Slayers to disband - Page 52
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Canada111 Posts
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United States718 Posts
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33 Posts
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Canada186 Posts
Jessica single handedly killed this team. Well done. | ||
United States60190 Posts
On October 18 2012 01:39 mongmong wrote: Very very few. Majority of them barely earn minimum wage I don't know how people can blame "foreign money" when these kids are making almost illegally low small amounts of money. The things I would say if an employeer said going to work for less than mimium wage and they would give me the chance to make more. I understand that is a cultural thing, but make it good or a valid excuse. The argument that it is Korean progamer culture to play professional players less than a guy at a car wash seems like crazy talk the rest of the world Players in foreign countries that are half as good as their Korean counterparts also put in the time to promote their sponsors and do the necessary legwork make sure they are paid well. Winning games does not earn you money unless you win all of them. | ||
Hong Kong117 Posts | ||
United Kingdom291 Posts
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Israel1526 Posts
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2943 Posts
On October 18 2012 01:46 silent_owl wrote: Don't forget to bring the shuttlecocks. I agreed to bring nachos and firbys. Nothing more! + Show Spoiler [Sorry] + Sorry for derailing, I'll stop. | ||
Philippines3098 Posts
On October 18 2012 01:54 Caihead wrote: SKT is covered by Kespa, Kespa would rather quit SC2 than this sorta shit. Haha! That is true. It would be interesting though if the ESF teams told their players not to talk to or practice with Kespa players. I can imagine Kespa showing its true power then. | ||
Indonesia279 Posts
Dang I feel sorry for Boxer n Jessica. That's rough.. If I was in Jessica's position, I would;ve probably given up long before she disbanded the team.. | ||
United States1770 Posts
On October 18 2012 01:54 LighT. wrote: What people forget is korean culture. Mma is the hyung of the team and that means the players 'dongsang' look up to him for advice andd take his words seriously. This 'J' fellow is clearly a con, and the key to the collapsr was that mma's innocent guilloble personality made him take the conmans words to heart who he told other players and of course, considerig it was their teAm cAptain and hyung telling this, they would listen to him and fall suspicious... I hope this 'j' man rots in a bad life this is one side of the story, what if she was embezzling? isn't it strange that there is barely anyone that trusts jessica? She seemed to have problems with almost everyone in her story even. | ||
United States140 Posts
1. Slayers made much more money than the players made, and the players rage over embezzlement would just be changed into rage over how small a piece of the pie they were getting. 2. She is dramatic and wanted her players to "trust and have faith" in her without proof instead of having to show proof, and her personality made it so when they didn't believe her implicitly without proof, she got angry and decided that the "family" wasn't working. This is of course if she has concrete evidence. | ||
United States33097 Posts
The reasons I am explaining the overall reasons that SlayerS is disbanding is because there might be speculation later that Boxer's appointment to head coach [of SKTelecom T1] is linked to SlayerS disbanding. If I don't explain the reasons and just disband the team, then it would disappoint the fans that supported us. Explaining why there was no other course but to disband is my obligatin to our remaining fans. SlayerS will cease its operations of two years as of Novermber 3rd, with the GSTL match as its final game. I'm truly thankful to the fans who cheered for us, and I feel terrible that we could not continue together for a long time as we had promised. However, I plan to continue to help our players find new roads, and our remaining players will do their best at the end. As a team owner and a head coach, I was sometimes reckless and sometimes strict... I only regret that I won't be able to remember the last two years as just good memories. Again, I give my most sincere thanks to fans in Korea and around the world who cheered for us. Before, I never planned to tell other people of internal happenings at SlayerS. Idle talk about such things would only cause confusion and speculation. But now, I have decided the time has come to speak out. The things that must be said about SlayerS and the things that relate to the team must be said. So many things happened at once so it was difficult to summarize them all. There were some wounds too deep for me to be the bigger [wo]man and ignore. The Current State of SlayerS MMA and Alicia have been demoted to the B-Team, and Alicia will soon be released from the team for a reason that will remain unspecified (Alicia has not yet been informed). Ryung is playing from home right now. YuGiOh always played from home, occasionally dropping by the team house. Crank did not leave the the team – he was released by the team. Puzzle, CoCa, and Min were given time to contemplate their futures, and they selected League of Legends and are