ppl who are hating on this are obviously trolls that never try to practice new builds and just prolly are noobs..
this program saves time, instead of writing down shit on paper u can have it all on ur screen and this makes practicing new builds waaay more easier
this isnt a cheat or anything too, how is it cheating? u think ppl would use this in tournaments? yes, bronze tournaments -__-
cant wait to try this later tonight when i get home. haters just need to see this as a learning tool that is an updated version of something people already do.
A link to a paypal donate button please? I'd rather give my money to you then to spend it on sluts at a bar.
Any chance I can download the file on a Mac? I know I'm in the minority, but I just want to be able to look at the different build orders in the way they are labeled. I don't plan on using the overlay, but just want to see the build orders listed. Thanks!
I completely agree with what CptCutter said. I actually look down on people using such things as the best way to learn starcraft is the hard way & this certainly isn't the hard way.
Before anyone trying to break me down, which I won't let you anyways just to make that clear, it's still the player's decision to use it or not... Me looking down on those who use these kind of things won't even care about those who are against it.
I hope, but I doubt it anyways, that players who decide to use this get banned but yeah... That's very unlikely.
It's still up to the player to choose what he/she wants to do with his or her own game & I can have an opinion about this but it's not like I'd go insulting those who do decide to use it.. I just have my own opinion about things like this, that's all.
On November 22 2011 03:23 CptCutter wrote:Show nested quote +On November 22 2011 02:29 PiLoKo wrote:On November 22 2011 02:15 rasers wrote: holy fuck... actually start learning the game and dont let some programs or the game itself do everything for u guys... now go make a bot that makes the build order for u so u can go afk the first 5minutes or what? ... rofl Yeah, keep yourself close minded not to know this is a great practice tool. Keep the good work, this one is great for all those low league players who can´t do a BO, this will help them a lot improve their game. wait what? you do understand that 'build orders' passed the 15 food supply for any race are not required until high diamond right? if you want to advance from the lower leagues all you need to work on is your macro and decision making. not when i should place something... im high masters and im only now starting to formulate build orders. good players are not good because of a build order, but because of their decision making and macro ability. the reason im against applications like this is because they can be used abusively. In lower leagues I often see things like too many barracks or gateways to be supported off the number of bases they have (ie trying to support 6 gateways and a robo with bay off one base) so I think this at least gives some sort of guide/direction. Furthermore at a low level of play, practicing a build order helps with almost all aspects of the game. It teaches you to stay on top of what you need to do (multitasking maybe?), and when practiced significantly it allows for crisper execution (building a Nexus at 400-405 minerals instead of 495+), and with the direction of the gameplan already predefined, it allows the player to practice making stuff instead of thinking of what to do.
For example, Roach Rushing your way out of Bronze doesn't only let you learn the Roach Rush build, but if you keep doing it, you should get better at controlling your army without missing injects and constantly making units. All of this can be applied when trying to play a macro game.
I agree with you that macro separates lower leagues but I think it's macro more so than decision making. And really, what is macro but managing all aspects of your base--which tight build orders teach and help practice!
Straight from Liquipedia:
Macro (short for macromanagement) is everything dealing with your economy. It includes managing income (of minerals and gas), spending, and managing your supply cap. While your income increases the amount of resources you possess, your job is to spend these resources by constructing buildings, training units or investing in upgrades. Macromanagement comes with decision making - what to spend your money on. The options basically boil down to Army, Tech and Economy.
Seems nice, thx...will try it out
On November 22 2011 03:48 Damwing wrote: sry dude appreciate your work but this is gay :/ i know many ppl just have it on paper but this takes away all the creativity from the players and theyll just stomp through a BO...
Yeah, because no one ever stomped through a BO before this tool
On November 22 2011 05:45 rasers wrote:Show nested quote +On November 22 2011 04:18 buzzkill568 wrote:On November 22 2011 02:15 rasers wrote: holy fuck... actually start learning the game and dont let some programs or the game itself do everything for u guys... now go make a bot that makes the build order for u so u can go afk the first 5minutes or what? ... rofl Shut up. Seriously. Obviously no one is going to use this during ladder games or there fucking retarded. These things have been around since bw and you can continue to respond like so but you just fill the community with more shit. Please do us all a favor and just stop it. Obviously for lower end players it helps to have a build order written down. Having it on screen is a stretch but who cares. You obviously are butt hurt about bronze - gold people getting better. :S if they need all that programs 2 get better i doubt they get better and i couldnt care less about if they get better or not.
