You have to provide some kind of evidence/proof (screenshots/replays etc.) if you are going to accuse somebody.
Additionally, a supporting comment of what people should be looking for and when will be necessary if you are posting replays/evidence. |
Hacker name: Hailey (don't know character code), but this is his sc2ranks profile http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/2812355/Hailey Server: US League: 579 points Masters Description: I was zerg on Tal Darim, and this guy was random. He randomed zerg, and just 6 pool'd and instant rallied to my base without drone/overlord scouting. How does that make sense?
Replay: http://drop.sc/282314
0:15 blind rallies to my base 0:34 checks my base (why top left base and not the bottom two bases?) 0:56 checks my base again 1:38 checks my natural
obvious maphacker is obvious
Name: Analthaabe sc2ranks profile: sc2ranks profile Server: EU Replay: http://drop.sc/282357 League: 689 points Masters Description: ZvP on Ohana me (z) opening mutalisk (testing to play all matchups without any infestors). He opens stargate. Does not scout anything (except initial probe scout). Gets robo, but only builds one immortal (started to build it before i got spire) When my spire goes down, blink and Templar archives are researched/built ASAP. Placing down 4 defensive cannons to defend vs mutas before they are revealed.
12:00 Mutalisk harass , he moves units into position before anything is scouted. the same second they are within vision range, army moves to engage. 12:15 Storms hit without watching mutalisks. camera does not move from 12:14 to 12:26, during mutalisk harass. stalkers move and storms are used. 14:10 Stalkers are built outside of vision.
15:20 : Perfectly mirroring mutalisks moves with his army when they move in to harass at third. ( has no vision of mutalisks) Mutalisks having greater visionrange then cannons( during warpin), see cannons and move away. His army moves away directly when mutas do. never seeing the mutalisks.
16:27 Moves camera directly over my mutalisks outside my 4th. No vision
17:01 Moves camera directly to my roach army that is moving out. No vision 17:10 Moves units to third to protect against that roach wave. 17:13 Moves perfect timing on mutas moving in to main. 18:02 Moves camera to watch my mutalisks still outside his main. No vision 20:05 Moves army to kill those mutalisks that the camera recently moved over( changes entire army direction before mutalisks are visable). Not a single observer the entire game!
Talked with him, he encouraged me to post on TL several times saying " Im known on both eu and kr server not cheating. You are always welcome to make a topic on TL if you believe I use any kind of hacks" Posting entire conversation, he tries to explain some of the things in the replay.
+ Show Spoiler +You: hey
Analthaabe has reconnected.
You: how did you know i was going muta?
Analthaabe: hey. the zerg I played on customs?
You: yes
Analthaabe: Had a feeling on the map. My void ray spotted no roaches or zerglings in front of natural that always indicates muta play. gg btw
You: you placed templar archives before you scouted that
Analthaabe: Havent seen the replay. But my tac was ht not cols, so much likely did go archives even before you went spire. And zergs go muta play 50% of the times on ohana Feel free to watch the replay no maphack here
You: you opened stargate robo, you stoped doing anything with those, and directly when i built my spire, you started to research blink and placed archives you place your units in perfect position before you see my mutalisks, and move your units to intersept. you place down storms where you dont even look. (looks like the safety thing built in to mh where the camera freezes if you look at enemies in the fog at 15 30,. you perfeclty follow my muta army with your stalkers even though you have not seen them Analthaabe has reconnected.
You: what is the fun in using maphack? do defence? ?
Analthaabe: I've not watch the replay, but I dont have a maphack and also why I dont look at any of your army in fog. If you talk about the edge of the screen out sync'ed its because I play on normal solution on widescreen display. It's not some kind of cheat heh. but you are welcome to make a topic on TL.
You: check the replay at 15:30 your army movement explain that to me
Analthaabe: im in a game right now. I dont use maphack or what you refer to. Im known on both eu and kr server not cheating. You are always welcome to make a topic on TL if you believe I use any kind of hacks.
