On August 30 2012 07:32 MasterOfPuppets wrote: But in fact I don't think it's people who got offended that emailed Destiny's sponsors. At least not this time. I think it's just people who hate him with a passion and want to see his career burn to the ground; people who probably didn't bother to read both sides of the story or try to comprehend what they read in the first place. And it's those people who will eventually ruin eSports because they don't bother checking facts (at least the facts that are available anyway) before sending a feedback message to sponsors. And they're only a vocal minority too, it probably wouldn't be as bad if those of us who are lazy (myself included) messaged sponsors thanking them for the support of this scene that we love so much.
This is exactly right... and it's gotta stop...
It's not just regarding Destiny himself but any "starcraft figure" who steps into the spotlight for the wrong reason...
It seems to me that every time destiny does something silly like that and gets kicked from a team he comes up with an excuse as to why he acted the way he did, excuses, always excuses
On August 30 2012 07:03 snailz wrote: i'm not the biggest Destiny fan, but i can't feel but bad for him.
this situation is roughly this: any one of you non-RL-losers sitting at a caffe with two friends, talking and having fun, and then you show a naked picture of a girl that has the hots for you and gave the picture willingly. so you joke some more, finish your latte and move on with your life. only thing is, the girl has a bug on you, hears the whole thing, and decides she can ruin your life because she didn't like what you said.
grow up, lady. this is some serious stalker bullshit going on. so what he commented on your pictures with friends? don't give naked pictures to a married man in the first place, then you have no problem. hacking someone's skype and email for vengence is doing for you what exactly? if he had posted your pictures on reddit, go ahead, post his dick for the whole internet to see. otherwise, get a clue about life...
such unnecesarry drama
Agreed. I dislike Destiny for his personality, the majority of his views and a lot of other stuff.
But I share a lot of stuff with my close friends which could get me/them in trouble if it's leaked (talking about female friends/acquaintances would be the least of those problems). That woman from Destiny is crazy - reassures my opinion about women on the internet. Drama whores.
i also dislike Destiny, but for other reasons, perhaps somewhat subjective views of mine that he doesn't deserve so many stream viewers, etc.
but this could happen to any one of you guys, at least to the people that have some form of RL. i mean, what the hell did she expect? i know girls who wont let their boyfriends for 2+ years take such pictures. and to top it off, he didnt even distribute it on the internet. she's the one that fucked him over, and did the immature thing. how can so many of you just out of blind hatred for destiny defend her and even call her the victim is beyond me. imagine if a crazy stalker lady messed with your emails and skype. there is a thing called privacy. fucking respect it.
I don't think she would have responded so negatively if he didn't have an extremely insulting conversation about the pictures afterwards, and then ignored her when she confronted him. Its not really about the nude pictures (although it might have had some effect).
I think after trash talking her so badly its not really so unforgivable or unreasonable to see her lash out this way. I mean I agree that in hindsight she probably did to Destiny something a lot worse than what he did to her (depending on how much Destiny cares about his penis pics being on the internet), but its understandable after you read the chat logs. Just because guys can do it in private and normally get away with it doesn't make it okay (not saying you think that, but I figure that's the attitude some people have)
hello friend, i see your point, but for me what she did outweighs his bad actions in terms of consequences. and if we'll be like 10000% honest to each other, conversation like that happen ALL the time. in real life. she obviously didnt have maturity to accept it and move. so why do you suppose she is innocent in all of this? there are a lot of girls that live for such attention. her giving naked pictures to a relative stranger proves the point even more.
how do you confront a person for breaking its privacy? "yeah, i read your private conversations, how could you say that?" do you see the problem in the first part of the sentence? bottome line is, she'll get over two strangers seeing her pictures, how does he (profesional that lives of esports, which people seem to forget) deal with this kind of situation? he got screwed, big time, for having a private conversation with 2 friends. if you don't see anything wrong with that........
On August 30 2012 06:44 Empirimancer wrote: 1) Destiny's an asshole 2) Bluetea overrracted from a justice point of view, but not from a deterrent point of view, so I sympathize with her. 3) This has nothing to do with SC2, or even with using one's SC2 fame, therefore 4) Those of you who emailed ROOT's sponsors are pathetic 5) ROOT's sponsors are pathetic 6) ROOT is... well, it depends on the amount of pressure they were subjected to by their sponsors, I guess.
Yo, their sponsors where fine with it after it being explained, CatZ has said this. They were worried about possible future sponsors... Don't shit on their existing ones, they're fine.
On August 30 2012 06:31 KimJongChill wrote: So basically girl gets pissed off for being called ugly, invades stevens personal privacy, and harms his career/livelihood. She got her feelings hurt, steven gets his life hurt. Don't get me wrong, ROOT was right to "let go" steven, but I can't believe people are trying to whiteknight for this girl who grossly overreacted with what was probably a good idea of the potential consequences. Also can't believe there are people in here who think the convo was "disgusting" or something, do you guys even live in real life?
