There will obviously be balance shifts when gameplay values are changed. Nobody is claiming otherwise. This thread is about the effect these changes have on the clarity and spectator-friendliness of SC2. |
I have tested dynamic movement a bit and I think it feels really great. If you dont put effort into it it plays out just like one is used to but you just get more of a grasp to your unit control. You can design your unit blobs not just split them up. Like forming an arch of marines against lot of lings so more marines can shoot immediatly wihtout gaining more surface area. It still takes effort and splitting itself constantly is not easymode at all. It just gives the good players more tools to use their units effectively. Hots will throw every balance away either way and adjusting AOE is not as hard as many make it sound like. I can assure you. It looks great and it feels really good.
Edit: now that I think about it. What is the difference between "mm daybreak" and "daybreak dynamic movement"?
Can anyone let me know if mmdaybreak is STILL unavailable? It's been a bit since I published it as public, i would think it would show up by now. Searching mmdaybreak should bring it right up.... Or does it usually take a while for a map to be published?
I can see MMdaybreak by bommes on EU.
On July 04 2012 03:24 MrTortoise wrote: But this is the kidn of change that can happen with hots beause lets face it everythign will change ... things that are UP/OP now will end up with different roles It would be great to see it in HotS but I don't think Blizzard would be willing to make a change like this, ever. Balance would have to be overhauled for every single unit because it's such a huge change. I know it's been said but AoE damage would be totally different, and therefore all balance would have to be reiterated.
On July 04 2012 03:29 pzea469 wrote: Can anyone let me know if mmdaybreak is STILL unavailable? It's been a bit since I published it as public, i would think it would show up by now. Searching mmdaybreak should bring it right up.... Or does it usually take a while for a map to be published?
I see MMDayBreak by pzea on NA
On July 04 2012 03:29 pzea469 wrote: Can anyone let me know if mmdaybreak is STILL unavailable? It's been a bit since I published it as public, i would think it would show up by now. Searching mmdaybreak should bring it right up.... Or does it usually take a while for a map to be published? It's up for me.
thank you guys! It's finally up and in both regions. Now, replays replays replays!
The whole "aoe spells will be useless" argument can not be fully considered without testing with actual people on actual maps since the terrain and choke points will still funnel the units and break the composition. This can make it so that aoe units perhaps serve to hold choke points instead of moving out with the entire army, thought I still think that will be doable, it's not like even pros can perfectly split all their units so only one gets hit by an aoe attack.
if someone has a replay of them playing kind of serious on with this "mod" please post a link to see how it plays out.
On July 04 2012 03:38 pzea469 wrote:thank you guys! It's finally up  and in both regions. Now, replays replays replays!
May I suggest creating a chat-channel that everyone can use to find matches, and put its name in the OP?
So... infinite range magic box?
I don't really see the improvement. It won't remove deathballs; it will only make them deathsquares (plus, when units move through a choke, the clump up again). Overall, I just don't see how this fixes anything.
All of you people saying that the entire balance of the game would have to be reconsidered if this change were implemented are correct. But you seem to forget that this will be the case anyways during the beta of HotS, regardless of whether this dynamic movement is implemented.
With a new expansion, it is the perfect opportunity for Blizzard to make some core design changes and have the time to thoroughly test them unlike some patches they have released recently.
I'm pretty sure starcraft2 doesn't need to get any easier
I was originaly a big fan of this, but reading this thread, I think that some people may have a point.
Actually, the best change to SC2 could be just to buff AOE and let the players micro their asses of trying splitting their armies, instead of making it easier through the UI.
Now this is something that Blizzard will never do, because it is extremely noob-unfriendly, but whatever.
what a load of crap. "i don't like unit clumping because it's ugly, i dont think anyone else likes it" you even say "i don't even watch SC2 anymore" and you try to make it more like BW. no, this is not what SC2 "needs". what you need to do is find something you like because you clearly don't like SC2.
On July 04 2012 03:47 ptrpb wrote: what a load of crap. "i don't like unit clumping because it's ugly, i dont think anyone else likes it" you even say "i don't even watch SC2 anymore" and you try to make it more like BW. no, this is not what SC2 "needs". what you need to do is find something you like because you clearly don't like SC2.
You're right, I don't like the current state of SC2. I played it excessively when it was in beta and post release but then got tired of playing it and watching it. I feel like one of the major disappointments for me is the way units ball up. I find it terrible. I think there are many who agree with me on that part. No I don't think SC2 is perfect and I will always not just criticize the game but will also try and inspire it to become better. It's the same reason I made the Stronger Team Color mod. I love what this game could become. I'm not trying to turn SC2 into Broodwar, but we should learn from Broodwar, not avoid it. If you don't agree with me I understand, but don't call it "a load of crap". I don't want the Blizzard response of "play another game" or "you can still play broodwar". Other games, including Broodwar don't have the potential of capturing the hearts of competitive gamers anymore. It's SC2's time to move esports forward, and I'd like to think I at least tried to help make it the most fun to watch and play as possible.
On July 04 2012 03:46 joon wrote: I'm pretty sure starcraft2 doesn't need to get any easier
Which is what it wouldn't get with this change either
On July 04 2012 03:47 opisska wrote: I was originaly a big fan of this, but reading this thread, I think that some people may have a point.
Actually, the best change to SC2 could be just to buff AOE and let the players micro their asses of trying splitting their armies, instead of making it easier through the UI.
Now this is something that Blizzard will never do, because it is extremely noob-unfriendly, but whatever. Without a change will this a buff to AOE would never come considering blizzards trend of nerfing every single AOE spell
If there was a petition to change unit movement to this, I would sign it. Great idea!
It seems strange that so many people criticize SC2 for being 'easier' than Brood War, yet there is huge community outlash against one of the most significant changes from BW that actually makes SC2 the one that requires way more skill. With a unit clumping change, unit splits and micro adjustments against AOE becomes so much less fundamental that I think we'd see even MORE a-moving, not less, leading to even more stale engagements and one-sided games decided entirely on army composition. Am I missing something here?