You: you seam to be honest but im sorry i don't believe you, your army movement, your tech choise, your lack of scouting. it is to much. would like you to explain the movement at 15:30 when you are done with the game watched the replay yet? Analthaabe has reconnected. You: *? Analthaabe: okay lets watch this replay 1 moment one*
You: kk
Analthaabe: Im taking my third. That you are must likely going to attack cuz my main and natural are secured with cannons and HT. I see a muta shadow at 15.23 and walks down to minerals to protect inc attack. That's also how I remember the situation when watching it
You: gonna check for shadow 2 sec when i watch the replay, you cant see the shadow if you have your perspective on but you can see it if you watch from everyones or mine but lets leave that for now. what are you looking at at 16:27 17:01 18:02 you move your camera over the entire map and focus it on important events that you have no vision of
Analthaabe: I remember it as I saw a shadow, but alot of stuff when you play this game alot you can sense. As I said make a topic on TL and you can let them say if they think that would be maphack. You: true, and a shadow could explain that. well spotet if that was the case but the movement of your camera to unscoutet areas on the other side of the map focusing on important parts of information there aint no shadow to explain that 16:27 17:01 and 18:02
He stoped responding here.
So, what do you guys think?
[Edit] (with regards to his defense that he spotted the shadows of the mutalisks at his third) Do you guys know if shadows from mutalisks can be spotted by the opponent even if the mutalisks are not in vision?( I did not think you could) In replay-mode you don't see the shadows if you don't see the mutalisks when having only the protoss players vision.
Noticed now that he moved his army before the shadow was within vision range as well. [/Edit]
Hacker Name: Demonoid Replay: http://drop.sc/282358 Server:NA League: 1019 Masters Description: TvP on antiga, he doesn't scout. He opens some weird techlab expand and I decide to blink obs allin. He then throws down 3 more rax and 3 having techlabs. He uses constant scans to kill observers (Maybe has a good eye) Fast forward later, I decide to have double robo chronoing immortals. When I put my robo bay down, once it's half done, he decides to throw down two extra starports This is still without any scouting; no scans or anything; he doesn't even know where I spawn.
Key timings I found pretty important are 7:00, Moves his marauder to corner of base once I put the pylon down (Might be luck) 11:35 Starts putting turret ring for no reason; I have a warp prism idle outside his base; he has no intel of this 13:05 Starts 2 additional starports once my robo bay is half done. Again, with no intel or anything <- Who does that? At this point, I found him to be a maphacker or play like a complete idiot which somehow countered everything I did. From start to finish, he knows what I'm doing 99% of the time.
On December 07 2012 13:35 Zhearsgu wrote:Name: Analthaabe sc2ranks profile: sc2ranks profileServer: EU Replay: http://drop.sc/282357League: 689 points Masters Description: ZvP on Ohana me (z) opening mutalisk (testing to play all matchups without any infestors). He opens stargate. Does not scout anything (except initial probe scout). Gets robo, but only builds one immortal (started to build it before i got spire) When my spire goes down, blink and Templar archives are researched/built ASAP. Placing down 4 defensive cannons to defend vs mutas before they are revealed. So, what do you guys think? [Edit] (with regards to his defense that he spotted the shadows of the mutalisks at his third) Do you guys know if shadows from mutalisks can be spotted by the opponent even if the mutalisks are not in vision?( I did not think you could) In replay-mode you don't see the shadows if you don't see the mutalisks when having only the protoss players vision. Noticed now that he moved his army before the shadow was within vision range as well. [/Edit]
Just watching the replay, his camera locks an egregious amount in the opening. Watch the replay from his vision. He's constantly staring at a random spot or two in his main all the time, even when mutas are attacking.
Also something weird. 7:01, he's looking off in his random spot, yet selects a probe (unhotkeyed) from his main mineral line to send to build something. I think he's using a zoom-out hack.
Name: THUNDERbird Server: NA Replay: http://drop.sc/282774 League: high masters Description: Blindly blocks my ramp with pylons on entoombed, makes three cannons blindly for roaches, has horrible control, pulls entire army from ramp despite seeing a lot of roaches in order to kill a single overlord that he couldnt see in the first place, kills a ling he didnt see conveniently after my army moves away from his base, attacks at a completely random time blindly.
