UI Changes in Alpha of Patch 1.5 - Page 9
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Thailand468 Posts
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United States1890 Posts
On May 13 2012 14:48 Spawkuring wrote: Put WC3 custom game UI in SC2. Add a filter so you don't have to see maps you don't want. Problem solved. While it is frustrating to deal with a lot off the UI aspects of SC2, BW's UMS sections could get pretty creepy and x-rated depending on the maps being played. Could lead to a lot of bad PR if some overzealous soccer mom goings on a rampage to the news and lawyers. | ||
Australia1903 Posts
On May 13 2012 15:22 dextrin303 wrote: I hope that they can implement a lobby of games like in WC3. For instance I would really want to try BGH in SC2 but nobody is playing it so I can't. With the browser you can.. Their current plan was detailed in a blog post a while ago: To help players find games more easily in patch 1.5, we intend to include an “open games list.” To be clear, this will not be every open game that is on the service. Instead, the open games list will deliver to you a selection of games from the many hundreds or thousands that are currently open. We are currently working on different ways to determine how the list you’ll see is generated. | ||
Canada782 Posts
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Netherlands286 Posts
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United States1900 Posts
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Canada1123 Posts
We really need to re-examine our mentality of entitlement. When we get a patch like this, which is a lot of what we were already asking for we should at least give some creative criticism instead of "this patch is garbage," which is what a majority of these responses have been. You don't like it? Let Blizzard know what they could do to improve their changes, like they outlined in the post, " Your input can help us refine it even further." Add some worthwhile commentary to the situation. Personally I think it's an amazing patch. The custom game community was oft times larger than the competitive community in wc3 and this had to do almost entirely with the custom map editor and what came out of it. Dota would not exist without it. The custom maps in sc2 have been underwhelming to say the least. This could be a potential goldmine. And for the serious competitive players, these patch notes (not set in stone) come on the heels of balance change and with promises of more to come. Such a quick turnaround is practically unheard of. The least we can do bite our tongues and digest the information here before regurgitating our opinions. Think before you speak and craft a meaningful post. No one gains anything with a substance less complaint and dead end criticisms. Please lets help improve our game rather than shitting on it constantly. | ||
Poland1440 Posts
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Afghanistan412 Posts
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Germany2959 Posts
Like with the normal game you don't want to match good and bad players together in custom maps. But currently there is no way to host public and prevent just that. In Warcraft 3 you'd just name your game "DotA -ap -pro" and at least way fewer beginners joined and if they did, you felt justified to put them on your banlist. It is true though, that there is some abyssal naming going on within Wc3, where the hosted title is a porn url, hacker url etc. But put that Wc3 like custom map search on a second tab so that the game names aren't initial visible (but don't hide the option itself!). That together with the fact that you can ban accounts more effectively now and we're in for a treat :> | ||
Australia6217 Posts
Baffles me. | ||
Sweden15718 Posts
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Australia1903 Posts
On May 13 2012 16:01 Na_Dann_Ma_GoGo wrote: For me there's no way around an optional Warcraft 3 like custom map system where you can find newly hosted and named games. Like with the normal game you don't want to match good and bad players together in custom maps. But currently there is no way to host public and prevent just that. In Warcraft 3 you'd just name your game "DotA -ap -pro" and at least way fewer beginners joined and if they did, you felt justified to put them on your banlist. It is true though, that there is some abyssal naming going on within Wc3, where the hosted title is a porn url, hacker url etc. But put that Wc3 like custom map search on a second tab so that the game names aren't initial visible (but don't hide the option itself!). That together with the fact that you can ban accounts more effectively now and we're in for a treat :> I would not be surprised if they let map developers opt into matchmaking for arcade games judging by the interface as it is at the moment and the kinds of solutions they're going need for blizzard all stars. Edit: actually they straight up say it in this video: On May 13 2012 16:06 Belisarius wrote: How can they introduce all this junk in a patch, but make us wait for HotS to get clan support? Baffles me. The client as it looks in this preview is very similar to how it looked when they showed it at blizzcon last year during the HOTS preview, this is likely been in development for a while. Other than that, development of stuff takes time and they likely share the battle.net and engineering team between Sc2 and Diablo, they likely started this, got put onto finishing diablo and now that diablo is done they're finishing this, THEN working on HotS features. Just a guess, I have no inside information in that regard. | ||
