decided to hang out all her, and the rest of the team's, dirty laundry. Stylish.
Feel bad for the players, but this is a giant managerial fuckup if ever I saw one.
I doubt anyone thinks Jessica is a good manager, but from what Alicia said "...My complaint on getting a ride was only a part of the problem..." Why should that even be a problem? That says a lot about Alicia's character.
Apparently mentioning it was a problem for Jessica too. They paid for all their own transportation it seems. ANd they probably didn't get much of a salary. While it may not be a issue to fight about, I think it's a reasonable request to make.
They shouldn't pay for transportation. But from my understanding, it refers to this accusation: "Alicia's discontent was that when he came home from foreign tournaments, that no one would come greet him at the airport." IMO, that's absolutely nonsense. Why would you need someone to pick you up from the airport?
Btw, Jessica's reaction: "When I heard those complaints, I could only sigh, and I sent him home. " is equally absurd. Why don't they just fricking talk instead of banishing him from the team house.
Jessica made a lot of mistakes. No question. She means well, but is not as great of a leader. If Boxer didn't get injured/tried to be a player again and focused on coaching/management, I think Slayers would be much better off.
I don't think anyone in their right mind can disagree with this. Boxer was the lifeblood of the team.
On October 18 2012 04:45 Acrofales wrote: What I got from that is that instead of disbanding in style, Slayers_Jessica decided to hang out all her, and the rest of the team's, dirty laundry. Stylish.
Feel bad for the players, but this is a giant managerial fuckup if ever I saw one.
It's better to know than to not know, especially the stuff regarding ESF
ESFI: It seemed like coach Hong takes care of players on non-GSTL side. ‘ I know! I feel very sorry for him because he was basically working for the team with no salary. He only received travel stipends and occasional allowances, and only thing he ever received was a trophy for the best manager when we won GSTL.
I repeat, the money was stoled!
I expected that cella had a salary at least. where went all the money? no salary to players, no salary to coaches.
On October 18 2012 02:01 setzer wrote: Boxer is one of the classiest individuals in e-sports and has been around since the beginning. He set the foundation for huge popularity increase of e-sports in Korea. I don't believe for a second two people of respected backgrounds like Jessica and Boxer would embezzle the players' money.
It's also hard to believe a nobody like this "coach J" could so easily undermine the management structure of SlayerS.
Actually it's very easy when you misplace trust and hire people without knowing their qualifications or how they fit in. Sounds to me that there was a total lack of communication and no expertise.
It doesn't matter how nice a person you are. This is a business and you have to treat it like such.
On October 18 2012 04:45 Acrofales wrote: What I got from that is that instead of disbanding in style, Slayers_Jessica decided to hang out all her, and the rest of the team's, dirty laundry. Stylish.
Feel bad for the players, but this is a giant managerial fuckup if ever I saw one.
It's better to know than to not know, especially the stuff regarding ESF
True story. from Alicia's reluctance to admit anything about ESF, it seems like Jessica was on the spot.
I doubt anyone thinks Jessica is a good manager, but from what Alicia said "...My complaint on getting a ride was only a part of the problem..." Why should that even be a problem? That says a lot about Alicia's character.
Add to that, that he basicly refused to do his job (playing gstl), because it was to stressfull for him. Give me a break. If i acted like that i would be gone from my job, before i can finish a sentence like that.
Yes I'm sure everyone on the team was terrible and she was an angel and the best leader of all time!!!!!
happy now?
someone must have a crush rofl...
If you hate Jessica so much, why not just leave the fucking thread?
Giving someone the benefit of the doubt because you suspect their emotions are sincere is not the same as having a crush on someone.
Get over yourself.
I said she was a poor leader and that does not equal hating someone....
If you think she is a strong leader based on that interview I am interested on hearing why.
You're the only person in this entire series of quotes here to ever say anything about what kind of leader she is.
I'm not going to give my opinions because they would obviously be lost on you; your bias is quite clear and your disrespect of other forum members "someone must have a crush rofl..." diminishes my wishes to have a conversation of any kind with you.
I, sir, am interested in your opinions. Because, from a strictly business management viewpoint, I have to note there appear to be holes in her management style. Leadership is not about dictating on the basis of contract legalities or because you are the manager. (I know, many people in actual management positions fail to grasp this as well.) Based on Jessica's own statements, she seems to lack a comprehensive and unemotionally burdened conflict resolution process - perhaps because of her deep emotional involvement and conviction of looking out for a player's best interests.
But I am interested in your opinion on Jessica as a leadership figure.
You know, we are all human beings with desires and dreams that we strive for. Even in business people are making the decisions and since we are all different means some of our kind have emotions and ethics influencing those decisions. This is actually what mankind probably will never truly learn, to act like human beings treating others with respect and dignity.
