You have to provide some kind of evidence/proof (screenshots/replays etc.) if you are going to accuse somebody.
Additionally, a supporting comment of what people should be looking for and when will be necessary if you are posting replays/evidence. |
On January 17 2013 05:48 nunez wrote:Hacker name: KJHServer: KR League: master, 172 points, 18 wins / 15 lossesDescription:KJH(t, bot left) vs DARKHELMET(t, top right) @ daybreak45 minute tvt stacked with looking through fog of war and blind army movement with no scouting whatsoever. i'll just put one example, but a quick look through it should be enough for everyone who doubts it. @42:10 looks into fog of war where DARKHELMETS army is, he has no intel of it being there, blindly stims all his marines and runs in to snipe off unsieged tanks.
Player name: KJH Confirmed map hacker.
15:59 Intercept drop - Positions then A clicks vikings before vision of medivac 16:35 Drop intercept with Marines, long walk with marines. 20:00 Another intercept 23:50 Drop intercept looking through fog of war 24:24 Looks through fog of war 28:26 Looks through fog of war 28:36 Looks through fog of war 28:46 Looks through fog of war 29:50 Looks through fog of war 32:40 Looks through fog of war LONG LOOK 33:08 Looks through fog of war 34:00-34:10 Looks through fog of war 34:30 Looks through fog of war 35:15 Looks through fog of war 35:20 Looks through fog of war 36:20 Looks through fog of war
The longer the game goes on, the less he cares or cannot help himself to look through the fog of war. Blatant map hacking. I stopped at the 36:20 mark there are that many occurances.
On January 17 2013 12:40 Grimmyman123 wrote:Player name: KJH Confirmed map hacker. 15:59 Intercept drop - Positions then A clicks vikings before vision of medivac 16:35 Drop intercept with Marines, long walk with marines. 20:00 Another intercept 23:50 Drop intercept looking through fog of war 24:24 Looks through fog of war 28:26 Looks through fog of war 28:36 Looks through fog of war 28:46 Looks through fog of war 29:50 Looks through fog of war 32:40 Looks through fog of war LONG LOOK 33:08 Looks through fog of war 34:00-34:10 Looks through fog of war 34:30 Looks through fog of war 35:15 Looks through fog of war 35:20 Looks through fog of war 36:20 Looks through fog of war The longer the game goes on, the less he cares or cannot help himself to look through the fog of war. Blatant map hacking. I stopped at the 36:20 mark there are that many occurances.
thanks, i'll add that to the analysis instead.
The replay http://drop.sc/295841
Hacker name: KsGuides Server: NA League: GM Description: Alot of suspicious play in a very long game, uses DT's for scouting and harasses at the same time, has perfect decision making with no map vision or awareness. Sure knows where to leave and move his army without any vision or OBS on the map. (He later adds an obs like 25 mins into the game, I guess u need to detect burrowed infestors) 13:40 : Goes in to snipe infestation pit researching pathogen glands, coincidence or luck?
15:20 - 15:35 : Goes for an attack (not even maxed) while still researching colossus tech and making colossus, while the zerg player has 10 spines in production. Coincidence or good decision making to attack?
23:10 - 23:30 : Decides to expand and sends whole army there to kill the 1 ling, notice how he doesn't do this at 18:25 when deciding to take his 4th.
24:15 : Warps in 4 Zealots deciding to block his wall and moves his army into a better position to intercept zerg units with no vision of the map
26:50 - 27:00: Moves Warp Prism into zerg's natural and changes his mind then decides to move it outside somewhere else to warp in ( the zerg has spores and spines which were just put up but not in vision of protoss )
27:34 - 27:39 : Has a very long 5 second glance at the zergs broodlord comp in the fog of war.
28:51 - 28:55 : Goes for zergs 5th expansion with warped in DT's but changes his mind and goes for an area with nothing there ( If u look at zergs base he has the 5th expansion well covered and theres an undefended hatchery where hes going for)
Hacker name: Wardou Server: EU League: High Master Description: proxy 2 gates on entombed.
proxy , remember they changed entomed so that there is only 2 spawn locations atm.
yes but there is still 2... he sent a probe directly to my nat..without even checking i was there.
good submission by proxy, wardou has some thread in this rep from before.
yeye I know submitted a replay of him my self , but none has bothered to watch any of them =)
On January 18 2013 04:00 HpplVgn wrote: yeye I know submitted a replay of him my self , but none has bothered to watch any of them =)
i have watched them, but haven't updated thread yet! :> just a bit slow.
okai , thank you my countryman :D!