Yoshi Kirishima
United States10292 Posts
On May 13 2012 12:41 aeroblaster wrote: All screenshots shown below are at the highest graphic settings. Patch 1.5.0 + Show Spoiler + As you can see by this first image above, you get the cool black creep now. + Show Spoiler + I'm also loving the new lighting, as seen in this screenshot. Fog of war so sexy. + Show Spoiler + Also a possible severe balance issue. You can no longer Fungal Growth anywhere you want. You must now target a unit, it can be your own as well. (FG wont hurt your units of course) The problem here is that now you can't Fungal undetected invisible units anymore. This could be very bad, because sometimes zerg relies on fungals when Overseers fail them. EDIT: Major and I mean MAJOR balance changes to the Infestor have been made. -Infestors now start with Neural Parasite no upgrade anymore (range 7 still) and the 15s time limit has been removed. Now you can keep that unit forever. -Infestors can no longer shoot infested terrans while burrowed. HUGE -Infestor move speed while burrowed is now INSANELY SLOW. Move speed is 1, almost as slow as a Queen off creep. And when burrowed on creep is 1.3, still very slow. -Infested Terrans now only last 20 seconds (down from 30s). They now move much faster. Move speed is now 1.5 off creep and 1.95 on creep! Also ultralisk changes -No frenzied -60 dmg building ram attack -18 dmg to units, no armor bonus atk -600hp (instead of 500) -2.25 move speed (2.92 on creep) slower than current build On the plus side, range indicators (like the ones for siege tanks) are now shown. It's also shown when you use transfuse on Queens. I don't think creep tumors had it though. :\ Note: First two screenshots had AA on. 3rd screenshot had AA off. The graphics are notably better with anti-aliasing off. Note Note: If anyone wants me to show something specific that they're curious about, just ask! :D Note Note Note: Not sure but those balance changes do seem legit, as I checked them in game. Infested Terrans were never that fast, it must have been a conscious change. Also the really slow Infestor move speed is excruciating. WTF? these balance changes are weird; i wonder if these weren't supposed to be in this test 1.5 build or what? Why not make a public map like they did for the recent changes? it also means it'll probably be a while til 1.5 comes out or else they would have released these changes with the last balance changes I was about to say that it seems that those "changes" weren't changes but how it was back in the beta. But not all those changes are so. Nerfing the ultralisk? Why? 100 more hp doesn't make up for all the other stuff o.o The infestor changes are interesting and I'm not really against it. I always thought they moved quite fast while burrowed. No more IT from burrowed is interesting... perhaps it's because they feel baneling mines are good enough already, especially now that people use them a lot more? The fungal change is weird, but maybe they feel that cloaked units (namely, banshees) are stopped too easily by fungals since it's hard to keep banshees spread out enough to make fungals not worth it? (Against DTs or ghost nuke, should have a spore anyway or an overseer). The IT change I like; moving so slow sorta sucked, and this makes it harder for the IT to snipe things like they can now (I don't like tactics that allow you to gain such a big advantage in such a small amount of time, such as looking away for a few seconds then realizing it's too late and you're going to lose your third base vs a 4 base zerg), while the movement speed buffs their abilities in other things like killing multiple buildings instead of just sniping 1 or just fighting in battles. Perhaps it would help deal with air harassment as well (Banshees, etc.), without having to burn so many fungals to keep them in place. The NP change I like and sounds really fun haha. Hurray for stealing units and remaking their race's units/buildings. On May 13 2012 15:45 fire_brand wrote: Wow, what is with all the cynicism. I come home to see this massive list of improvements and streamlining to the UI, things that the community has been bitching about for many many months, and all I see is negativity. Blizzard is listening to exactly what you have been saying and giving us all these amazing tools to create a massive custom game community on top of everything they already provide and all we can do is complain? We really need to re-examine our mentality of entitlement. When we get a patch like this, which is a lot of what we were