On August 22 2012 23:57 Velr wrote: People that want to play an RTS play RTS. People that want to play a MOBA play Dota 2. People that want to play with friends while putting in minimal effort play LoL (or some MMO).
The groups are not in direct concurrence with each other.
But they're. There's a reason why dota (and the MOBA genre) grew inside fo the Mapmaking scene of WC3. It is because people liked to play with heroes but hated to macro behind it (it is important elemente of RTS, but it cannot be denied that it's a repetitive, tiring, sometimes brainless and very mechanical task).
When SC:BW came out, only RTS was a real option if people wanted to play a "strategy PC game" (actually you can extend to almost anyone that wanted to play a online PC game, bacause there weren't any FPS or MMO at that time). Today, there's a lot of options and they all are more noob friendly than SC2.
In the end, all possible new public that could be interested in play an online RTS game is playing an MOBA today. A commom and straight RTS is just too hard in comparison to LoL or wtv MOBA game out there.
On August 22 2012 19:53 snailz wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2012 18:59 Gben592 wrote:On August 22 2012 18:54 Qwyn wrote:On August 22 2012 00:26 Plansix wrote:On August 22 2012 00:10 Wombat_NI wrote:On August 21 2012 23:49 Mauldo wrote: Cloud just proves once again that he belongs on the battle.net forums. Blaming Blizzard for losing a game in an imbalanced HOTS alpha is plain sad. Add that to his long track record of shitting on other people for no reason, and (my personal favorite) constantly claiming that the skill ceiling is too low and anyone can win when the guy can't even qualify for WCS Italy or remain even kinda relevant and I'm starting to get annoyed with him even being there. He's about as bad as TT1 at his worst or avilo at his best. The shot at David Kim was really something special, and proved his maturity.
Of course Terran are being given two a-move units. There race is the hardest to play micro wise. Ever wonder why it's taken Terran as a whole (barring people like Taeja) longer than most would think to find a solution to their problems when they have people like QXC on the case? The race is just plain harder and more intensive. So they gave them a few units to maybe even out the odds while giving Zerg/Protoss more micro-centric/thought-provoking units to use. The Viper and Swarm Host, for example, are perfect examples of a anti-a-move unit. You have to think about how to use them, and they add a level of difficult up toward the Terran level, while Terran will hopefully be bumped down a smidge by the Warhound and Battle Hellion.
My favorite parts of this thread are the people who are still trying to shit on HOTS units before they're even in beta stage, and the people who are seriously taking Cloud as banner carrier to try and proclaim that the max skill level in SC2 is already almost met.
Are you kidding me guys? Seriously. You have to be. Maybe read the thread and the posts contained within before pre-judging. People are referencing the difference between a skill ceiling which isn't yet reached, but a skill floor where people with mediocre mechanics are still able to compete. Cloud was not fucking butthurt about losing a game in the alpha build, but is pointing out the direction that HoTS is going after having played the game, played around with the design etc. Also Cloud plays Terran, and is saying that the 1A mentality of which the warhound is the chief 'offender' is something that he doesn't want, even though it would improve his own race's ease of play. Why might that be? Despite this I'm sure he's just a butthurt balance whiner who wants easy results though...... I don’t think anyone is even attempting to argue that Cloud is upset that he lost a game in a test build of HotS. I personally don’t like that fact that he asserts that Blizzard is designing the game for bad player based off of that single experience. People, as a whole, are responding to the over all negative tone of his interview and his attitude toward the game designers. Calling someone an idiot because you don’t agree with them is pretty unprofessional. Also, its kind of lazy, since there are so many other words that could be used. But most I think people are getting tired of the complaining, negativity and over all bitchyness toward this expansion and the game. The game is so clearly in alpha and not even fully released in beta. Stuff will change and Blizzard is clearly willing to try things out and people really need to start treating the changes as such. Reading that last bit. What matters to me most of all is the extent to which Blizzard is willing to change the foundation of the game. When people say, "stuff will change," how much stuff are we talking about? And to what extent will Blizzard be willing to change the concepts they have designed for HOTS? See, tweaking the stats or delivery method of a unit concept is not the extent of change that I desire. If Blizzard was truly willing to design this game as an esports title, then they would be willing to do things like: 1. Remove WG. 2. Nerf macro mechanics (income of mule, spawn larva to + 2 larva, slightly increase chronoboost cost (35)) 3. Remove 1A units (roach, collosi, warhound, battlehellion). 4. Reduce the supply count of higher supply units (siege tanks, hydras, ultras). 5. Remove hero units (mothership, mothership core) and replace them with massable counterparts. 