On May 28 2012 14:44 Arnstein wrote: Gonna try this out when I get money. Always wanted to try the korean server, but didn't manage to get it working earlier. You don't have to make a taiwanese Bnet account, right? You can just add the tw version to your current account?
You do not need to make a new TW account. You just add it to your current account. It's much simpler than the instructions in this thread.
Assuming you got it from offgamers (should work from most places, I would assume they all sell the same game card)... copied from my post in the other TW/KR thread. --- 1) Login to your battle.net account and go to account management. 2) On the right side click 'Buy Digital Games' 3) On the middle right click 'Change' under Game Region. 4) Switch to Taiwan. 5) Click on 'balance' in top right. 6) Enter your code. It's one of the two things you got, I believe password. The other one is just a unique serial... I think for theft or to verify you have the card or something. Either way just try both. You should see the points added to your balance (1150). 7) Go back to 'Buy Digital Games'. 8) Make sure your region is Taiwan and buy 'Unlimited time' option (I'm not sure exact wording, I can't get back to the screen since I have a Taiwan account now). 9) Download client. 10) Play
east coast to kr is unplayable latency, if anyone is looking to get a kr account id be willing to give it to you for something, just pm me.
I pmed you, please msg me back. Thanks ^^
Mewbert, or anyone else, if you are in his shoes - I am willing to pay the ~$42 ish for the KR account. I am currently deployed and the lag to the states makes the game unplayable. Atleast a half second delay on commands and the game is horribly choppy. Please and thank you in advance!
Aside from offgamers and sc2sea is there anywhere to buy a TW account key? I'd like to get it for ~40 dollars
On May 28 2012 19:04 mewbert wrote: east coast to kr is unplayable latency, if anyone is looking to get a kr account id be willing to give it to you for something, just pm me.
I'm in virginia and my ping to korea is 200ms, which isn't great but isn't unplayable either.
Step #1 no longer works; off-gamers is "out of stock" on the SC2 gamer card. Any other source for this?
edit: got rid of it, 1st come 1st serve
Not really a reason to purchase one now that Blizzard announced global/regional availability with HotS upon release. Just wait it out since Beta will be starting up within the next few weeks.
We don't know how cross server play will work. We don't know when this will come to non-beta.
yeah Sony is right, global play is going to make this guide null and void :\
Still looking to get an account to see if lag is tolerable from here in the Philippines. If anyone has an account they are willing to share (or sell) with someone deployed for a test run, please let me know. Email:
Hi guys, I have updated the tutorial with a working link to buy the game, thanks to SC2SEA.com. Unfortunately it is sold in Australian Dollars, and the exchange rate sucks with the US Dollar which results in it costing $65 instead of $42 like before.
Please let me know if you have any trouble with the new link
On July 03 2012 21:33 12aven wrote: Still looking to get an account to see if lag is tolerable from here in the Philippines. If anyone has an account they are willing to share (or sell) with someone deployed for a test run, please let me know. Email:
ruben.gomez@jsotfp.socpac.socom.mil I think you can use starter edition to test.
Does anyone know how it is to play on the korean servers from australia? Because im going to Australia for some weeks soon and dont know if i should buy a taiwanese or sea sc2 version, since eu/na is probably gonna be unplayable due to crosserver lag. what would you guys buy, taiwanese or sea version?
Get a SEA account. Australia's ping to the US is actually pretty good, and with a SEA account you get full access to both SEA and NA servers. Good ping to KR really depends on your ISP here.
On August 27 2012 20:08 MogA wrote: Does anyone know how it is to play on the korean servers from australia? Because im going to Australia for some weeks soon and dont know if i should buy a taiwanese or sea sc2 version, since eu/na is probably gonna be unplayable due to crosserver lag. what would you guys buy, taiwanese or sea version?
When SEA was first released here when SC2 came out - the ping times were much the same from AU to SEA. The bastard server is in Taiwan or Singapore and our links to there and the US are quite different. This is why so many SEA people complained like crazy when SC2 launched and why Blizzard eventually made SEA accounts the only ones which were cross region.
I am a low skill player but I always play on NA, I don't even bother with SEA - there's no one on there and for me the ping is much the same between the two. I figure only top skill players note the ping difference anyhow.
hey Sanchez if you buy the AU version of starcraft don't you get the option to play on NA as well?
Hey there! Just got an KR/TW account from sc2sea.com.. I messed up some things there, got stuck in practice mode due to not knowing the language but Nirvana helped me out and now it's ok. The latency is decent, im from Romania, pretty hard to play micro but not impossible, i'm silver atm but compared to EU is much harder!
When it says "license limit reached", does that mean that I can't add Taiwanese account, or just that it's reached in the EU zone?