oGs disbands, possibly to re-form under new banner - Page 35
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Australia54784 Posts
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United States209 Posts
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United States5045 Posts
On May 17 2012 09:56 mrjpark wrote: Actually, no. People in Korea generally don't own good computers because they're so used to just going to PC bangs for their gaming. Trust me, dude, I'm Korean. This is a country that was stuck on IE6 and Active X Plug-ins. They spend money on their keyboards and mice and use the PC bang for the computer. Even on gaming teams, all the monitors/computers are usually provided and the only thing they own is their keyboard and mouse. Hell, NesTea likes to practice from PC bangs because they let him smoke. I mean, I'm not saying NOBODY owns their own mancave, but it's definitely not as popular there as it is here in America. PC Bang statistics are actually some of the most reliable indicators of a game's popularity in korea. If it is not popular in a PC Bang, it is probably not played much by the population. And last time I checked, SC2 was like 18th place with less than 1% of the total gametime played in PC Bangs. | ||
United States11390 Posts
On May 17 2012 11:05 jpak wrote: PC Bang statistics are actually some of the most reliable indicators of a game's popularity in korea. If it is not popular in a PC Bang, it is probably not played much by the population. And last time I checked, SC2 was like 18th place with less than 1% of the total gametime played in PC Bangs. Currently, D3 is at like 26% of pc bang time in Korea. That pretty much puts a whole kibosh into People who play SC2 in Korea more than likely already have a good computer and have no incentive of playing the game at a PCBangs. For LoL, you can just go there with your friends or coworkers after a long day, sit down and play for free in a team environment. Also, I think SC2 was at like 5% when it came out? | ||
Where dat snitch at?36923 Posts
On May 17 2012 04:55 Rombur wrote: Thanks for the translation Seeker On May 17 2012 10:00 opterown wrote: thanks for the translation, seeker. hope they get picked up soon! No problem guys. Remember, if you ever need anything translated, I'm right here. Abuse the heck out of me if u will | ||
United States5045 Posts
On May 17 2012 11:12 SeeKeR wrote: No problem guys. Remember, if you ever need anything translated, I'm right here. Abuse the heck out of me if u will Don't end up burning out like some of our past translators. Pace yourself and don't suffer the same fate as Lyriene's. | ||
Australia806 Posts
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United States1254 Posts
On May 17 2012 04:11 WackaAlpaca wrote: about time. ogs is full of old players doing nothing spectacular. maybe now the players on that team who actually wanted to excell can be taken in to a relevant team. GL to all the players of OGS and their futures! What the heck? Former home to HerO + Zenio + MC? Home to Supernova, 2 time GSL ro8'er, and new code S menacing terran theSTC? Barely missing GSTL playoffs due to a bad format that allowed FXO to lose three times when they could only lose twice and lost to both FXO and MVP, the scariest teams in the league? Home of pretty much all protoss innovation from the rise of MC to the dawn of the new protoss generation of sage/puzzle/etc? Third in IPLTAC with losses only to NSHS and Prime? The first to ever have a foreign partnership, still to this day the best imo, because it wasn't just purely business. The players loved each other, the management loved each other... The reason why they are "no longer relevant" is not because of lack of talent and motivation on the team, but simply because they've been outbid everywhere and despite all of that they still remain a extremely strong team. Look how SlayerS is faring in similar circumstances. Fou? Prime? oGs is doing better than every single one of these teams when they were struggling hard. | ||
United States4720 Posts
I hope not. They will be sorely disappointed | ||
United States364 Posts