currently practicing to switch. We were not planning to compete in the GSTL at first. With over half our main players out, there was a lot to think about. It was even more difficult as some players still on contract were refusing to play in the GSTL. Still, the remaining players said they wanted to play. Even if we didn't win the championship, they said getting experience was important, and we decided to compete for that reason. Winning and losing is not important right now. I want to put importance on the fact that those who remained have banded together. We went forth in GSTL with four B-team players, and the four remaining A-team players. Alicia, who avoided playing in GSTL since last season, was removed from the roster. Why Boxer joined SK Telecom [Long] To start talking about this, you have to go back to when SlayerS was founded. SlayerS got off on the wrong foot with the StarCraft2 Confederation [Note: The precursor to the present federation. The present federation is not a direct successor, but more of a 'spiritual successor']. SlayerS started off in the best financial situation, with a sponsor in Intel, and Boxer. In that situation S2Con wanted SlayerS to join. However, we didn't have a good idea about what kind of organization they were, so we decided to stay back and see how the situation played out. The Ganzi Happening At the time, Ganzi was on IM. Ganzi told Coach Seong Sang Hoon [Note: Former slayers Coach] that he wanted to join Boxer's team. Boxer and I hadn't heard about this at all. Because of this, IM internally requested a GSL suspension from S2Con, though I hear it wasn't determined whether it was for 6 months or 12 months. At the time, Ganzi was in a situation where he was going to quit gaming, as the IM Head Coach Hirai had tried to get S2Con to punish Ganzi, claiming he was saying negative things about IM to outsiders, and that SlayerS had tried to poach Ganzi. From our perspective, this was completely false, so had to find out the truth and clear the misunderstanding. So we checked Ganzi's conversations with other people, and found that the player hadn't done anything wrong. Then, we met with the S2con coaches to find the truth of the situation, and presented evidence with both Ganzi and Mvp present. There, Hirai had nothing to say with all the evidence in front of him, and said that it seemed that it was his misunderstanding, and only asked Ganzi why he didn't just come to him in the first place. I thought that maybe SlayerS would receive an apology as we had taken indirect damage, but there was no apology for affecting the image of a team they had nothing to do with. S2Con appeared to be an organization that took care of issues by just listening to one side of the story, without clarifying the truth. Because of this, we thought S2con was an organization that didn't think about the position of the players, and decided not to join. There was no reason to. Later, when the scandal with coach Lee occurred, the problems of the S2con came to the forefront. Then, more things occurred. NASL Deposits NASL Season One was announced, and players such as Boxer were preparing to participate. At that time, Startale Head coach Won Jong Wook [Note: Present eSF chair]contacted us saying that NASL 'is not offering flights to Korean players who qualify' and that 'you we cannot participate in foreign tournaments under these conditions,' and 'it would be good if boycotted the tournament.' However, we had already finished our preparations (our sponsor had offered flights and lodging), and thus we had to participate. It turned out that the other teams participated as well, and PuMa [then on TSL] won the tournament. When NASL Season 2 began, there was another movement for a boycott, and SlayerS was asked to join. We decided to join the boycott, thinking that we could get a good result regarding the NASL deposit policy which we thought was unfair. Mr. Won promised that S2con and GomTV would take care of it and get what was needed, and we did not participate in NASL Season 2. However, nothing was gained. I asked Mr. Won whether they tried to talk to NASL at all, to show me the e-mails that went back and forth, but he there wasn't anything of the sort. Honestly, I do admit that there was some need for NASL to have a deposit policy. They hold their games over a long period of time, and players who are confirmed to miss out on the live finals sometimes decide to not show up for their games and give up. So I did understand the need to fine players for that kind of behavior. When NASL Season 3 started, we were put in a dilemma again. We boycotted season two, but didn't gain anything, so I told our players to participate, and paid the deposits. After eight SlayerS players made it through the preliminaries, I got a call from [Team MVP] Head Coach Choi Yoon Sang. His main point was that he was disappointed in us, and that FXO had participated in the preliminaries as well, only to give up participation. I was told to make our eight players give up their spots. I explained that Mr. Won told me he would show me results, but as there had been none, there was no reason for us to keep boycotting. I also requested that he tell the other head coaches who might be confused, but strangely that word didn’t get around. Mr. Won could have told the other teams of SlayerS' position, but instead the other teams continued to misunderstand. When