I wouldn't be surprised if the same happened with snipe.
Patch 1.4.3 - Preview Blog - Page 91
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Please DISCUSS the changes and the impact they will have on gameplay. Straight up whining and bitching will get you a ban, no exceptions. | ||
Germany6799 Posts
I wouldn't be surprised if the same happened with snipe. | ||
Canada47 Posts
On February 11 2012 08:07 smoosh wrote: There is one thing in this thread that I've read from several people but I feel (for purposes of intelligent discussion) has not been given enough attention. Why not just make snipe cost more energy? I've thought this through and I think it solves every single problem that a damage nerf solves in a much more efficient manner. Here's why: First and foremost, this would solve the apparent "imbalance" issue that Blizzard is trying to address of ghosts being too effective against zerg t3 units. Let's face it, the snipe ability was not put in the game to be mindlessly spammed against and instantly dispatch of units with hundreds of health. Immediately it is apparent that the increased energy cost makes the snipe ability less spammable. Now, you're probably thinking that terran still has the ability to spam ghost production and be protected against all forms of zerg t3, but let's think about this. Assuming terran spams the same amount of ghosts as they did before, the increased energy cost of snipe will require them to manage their energy better between emp, cloak, and snipe against a t3 zerg army (which is really the whole goal here). Also, the increased energy cost of snipe hardly hurts the ghost's effectiveness against infestors which is their intended purpose in a late game terran unit composition. They will still be able to cloak and snipe/emp infestors quite effectively, they just won't be able to kill brood lords and ultralisks afterwards as well (enter vikings, marauders). A certain level of versatility that currently exists can also be maintained. If a terran can effectively keep the infestor count low through the course of the game without the use of ghost energy (high level play), he should, in a sense, be rewarded by now having the option to use all of his energy on snipe against brood lords and ultralisks (I'm a zerg player, and this seems fair to me). As an afterthought, it also has less indirect effect on what didn't need to be fixed. What I mean by this is that Blizzard was not trying to fix snipe against units like zealots or marauder/marine or roach/hydra. Snipe is now completely useless against zealots (seriously, you might as well use your energy to emp single zealots) and it didn't need to be this way. The point is, an increase in energy cost, rather than a damage nerf, would've maintained some of the snipe ability's effectiveness in other areas of gameplay (where there was no problem with it). As for the phoenix change, I haven't though about this one as much, but here's one adverse affect it will have aside from the problem it was meant to solve (late game muta) - we will now start to see more stargate openings and more infestors for a simple reason: mutas were one way zerg had to punish the stargate opening and now they can no longer serve this purpose. One less way to punish a stargate = more stargate. Probably as a result we'll see more carriers and (quicker?) motherships in the metagame which if you ask me is bad news for zerg TT. I didn't think about this before, good point! but even better, remove the mobius reactor (energy upgrade) that ghosts have that would make sense since blizzard removed the amulet from the high templars. They could remove it for infestors too making casters have to charge on energy instead of coming out with strong spells. | ||
69 Posts
On February 11 2012 08:07 NNTP wrote: Ghost was good because it offers a very good unit vs T3 Zerg. Reason for which is that Zerg can force mass viking with broodlords then remax with ultras and since he would have 3/3 melee armour for zerglings and banelings anyway the ultras will have 3/4 or 3/5 if carapace was researched. then the vikings are pointless then. If you survive the blords you can recycle your ghosts on ultras which makes the ghosts cost effective (they cost a lot in time and resources). Now terrans have to mix it up and figure out when that remax will happen and wether it is a remax under flyer or armored ground form. Perhaps there will be more mech play late game? I don't know!! i am okay with reducing damage vs armored units like ultras which realistically makes sense. A sniper round is not supposed to be a RPG blast lol but a sniper round that cant 1 shot kill someone is pointless. Before ghosts could 1 shot kill marines without combat shields and stimmed marines. Now it is rendered pointless to snipe T1 units. You could also drop stimmed marines and 1-2 ghosts to snipe scv and drones now adding that ghost in is kind of pointless... or maybe still drop it in to emp the orbital command then cloak/hide pick up marines and nuke when army redeploys somewhere else?? "Figure out when remax will happen"? Uhm... maybe just after you sniped all the broodlords? Really, that's just common sense. Also, using snipe on T1 units is kind of silly since T1 can be massed so easily. | ||
United States361 Posts
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Netherlands1552 Posts
On February 11 2012 08:09 OwNaGeForce wrote: The game shouldn't be "oh, I wasn't able to prevent him from getting certain units, I guess I auto lose!" .... with this train of thought, all terrans should look to all-in zerg to prevent the game from going past the 16 minute mark..... everyone enjoys the longer, macro games, so it seems like nerfing the only effective tier 3 unit terran has against zerg is sending the wrong message Yet it's completely fine for both protoss and zerg to have a certain unit composition terran just can't beat. But when terran has one. NERFFF PLEASE. | ||
Finland272 Posts
TvZ kill him before brood/ultra switching. Fun times! Guess we just need to all-in every game. Mule change is pretty good tough. | ||
poor newb
United States1879 Posts