Nerffy fuck this confirmed hacker~
On December 02 2012 22:40 nunez wrote:Show nested quote +On December 02 2012 21:40 Nyast wrote:So yesterday I played EneMecH in a PvT, and a lot of things were suspicious. I'm posting this because Ene is a poster on TL, he's made some guides and is quite an active poster ( http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/profile.php?user=EnE ). But considering the amount of weird things that happened in that game which cannot be a coincidence, and despite him denying it after the game, I'm calling him a maphacker: Player: TEXǂEneMecH ( http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1099102/TEXǂEneMecH ) Server: EU League: Master, rank 2, 720 points 78 wins 53 losses Replay: http://drop.sc/280834Description: 2:42: looks at my proxy in the fog of war, without having scouted it 3:35: makes a bunker before CC without having scouted my proxy, out of a no-gas 1 rax expo. Standard? don't think so. 5:45: makes 2 more bunkers, hasn't scouted my 4 gate 6:43: more camera suspicious movements at my proxy at the moment I warp in some units.. sic 6:53: takes his units off his bunkers to intercept mine at the exact moment I'm moving.. 7:23: move cannot be explained logically, from his vision I should be 4-gating and warping more units. In fact I'm retreating into my natural, and strangely he doesn't mind attacking my proxy at this exact time 7:54: again an unlogical movement: I change my mind and go for a small poke, he doesn't have vision but advances his army at his natural's ramp at the exact moment I'm moving up 8:45: his camera shortly jumps at my ninja B3 which he hasn't scouted 8:47: his camera shortly jumps at my natural when I'm transferring probes 9:12: again camera jumps to ninja B3 a few times 9:50: units sent to my ninja B3, which he hadn't scouted This cannot be tolerated especially from people who are active on TL and making guides IMO. found another as well. BLitzTao (t, bot left) vs EneMech (t, top left) @ condemned ridgePlayer: TEXǂEneMecH http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1099102/1/TEXǂEneMecH/Server: EU League: Master, rank 2, 720 points 78 wins / 53 losses http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1099102/TEXǂEneMecHDescription: @2:36 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @5:10 looks into fog of war at BTs base. no scouting still at this point. @6:47 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @13:25 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @14:24 looks into FOW at BTs advancing army, close to presiege. @17:54 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @20:00 loads up a medevac with 4 marines and drops on tanks with no marines next to them, after peeking through fog of war at them. keeps this up for the duration of the rep.
Speaking as EneMecH, I don't maphack and would appreciate my name off of this list -_- I did try out a maphack at one point, so its possible although unlikely that this game was during the one or two games I played with that but I'm not a maphacker :/
EDIT: I looked at the games and I had MH'd in at least one of them :/ I don't expect to be removed then at this point but I think there should be some way of opportunity to be reviewed in the future, as I literally maphacked for a day when I found the program, but in general I do not find it rewarding.
User was banned for this post.
On December 09 2012 06:53 Scholera wrote:Show nested quote +On December 02 2012 22:40 nunez wrote:On December 02 2012 21:40 Nyast wrote:So yesterday I played EneMecH in a PvT, and a lot of things were suspicious. I'm posting this because Ene is a poster on TL, he's made some guides and is quite an active poster ( http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/profile.php?user=EnE ). But considering the amount of weird things that happened in that game which cannot be a coincidence, and despite him denying it after the game, I'm calling him a maphacker: Player: TEXǂEneMecH ( http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1099102/TEXǂEneMecH ) Server: EU League: Master, rank 2, 720 points 78 wins 53 losses Replay: http://drop.sc/280834Description: 2:42: looks at my proxy in the fog of war, without having scouted it 3:35: makes a bunker before CC without having scouted my proxy, out of a no-gas 1 rax expo. Standard? don't think so. 5:45: makes 2 more bunkers, hasn't scouted my 4 gate 6:43: more camera suspicious movements at my proxy at the moment I warp in some units.. sic 6:53: takes his units off his bunkers to intercept mine at the exact moment I'm moving.. 