I asked him why he didn't tell the other members of S2con, he said he didn't recall what we talked about during the Season 2 boycott. At that time, I could only think those running S2con were very irresponsible. Because SlayerS competed in NASL, the S2con players were told to blacklist SlayerS players and not help them practice. It wasn't just a ban from practice, they were told to not even chat with them on the ladder. Some players who were very friendly with our players used their alternate accounts to help them. When I met Mr. Won in person and asked him what was going on, he said 'it's cheap, but we plan to penalize SlayerS in at least this way.' I complained to Mr.Won, taking player relationships into consideration, and because it was absurd that we were blacklisted for something that wasn't our fault. Mr.Won replied that these problems existed because we were off on our own, not helping them out or joining their organization. Though I made many complaints, there was no solution to the problem where our players were refused practice, and it was tough for our players. It reached a point where at a tournament in the USA, I told Mr. Won that 'I don't want my players to suffer because of me. I'll disband the team, and you can take our players,' and that 'I'll take proper responsibility for the damages done to our sponsors by disbanding.' Mr. Won replied that they would have a meeting, and he'd tell me the results. Only then did we get an e-mail saying that the practice-ban had been lifted. I don't know how they thought they could even have gone ahead with such a ban in the first place. However, when I checked with our players, they said that the practice-ban was only lifted in word, and that it was actually still in place. In reality, S2con players were told to not practice with us, according to an ex-oGs player now on a foreign team. Indeed, it was because of this issue that our relationship with S2con became irreparable distant. SlayerS and the other teams became like water and oil. When the Blizzard/KeSPA/SC2 vision conference was announced [Note: At the time, S2Con had been disbanded for some time, and there was no team organization for GSL teams], we received a request to join on so they could belatedly form the eSports federation. I was at a loss for words, that they would arbitrarily penalize us, then ask us to join when they found they needed Boxer on their side. There was no end to my disappointment when they started to go on about being in this business together. Is that why they blacklisted our players from practicing? They were an organization with no semblance of conscience, and of course I turned down joining. They never requested any reconciliation. When they were continuing to ostracize SlayerS and cutting us out of practice, Mr.Won would always tell me there was no such practice-ban whenever I contacted him. However, players say that the head coaches ordered them not to practice with our players, so I don't know what is the truth. It's laughable that players would accept such orders so easily. At the same time, they selfishly asked our players to help them practice. You might have seen them thank our players in interviews on occasion. Even Sleep, who isn't part of SlayerS but staying at our team house, received the same disadvantages, just because he was staying at our house. Even now, this pratice-ban is still going on. If Mr.Won can confidently say that the ban was lifted, and what I'm saying is false, then he's welcome to come out officially. If you keep in mind that there's an ex-eSF player on SlayerS right now, then you won't be able to deny it. If you want a three way talk, I can tell you who informed us. MMA At one time, we had a Manager "J" who took care of our international activities. He was only interested in Boxer at first, and not close to MMA. But when MMA started getting good results, he started diligently going to MMA's games. He said he would take care of twitter and facebook with foreign fans, so we gave that to him as well as making him our international manager. In January of this year, we started the process negotiating for contract extensions with our two sponsors. Manager "J" took care of that, but strangely I received a report that our sponsors' needs and our team's direction weren't aligned. The offers we got from our sponsors made me wonder what was wrong, considering that I thought we were getting good results. In the end, we had to give up re-signing with our sponsors. The problem started there. I though that even without a sponsorship, there wouldn't be problems running the team, and that we could work on sponsorships later. However, the team atmosphere seemed strangely disordered, and Manager "J"s actions became suspicious, so I decided to look into it. What I found was shocking. "J" had been telling me and the sponsors different things. While he was telling me that things were going along well in a certain way, he was actually not even in contact with the sponsors at all, or handling the negotiations so poorly that they broke down. The more ridiculous thing was that he was telling the players that I was receiving sponsorships in their names, and embezzling those funds. For certain, SlayerS was being financially and hardware wise through Boxer's personal sponsorship. The players all knew that Boxer was running the team out of own funds, and I could not