On May 17 2012 02:29 SeeKeR wrote: Okay guys, translation done. It took a while because this one was pretty f*cking complex. I also felt like they were being way too repetitive of the same crap, so I had to do tons of research before deciding "wow, they just REALLY love being redundant." http://news.naver.com/sports/index.nhn?category=e_sports&ctg=news&mod=read&office_id=109&article_id=0002349772&date=20120515&page=1 스타크래프트2 리그서 명문 게임단 중 하나인 oGs가 전격적으로 해체됐다. 박상익 감독의 지휘 하에 지난 2010년 9월 GSL 오픈시즌1을 시작으로 이윤열 장민철 박지수 등 대표게이머들을 배출했던 oGs는 해체라는 최악의 결과를 받아들여야 했다. One of the main teams within the StarCraft 2 leagues, oGs, has officially disbanded. Under coach TheWind, players like NaDa, MC, and Fin represented this wonderful team that began all the way from September of 2010 during the GSL Open seasons. Unfortunately oGs had to suffer the ultimate tragedy, an offical disbandment. oGs 박상익 감독은 지난 14일 밤 OSEN과 전화통화에서 해체를 인정했다. 박 감독은 거취가 정리되는 대로 조만간 공식 발표를 하겠다고 입장을 정리했다. 박 감독은 "선수들을 모아 운영하기 위해 백방으로 수소문했지만 선수들이 해외팀 이적을 희망하면서 팀의 해체를 결정했다"고 말했다. oGs's coach, TheWind, called OSEN on the 14th of May and officially confirmed the disbandment via telephone. Coach TheWind stated that, as soon as the situation regarding his players and where they will be staying becomes clearer, he will make an official announcement. oGs gathered all their players and desperately tried to track down anyone who was willing to support them, but eventually decided to disband because players decided to pursue foreign opportunities. 이미 지난달 말부터 해체설이 떠돌았던 oGs는 운영주체인 e스포츠 마케팅 기업 e스타즈 홀딩스가 지난 11일 운영 포기를 선언하면서 해체 수순을 밟아왔다. e스타즈 홀딩스는 4월 게임단 운영비를 마지막으로 지급하면서 oGs에 대한 지원을 중단했다. There were already rumors of oGs possibly disbanding circulating around last month. As it turns out, oGs's sponsor with the eSports market, eStars, decided to cease all operations and announced the disbanding of oGs. eStars made their final payment for oGs players in April and then left oGs afterwards. 장민철과 이윤열이 몸담으면서 스타크래프트2리그서 명문게임단 반열에 올라있던 oGS는 그동안 맘스터치, 커세어, 레이저 등에서 후원을 받아왔다. Up till now, thanks to MC and NaDa, oGs was able to rise to a prestigious level and was able to gather great sponsors like Mom's Touch, Corsair, and Razer. 업계 관계자에 따르면 e스타즈 홀딩스는 oGs 운영을 포기하면서 지난 2월 창단한 홍진호 감독이 지휘하고 있는 리그 오브 레전드 팀인 제닉스 스톰 운영에 총력을 다하기로 방향을 정했다고. 이 관계자는 oGs 운영포기와 관련해 자금 부족이 실제적인 이유라고 전했다. According to an industry official, (basically a person that worked for eStars) eStars decided to cease operations (they say this a lot for some reason, that's why I keep repeating ceasing operations) with oGs, and decided to sponsor team Xenics Storm, a League of Legends team coached by YellOw. The official stated that the real reason for oGs disbandment was because of lack of funds and eStars deciding to cease all operations. (seems kind of redundant here but w/e) oGs 해체 소식과 관련해 다른 관계자는 "스타크래프트1 리그가 2를 병행하면서 생기게 될 시너지 효과에 찬물을 끼얹을까바 우려된다"고 안타까움을 드러냈다. Another official stated that the disbandment of oGs is a truly unfortunate one. This disbandment could potentially dampen the potential synergy that could have brewed between StarCraft 1 Leagues and StarCraft 2 Leagues. (meaning since things were getting on the right track with StarCraft 1 Leagues now accepting StarCraft 2, this unfortunate news could make people question the stability of StarCraft 2) thanks for the translation, would it be possible for it to be updated in the OP? such requests seem to be most of my posts in this thread XD but i think it is better so people don't have to look to a specific page to find the information... hopefully we'll see whether or not they are reforming or if the players truly are going to just try to go for foreign oppurtunities | ||
Where dat snitch at?36923 Posts