7:23: move cannot be explained logically, from his vision I should be 4-gating and warping more units. In fact I'm retreating into my natural, and strangely he doesn't mind attacking my proxy at this exact time 7:54: again an unlogical movement: I change my mind and go for a small poke, he doesn't have vision but advances his army at his natural's ramp at the exact moment I'm moving up 8:45: his camera shortly jumps at my ninja B3 which he hasn't scouted 8:47: his camera shortly jumps at my natural when I'm transferring probes 9:12: again camera jumps to ninja B3 a few times 9:50: units sent to my ninja B3, which he hadn't scouted This cannot be tolerated especially from people who are active on TL and making guides IMO. found another as well. BLitzTao (t, bot left) vs EneMech (t, top left) @ condemned ridgePlayer: TEXǂEneMecH http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1099102/1/TEXǂEneMecH/Server: EU League: Master, rank 2, 720 points 78 wins / 53 losses http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1099102/TEXǂEneMecHDescription: @2:36 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @5:10 looks into fog of war at BTs base. no scouting still at this point. @6:47 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @13:25 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @14:24 looks into FOW at BTs advancing army, close to presiege. @17:54 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @20:00 loads up a medevac with 4 marines and drops on tanks with no marines next to them, after peeking through fog of war at them. keeps this up for the duration of the rep. Speaking as EneMecH, I don't maphack and would appreciate my name off of this list -_- I did try out a maphack at one point, so its possible although unlikely that this game was during the one or two games I played with that but I'm not a maphacker :/
On December 09 2012 06:53 Scholera wrote:Show nested quote +On December 02 2012 22:40 nunez wrote:On December 02 2012 21:40 Nyast wrote:So yesterday I played EneMecH in a PvT, and a lot of things were suspicious. I'm posting this because Ene is a poster on TL, he's made some guides and is quite an active poster ( http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/profile.php?user=EnE ). But considering the amount of weird things that happened in that game which cannot be a coincidence, and despite him denying it after the game, I'm calling him a maphacker: Player: TEXǂEneMecH ( http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1099102/TEXǂEneMecH ) Server: EU League: Master, rank 2, 720 points 78 wins 53 losses Replay: http://drop.sc/280834Description: 2:42: looks at my proxy in the fog of war, without having scouted it 3:35: makes a bunker before CC without having scouted my proxy, out of a no-gas 1 rax expo. Standard? don't think so. 5:45: makes 2 more bunkers, hasn't scouted my 4 gate 6:43: more camera suspicious movements at my proxy at the moment I warp in some units.. sic 6:53: takes his units off his bunkers to intercept mine at the exact moment I'm moving.. 7:23: move cannot be explained logically, from his vision I should be 4-gating and warping more units. In fact I'm retreating into my natural, and strangely he doesn't mind attacking my proxy at this exact time 7:54: again an unlogical movement: I change my mind and go for a small poke, he doesn't have vision but advances his army at his natural's ramp at the exact moment I'm moving up 8:45: his camera shortly jumps at my ninja B3 which he hasn't scouted 8:47: his camera shortly jumps at my natural when I'm transferring probes 9:12: again camera jumps to ninja B3 a few times 9:50: units sent to my ninja B3, which he hadn't scouted This cannot be tolerated especially from people who are active on TL and making guides IMO. found another as well. BLitzTao (t, bot left) vs EneMech (t, top left) @ condemned ridgePlayer: TEXǂEneMecH http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1099102/1/TEXǂEneMecH/Server: EU League: Master, rank 2, 720 points 78 wins / 53 losses http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1099102/TEXǂEneMecHDescription: @2:36 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @5:10 looks into fog of war at BTs base. no scouting still at this point. @6:47 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @13:25 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @14:24 looks into FOW at BTs advancing army, close to presiege. @17:54 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @20:00 loads up a medevac with 4 marines and drops on tanks with no marines next to them, after peeking through fog of war at them. keeps this up for the duration of the rep. Speaking as EneMecH, I don't maphack and would appreciate my name off of this list -_- I did try out a maphack at one point, so its possible although unlikely that this game was during the one or two games I played with that but I'm not a maphacker :/ EDIT: I looked at the games and I had MH'd in at least one of them :/ I don't expect to be removed then at this point but I think there should be some way of opportunity to be reviewed in the future, as I literally maphacked for a day when I found the program, but in general I do not find it rewarding.
you won't be removed.