david kim: nah, that's just "slightly" too strong 6 phoenix dies to 20 mutas because the toss cant micro david kim: omfg nerf nerf nerf, give phoenix +100 range User was temp banned for this post. | ||
Canada285 Posts
Snipe Damage Increase but split over two conditions: I think 2 snipe > infestor will break the game again. The ease to kill an infestor while having a lesser gas cost is too game breaking. The 11->21 shot to kill an ultralisk also seems to much. 30+15 imo. What unit exactly is Blizz wanting to kill in less snipes with the 5 extra damage? Is it really only infestor? Infestors aren't even that threatening any more with their past nerfs. Phoenix +1 range upgrade: YES! I love the idea of having upgrades over plain stats. There's many pre-researched spells and certain traits that I wish were re searchable and not given for free. Because Protoss crumble to mass muta and not fast mutas, this research at the beacon (T3 tech) is fair appropriate. However, I wonder if even +1 range on phoenix will help against mass muta. While a zerg can easily replenish its army with completely mutalisks, a protoss cannot. And a high pheonix army is very frail and terrible against something like mass zerglings that follows up from mutalisk tech. I don't know if this upgrade is enough... To be honest, I don't want +1 range. I want OVERLOAD back. | ||
United States361 Posts
On February 11 2012 08:14 poor newb wrote: ghosts wipes out 200/200 zerg army in 2 seconds david kim: nah, that's just "slightly" too strong 6 phenix dies to 20 mutas because the toss cant micro david kim: omfg nerf nerf nerf, give phenix +100 range Yes, the upgrade now gives phoenix 104 range. | ||
United States3714 Posts
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Germany4434 Posts
On February 11 2012 08:03 hunts wrote: Terrans were still beating Zs late game before they found out about mass snipe. that was before the fungal patch and broodlord/infestor compositions. | ||
United States76 Posts
Give zergs a chance to figure out how to counter it instead of holding their hands. Nobody held my hand when infestors countered everything I made in TvZ a while back, I figured out how to use ghosts... and now I have to figure out how to use... ravens? Take a perfectly good patch, and then slap terrans in the face with these ghost nerf shennanigans for no good reason. Yes ghost shouldnt counter everything... it doesn't. It counters high tiered units that zerg produces UNLIKE THORS AND BCS which are WORTHLESS in TvZ outside of mass mutas (in which case thors are worthless anyways). Blizzard, you def make me a sad panda... | ||
233 Posts
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Norway469 Posts
On February 11 2012 08:14 poor newb wrote: ghosts wipes out 200/200 zerg army in 2 seconds david kim: nah, that's just "slightly" too strong 6 phenix dies to 20 mutas because the toss cant micro david kim: omfg nerf nerf nerf, give phenix +100 range poor newb. | ||
Korea (South)9498 Posts
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Bulgaria22 Posts
Now I must start playing real games against Zerg and stop two base allins. Mutas are not scary anymore... | ||
United States2694 Posts
On February 11 2012 08:14 poor newb wrote: ghosts wipes out 200/200 zerg army in 2 seconds david kim: nah, that's just "slightly" too strong 6 phenix dies to 20 mutas because the toss cant micro david kim: omfg nerf nerf nerf, give phenix +100 range Unfortunately he nerfed snipe by 20 damage, and made it so it now does 50 versus casters. I'm surprised blizz added an upgrade into the game, I've never seen that happen before. | ||
12 Posts
On February 11 2012 08:13 MrTng wrote: "Figure out when remax will happen"? Uhm... maybe just after you sniped all the broodlords? Really, that's just common sense. Also, using snipe on T1 units is kind of silly since T1 can be massed so easily. ya, but what does terran remax on? what if the battle goes 50/50 so you don't have that many vikings left, and instead of zerg remaxing on ultras, he just maxes out again on Bl/corrupter? It becomes too much of a guessing game for terrans and will likely result in many scenarios where the terrans just auto lose because they weren't able to divine what the zerg were gonna go =/ | ||
Canada47 Posts
On February 11 2012 08:10 RavenLoud wrote: Sounds to me like you don't play zerg at all. Fungal and send lings/roach in to kill ghosts while BL sit behind spamming broodlings. Ghosts are TERRIBLE vs roaches. | ||
United States7179 Posts
On February 11 2012 08:14 Louis8k8 wrote: MULE gold mineral nerf: I totally support this. It really balances out the game as they said. The risk and the reward is now the same for all 3 races. Snipe Damage Increase but split over two conditions: I think 2 snipe > infestor will break the game again. The ease to kill an infestor while having a lesser gas cost is too game breaking. The 11->21 shot to kill an ultralisk also seems to much. 25+20 imo. What unit exactly is Blizz wanting to kill in less snipes with the 5 extra damage? Is it really only infestor? Infestors aren't even that threatening any more with their past nerfs. Phoenix +1 range upgrade: YES! I love the idea of having upgrades over plain stats. There's many pre-researched spells and certain traits that I wish were re searchable and not given for free. Because Protoss crumble to mass muta and not fast mutas, this research at the beacon (T3 tech) is fair appropriate. However, I wonder if even +1 range on phoenix will help against mass muta. While a zerg can easily replenish its army with completely mutalisks, a protoss cannot. And a high pheonix army is very frail and terrible against something like mass zerglings that follows up from mutalisk tech. I don't know if this upgrade is enough... To be honest, I don't want +1 range. I want OVERLOAD back. are you serious. Infestors fungaling and running away to live to fight again is far and away the most cost effective shit in the game. Not to mention if your ghosts actually get fungaled when you are trying to micro all of your shit to make them remotely effective. | ||
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