On January 18 2013 01:34 nGenMaFia wrote:The replay http://drop.sc/295841Hacker name: KsGuides Server: NA League: GM Description: Alot of suspicious play in a very long game, uses DT's for scouting and harasses at the same time, has perfect decision making with no map vision or awareness. Sure knows where to leave and move his army without any vision or OBS on the map. (He later adds an obs like 25 mins into the game, I guess u need to detect burrowed infestors) 13:40 : Goes in to snipe infestation pit researching pathogen glands, coincidence or luck? 15:20 - 15:35 : Goes for an attack (not even maxed) while still researching colossus tech and making colossus, while the zerg player has 10 spines in production. Coincidence or good decision making to attack? 23:10 - 23:30 : Decides to expand and sends whole army there to kill the 1 ling, notice how he doesn't do this at 18:25 when deciding to take his 4th. 24:15 : Warps in 4 Zealots deciding to block his wall and moves his army into a better position to intercept zerg units with no vision of the map 26:50 - 27:00: Moves Warp Prism into zerg's natural and changes his mind then decides to move it outside somewhere else to warp in ( the zerg has spores and spines which were just put up but not in vision of protoss ) 27:34 - 27:39 : Has a very long 5 second glance at the zergs broodlord comp in the fog of war. 28:51 - 28:55 : Goes for zergs 5th expansion with warped in DT's but changes his mind and goes for an area with nothing there ( If u look at zergs base he has the 5th expansion well covered and theres an undefended hatchery where hes going for)
Just watched the replay and I agree. Whenever someone plays a 35 minute game without any attempt at scouting, it's likely they're hacking. The 27:34 - 27:39 look through the fog of war was the biggest giveaway.
Hacker name: Wardou Server: EU League: High Master Description: Another replay with Wardou. Pylon ramp block into cannon rush on Cloud Kingdom. After he pylon blocks me, he follows my drone through fog of war, but stops as he sees that I'm not taking a proxy base.
On January 18 2013 01:34 nGenMaFia wrote:The replay http://drop.sc/295841Hacker name: KsGuides Server: NA League: GM Description: Alot of suspicious play in a very long game, uses DT's for scouting and harasses at the same time, has perfect decision making with no map vision or awareness. Sure knows where to leave and move his army without any vision or OBS on the map. (He later adds an obs like 25 mins into the game, I guess u need to detect burrowed infestors) 13:40 : Goes in to snipe infestation pit researching pathogen glands, coincidence or luck? 15:20 - 15:35 : Goes for an attack (not even maxed) while still researching colossus tech and making colossus, while the zerg player has 10 spines in production. Coincidence or good decision making to attack? 23:10 - 23:30 : Decides to expand and sends whole army there to kill the 1 ling, notice how he doesn't do this at 18:25 when deciding to take his 4th. 24:15 : Warps in 4 Zealots deciding to block his wall and moves his army into a better position to intercept zerg units with no vision of the map 26:50 - 27:00: Moves Warp Prism into zerg's natural and changes his mind then decides to move it outside somewhere else to warp in ( the zerg has spores and spines which were just put up but not in vision of protoss ) 27:34 - 27:39 : Has a very long 5 second glance at the zergs broodlord comp in the fog of war. 28:51 - 28:55 : Goes for zergs 5th expansion with warped in DT's but changes his mind and goes for an area with nothing there ( If u look at zergs base he has the 5th expansion well covered and theres an undefended hatchery where hes going for)
Player Name: KsGuides League: NA GM Bnet Profile: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2253157/1/KsGuides/ CONFIRMED Map hack
Thank you for your replay. I have observed the following instances of map hacking.
21:20 Brings back army with no vision of incoming forces. 23:28 Kills single zergling at 5th expo, no prior vision of zergling 24:20 Retreats entire army to deal with incoming ling roach force, no vision of impending attack. 27:10 DT Warp in via Prism, peeks at zerg army just off screen through fog of war 27:32 Look through fog of war at Zerg main base 27:35 Looks at zerg broodlord army through fog of war 28:45 Looks at zerg army and blinks 4 stalkers blindly into it (snipe infestors?) 28:55 Warps in DT's via prism and sends to constructing hatch, though no prior vision or knowledge of hatch. 29:28 Blind Reposition of army to respond to approaching zerg army 29:59 Looks at zerg 5th base through fog of war (heavily defended) 30:30 Looks at repositioning spine crawlers through fog of war and attacks them immediately 30:35 Retreats from attacking spines once BL army starts to come into range, no vision of BL army 33:47 Looks at spires in Zerg 3rd expo, no previous vision.
On January 18 2013 03:36 prOxySC2 wrote: Hacker name: Wardou Server: EU League: High Master Description: proxy 2 gates on entombed. http://drop.sc/295900
Thank you for your replay
Player name: Wardou Profile: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/857218/1/Wardou/ League: Master Confirmed Map hacker
0:08 Blind Proxy. 0:29 - Looks at other starting positions through fog of war 1:15 - Looks again at other starting positions through fog of war 6:13 Looks through fog of war at probe line 7:26 - Looks at probe line through fog of war
On January 18 2013 05:33 DJHelium wrote:Hacker name: Wardou Server: EU League: High Master Description: Another replay with Wardou. Pylon ramp block into cannon rush on Cloud Kingdom. After he pylon blocks me, he follows my drone through fog of war, but stops as he sees that I'm not taking a proxy base. http://drop.sc/295936
Hacker name: Wardou Server: EU League: Master Profile: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/857218/1/Wardou/ CONFIRMED Map hack.