On December 09 2012 06:59 nunez wrote:Show nested quote +On December 09 2012 06:53 Scholera wrote:On December 02 2012 22:40 nunez wrote:On December 02 2012 21:40 Nyast wrote:So yesterday I played EneMecH in a PvT, and a lot of things were suspicious. I'm posting this because Ene is a poster on TL, he's made some guides and is quite an active poster ( http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/profile.php?user=EnE ). But considering the amount of weird things that happened in that game which cannot be a coincidence, and despite him denying it after the game, I'm calling him a maphacker: Player: TEXǂEneMecH ( http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1099102/TEXǂEneMecH ) Server: EU League: Master, rank 2, 720 points 78 wins 53 losses Replay: http://drop.sc/280834Description: 2:42: looks at my proxy in the fog of war, without having scouted it 3:35: makes a bunker before CC without having scouted my proxy, out of a no-gas 1 rax expo. Standard? don't think so. 5:45: makes 2 more bunkers, hasn't scouted my 4 gate 6:43: more camera suspicious movements at my proxy at the moment I warp in some units.. sic 6:53: takes his units off his bunkers to intercept mine at the exact moment I'm moving.. 7:23: move cannot be explained logically, from his vision I should be 4-gating and warping more units. In fact I'm retreating into my natural, and strangely he doesn't mind attacking my proxy at this exact time 7:54: again an unlogical movement: I change my mind and go for a small poke, he doesn't have vision but advances his army at his natural's ramp at the exact moment I'm moving up 8:45: his camera shortly jumps at my ninja B3 which he hasn't scouted 8:47: his camera shortly jumps at my natural when I'm transferring probes 9:12: again camera jumps to ninja B3 a few times 9:50: units sent to my ninja B3, which he hadn't scouted This cannot be tolerated especially from people who are active on TL and making guides IMO. found another as well. BLitzTao (t, bot left) vs EneMech (t, top left) @ condemned ridgePlayer: TEXǂEneMecH http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1099102/1/TEXǂEneMecH/Server: EU League: Master, rank 2, 720 points 78 wins / 53 losses http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1099102/TEXǂEneMecHDescription: @2:36 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @5:10 looks into fog of war at BTs base. no scouting still at this point. @6:47 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @13:25 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @14:24 looks into FOW at BTs advancing army, close to presiege. @17:54 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @20:00 loads up a medevac with 4 marines and drops on tanks with no marines next to them, after peeking through fog of war at them. keeps this up for the duration of the rep. Speaking as EneMecH, I don't maphack and would appreciate my name off of this list -_- I did try out a maphack at one point, so its possible although unlikely that this game was during the one or two games I played with that but I'm not a maphacker :/ EDIT: I looked at the games and I had MH'd in at least one of them :/ I don't expect to be removed then at this point but I think there should be some way of opportunity to be reviewed in the future, as I literally maphacked for a day when I found the program, but in general I do not find it rewarding. you won't be removed.
Then you're compromising the integrity of your own thread, transforming it into nothing more than a meaningless list of people who may or may not maphack. Fact is, I downloaded it for fun and found I played worse with the MH than in normal games anyway. I just got a smurf to higher points than my main was on the day I used it.
On December 09 2012 06:53 Scholera wrote:Show nested quote +On December 02 2012 22:40 nunez wrote:On December 02 2012 21:40 Nyast wrote:So yesterday I played EneMecH in a PvT, and a lot of things were suspicious. I'm posting this because Ene is a poster on TL, he's made some guides and is quite an active poster ( http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/profile.php?user=EnE ). But considering the amount of weird things that happened in that game which cannot be a coincidence, and despite him denying it after the game, I'm calling him a maphacker: Player: TEXǂEneMecH ( http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1099102/TEXǂEneMecH ) Server: EU League: Master, rank 2, 720 points 78 wins 53 losses Replay: http://drop.sc/280834Description: 2:42: looks at my proxy in the fog of war, without having scouted it 3:35: makes a bunker before CC without having scouted my proxy, out of a no-gas 1 rax expo. Standard? don't think so. 5:45: makes 2 more bunkers, hasn't scouted my 4 gate 6:43: more camera suspicious movements at my proxy at the moment I warp in some units.. sic 6:53: takes his units off his bunkers to intercept mine at the exact moment I'm moving.. 7:23: move cannot be explained logically, from his vision I should be 4-gating and warping more units. In fact I'm retreating into my natural, and strangely he doesn't mind attacking my proxy at this exact time 7:54: again an unlogical movement: I change my mind and go for a small poke, he doesn't have vision but advances his army at his natural's ramp at the exact moment I'm moving up 8:45: his camera shortly jumps at my ninja B3 which he hasn't scouted 8:47: his camera shortly jumps at my natural when I'm transferring probes 9:12: again camera jumps to ninja B3 a few times 9:50: units sent to my ninja B3, which he hadn't scouted This cannot be tolerated especially from people who are active on TL and making guides IMO. found another as well. BLitzTao (t, bot left) vs EneMech (t, top left) @ condemned ridgePlayer: TEXǂEneMecH http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1099102/1/TEXǂEneMecH/Server: EU League: Master, rank 2, 720 points 78 wins / 53 losses http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1099102/TEXǂEneMecHDescription: @2:36 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @5:10 looks into fog of war at BTs base. no scouting still at this point. @6:47 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @13:25 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @14:24 looks into FOW at BTs advancing army, close to presiege. @17:54 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @20:00 loads up a medevac with 4 marines and drops on tanks with no marines next to them, after peeking through fog of war at them. keeps this up for the duration of the rep. Speaking as EneMecH, I don't maphack and would appreciate my name off of this list -_- I did try out a maphack at one point, so its possible although unlikely that this game was during the one or two games I played with that but I'm not a maphacker :/ EDIT: I looked at the games and I had MH'd in at least one of them :/ I don't expect to be removed then at this point but I think there should be some way of opportunity to be reviewed in the future, as I literally maphacked for a day when I found the program, but in general I do not find it rewarding.