6. Reduce the power of stuns (make fungal slow by 60 percent rather than immobalize, change vortex). 7. Revert to 1 gas format (I believe this would improve several gameplay aspects, including: reducing the amount of workers required for 4 base saturation to 72, allowing for more tactical gas placements, better map design). If Blizzard was truly willing, then they would try putting widow mines on the hellion, instead of giving the hellion a battle mode. That's my biggest beef. If they were willing, then they would stop trying to make Terran more 1A and increase the skill floor of the game. + Show Spoiler +And if they were willing, then they would put the lurker in the expansion over the swarm host (ok this is my biggest, PERSONAL beef, which is why I spoilered it. . And add moving shot!!!!!!! Reason - http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=121769Also Cloud is a legend :D this link right here is a gem, even tough Lalush is a rager :D
Absolutely, its kind of a pity it is so old, if it was posted today... well you saw how big the MM thread got... everyone knows that now :D
On August 22 2012 05:22 boxman22 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2012 05:16 Stratos_speAr wrote:On August 22 2012 03:42 boxman22 wrote:On August 22 2012 03:29 Wombat_NI wrote:On August 22 2012 03:27 Yoduh wrote: I want to point out how most people making huge complaints and posting all this negativity are only focusing on one or two new units and declaring the whole expansion a dud before the beta is even out. I don't mind complaining, it makes for good feedback, but looking at the bigger picture theres a lot of things being done right with HotS. I haven't seen a single complaint against the viper, hydra speed, ultralist burrow charge or reaper upgrade. A lot of people are cool with the oracle, mothership core, and battle hellion. People are on the fence about tempest, widow mine, and swarm host but only for possibly not being powerful enough. Really the only constant complaints being made are against the warhound and general fears about continued deathball vs. deathball "a-move" gameplay.
Doesn't sound too bad for still being pre-beta! And once beta starts there will probably be a floodgate of changes, and I think a lot of people complaining that Blizzard never listens are gonna get shut up. If you can remember back to SC2:WoL beta Blizzard was making changes all the time. People forget that. Once a game is released it's different, and they become way more hesitant to make big changes, and rightfully so. But beta time is great. I don't know what kind of changes are yet to be made, but in a few months you can bet we won't be looking at the same game we see today. So to nay sayers I simply say continue criticizing and giving feedback, that's good, but the predictions about SC2 and HotS failing are just too premature for this stage of development. Warpgate is still a stupid mechanic and it's been in the game forever. It's also a contributory factor to [i]why[i/] Protoss games largely consist of allins or deathballing. Lol how does warpgate cause deathballs? Warpgate, if anything, would be antideathball. Sure it would increase all-ins, but you can't say deathball at all... Either do your research on the topic or think for yourself. Warp Gate is THE contributing factor to why Protoss needs to play a deathball style. It's the root cause of all things bad with the race. Let me see if I can make a concise diagram. Warp Gate -> Gateway units have to be weak due to Warp In's strength -> Gateway units suck -> majority of the Protoss army sucks as lone units -> Protoss units need to mesh very well or Protoss as a race will fail -> Deathball play is born. That's a gross oversimplification. In really low numbers they can beat similar cost terran or zerg armies, either through kiting or sentries. Then in the midgame they get weak till colossi. That's not a case of being weak in small groups. Plus if you've ever watched blink stalkers v. zerg I don't think you can make a general statement that gateway units are weak.
In what universe do you see equally upgraded small Protoss armies beating small Terran armies? I'm really not looking forward to HotS as it is now, I play Protoss and would love to see warp gate removed to buff gateway units but it doesn't look like the Blizzard design team shares that philosophy. Cloud is being Cloud. Its hard to really make much of this because its not even in open beta yet but we will see I guess.
On August 23 2012 04:21 las91 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2012 05:22 boxman22 wrote:On August 22 2012 05:16 Stratos_speAr wrote:On August 22 2012 03:42 boxman22 wrote:On August 22 2012 03:29 Wombat_NI wrote:On August 22 2012 03:27 Yoduh wrote: I want to point out how most people making huge complaints and posting all this negativity are only focusing on one or two new units and declaring the whole expansion a dud before the beta is even out. I don't mind complaining, it makes for good feedback, but looking at the bigger picture theres a lot of things being done right with HotS. I haven't seen a single complaint against the viper, hydra speed, ultralist burrow charge or reaper upgrade. A lot of people are cool with the oracle, mothership core, and battle hellion. People are on the fence about tempest, widow mine, and swarm host but only for possibly not being powerful enough. Really the only constant complaints being made are against the warhound and general fears about continued deathball vs. deathball "a-move" gameplay.