And I'm pretty sure we could all care less about your useless unhelpful bronze level input and point of the program is for those who want to get better but don't under have the build orders as reflex yet, you use this program enough times and before you know it these build orders will start coming out without you even thinking about it.. that it's intended use not to cheat or abuse. Just important to remember this is a support tool and not to rely on it, once you rely on it you then fall apart when you don't have it.
nice tool, frees up some space on my desk
Here is a good guide to the ethics of third-party programs:
People buy Starcraft to play the game. They use ladder to do this, not custom games, not games versus the AI, and so on. Ladder isn't comparable to a tournament setting. Now if you use maphack, then your opponent isn't playing the same game anymore. He suddenly has to wonder whether your quick response to a drop was because of a hack or because he was predictable, if his hidden expansion was too obvious and needed better defense, if his tactics that depend on your lack of vision can still work, and so on. You're ruining his play experience by having him suddenly have to resort to stupid considerations about whether you were hacking or not. Basically, it ruins the integrity of the game. Having a build order overlay doesn't do any of this. You simply get a more convenient way to play in a manner you could have done without this program as well and you still play the game in the exact same way, simply with a better understanding. Maybe you didn't deserve this better understanding, but see the above point: ladder isn't a tournament setting, so artificially inflated skill doesn't matter like at all.
For people saying this is cheating, what's the difference between this and having your build order on a piece of paper? You can even tape it to the side of your screen if you don't want to look away...
suggestion: maybe you can add some way to hide the text after you're done with it? Like a button or something.
other than that, great program!
On November 22 2011 07:19 Villi wrote: For people saying this is cheating, what's the difference between this and having your build order on a piece of paper? You can even tape it to the side of your screen if you don't want to look away...
i actually do that LOL
This is great. I used to always have a notecard taped to my monitor whenever I was learning a new build. This is basically the same thing, it's just easier to use. Idk why so many people are calling this cheating, just because it does with a program what you can do with paper and tape. It's completely different from a map hack, in that it doesn't give you any information that you wouldn't have had if you'd taken a look at liquipedia and memorized the build order. I don't see any people complaining that SC2gear's APM alert is cheating, and that actually interprets game information to help you. I'm not saying that you should be able to use this in tournaments, but if your just trying to learn a build at home, who really cares? It's always easier to beat players with a new build who need to look at the build order than it is to beat people who know it by heart from a hundred games with it.
On November 22 2011 07:19 Villi wrote: For people saying this is cheating, what's the difference between this and having your build order on a piece of paper? You can even tape it to the side of your screen if you don't want to look away...
Or even write it on a piece of film and use it like an overlay! :D
I use the SC Build Commander app on my iPhone. But I like this better for learning new builds. It takes about 10 games to learn the build and I usually move on. This IS a learning tool. I can't understand why anyone would be opposed to such a thing. It's fine. People learn in different ways.
EDIT: I forgot to thank OP for this. Thanks! Great Job!
This is great. I also just looked at starcraft build order notebook but sorry for being stupid, but what's the difference?
This really is not cheating. Now, if it was used in a tournament setting then I could see a problem, but there really is no difference using this program and having a second monitor.
I wouldn't practice with someone who uses this. Maybe it is not exactly cheating, but it just doesn't feel right. That's not how you are supposed to learn sc2.
What about a program that tells how much stuff my opponent can have at the given time(just the possibilities, of course!). Just reminding me of it. I mean of course I would have done all the math, the program just makes me know the possibilities better. You would be able to adjust to his level and to what you have scouted, you click Platinum opponent, opened 2 rax. And then I have this estimative of what my opponent can have at max, and with data gathering it starts to perfect itself ! :D. Seems handy! Of course everybody knows the numbers, so there is no problem with it. I mean, I'm just lazy to do the math you know, but I could do it it!!
For mac?
I personally see this as the equivalent of having a post-it note on your monitor, or having a notebook you write down all your SC2 info.
I haven't been able to use it, being on mac, but I like the premise of having it 'right there'. I am not sure if someone has asked, but is there a way to insert your own notes about it.
EDIT: nevermind, had to actually look at the picture 