A lot of people are so insecure that they need to publicly post these condescending comments from their high horses, hoping to claim some sort of "moral high ground". Plus there will always be white knights on the internet.
The girl overreacted quite a bit over something she was never supposed to have known, private conversations are private for a reason y'know. I hope that if Destiny is able to make a case in court and sue her for leaking said conversations or maybe invading his privacy then he does it. (I'm not very familiar with the US legislation or court system, unfortunately - maybe that's not feasible at all)
That said I'm not a fan of Destiny. He has done some stupid shit. Maybe he does need to grow up. But I think all of the people who genuinely get offended by this should grow the fuck up too. Stop being so butthurt over trivial nonsense that does not affect your own life in any shape, way or form at all. Seriously, the pussification of this world and the tendency towards a more politically correct society is downright pathetic.
But in fact I don't think it's people who got offended that emailed Destiny's sponsors. At least not this time. I think it's just people who hate him with a passion and want to see his career burn to the ground; people who probably didn't bother to read both sides of the story or try to comprehend what they read in the first place. And it's those people who will eventually ruin eSports because they don't bother checking facts (at least the facts that are available anyway) before sending a feedback message to sponsors. And they're only a vocal minority too, it probably wouldn't be as bad if those of us who are lazy (myself included) messaged sponsors thanking them for the support of this scene that we love so much.
This needs to be quoted on every single page for the rest of the thread.
On August 30 2012 07:03 snailz wrote: i'm not the biggest Destiny fan, but i can't feel but bad for him.
this situation is roughly this: any one of you non-RL-losers sitting at a caffe with two friends, talking and having fun, and then you show a naked picture of a girl that has the hots for you and gave the picture willingly. so you joke some more, finish your latte and move on with your life. only thing is, the girl has a bug on you, hears the whole thing, and decides she can ruin your life because she didn't like what you said.
grow up, lady. this is some serious stalker bullshit going on. so what he commented on your pictures with friends? don't give naked pictures to a married man in the first place, then you have no problem. hacking someone's skype and email for vengence is doing for you what exactly? if he had posted your pictures on reddit, go ahead, post his dick for the whole internet to see. otherwise, get a clue about life...
such unnecesarry drama
Agreed. I dislike Destiny for his personality, the majority of his views and a lot of other stuff.
But I share a lot of stuff with my close friends which could get me/them in trouble if it's leaked (talking about female friends/acquaintances would be the least of those problems). That woman from Destiny is crazy - reassures my opinion about women on the internet. Drama whores.
i also dislike Destiny, but for other reasons, perhaps somewhat subjective views of mine that he doesn't deserve so many stream viewers, etc.
but this could happen to any one of you guys, at least to the people that have some form of RL. i mean, what the hell did she expect? i know girls who wont let their boyfriends for 2+ years take such pictures. and to top it off, he didnt even distribute it on the internet. she's the one that fucked him over, and did the immature thing. how can so many of you just out of blind hatred for destiny defend her and even call her the victim is beyond me. imagine if a crazy stalker lady messed with your emails and skype. there is a thing called privacy. fucking respect it.
I don't think she would have responded so negatively if he didn't have an extremely insulting conversation about the pictures afterwards, and then ignored her when she confronted him. Its not really about the nude pictures (although it might have had some effect).
I think after trash talking her so badly its not really so unforgivable or unreasonable to see her lash out this way. I mean I agree that in hindsight she probably did to Destiny something a lot worse than what he did to her (depending on how much Destiny cares about his penis pics being on the internet), but its understandable after you read the chat logs. Just because guys can do it in private and normally get away with it doesn't make it okay (not saying you think that, but I figure that's the attitude some people have)
She cost him his job basically...>_>
And I don't really see what was wrong with the conversation Destiny had with TTone and Fayth....
Her response was not even remotely proportionate...>_>
Didn't you know? He had one of the conversations millions of other males and females have but his was made... wait for it... PUBLIC!!!! Oh M Geeeeee. So he is the worst person on earth for having a skeleton in the closet kind of conversation while Bluetea is clear out of the water for showing it to over 37 THOUSAND people...
Let's get this straight 2 people (close friends) = worst person on earth 37 thousand people = whatever he had it coming
Drama follows this guy wherever he goes. Its not like hes even near the top tier of players either, if he were he might get away with it. I love his personality and his candor but when you are a public figure you need to learn to have a filter between brain and mouth. You can still be honest and be yourself without saying things that will offend people, make you seem racist or a bigot, even if you are one.
Good luck a the MoW Destiny, if you become a top tier player then i'm sure all will be forgotten.