Doesn't sound too bad for still being pre-beta! And once beta starts there will probably be a floodgate of changes, and I think a lot of people complaining that Blizzard never listens are gonna get shut up. If you can remember back to SC2:WoL beta Blizzard was making changes all the time. People forget that. Once a game is released it's different, and they become way more hesitant to make big changes, and rightfully so. But beta time is great. I don't know what kind of changes are yet to be made, but in a few months you can bet we won't be looking at the same game we see today. So to nay sayers I simply say continue criticizing and giving feedback, that's good, but the predictions about SC2 and HotS failing are just too premature for this stage of development. Warpgate is still a stupid mechanic and it's been in the game forever. It's also a contributory factor to [i]why[i/] Protoss games largely consist of allins or deathballing. Lol how does warpgate cause deathballs? Warpgate, if anything, would be antideathball. Sure it would increase all-ins, but you can't say deathball at all... Either do your research on the topic or think for yourself. Warp Gate is THE contributing factor to why Protoss needs to play a deathball style. It's the root cause of all things bad with the race. Let me see if I can make a concise diagram. Warp Gate -> Gateway units have to be weak due to Warp In's strength -> Gateway units suck -> majority of the Protoss army sucks as lone units -> Protoss units need to mesh very well or Protoss as a race will fail -> Deathball play is born. That's a gross oversimplification. In really low numbers they can beat similar cost terran or zerg armies, either through kiting or sentries. Then in the midgame they get weak till colossi. That's not a case of being weak in small groups. Plus if you've ever watched blink stalkers v. zerg I don't think you can make a general statement that gateway units are weak. In what universe do you see equally upgraded small Protoss armies beating small Terran armies? I'm really not looking forward to HotS as it is now, I play Protoss and would love to see warp gate removed to buff gateway units but it doesn't look like the Blizzard design team shares that philosophy. Cloud is being Cloud. Its hard to really make much of this because its not even in open beta yet but we will see I guess.
In the universe of micro and having some grasp of positioning and unit control?
On August 22 2012 16:59 n0ise wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2012 07:26 LimeNade wrote: I'm sorry there is "keeping it real" as people have said about Cloud lately but then there is also "being an arrogant asshole" which he is in this video. To say that about David Kim alone is genuinely arrogant and ignorant. David Kim is tasked with a much harder job then many can realize especially to someone with a small vocabulary and brain as it appears Cloud has. Not only is David Kim tasked with having to help balance an RTS game that is widely popular around the world (this task alone would break most people mentally) he also has to deal with the nonstop public criticism he receives (this would also break most people mentally).
If you want to be out spoken in real life then please expand your vocabulary and don't go calling people an idiot when their job is far harder then yours is Cloud. Grow up please. You can't have a clue about the game, read/listen to some of the stuff DKim is saying, and conclude that he is a person that should be touching this games' balance. I agree that maybe Cloud was rude, but I guess it was some amount of frustration speaking.
David Kim has had probably more experience in RTS genre games then like 95% if not a higher % of people playing Sc2. Have you ever tried speaking in front of thousands of people before? He's a game balancer not a public speaker I am sure things he has said before may have not been 100% accurate and not to mention things are ever changing with balance. We should be LUCKY that someone with experience in RTS games is actually participating in the balance of the game rather then leaving it up to people who create the game but have no high level experience playing it.
David Kim grew up in korea, he's roughly 28 years old which means he grew up through the SCBW boom. He has expressed before he grew up with a huge love for SCBW while playing it at a high level. He's also far more dedicated to the game then some floundering pro players who aren't even nearly as dedicated in their career as David Kim has been to the blizzard/sc2 franchise. Keep in mind balancing a game is probably one of the biggest headaches that a game presents. Especially a complex RTS as Sc2 with a community who will raise the pitch forks if something doesn't seem balanced to their liking
On August 23 2012 11:05 LimeNade wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2012 16:59 n0ise wrote:On August 22 2012 07:26 LimeNade wrote: I'm sorry there is "keeping it real" as people have said about Cloud lately but then there is also "being an arrogant asshole" which he is in this video. To say that about David Kim alone is genuinely arrogant and ignorant. David Kim is tasked with a much harder job then many can realize especially to someone with a small vocabulary and brain as it appears Cloud has. Not only is David Kim tasked with having to help balance an RTS game that is widely popular around the world (this task alone would break most people mentally) he also has to deal with the nonstop public criticism he receives (this would also break most people mentally).