Thank you for your replay
2:05 Moves probe around sight vision of 1st scouting overlord 2:47 Pursues unknown hidden drone after placing pylons 3:20 Pursues drone to top left expansion, without direct vision of drone's path 3:22 Looks at drone throuh fog of war and ceases pursuit when drone heads towards protoss base 4:30 'Scouts' proxy hatch in protoss base 11:00 Attacks directly into zerg natural, does not scout location for 3rd. **Note: No scouting entire game by protoss player. Establishes solid defense to roach push, instantly expands after zerg has expanded, both without scouting.**
I would prefer a Terran replay to examine his drop defense. I hypothesize his drop defense would be outstanding.
On January 14 2013 02:53 HpplVgn wrote:Name: Flowerpower / Themagican (prob cus of the name change thing) Server : EU league : master http://drop.sc/294522He does alot of wierd stuff, f.eks his first scv ( its not the realied 9th one that is the standard to do, he does intercept my probe on the ramp). He has no real idea what I am doing (lol he knows it all) , send his marine on patrol ( prob think I am going for warp prism). then he stops and uses it to attack my pylon ( goes straight to it) , Then suddenly he bunker up like a mad man... Rallys all his stuff into the main etc. Then when I point it out he sacks a Medivac to prove his point.. also really low APM
Hello, I am " TheMagician "
You are really randoming accusing me, seeing the game, i sent a scv a little bit earlier coz i often got cheese on little map if i go at 10 like usual, with some gates in my main. Then, i did not see u proxying the robot and i went to scout at the other side with my rine, unfortunatley for you i found a pylon u let me kill with a single marine.
You did not take b2 + proxy pylon + ohana = cheese, something like 4 gate or 3g robots, as i 1 rax expanded i did lot of bunkers coz 3g robot is really really hard for me to hold.
Everyone who will watch the game will see i am not hacking because i am not. You just failed your cheese and rage reported me, really randomly. You should think a little bit, i'm an honest player and these kinds of abusives report could have bad cumsequences on me. Just try to think a little bit, please, because you acted really really stupidly. Please TL, go watch his replay and tell him he did an abusive and random report.
PS : i reported several guys too, i hate hackers ruining the game, like BlackRA , with my previous TL account.
User was banned for this post.
Themagican , your post here just make me think even more that it was a hack. You seem clueless. how could you be sure that it was robo and not DTs for example ? The marine that killed the pylon was sent straight to that location =) you didnt bother scouting else where apart from where you had him on pratrol (my guess to intercept warp prism , abit preemtive I must say).
Thank you for clarifying your thoughts . but from my point of view none of them makes much sense, Seeing as I could be doing anything (if it was blink all in your bunkers would be pretty pointless in that location or DTs jk no turret).
Regarding TheMagician
I watched the replay, and there are no tells of a map hack that are 100% proof of map hacking.
The only two things, which could be interpreted as suspicious, is the marine taking out the proxy pylon, which was in a very normal and predictable place, and the walling up, which again can be attributed to the popularity of the Robo Immortal all in in the PvT matchup combined with the knowledge of a denied fast expand with the engineering bay making an all in very likely.
However, the protoss player did not lose due to map hacking. The protoss player made a few poor decisions and an engagement which did not go well, which was the cause of the loss, despite a nearly 20 worker advantage and equal army supply.
I also checked a 2 month old replay for comparision. There was absolutely no signs of map hacking in that replay whatsoever, just an oddly, if that, low APM. If he was hacking, he's quite smart about it, and he'd be largely relying on a production tab hack.
Sorry, nothing even close to conclusive in the replay provided. Please submit further replays if possible.
Now, Themagician user was dArkko, and his might not being a hacker does not negate his ban from TL, whatsoever.
On January 18 2013 16:12 Grimmyman123 wrote: Regarding TheMagician
I watched the replay, and there are no tells of a map hack that are 100% proof of map hacking.
The only two things, which could be interpreted as suspicious, is the marine taking out the proxy pylon, which was in a very normal and predictable place, and the walling up, which again can be attributed to the popularity of the Robo Immortal all in in the PvT matchup combined with the knowledge of a denied fast expand with the engineering bay making an all in very likely.
However, the protoss player did not lose due to map hacking. The protoss player made a few poor decisions and an engagement which did not go well, which was the cause of the loss, despite a nearly 20 worker advantage and equal army supply.
I also checked a 2 month old replay for comparision. There was absolutely no signs of map hacking in that replay whatsoever, just an oddly, if that, low APM. If he was hacking, he's quite smart about it, and he'd be largely relying on a production tab hack.
Sorry, nothing even close to conclusive in the replay provided. Please submit further replays if possible.
Now, Themagician user was dArkko, and his might not being a hacker does not negate his ban from TL, whatsoever. I agree with this 100%. Production tab hack is what came up in my mind as well - that is, IF he is hacking at all. He doesn't seem to "see" what's going on out on the map (loses a full medivac, stims one marine to check if he's still contained etc.).
RezJ , alot of hackers try to hide what they are hacking. Some doesn't care and will nearly tell you "I am hacking" at the start of the game. Well, if people seem to think he is clean I will have to live with that=)!