I don't give a shit if you did it once or you do it every game. If you've hacked, you're a hacker, and you belong on this list.
On December 09 2012 07:02 Zennith wrote:Show nested quote +On December 09 2012 06:53 Scholera wrote:On December 02 2012 22:40 nunez wrote:On December 02 2012 21:40 Nyast wrote:So yesterday I played EneMecH in a PvT, and a lot of things were suspicious. I'm posting this because Ene is a poster on TL, he's made some guides and is quite an active poster ( http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/profile.php?user=EnE ). But considering the amount of weird things that happened in that game which cannot be a coincidence, and despite him denying it after the game, I'm calling him a maphacker: Player: TEXǂEneMecH ( http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1099102/TEXǂEneMecH ) Server: EU League: Master, rank 2, 720 points 78 wins 53 losses Replay: http://drop.sc/280834Description: 2:42: looks at my proxy in the fog of war, without having scouted it 3:35: makes a bunker before CC without having scouted my proxy, out of a no-gas 1 rax expo. Standard? don't think so. 5:45: makes 2 more bunkers, hasn't scouted my 4 gate 6:43: more camera suspicious movements at my proxy at the moment I warp in some units.. sic 6:53: takes his units off his bunkers to intercept mine at the exact moment I'm moving.. 7:23: move cannot be explained logically, from his vision I should be 4-gating and warping more units. In fact I'm retreating into my natural, and strangely he doesn't mind attacking my proxy at this exact time 7:54: again an unlogical movement: I change my mind and go for a small poke, he doesn't have vision but advances his army at his natural's ramp at the exact moment I'm moving up 8:45: his camera shortly jumps at my ninja B3 which he hasn't scouted 8:47: his camera shortly jumps at my natural when I'm transferring probes 9:12: again camera jumps to ninja B3 a few times 9:50: units sent to my ninja B3, which he hadn't scouted This cannot be tolerated especially from people who are active on TL and making guides IMO. found another as well. BLitzTao (t, bot left) vs EneMech (t, top left) @ condemned ridgePlayer: TEXǂEneMecH http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1099102/1/TEXǂEneMecH/Server: EU League: Master, rank 2, 720 points 78 wins / 53 losses http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1099102/TEXǂEneMecHDescription: @2:36 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @5:10 looks into fog of war at BTs base. no scouting still at this point. @6:47 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @13:25 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @14:24 looks into FOW at BTs advancing army, close to presiege. @17:54 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @20:00 loads up a medevac with 4 marines and drops on tanks with no marines next to them, after peeking through fog of war at them. keeps this up for the duration of the rep. Speaking as EneMecH, I don't maphack and would appreciate my name off of this list -_- I did try out a maphack at one point, so its possible although unlikely that this game was during the one or two games I played with that but I'm not a maphacker :/ EDIT: I looked at the games and I had MH'd in at least one of them :/ I don't expect to be removed then at this point but I think there should be some way of opportunity to be reviewed in the future, as I literally maphacked for a day when I found the program, but in general I do not find it rewarding. I don't give a shit if you did it once or you do it every game. If you've hacked, you're a hacker, and you belong on this list.
But that still makes this list useless. I thought the point was to know if people maphack or not? not to know if people have ever been curious about it months before. Under your definition, the term hacker is useless as it includes people who do not and have no intention of hacking.