If you want to be out spoken in real life then please expand your vocabulary and don't go calling people an idiot when their job is far harder then yours is Cloud. Grow up please. You can't have a clue about the game, read/listen to some of the stuff DKim is saying, and conclude that he is a person that should be touching this games' balance. I agree that maybe Cloud was rude, but I guess it was some amount of frustration speaking. David Kim has had probably more experience in RTS genre games then like 95% if not a higher % of people playing Sc2. Have you ever tried speaking in front of thousands of people before? He's a game balancer not a public speaker I am sure things he has said before may have not been 100% accurate and not to mention things are ever changing with balance. We should be LUCKY that someone with experience in RTS games is actually participating in the balance of the game rather then leaving it up to people who create the game but have no high level experience playing it. David Kim grew up in korea, he's roughly 28 years old which means he grew up through the SCBW boom. He has expressed before he grew up with a huge love for SCBW while playing it at a high level. He's also far more dedicated to the game then some floundering pro players who aren't even nearly as dedicated in their career as David Kim has been to the blizzard/sc2 franchise. Keep in mind balancing a game is probably one of the biggest headaches that a game presents. Especially a complex RTS as Sc2 with a community who will raise the pitch forks if something doesn't seem balanced to their liking
Given his experience with the RTS genre I am less likely to think that David Kim is at fault here than some of the other designers. Based off the interviews I've seen of him he appears to be the most level headed on the design team.
and he still has no idea what hes doing
On August 23 2012 11:12 IdrA wrote: and he still has no idea what hes doing
And that's why Blizzard should hire a progamer game design team.
On August 21 2012 19:25 Grapefruit wrote:Show nested quote +On August 21 2012 19:19 regiment wrote: * The Battle Cruisers speed boost will be removed, Battle Cruisers will have increased damage
Oh fuck yes!
This is what irks me. They change up the Battlecruiser and buff/nerf it and all that jazz, but they won't even try to buff/change the carrier at all instead they just remove it for a unit that is 10x worse.
On August 23 2012 11:17 Qwyn wrote:And that's why Blizzard should hire a progamer game design team.
They consult pro-gamers on their opinions of the game all the time, it's stupid to think they wouldn't.
On August 23 2012 00:58 Herect wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2012 23:57 Velr wrote: People that want to play an RTS play RTS. People that want to play a MOBA play Dota 2. People that want to play with friends while putting in minimal effort play LoL (or some MMO).
The groups are not in direct concurrence with each other. But they're. There's a reason why dota (and the MOBA genre) grew inside fo the Mapmaking scene of WC3. It is because people liked to play with heroes but hated to macro behind it (it is important elemente of RTS, but it cannot be denied that it's a repetitive, tiring, sometimes brainless and very mechanical task). When SC:BW came out, only RTS was a real option if people wanted to play a "strategy PC game" (actually you can extend to almost anyone that wanted to play a online PC game, bacause there weren't any FPS or MMO at that time). Today, there's a lot of options and they all are more noob friendly than SC2. In the end, all possible new public that could be interested in play an online RTS game is playing an MOBA today. A commom and straight RTS is just too hard in comparison to LoL or wtv MOBA game out there.
That's an interesting point. Perhaps the growth of MOBA games indicates that a lot of people don't really like the idea of macro as a skill.
On August 23 2012 11:34 Talack wrote:Show nested quote +On August 23 2012 11:17 Qwyn wrote:On August 23 2012 11:12 IdrA wrote: and he still has no idea what hes doing And that's why Blizzard should hire a progamer game design team. They consult pro-gamers on their opinions of the game all the time, it's stupid to think they wouldn't.
More like they look at data created by progamers. I think that if they actively consulted pros the game would look much different.
On August 23 2012 11:38 Qwyn wrote:Show nested quote +On August 23 2012 11:34 Talack wrote:On August 23 2012 11:17 Qwyn wrote:On August 23 2012 11:12 IdrA wrote: and he still has no idea what hes doing And that's why Blizzard should hire a progamer game design team. They consult pro-gamers on their opinions of the game all the time, it's stupid to think they wouldn't. More like they look at data created by progamers. I think that if they actively consulted pros the game would look much different.