On August 30 2012 06:31 KimJongChill wrote: So basically girl gets pissed off for being called ugly, invades stevens personal privacy, and harms his career/livelihood. She got her feelings hurt, steven gets his life hurt. Don't get me wrong, ROOT was right to "let go" steven, but I can't believe people are trying to whiteknight for this girl who grossly overreacted with what was probably a good idea of the potential consequences. Also can't believe there are people in here who think the convo was "disgusting" or something, do you guys even live in real life?
A lot of people are so insecure that they need to publicly post these condescending comments from their high horses, hoping to claim some sort of "moral high ground". Plus there will always be white knights on the internet.
The girl overreacted quite a bit over something she was never supposed to have known, private conversations are private for a reason y'know. I hope that if Destiny is able to make a case in court and sue her for leaking said conversations or maybe invading his privacy then he does it. (I'm not very familiar with the US legislation or court system, unfortunately - maybe that's not feasible at all)
That said I'm not a fan of Destiny. He has done some stupid shit. Maybe he does need to grow up. But I think all of the people who genuinely get offended by this should grow the fuck up too. Stop being so butthurt over trivial nonsense that does not affect your own life in any shape, way or form at all. Seriously, the pussification of this world and the tendency towards a more politically correct society is downright pathetic.
But in fact I don't think it's people who got offended that emailed Destiny's sponsors. At least not this time. I think it's just people who hate him with a passion and want to see his career burn to the ground; people who probably didn't bother to read both sides of the story or try to comprehend what they read in the first place. And it's those people who will eventually ruin eSports because they don't bother checking facts (at least the facts that are available anyway) before sending a feedback message to sponsors. And they're only a vocal minority too, it probably wouldn't be as bad if those of us who are lazy (myself included) messaged sponsors thanking them for the support of this scene that we love so much.
Even though I dislike Destiny I don't like hearing him losing his job over something like this. I hope he learns this though: just because he thinks he has the right to morally questionable behavior doesn't mean he's entitled to escape the consequences. Like a chronic smoker who eventually contracts lung cancer, you can't live your life on the edge like that and be surprised when it finally bites you.
On August 30 2012 07:32 MasterOfPuppets wrote: But in fact I don't think it's people who got offended that emailed Destiny's sponsors. At least not this time. I think it's just people who hate him with a passion and want to see his career burn to the ground; people who probably didn't bother to read both sides of the story or try to comprehend what they read in the first place. And it's those people who will eventually ruin eSports because they don't bother checking facts (at least the facts that are available anyway) before sending a feedback message to sponsors. And they're only a vocal minority too, it probably wouldn't be as bad if those of us who are lazy (myself included) messaged sponsors thanking them for the support of this scene that we love so much.
This is exactly right... and it's gotta stop...
It's not just regarding Destiny himself but any "starcraft figure" who steps into the spotlight for the wrong reason...
A few people have posted in the thread before about this, it was apparently not the SC2 community this time. http://www.reddit.com/r/ShitRedditSays/comments/ytijd/effortpost_starcraft_2_player_steve_bonnell_aka/c5yukxk Feminists on reddit found out and launched a sponsor-emailing campaign. While judging quickly and harshly and not knowing that by emailing the sponsors they harm the whole team, not him. So this time, it was a combination of feminists and die hard destiny haters like mellamosatan.
Guys, this happens all the time in real sports. Drama happens, news WILL eventually reach the sponsors, whether it be through letters or general online news networks. When they do, sponsors will drop support. And ultimately, with them putting money and resources into E-Sports, sponsors have every right to know the kind image the people they're sponsoring have. Otherwise, they risk hurting their own image being associated with bad press.
Real sports can get away with the loss of a sponsor. Sometimes it's only temporary, after the news has died down, they'll sponsor again. E-sports is not something that can risk the few sponsors they have now. Ultimately, teams just have to do better with policing their teams.
OK for the record. There are THREE people here I'm gonna write my novel here on.
Number ONE is Catz.
I remember Catz back from the days of beta. He spoke out, about the need to foster smaller communities first, grow things gradually, and in this fashion give new faces a chance to stand out before they face off against the world. People didn't believe in him, only cared about thrusting everyone against Koreans and get their souls destroyed before even getting a chance to prove themselves in the smaller scenes.
And you know something? Catz was proven absolutely right.
What he did here, was show his leadership skills and willingness to take the blows head on. For this I say we need more people like him.
Number TWO is Destiny.
Destiny, we should honestly be able to see, are two people in one. Destiny the SC2 entertainer, and Steven Bonnell the real life person. If you seperate the two and just treat Destiny as the entertainer, personally I feel the biggest objections raised against his style would be all but nullified. He is performing the job of entertaining, putting on a show. Perhaps the only thing that might help, would be somewhere on his stream that says "all statements expressed within are fictional and do not represent the views of Root, Destiny, or any Sponsors herein".