On May 17 2012 14:03 fenrysk wrote: + Show Spoiler + On May 17 2012 02:29 SeeKeR wrote: Okay guys, translation done. It took a while because this one was pretty f*cking complex. I also felt like they were being way too repetitive of the same crap, so I had to do tons of research before deciding "wow, they just REALLY love being redundant." http://news.naver.com/sports/index.nhn?category=e_sports&ctg=news&mod=read&office_id=109&article_id=0002349772&date=20120515&page=1 스타크래프트2 리그서 명문 게임단 중 하나인 oGs가 전격적으로 해체됐다. 박상익 감독의 지휘 하에 지난 2010년 9월 GSL 오픈시즌1을 시작으로 이윤열 장민철 박지수 등 대표게이머들을 배출했던 oGs는 해체라는 최악의 결과를 받아들여야 했다. One of the main teams within the StarCraft 2 leagues, oGs, has officially disbanded. Under coach TheWind, players like NaDa, MC, and Fin represented this wonderful team that began all the way from September of 2010 during the GSL Open seasons. Unfortunately oGs had to suffer the ultimate tragedy, an offical disbandment. oGs 박상익 감독은 지난 14일 밤 OSEN과 전화통화에서 해체를 인정했다. 박 감독은 거취가 정리되는 대로 조만간 공식 발표를 하겠다고 입장을 정리했다. 박 감독은 "선수들을 모아 운영하기 위해 백방으로 수소문했지만 선수들이 해외팀 이적을 희망하면서 팀의 해체를 결정했다"고 말했다. oGs's coach, TheWind, called OSEN on the 14th of May and officially confirmed the disbandment via telephone. Coach TheWind stated that, as soon as the situation regarding his players and where they will be staying becomes clearer, he will make an official announcement. oGs gathered all their players and desperately tried to track down anyone who was willing to support them, but eventually decided to disband because players decided to pursue foreign opportunities. 이미 지난달 말부터 해체설이 떠돌았던 oGs는 운영주체인 e스포츠 마케팅 기업 e스타즈 홀딩스가 지난 11일 운영 포기를 선언하면서 해체 수순을 밟아왔다. e스타즈 홀딩스는 4월 게임단 운영비를 마지막으로 지급하면서 oGs에 대한 지원을 중단했다. There were already rumors of oGs possibly disbanding circulating around last month. As it turns out, oGs's sponsor with the eSports market, eStars, decided to cease all operations and announced the disbanding of oGs. eStars made their final payment for oGs players in April and then left oGs afterwards. 장민철과 이윤열이 몸담으면서 스타크래프트2리그서 명문게임단 반열에 올라있던 oGS는 그동안 맘스터치, 커세어, 레이저 등에서 후원을 받아왔다. Up till now, thanks to MC and NaDa, oGs was able to rise to a prestigious level and was able to gather great sponsors like Mom's Touch, Corsair, and Razer. 업계 관계자에 따르면 e스타즈 홀딩스는 oGs 운영을 포기하면서 지난 2월 창단한 홍진호 감독이 지휘하고 있는 리그 오브 레전드 팀인 제닉스 스톰 운영에 총력을 다하기로 방향을 정했다고. 이 관계자는 oGs 운영포기와 관련해 자금 부족이 실제적인 이유라고 전했다. According to an industry official, (basically a person that worked for eStars) eStars decided to cease operations (they say this a lot for some reason, that's why I keep repeating ceasing operations) with oGs, and decided to sponsor team Xenics Storm, a League of Legends team coached by YellOw. The official stated that the real reason for oGs disbandment was because of lack of funds and eStars deciding to cease all operations. (seems kind of redundant here but w/e) oGs 해체 소식과 관련해 다른 관계자는 "스타크래프트1 리그가 2를 병행하면서 생기게 될 시너지 효과에 찬물을 끼얹을까바 우려된다"고 안타까움을 드러냈다. Another official stated that the disbandment of oGs is a truly unfortunate one. This disbandment could potentially dampen the potential synergy that could have brewed between StarCraft 1 Leagues and StarCraft 2 Leagues. (meaning since things were getting on the right track with StarCraft 1 Leagues now accepting StarCraft 2, this unfortunate news could make people question the stability of StarCraft 2) thanks for the translation, would it be possible for it to be updated in the OP? such requests seem to be most of my posts in this thread XD but i think it is better so people don't have to look to a specific page to find the information... hopefully we'll see whether or not they are reforming or if the players truly are going to just try to go for foreign oppurtunities I PMed the OP but I don't think it's been included into the OP yet. Only other option would be for a mod to edit it in | ||
Hungary5029 Posts
![]() Gl for the players. | ||
Germany333 Posts
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Canada115 Posts
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Sweden2712 Posts
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United States11944 Posts
On May 18 2012 06:49 Eee wrote: Still makes me really sad, I wonder where TheWind will go. He's an asset to any team, I could see Fnatic trying to pick him up so the team has an experienced coach (as I don't believe they have one) | ||
United States862 Posts
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United States9 Posts
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United States972 Posts
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Sweden725 Posts
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