You are incorrect. Multiple professionals, including White-Ra, have reported meeting with David Kim and discussing balance and the upcoming expansion. They are taking input, but professional gamers do not make video games and have none of the skills required to do so.
On August 23 2012 12:08 Plansix wrote:Show nested quote +On August 23 2012 11:38 Qwyn wrote:On August 23 2012 11:34 Talack wrote:On August 23 2012 11:17 Qwyn wrote:On August 23 2012 11:12 IdrA wrote: and he still has no idea what hes doing And that's why Blizzard should hire a progamer game design team. They consult pro-gamers on their opinions of the game all the time, it's stupid to think they wouldn't. More like they look at data created by progamers. I think that if they actively consulted pros the game would look much different. You are incorrect. Multiple professionals, including White-Ra, have reported meeting with David Kim and discussing balance and the upcoming expansion. They are taking input, but professional gamers do not make video games and have none of the skills required to do so.
The reply to IdrA was a joke.
My reply to you is that if they actually cared about making an esport, Blizzard would be much more involved. If they actually cared we wouldn't see the units we are seeing now, we would see a radical redesign and removal of issues that have plagued this game since day 1.
SC2 is lacking compared to other esport platforms. Developer involvement in shaping the game feels disappointing to me. I see a big difference (as in me, my eyes, not the eys of others), moreso - I FEEL - a big difference in developer support between developers such as Riot and Valve and Blizzard, and the fact that the former seem to be focusing on creating a viable platform, while the latter seems not to care, and that is really disappointing to me.
Blizzard takes input. Hmm. More like Blizzard gets craptons of good input thrown in their face but are slow to react and most of the time choose to ignore it. Why do I say this? I used to be a staunch Blizzard supporter. But the more I observe, the more jaded I have become. I'm sure others share my opinion, but my thoughts are genuine and I have come to them through observation. That's all.
lol what is everybody even fighting about? its pretty obs that blizzard does take our input into consideration, seeing as how alot of the things that happened, actually happened.
alls i know is that violets part is the funniest part of all the interviews, he is very funny because his english is bad, but he knows cussing.
hmmm, check it out; if you watch the video, the pro's actually did not complain that much. they only really complained about the oracle being annoying, and warhounds being too strong, maybe. this is very interesting to me because pros "SOME OF THE BEST PLAYERS IN TEH WORLD" think that hots is gonna be fine for the most part,
but all of us here on team liquid are e-shanking each other over its balance. wth?
the chuckles i get every time i come on here.
On August 23 2012 14:22 urbaNo wrote: lol what is everybody even fighting about?
Haven't you heard? Getting community figures together to say that x, y and z are imba and that their race needs buffs (despite having very little experience with the units involved, and having been in situations before where they had strong beliefs and were wrong) is the new way you play this game. I personally think Blizzard needs to make their interface for community feedback more streamlined though.
It would be best for everyone, I think, if following every loss Blizzard could draft a balance complaint which would post globally across reddit, battle.net and TL - something like an autopopulated template like "This game is horrible. I was playing this game against [Enemy_Race] and he just built [Enemy_Unit_List] and a-moved and won basically. It seemed pretty imba. [Player_Race] needs some buffs to deal with this. Otherwise, I guess they just want unskilled [Enemy_Race] to always win. Why does Blizzard hate [Player_Race]?"
For me, this is the most important balance change Blizzard can make. Currently, complaining takes too much skill and the desgin team can just a-move their balance changes right over them. If we could make an a-move-style complaint process, things become much more balanced.
Also, I read on page 13 something about easier games being linked to brain cancer. Why do you guys think Blizzard wants to give all of us brain cancer?
On August 23 2012 11:12 IdrA wrote: and he still has no idea what hes doing
Would really appreciate your thoughts on the new HoTS units if you have time.
On August 23 2012 16:16 Treehead wrote:Show nested quote +On August 23 2012 14:22 urbaNo wrote: lol what is everybody even fighting about?