already asking for we should at least give some creative criticism instead of "this patch is garbage," which is what a majority of these responses have been. You don't like it? Let Blizzard know what they could do to improve their changes, like they outlined in the post, " Your input can help us refine it even further." Add some worthwhile commentary to the situation. Personally I think it's an amazing patch. The custom game community was oft times larger than the competitive community in wc3 and this had to do almost entirely with the custom map editor and what came out of it. Dota would not exist without it. The custom maps in sc2 have been underwhelming to say the least. This could be a potential goldmine. And for the serious competitive players, these patch notes (not set in stone) come on the heels of balance change and with promises of more to come. Such a quick turnaround is practically unheard of. The least we can do bite our tongues and digest the information here before regurgitating our opinions. Think before you speak and craft a meaningful post. No one gains anything with a substance less complaint and dead end criticisms. Please lets help improve our game rather than shitting on it constantly. Well said! | ||
Russian Federation4295 Posts
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Germany248 Posts
On May 13 2012 16:08 Yoshi Kirishima wrote: WTF? these balance changes are weird; i wonder if these weren't supposed to be in this test 1.5 build or what? Why not make a public map like they did for the recent changes? it also means it'll probably be a while til 1.5 comes out or else they would have released these changes with the last balance changes I was about to say that it seems that those "changes" weren't changes but how it was back in the beta. But not all those changes are so. Nerfing the ultralisk? Why? 100 more hp doesn't make up for all the other stuff o.o The infestor changes are interesting and I'm not really against it. I always thought they moved quite fast while burrowed. No more IT from burrowed is interesting... perhaps it's because they feel baneling mines are good enough already, especially now that people use them a lot more? The fungal change is weird, but maybe they feel that cloaked units (namely, banshees) are stopped too easily by fungals since it's hard to keep banshees spread out enough to make fungals not worth it? (Against DTs or ghost nuke, should have a spore anyway or an overseer). The beta for 1.5 runs without ANY balance patches. It is the Sc2 Beta (0.x) but with Patch 1.5 UI and stuff. http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Ultralisk http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Infestor Take a look at "Patch Changes". | ||
Yoshi Kirishima
United States10292 Posts
On May 13 2012 16:25 Hubble wrote: The beta for 1.5 runs without ANY balance patches. It is the Sc2 Beta (0.x) but with Patch 1.5 UI and stuff. http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Ultralisk http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/Infestor Take a look at "Patch Changes". Oh I see, thanks xD | ||
Sweden219 Posts
Focus on improving the UI for all the people who want a more social experience and still play StarCraft 2. | ||
Sweden696 Posts
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United States11133 Posts
Queen still has 3 range instead of 5 range. Observers still build in 40 seconds. I assume that the new patch has not been implemented in this Alpha. Morph to Overseer cost changed to 50/100, up from 50/50. Spawn Changeling cost changed to 75 energy, up from 50 energy. Pneumatized Carapace (Overlord/Overseer speed upgrade) cost changed to 50/50, down from 100/100. Broodlord HP/armor increased to 275 hp and 2 armor, up from 225 hp and 1 armor. Hatchery health changed to 1250, down from 1500. Lair health changed to 1800, down from 2000. Spawning Pool health changed to 750, down from 1000. Spine Crawler root time changed to 6 seconds, down from 12 seconds. (The animation for one of my Spine Crawlers was bugged so that it showed a rooted Spine Crawler when the unrooted Spine Crawler was stationary. lmao). Corruptor attack changed to 12 (22 vs massive), changed from 14 (20 vs massive). Corruptors have energy again with 200 max energy, with Corruption costing 75 energy. Spire health changed to to 800, decreased from 850. Ultralisk Cavern health changed to 800, decreased from 850. Ultralisk build time changed to 70 seconds, increased from 55 seconds. Roach range changed to 3, decreased from 4. ROACHES COST 1 SUPPLY LOLOLOLOLOLOL. And of course, the Infestor and Ultralisk changes as described earlier in the thread. IU is a fantastic singer. I have not found any other obvious changes with Terran or Protoss, however. Maybe there might have been a few changed that slipped through my notice, however. edit: I doubt this is a build from the beta or 1.0. Phoenix Range, the Ghost snipe nerf, KA removal, no warp-in on ramp, and Reaper speed upgrade requiring a Factory are all still in effect. | ||
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