understand how they could believe what that manager had to say. In particular, I was disappointed in MMA for being swayed by "J"s claim that I had cut off a personal sponsorship that had been offered. I was crushed and disappointed that a player I had taken care of would believe a manager who had only been on for two months, and I don't even know how much I cried. "J" tried to take MMA and some other players to make a new team, and that he would find a sponsor. The important thing is that MMA was willing to along solely on "J"s word, and he only came clean to me once I found out what was going on. It as also shocking that none of the players had told me this. At that time, I was seriously considering taking legal action against the manager, but I had to hold back because of the players. Though I was able to catch wind of what was going on and prevent it, if I hadn't, I might have seen the players suddenly leave the team one day. After this, MMA started talking about leaving team [Note: Or, 'talk of MMA leaving the team spread'] and my unconditional trust in MMA started to break. According to MMA and other players who went to foreign tournaments often, other [Korean] players wouldn't respond to their greetings at tournaments, and would continue to ostracize them and speak negatively about SlayerS and myself. Also, they would receive advice to go to a foreign team, where they would receive a certain level of salary. MMA, Alicia, Crank, and Ryung said because of that, it was tough to compete in foreign tournaments as a SlayerS player. That was the first, superficial reason MMA would claim he wanted to leave the team. There's separate reason MMA was reprimanded by SlayerS. I had explained the practice boycott and NASL situation to him. Afterward, he started to hang out with Crank often. I don't know what kinds of conversations they had, but Crank began to say that the atmosphere was giving him stress. In a situation where players had to concentrate and practice for the GSTL, he said players weren't listening and not playing games. Boxer was resting with shoulder problems at the time, but it seemed like he should be with the team so I sent him to the house to look over the players. Even then, Crank said that after talking with me and Boxer coming over, nothing changed in the team atmosphere, and asked what the heck was I doing. At the time, I felt very sorry towards Crank, and was annoyed that even though a player was expressing his discontent, nothing was changing. Then one day, Crank said that he would go back home to rest because he had neck pain, that it was the early stages of a disc problem. This was just ahead of the GSTL Ro4. He asked if he could go home as he had a strategy prepared, and when I asked Cella, he said there was a specific build on a specific map he had prepared, so it would be okay if he practiced at home. However, Crank had told Cella that he wasn't going to practice when he went home, and asked him to keep it a secret. That weekend, I got a text asking to remove him from the roster. I thought maybe it was because he was too hurt to play, so I sent him a message via instant messenger but there was no reply. so I left a message that I would leave him on the roster, and that I would see him at the studio if he could get his body and mind in good shape. But after, Crank sent a message to Cella asking why I would say something like that. Was what I said wrong....? At that time, Cella told me that Crank had told him he was quitting the game. I asked Crank why he didn't tell me directly, and he said he just really wanted to rest, and that he had no thoughts of joining a foreign team or any other team, and to please just let him go. I had no thoughts of stopping him from leaving, so I agreed to allow him to leave SlayerS. However, afterward, I heard that he was streaming and looking for a foreign team. When I asked him why he lied to me, saying it was unprofessional of him to do so. He asked in return, if I knew why MMA wanted to leave the team. Crank said it was because of himself, that when he wanted to leave the team because of the stressful team atmosphere, that MMA had said the should leave together. When I asked MMA for confirmation, he said it was not true. Recently, Crank called me asking if I planned to ruin his career, and why I was tying the problems with Ryung, Alicia, and MMA to him. I was taken aback that he would yell at the old manager who helped him grow like that, and even more so when he talked back. Boxer couldn't just stand by and he took the phone, and Crank yelled at him as well, asking him what he had done. Crank claims that he only planned to play SC2 till the end of this year, and he left the team so he could play the game comfortably, but we'll have to see if that's true. Just in case he wants to change his story later, I recorded his call. Boxer was shocked that after spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on team over two years, that he would end up in a situation where his own players were cursing him out. Even though we reached the GSTL finals, the team atmosphere was a mess. Something had to be done about Crank and MMA who were ruining team chemistry. MMA was sent home, and it was decided that Crank would be released from the team. We had to penalize players who were acting unacceptably as teammates, and muddying team chemistry. We informed MMA of this, after