On August 13 2012 09:07 writer22816 wrote: Yeah sadly this isn't funny at all for those who have read the original thread
Things can never ever be revived because the internet is serious business. Early adopters only.
They could've at least changed a couple small things around.
Changing anything other than the names would have ruined it because it just wouldn't have been as funny as the original.
maybe the OP could've, i dunno, come up with something more original? After all, SC2 fans have always yapped about how SC2 isn't BW and doesn't have to be like BW, so why don't you guys try to make up your own jokes too while you're at it.
I'm not going to be surprised if someone posts a joke thread in a few months titled "I found the way that a merine beat a swarm host"
Im not going to be surprised in a few months when people start making fun of the really bitter BW fans.
As if the new guys are any better?
You want to pick at some bones then you might as well pick the whole skeleton.
Personally I think you all need to lighten up a bit.
I suppose it comes down to personal views on artistic integrity.
What annoys me most is that it got featured. Of all the threads I have ever seen shown up in the Spotlight, I would say this is the weakest of them all in almost all aspects. To me, this really lowers the standard, which is a shame.
On August 13 2012 11:16 ArvickHero wrote: I suppose it comes down to personal views on artistic integrity.
What annoys me most is that it got featured. Of all the threads I have ever seen shown up in the Spotlight, I would say this is the weakest of them all in almost all aspects. To me, this really lowers the standard, which is a shame.
Here's an exact copy of your posts in this thread: "Guys i think we should have no fun"
On August 13 2012 11:16 ArvickHero wrote: I suppose it comes down to personal views on artistic integrity.
What annoys me most is that it got featured. Of all the threads I have ever seen shown up in the Spotlight, I would say this is the weakest of them all in almost all aspects. To me, this really lowers the standard, which is a shame.
Here's an exact copy of your posts in this thread: "Guys i think we should have no fun"
On August 13 2012 11:16 ArvickHero wrote: I suppose it comes down to personal views on artistic integrity.
What annoys me most is that it got featured. Of all the threads I have ever seen shown up in the Spotlight, I would say this is the weakest of them all in almost all aspects. To me, this really lowers the standard, which is a shame.
On August 13 2012 11:16 ArvickHero wrote: I suppose it comes down to personal views on artistic integrity.
What annoys me most is that it got featured. Of all the threads I have ever seen shown up in the Spotlight, I would say this is the weakest of them all in almost all aspects. To me, this really lowers the standard, which is a shame.
Here's an exact copy of your posts in this thread: "Guys i think we should have no fun"
"ir's a shitty thread and an even shittier spotlight"
On August 13 2012 11:55 N.geNuity wrote: is any sc2 zerg player well known for zergling/baneling play? maybe kyrix (but he's retired or not active)? maybe life (I heard he likes to 6 pool)?
would be greatly appreciated
I'm really missing something...I know this is some inside joke that I'm not a part of, but on the off chance you're serious:
On August 13 2012 11:55 N.geNuity wrote: is any sc2 zerg player well known for zergling/baneling play? maybe kyrix (but he's retired or not active)? maybe life (I heard he likes to 6 pool)?
On August 13 2012 09:07 writer22816 wrote: Yeah sadly this isn't funny at all for those who have read the original thread
Things can never ever be revived because the internet is serious business. Early adopters only.
They could've at least changed a couple small things around.
Changing anything other than the names would have ruined it because it just wouldn't have been as funny as the original.
maybe the OP could've, i dunno, come up with something more original? After all, SC2 fans have always yapped about how SC2 isn't BW and doesn't have to be like BW, so why don't you guys try to make up your own jokes too while you're at it.
I'm not going to be surprised if someone posts a joke thread in a few months titled "I found the way that a merine beat a swarm host"
this is stupid. Are you really going to make this into a SC2 vs BW argument?
It's a good joke, people liked the original and it got a renewed one for TEAMLIQUID. We do have our own jokes, you probably just don't know.
Lighten up, credit is given with the original's link and OP's name.
On August 13 2012 11:55 N.geNuity wrote: is any sc2 zerg player well known for zergling/baneling play? maybe kyrix (but he's retired or not active)? maybe life (I heard he likes to 6 pool)?
would be greatly appreciated
I'm really missing something...I know this is some inside joke that I'm not a part of, but on the off chance you're serious:
HyuN is definitely known for his ling-bane play.
God i hope i'm not missing something.
DeMuslim gets Hyun Ko Sucked a love story by NgeNuity
the GSTL S3 final match between SlayerS-EG and TSL ended almost as soon as it began. TSL were on fire, even Demuslim couldnt deny it, who was Ko Seok'd off in the last set. The reign of TSL had begun. Backstage at the event after party demuslim met with the players to snap some photos with the fellow finalists; demuslim put his hand on hyun's shoulder "oye governor, pose just like this please with me" he cackled in a digusting limy accent ."Aaah okay" Hyun said nervously. Hyun looked sheepish and awkward, like a shy child.--his handsome face and slim body were deceiving. Hyun wasn't much of a lady's man. The silly englishman looked Hyun in the eye and said "oye that's great just like this then." HyuN complied with every absurd demand the foreigner progamer threw at him. Demuslim was impressed with how natural and obedient he was, just like a Queen being the bitch to a hatchery. Soon, dirty thoughts started to brew in his mind. So submissive. He was probably a virgin. He had a thing or two to teach him.
"Oye Hyun, what are you doing after this" he asked. "I suppose nothing, I don't really need to practice after today's win, I'm kind of hungry. I might go somewhere to eat". "Oye my god let me cook something for you. Long live the queen!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. Hyun was frightened by the loud englishmen, and agreed to eat his cooking lest he eat him. They arrived at his apartment soon afterward and DeMuslim led Hyun into the bedroom. "I thought you were going to cook" said the shy zerg "oye British can't cook, what are you thinking boy? Demuslim yodeled at him. He took out a whip and demanded Hyun strip nude. Hyun smirked "So, you think you can sexually dominate me?"
"Salty Crisps and Monty Python!" Demuslim shouted. Hyun opened his mouth from which 200 ling/baneling with +1 carapace poured forth, Demuslim gasped and tried to run but the small critters pinned him down ,ate his clothes, and exploded all over him. "Time to Ko Seok me you limy bitch" Hyun sneered. Hyun immediately researched his pelvic thrust attack speed upgrade at the spawning pool and set to make short work of Demuslim's rancid pudding pool. "HYUNNNN'd" he bellowed into the night sky as he smacked DeMuslim's crusty butt cheeks as hard as he could. Demuslim screamed and cried "noo I love forgg." "LOL forgg sucks ass you bitch" hyun whispered romantically into his ear as he worked his anus like a mutalisk works an scv patch.
He hyunnn'd him for hours on end until Taeja was outside and heard Demuslim's bellows from within the apartment. He built some barracks and broke Hyun like in the ESV weekly and Hyun died and Demuslim thanked taeja and asked where forgg was and taeja said "LOL I dont know. who cares forgg sucks I 3-1'd him ezpz ASUS ROG" and then demuslim killed himself and NgeNuity married TheBest.
For some reason threads seem to be a lot less funny when they include: - copy/paste from an original - "Credit to..." - "Btw this thread is a joke, just making sure you know that."