Haven't you heard? Getting community figures together to say that x, y and z are imba and that their race needs buffs (despite having very little experience with the units involved, and having been in situations before where they had strong beliefs and were wrong) is the new way you play this game. I personally think Blizzard needs to make their interface for community feedback more streamlined though. It would be best for everyone, I think, if following every loss Blizzard could draft a balance complaint which would post globally across reddit, battle.net and TL - something like an autopopulated template like "This game is horrible. I was playing this game against [Enemy_Race] and he just built [Enemy_Unit_List] and a-moved and won basically. It seemed pretty imba. [Player_Race] needs some buffs to deal with this. Otherwise, I guess they just want unskilled [Enemy_Race] to always win. Why does Blizzard hate [Player_Race]?" For me, this is the most important balance change Blizzard can make. Currently, complaining takes too much skill and the desgin team can just a-move their balance changes right over them. If we could make an a-move-style complaint process, things become much more balanced. Also, I read on page 13 something about easier games being linked to brain cancer. Why do you guys think Blizzard wants to give all of us brain cancer?
LOL dude. this is the best post in the thread.
you pretty much summed up the entire starcraft 2 community. ok i wont say entire i will say about 95 percent of the community. i think your template is awesome, it would pretty much cut the walls of text in about 90 percent of our threads to save space on the servers.
lol and i thin your balance suggestions is awesome, you should email kim himself, he wont listen to you though because he doesnt know anything about balance, and he wont listen to you anyways right?
but in all seriousness, it makes me sad how our entire community is full of nothing but shit talkers and trolls trying to drown each other. i dont get it, nobody gains anything from any of this. lol the fact that somebody brought up brain cancer, just so they could get ahead in an argument is quite hilarious.
that being said i have a feeling that HOTS beta is gonna drop this weekend in conjunction with mlg, just a gut feeling. hopefully so all yall can finally play the game and have some justified arguments about how easy the game is and blizzard is trying to give us brain cancer.
lol treehead, dude i keep re reading your post over and over, that shit is hilarious. HEHEHEH.....
On August 23 2012 16:42 urbaNo wrote:Show nested quote +On August 23 2012 16:16 Treehead wrote:On August 23 2012 14:22 urbaNo wrote: lol what is everybody even fighting about?
Haven't you heard? Getting community figures together to say that x, y and z are imba and that their race needs buffs (despite having very little experience with the units involved, and having been in situations before where they had strong beliefs and were wrong) is the new way you play this game. I personally think Blizzard needs to make their interface for community feedback more streamlined though. It would be best for everyone, I think, if following every loss Blizzard could draft a balance complaint which would post globally across reddit, battle.net and TL - something like an autopopulated template like "This game is horrible. I was playing this game against [Enemy_Race] and he just built [Enemy_Unit_List] and a-moved and won basically. It seemed pretty imba. [Player_Race] needs some buffs to deal with this. Otherwise, I guess they just want unskilled [Enemy_Race] to always win. Why does Blizzard hate [Player_Race]?" For me, this is the most important balance change Blizzard can make. Currently, complaining takes too much skill and the desgin team can just a-move their balance changes right over them. If we could make an a-move-style complaint process, things become much more balanced. Also, I read on page 13 something about easier games being linked to brain cancer. Why do you guys think Blizzard wants to give all of us brain cancer? LOL dude. this is the best post in the thread. you pretty much summed up the entire starcraft 2 community. ok i wont say entire i will say about 95 percent of the community. i think your template is awesome, it would pretty much cut the walls of text in about 90 percent of our threads to save space on the servers. lol and i thin your balance suggestions is awesome, you should email kim himself, he wont listen to you though because he doesnt know anything about balance, and he wont listen to you anyways right? but in all seriousness, it makes me sad how our entire community is full of nothing but shit talkers and trolls trying to drown each other. i dont get it, nobody gains anything from any of this. lol the fact that somebody brought up brain cancer, just so they could get ahead in an argument is quite hilarious. that being said i have a feeling that HOTS beta is gonna drop this weekend in conjunction with mlg, just a gut feeling. hopefully so all yall can finally play the game and have some justified arguments about how easy the game is and blizzard is trying to give us brain cancer.
When Blizzard has made the changes the community wants to see in the past, there has been nothing but praise coming from those decisions. When Blizzard makes changes the community wants to see, we are given hope for the future of SC2. I
All you're seeing here are the discontent complaining b/c Blizzard is not willing to take radical steps to change the game into a better esport platform.
These complaints are not new. None of them are. They have existed for the most part since beta. Because they are DESIGN flaws, not stat flaws. And design flaws take balls to change. They take a willingness to reconstruct the foundation of the game knowing that in the long run, it will be much better than before. Sacrificing a bit here and there to ensure the longevity of the modern RTS platform.