which he changed, not returning to the team after the weekend, and refusing to help others practice for the GSTL. Boxer and I decided to talk to Ryung instead. Ryung and I had been close before, but after a certain point, he started finding it hard to even meet my gaze, so we wanted to find out what the problem was. MMA had said twice before that he wanted to leave the team, and that each time we had listened to him and tried to make him understand the situation, convincing him to stay with the team. However, when this kind of problem happened again, it spread to teammates like Ryung, and we thought the situation was very severe. So Ryung wouldn't get swept along, and keep going down a straight path, Boxer painfully told Ryung that MMA was like a cancer right now, and that Ryung needed to think hard and decide. Ryung was probably conflicted as well, and we let him return home to play. The next day, MMA returned to the house. It seemed that he had heard from Ryung already, as he had already packed his things before Boxer even spoke with him. When Boxer tried to talk to MMA, MMA said that there wasn't any need to talk any further. When Boxer told MMA he was being demoted to the 2nd team and being sent home, MMA said that there was no need, and that he could just leave the team. When Boxer told him he's still a player under contract, MMA said that wasn't a rea contract, but just a slave contract. The contracts we have for our players are for presenting to sponsors, and have 1 year durations with a prize winnings share, but in actuality we didn't take a cut, as the purpose of the contracts was never to make money. In the moment he called that a slave contract, we thought it to be absurd. The player who had signed contracts were 5 players, including MMA and Ganzi. Boxer's Change of Heart First, we were very hurt to hear the contracts be called slave contracts. Boxer knew how hard it was for players over ten years ago, and he tried to create the best environment possible for his players. He received a lot of criticism when he left his origins for StarCraft2, but it was his dream to continue as a player and grow new players for the future of esports. Thus, he was crushed when he heard that from MMA, a player he had taken close care of. At the time, Boxer had been preparing to return as a player before the release of Heart of the Swarm, but he changed his mind towards quitting the game. Boxer was quickly losing his passion as player and manager, and it was tough on me as I watched it happen. He was teaching the players his 10 + years of experience in and outside the game, but the players weren't readily accepting it. So I suggested something that would help him, help T1, and perhaps motivate the remaining players on SlayerS. After thinking about it for a few days, Boxer decided that would be the best course of action. Alicia and Ryung Ryung was in MMA's shadow, and at the same time he was close with him. If Boxer was the one taking care of MMA, then I was the one who took care of Ryung. When the trouble occurred, there was a need to keep Ryung away from MMA lest he become influenced, and with him having wrist problems, I decided to send him home, where he happened to start playing well. Ryung never disappointed us, and he did his best in the GSTL despite the poor team atmosphere. Even so, the way Ryung followed MMA for no reason was disappointing. When I asked him why he took after MMA, he said that he had lost his trust after a certain point. When I asked him what I had done wrong, he couldn't answer. As has been mentioned in previous interviews, Alicia wasn't with SlayerS from the start, but a player who joined on as a practice partner. Whatever we told him to do, he was a diligent and model player. However, he started to change once he started going to foreign tournaments. It's not bad for a person to seek fame and fortune, but our team started off in good conditions with everything in place. In our old team house we had a team van and car, and took care of the players. After we moved the team house, Cella took on a bigger role. From the beginning, there wasn't any 'hungry' spirit on the team. If we had started out poor, then players would have appreciated an improved situation, but since we started off well, players became discontent thinking things were growing worse. Alicia's discontent was that when he came home from foreign tournaments, that no one would come greet him at the airport. That the coach wouldn't take him directly to the studio to play games. When I heard those complaints, I could only sigh, and I sent him home. I don't think I was wrong, those reasons made me think he didn't even have the basics down. Normally, if nothing happened before October 6th, his contract would have been automatically extended. Alicia didn't contact us otherwise, and effectively his contract would have been extended. However, Alicia will be released from the team, as something unrevealable has happened lately. It's a legal problem that could be fatal for his career, and something that cannot be forgiven. However, considering the people involved, I will not say. If there are any further problems in the future, we will see then. The reason Clide was sent to KT I felt uneasy when Clide started to hang out with MMA. So he wouldn't get swept away like MMA, I decided to make a path for Clide. He was in a situation where he