On December 09 2012 07:05 Scholera wrote:Show nested quote +On December 09 2012 07:02 Zennith wrote:On December 09 2012 06:53 Scholera wrote:On December 02 2012 22:40 nunez wrote:On December 02 2012 21:40 Nyast wrote:So yesterday I played EneMecH in a PvT, and a lot of things were suspicious. I'm posting this because Ene is a poster on TL, he's made some guides and is quite an active poster ( http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/profile.php?user=EnE ). But considering the amount of weird things that happened in that game which cannot be a coincidence, and despite him denying it after the game, I'm calling him a maphacker: Player: TEXǂEneMecH ( http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1099102/TEXǂEneMecH ) Server: EU League: Master, rank 2, 720 points 78 wins 53 losses Replay: http://drop.sc/280834Description: 2:42: looks at my proxy in the fog of war, without having scouted it 3:35: makes a bunker before CC without having scouted my proxy, out of a no-gas 1 rax expo. Standard? don't think so. 5:45: makes 2 more bunkers, hasn't scouted my 4 gate 6:43: more camera suspicious movements at my proxy at the moment I warp in some units.. sic 6:53: takes his units off his bunkers to intercept mine at the exact moment I'm moving.. 7:23: move cannot be explained logically, from his vision I should be 4-gating and warping more units. In fact I'm retreating into my natural, and strangely he doesn't mind attacking my proxy at this exact time 7:54: again an unlogical movement: I change my mind and go for a small poke, he doesn't have vision but advances his army at his natural's ramp at the exact moment I'm moving up 8:45: his camera shortly jumps at my ninja B3 which he hasn't scouted 8:47: his camera shortly jumps at my natural when I'm transferring probes 9:12: again camera jumps to ninja B3 a few times 9:50: units sent to my ninja B3, which he hadn't scouted This cannot be tolerated especially from people who are active on TL and making guides IMO. found another as well. BLitzTao (t, bot left) vs EneMech (t, top left) @ condemned ridgePlayer: TEXǂEneMecH http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1099102/1/TEXǂEneMecH/Server: EU League: Master, rank 2, 720 points 78 wins / 53 losses http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1099102/TEXǂEneMecHDescription: @2:36 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @5:10 looks into fog of war at BTs base. no scouting still at this point. @6:47 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @13:25 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @14:24 looks into FOW at BTs advancing army, close to presiege. @17:54 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @20:00 loads up a medevac with 4 marines and drops on tanks with no marines next to them, after peeking through fog of war at them. keeps this up for the duration of the rep. Speaking as EneMecH, I don't maphack and would appreciate my name off of this list -_- I did try out a maphack at one point, so its possible although unlikely that this game was during the one or two games I played with that but I'm not a maphacker :/ EDIT: I looked at the games and I had MH'd in at least one of them :/ I don't expect to be removed then at this point but I think there should be some way of opportunity to be reviewed in the future, as I literally maphacked for a day when I found the program, but in general I do not find it rewarding. I don't give a shit if you did it once or you do it every game. If you've hacked, you're a hacker, and you belong on this list. But that still makes this list useless. I thought the point was to know if people maphack or not? not to know if people have ever been curious about it months before. Under your definition, the term hacker is useless as it includes people who do not and have no intention of hacking.
But you have hacked. And if we expunged from the record everyone who claimed to have only done it once, well, you tell me how that would go.
wait, so you hacked and are on a hacker list. I fail to see the problem.