BoxeR and Jessica wanted to create a unique place where players could unite, live and practise together while pursuing a philosophy where this team and it's members are rather considered family than colleagues. This whole business talk disgusts me, I feel for BoxeR who got his dream smashed which he put so much effort into. I really hope he can find his passion again and return as a player one day!
Exactly, the person I feel sorry for the most is Boxer. He has always been a notch above when it comes to his dream for e-sports and the professional mindset. I can't imagine dumping a hundred grand into a team and then have this shit happen.
I hope people who are all 'business should be emotionless' people are equally critical of Axiom because they are trying to do the same thing as SlayerS was.
Isn't Crank the first player on Axiom? Interesting... If what he did happens to be confirmed true this guy sure is one hell of a dick...
I don't think he's a dick. It's really unclear what's going on here. Crank and Jessica have problems communicating and then Crank has some health issues (but is probably a combination of neck + wanting to quit the game), then Crank gets support from the public and goes to MLG, gets his love for the game/fans back, goes back to joining a team. We're willing to give Jessica so much rope for her disolving herself of any blame, and can't give Crank the latitude one would give to a young player in a bad situation?
Well if he actually did what Jessica said (lying about not seeking another team, yelling to BoxeR, sowing discord) then he's pretty much a huge dick.
The whole yelling to Boxer and sowing discord sounds more like they were having arguments. That doesn't make anyone a dick, or else Jessica would be too. I'm also not sure he was seeking another team, but rather was leaning on quitting/not playing professionally, as has been mentioned in the past. Jessica likely feels betrayed when he went to MLG and joined a team, but that's maybe an after-the-fact decision by Crank (getting his flight paid, getting fans, etc).
I doubt anyone thinks Jessica is a good manager, but from what Alicia said "...My complaint on getting a ride was only a part of the problem..." Why should that even be a problem? That says a lot about Alicia's character.
Add to that, that he basicly refused to do his job (playing gstl), because it was to stressfull for him. Give me a break. If i acted like that i would be gone from my job, before i can finish a sentence like that.
Yes but dynamic is different now. Back when Boxer used to play in Orion, the team was family and the team stood for everything. SKTT1 stands for "Team First". It shows how much Boxer places on team. However, SC2 is very individual-oriented. Much more so than back in the days, which was the attitude of Boxer.
Seeker (or any other awesome wonderful translator people whose names spring into my head), your our only hope.
(Sophisticated zing, Waxangel.)
The article goes on about when ganzi first began playing SC2, Mvp approached him and they played together. Because IM had a slot open in the amateur division, they tried to acquire Ganzi, telling him that living conditions might be bad. ganzi said that as long as he has a place to play sc2 he doesnt mind and joined, becoming #1 on the ladder in a few months With this increase in skill they decided to enter him in a tourney (dunno which one) but the night before the tourney, Ganzi expressed his interest in joining slayers.
The IM coach, sort of disappointed, contacted coach Sung sang Hoon (is that cella), who said they never offered Ganzi anything. The coach apologized and hung up, Ganzi left the house next morning without a "Thank you" or "sorry". Furthermore Ganzi texted the coach, saying that he was no longer welcome in slayers so solve this for me (i think thats what it says, my korean is pretty bad these days).
ganzi was never contracted to IM, but the coach was still angry cuz he had accepted Ganzi only a few days into Ganzi's entrance into sc2, and thought Ganzi should be more grateful. He also wasn't sure if he was talking to slayers while he was in the IM house
So he approached a bunch of coaches ( I believe all are part of the Sc2 con they had prior to esf). He NEVER advised the group to ban Ganzi from joining a team, rather, he wanted to make sure players couldnt just hop from team to team.
He became more mad when Jessica said a bunch of things about IM regarding Ganzi (such as IM was asking 500 000 won for stayin in the player house (of which Jessica claimed there were 18) and that they just fooled around and never played the game) IM coach rebutted, saying that only twelve players were in the house, and that he had never made money from the house, asking 400 000 won from 7 of the players
he states that the confederation never hated Slayers for this, but he himself was disappointed at ganzi for never being thankful to him
I am unhappy what Jessica said about the MVP manager. According to Jessica, this guy tried to pressure Slayers to pull out of NASL 3 due to a boycott and yet later he sends in virtually the entire MVP team in to try and qualify for NASL 3 Finals via the Open Tournament! WTF? Sounds like an incredibly hypocritical stance.
On October 18 2012 04:37 Penev wrote: People should focus less on Jessica/ Boxer/ MMA etc. and more on this:
ESFI: What about ESF teams and players denying practicing with Slayers?
Alicia: I’m sorry, but it’s very difficult for me to say anything about it.
I saw that as well. Isn't that pretty much the same as saying it's true? There's no reason I can think of why he wouldn't deny it if it wasn't.
If he confirms he can say good bye to korean teams
All these upsets over possible bullying we've seen this year (sotg, t-ara) and now with this (a much more likely example of widely organized bullying, people are talking about if Jessica was a good leader or not. Now I think about it; I would be very upset if my team was treated like this..