wasn't getting results, and he had to go to the army, and I felt bad looking on. I convinced him there was another way for him achieve his reams, and conveniently, KT was looking to acquire a coach from us. At first I thought of Cella, but they wanted a Terran coach, thus I convinced Clide and sent him. External rumors regarding SlayerS disbanding Talking to Coach Ryu Won of Woongjin [Note: Former Slayers coach], he said he had heard rumors of SlayerS disbanding. He key was that he had heard it from a eSF source. I couldn't tell why eSF teams would go around talking about such things, as there was nothing confirmed at the time. I think perhaps such talk came because SlayerS was left out of the eSF-KeSPA no-player-trade agreement, but in reality SlayerS was not left out of the agreement. When eSF made the announcement, they did not inform us of anyhting. We did not know of the agreement at all, and only learned of it when it was announced. From the eSF or KeSPA perspective, what makes SlayerS different from a foreign team? There aren't even any rules regarding Korean players no foreign teams. If any team wants our players, then I will send them without hesitation. That's the last thing I can do for our remaining players. If I get an offer, I plan to let SlayerS players go. Just as in the past, I will not request a transfer fee. The purpose of the team was never to collect that kind of money. If we can't get a big corporate sponsor as was the our original hope, then I think this is the right way for the players' future. However, I did tell MMA in the past that if he had a chance to join a KeSPA team and receive a salary, I would let him go. But at the time, he he assured me that he would rather than die than go to a KeSPA team, as he had already spent time on a KeSPA team and wasn't confident that he could handle that life again. He said that he would never compete in the KeSPA Proleague. We'll see if that turns out to be true. Obviously, there's no plan to hold on to players who didn't sign contracts, and I will let any contracted players go. The contracted players would go to teams they want anyone once their contracts are up. Ganzi had signed a contract, but we allowed him to leave because he desired it. All I want from my players is for them not do anything that would betray my faith in them, and finish [their time on SlayerS] like pros. The contracts end in November. It's possible that someone could take issue with something in the contract, or say that I did not fulfill a condition to try to get out of it. However, there's nothing the team didn't keep, and the team didn't even take 10 won from the players. In fact, the funds allotted to boxer were spread to all the players in the team, and invested in the team. From what I hear, Alicia has already decided on a foreign team to join, but he won't say anything himself so I can't confirm. I hope he doesn't act the same way on other teams. Normally, sponsorships are needed to run a team smoothly. However, even without a sponsorship, it's possible to invest in a team and run it like I have. There were opportunities to be had under great conditions, but they've all gone away because of a few selfish players. This is something I've heard lately, but there's a rumor that I've been running the team by collecting money from the players. Externally, everyone knows we had been running with Boxer's personal sponsorship, but I think that maybe the rumor seemed credible since it was started by someone from the inside. I speculate that it's a harmful rumor started about me by someone looking to leave the team. In reality, there were some eSF teams that ran like an amateur team house, collecting monthly fees from their players. Later, the eSF made rules so that teams could not collect money from players, but I knew of a team that still collected money from its players under a different bank account. Now they are sponsored, so it isn't that way anymore. Still, you need sponsorships to run a team. It's already like bashing your head against a wall. Already, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent operating the team. It's not something that was started thinking to make a profit, but it's sad since I hoped things would work out for everyone. The reason the team kept running was because of the remaining players. It's true that results weren't good lately, but because there were fans cheering SlayerS on, it wasn't a decision that could be made easily. It was possible that there wouldn't be enough players to fill a GSTL roster, and it was unsure how the the situation would change. However, it was time to make a decision. Thinking about it, it doesn't make sense. But when we started, the goal was to make an amazing team with Boxer at the head. Now, Boxer is gone, and I have to be a mother to the players who trust and follow me. I hope I don't do anything that betrays their faith in me. Misunderstandings about SlayerS players who moved to other teams. Ganzi, TaeJa, Golden, and Sleep are cases where players left the team with no problems. In TaeJa's case, he requested that he be allowed to leave, and it was accepted. He wanted to play on a different team, not necessarily a foreign team, but in the process TeamLiquid sent a request. Whenever I see him doing well on his new team, I'm proud. He's not the style of player that practices a lot or puts in a lot of