On December 09 2012 07:08 Zennith wrote:Show nested quote +On December 09 2012 07:05 Scholera wrote:On December 09 2012 07:02 Zennith wrote:On December 09 2012 06:53 Scholera wrote:On December 02 2012 22:40 nunez wrote:On December 02 2012 21:40 Nyast wrote:So yesterday I played EneMecH in a PvT, and a lot of things were suspicious. I'm posting this because Ene is a poster on TL, he's made some guides and is quite an active poster ( http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/profile.php?user=EnE ). But considering the amount of weird things that happened in that game which cannot be a coincidence, and despite him denying it after the game, I'm calling him a maphacker: Player: TEXǂEneMecH ( http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1099102/TEXǂEneMecH ) Server: EU League: Master, rank 2, 720 points 78 wins 53 losses Replay: http://drop.sc/280834Description: 2:42: looks at my proxy in the fog of war, without having scouted it 3:35: makes a bunker before CC without having scouted my proxy, out of a no-gas 1 rax expo. Standard? don't think so. 5:45: makes 2 more bunkers, hasn't scouted my 4 gate 6:43: more camera suspicious movements at my proxy at the moment I warp in some units.. sic 6:53: takes his units off his bunkers to intercept mine at the exact moment I'm moving.. 7:23: move cannot be explained logically, from his vision I should be 4-gating and warping more units. In fact I'm retreating into my natural, and strangely he doesn't mind attacking my proxy at this exact time 7:54: again an unlogical movement: I change my mind and go for a small poke, he doesn't have vision but advances his army at his natural's ramp at the exact moment I'm moving up 8:45: his camera shortly jumps at my ninja B3 which he hasn't scouted 8:47: his camera shortly jumps at my natural when I'm transferring probes 9:12: again camera jumps to ninja B3 a few times 9:50: units sent to my ninja B3, which he hadn't scouted This cannot be tolerated especially from people who are active on TL and making guides IMO. found another as well. BLitzTao (t, bot left) vs EneMech (t, top left) @ condemned ridgePlayer: TEXǂEneMecH http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1099102/1/TEXǂEneMecH/Server: EU League: Master, rank 2, 720 points 78 wins / 53 losses http://sc2ranks.com/eu/1099102/TEXǂEneMecHDescription: @2:36 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @5:10 looks into fog of war at BTs base. no scouting still at this point. @6:47 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @13:25 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @14:24 looks into FOW at BTs advancing army, close to presiege. @17:54 looks into fog of war at BTs base. @20:00 loads up a medevac with 4 marines and drops on tanks with no marines next to them, after peeking through fog of war at them. keeps this up for the duration of the rep. Speaking as EneMecH, I don't maphack and would appreciate my name off of this list -_- I did try out a maphack at one point, so its possible although unlikely that this game was during the one or two games I played with that but I'm not a maphacker :/ EDIT: I looked at the games and I had MH'd in at least one of them :/ I don't expect to be removed then at this point but I think there should be some way of opportunity to be reviewed in the future, as I literally maphacked for a day when I found the program, but in general I do not find it rewarding. I don't give a shit if you did it once or you do it every game. If you've hacked, you're a hacker, and you belong on this list. But that still makes this list useless. I thought the point was to know if people maphack or not? not to know if people have ever been curious about it months before. Under your definition, the term hacker is useless as it includes people who do not and have no intention of hacking. But you have hacked. And if we expunged from the record everyone who claimed to have only done it once, well, you tell me how that would go.
Which is why I said that in a few weeks or whatever when there's no evidence of me hacking again and I have folders full of non hack games, It should be reviewed
On December 09 2012 07:20 Scholera wrote:Which is why I said that in a few weeks or whatever when there's no evidence of me hacking again and I have folders full of non hack games, It should be reviewed 
What's there to say that you've taken all the hacked games out of your "folders full of non-hack games"? I'm not saying you are lying about it, but from what I can tell, you've just lost the respect of many sc2 players who don't hack. Be glad this isn't something that would take your job away or go to jail for (although hacking is definitely illegal) and move on. What's done is done.
On December 09 2012 08:10 ProxyKite wrote:Show nested quote +On December 09 2012 07:20 Scholera wrote:Which is why I said that in a few weeks or whatever when there's no evidence of me hacking again and I have folders full of non hack games, It should be reviewed  What's there to say that you've taken all the hacked games out of your "folders full of non-hack games"? I'm not saying you are lying about it, but from what I can tell, you've just lost the respect of many sc2 players who don't hack. Be glad this isn't something that would take your job away or go to jail for (although hacking is definitely illegal) and move on. What's done is done.
Because it's obvious all that's happened is I saw a hack on google and was curious so I dl it and play a few ladder games to see whats its like then removed it -_- I was losing games with the hack on
Your only regret is that you got caught. Actually, the worst thing to do was to actually acknowledge it.
Is that the same RainbowDash as the one that Apollo played against in his Protoss Tutorial??
*** EDIT after a quick look on SC2 ranks its clearly not the same one as there seem to be about 10. I thought he must have improved massively since the one from the video was platinum at the end of October.