Then there's Steven the human being, who is trying to provide for a son he dearly loves, and faced in a difficult relationship with the mother of his child. When you look around in the different threads, you will find scores of different people who actually met Steven in person, and shook his hand. He comes across as a fella who is very unlike his entertainer persona, and a very nice guy to interact with.
Number THREE is BlueTea.
I do not have enough information on her, aside from only breadcrumbs gathered by this incident. However sharing of the pictures...the follow up actions...without some more extensive detective work we cannot know if she was the one who logged into an already insecure Skype, access to logs of the chat, etc. Revenge has made the situation worse for all concerned. It is a huge downer that things even had to happen this way. Everything that's been said about safer computing and being diligent on password changes has been stated already by others.
On August 30 2012 07:03 snailz wrote: i'm not the biggest Destiny fan, but i can't feel but bad for him.
this situation is roughly this: any one of you non-RL-losers sitting at a caffe with two friends, talking and having fun, and then you show a naked picture of a girl that has the hots for you and gave the picture willingly. so you joke some more, finish your latte and move on with your life. only thing is, the girl has a bug on you, hears the whole thing, and decides she can ruin your life because she didn't like what you said.
grow up, lady. this is some serious stalker bullshit going on. so what he commented on your pictures with friends? don't give naked pictures to a married man in the first place, then you have no problem. hacking someone's skype and email for vengence is doing for you what exactly? if he had posted your pictures on reddit, go ahead, post his dick for the whole internet to see. otherwise, get a clue about life...
such unnecesarry drama
Agreed. I dislike Destiny for his personality, the majority of his views and a lot of other stuff.
But I share a lot of stuff with my close friends which could get me/them in trouble if it's leaked (talking about female friends/acquaintances would be the least of those problems). That woman from Destiny is crazy - reassures my opinion about women on the internet. Drama whores.
i also dislike Destiny, but for other reasons, perhaps somewhat subjective views of mine that he doesn't deserve so many stream viewers, etc.
but this could happen to any one of you guys, at least to the people that have some form of RL. i mean, what the hell did she expect? i know girls who wont let their boyfriends for 2+ years take such pictures. and to top it off, he didnt even distribute it on the internet. she's the one that fucked him over, and did the immature thing. how can so many of you just out of blind hatred for destiny defend her and even call her the victim is beyond me. imagine if a crazy stalker lady messed with your emails and skype. there is a thing called privacy. fucking respect it.
I don't think she would have responded so negatively if he didn't have an extremely insulting conversation about the pictures afterwards, and then ignored her when she confronted him. Its not really about the nude pictures (although it might have had some effect).
I think after trash talking her so badly its not really so unforgivable or unreasonable to see her lash out this way. I mean I agree that in hindsight she probably did to Destiny something a lot worse than what he did to her (depending on how much Destiny cares about his penis pics being on the internet), but its understandable after you read the chat logs. Just because guys can do it in private and normally get away with it doesn't make it okay (not saying you think that, but I figure that's the attitude some people have)
She cost him his job basically...>_>
And I don't really see what was wrong with the conversation Destiny had with TTone and Fayth....
Her response was not even remotely proportionate...>_>
Please, stop being a drama queen about this and overreacting. Destiny, didn't lose his "job" because his job is streaming and not Root. Has his streaming been affected by any of this? I'd say no and that the controversy caused him to gain more fans than lose because this is what destiny is about and what made him popular in the first place.
It's been proven time and time again, that destiny doesn't need a team, nor relies on a team for any income because streaming has always been his main source of income. All a team can do for him is fly him to events, but he doesn't rely on tournament winnings, nor exposure at events in the first place. Destiny hasn't really been affected by this at all, other than not being on root, which he didn't need in the first place. If at the end of the day if destiny's stream hasn't been affected, which I believe it hasn't, then this hasn't hurt destiny at all and it's business as usual for him.
I have never really gave true thought of how such losers some people are in the StarCraft community but my god is this disappointing. Sharing nude pics between friends is very common. If any of you idiots get out sometime you'll hear about it or see it. It's sad that you people think that a person should get fired for doing something that's not even that big of a deal. It just goes to show how much of a pussy the StarCraft community is. People getting fired over ladder rage. LOLOL Like you idiots never said something racist out of pure anger before. People getting fired over sharing nude pics. WTF. People should get fired for acting out towards teammates or refusing to support sponsors, etc. Not for stupid shit like this.
On August 30 2012 07:37 Megiddosc wrote: Mellamo, you can quit posting, you are not very good at trolling.
'Trolling' is a cancer infesting the internet because a sizeable proportion of the people who do it now don't have the intellect to do it in an amusing or clever way.