effort. However, seeing him play so well despite that makes me think that while MMA is the type of player that gets it done through effort, TaeJa is really a genius kind of player. If he could train under a system, then I think he could become the best player. In conclusion The reason this was all explained in detail is that the facts must be made clear if the remaining players are to stay free from speculation and misunderstanding. All of these things, I have heard from the parties themselves. When the read this article today, I don't know how they will react. I'll see whether they'll reveal some truths that I didn't know, that I hadn't been told, or whether they'll say some completely different nonsense. In conclusion, regardless of who's right and wrong, the ostracizing of a team shouldn’t happen again. Recently, an eSF player on a smurf account messaged Sleep and called him 'SlayerS Trash.' The eSF needs to think about what kind of affect they're having on young players, when they're doing hypocritical enough to hold educational seminars for pro-gamers, while instructing them to pick on a specific team at the same time. I could have buried all of this quietly. I thought about it for a long time. The eSF says I have no sense of being in it together. Did you do those things because you believe we're in it together? I do believe that one organization taking power and forging the way is needed. However, those running the eSF don't even have the right basic mindset, and are only interesting in exercising their power. If eSports is to advance, we don't need restrictive agreements, we need a space where players can act more freely. That's just on the outside. In reality, everyone's busy taking care of themselves, so unless the management becomes something I can trust, I have no interest in joining the eSF. I'm saying these things because I want people to stop saying ridiculous things, like Boxer joining SK is related to SlayerS not being part of the eSF. What I stated is the reason SlayerS did not join the eSF. The reason I'm saying all these things isn't because we're sore. Once the team is gone, it's going to be gone from people's memories anyway. However, the players still have to go on. I wanted to clear up all the rumors that would follow them around like a tag. That's also the reason I stayed quiet for so long when our fans wanted to know what was going on. It could become a messy fight, but I haven't lied about a single thing. If there's anything someone hasn't told me, then I want them to reveal it. | ||
28440 Posts
On October 18 2012 01:34 silent_owl wrote: I think it's what ruined the players' mindsets and brought this all to a head. It seems easy to investigate (TL?) If true there are a lot of witnesses. It also hardly seems legal. (Speculation mode: What were the true intentions for manager J, to bring down slayers?) | ||
1091 Posts
On October 18 2012 01:56 illsick wrote: this is one side of the story, what if she was embezzling? isn't it strange that there is barely anyone that trusts jessica? She seemed to have problems with almost everyone in her story even. My impression of her is incompetent, but not malicious. | ||
Germany3947 Posts
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Sweden2105 Posts
On October 17 2012 21:30 Nostalgia.NA wrote: Change of BoxeR's mind - He was very disappointed when MMA called it a slavery note. He remembered how he started and how players were living more than ten years ago and he wanted to create a better environment for players. After everything he gave up to come to SC2 to fulfill his dream of remaining as a player and training new players who can shine in e-sports, what MMA did damaged BoxeR. - He was preparing to come back as a player before the HOTS was released. However after he wanted to quit. This part actually made me pissed off after reading. | ||
3415 Posts
It's tough to accept this as the whole story. | ||
United States413 Posts
On October 18 2012 01:49 Swords wrote: I'm really sad to see Slayers gone. I'm also really sad to see it end the way it has. Jessica airing all of this drama seems really unnecessary and is only make a sad incident worse. Her words at this point can't fix anything for Slayers and will only make it more difficult for former members to find new teams. Instead of remembering all the great things slayers did we're sifting through a giant pile of drama and awfulness. I'm torn between hoping what she said is true because otherwise there's a great deal of libel and character attacks, and hoping that what she said isn't true because it's pretty sad if it is. I disagree, her putting what happened needed to be done. If the ESF actually tried to bully SlayerS players(which she says she has emails saying they'd stop), that needed to be put out there so it doesn't happen again. Things like this are a lesson to all players, managers, coaches, etc, in the future. Shit like this is bound to happen in nearly every part of life, SlayerS was the unlucky team who it happened to in SC2. I really hope all the players find teams, it seems like they really didn't have faults that were horrible, more that they were gullible and didn't think things through. Ryung and the newer members like Author in particular seem to be getting screwed. Poor Cella as well, he put his heart and soul into the team ![]() | ||
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