On November 15 2011 03:53 MicroTastiC wrote: wow that is some sick ass stadium. is that the prototype or is it raelly being used?
That will be used. The finals will be held inside a stadium normally used for Ice hockey.
The player lineup is great and the casters are superb. Man I love big SC2 tournaments like MLG, DH etc! :D
SICKSICKSICK Best tournament of 2011 EZ!
WOO tasteosis has arrived! This is going to be so awesome! Every stream is going to be great...
Oh yeaaah! I will finally get to see Tastosis live
200 SEK isn´t that much!. I´d rather pay 200 SEK for 8h+ DH.W entertaining then watching a crappy live artist for 900+SEK.
On November 15 2011 03:44 svefnleysi wrote: Tastosis... MrBitter... Apollo... at the same event?
I have a huge caster boner right now.
Does the head swell up like a microphone? Because if so, then I've got one too.
Great event looking forward to it Awesome casters too (tastosis yay!). but why Total Biscuit? He's cool and all and he's good with his world of warcraft i bet.. but isn't he like gold-plat at sc2? Every time i watch him cast he doesn't really seem to know what he's talking about. He has a cool accent but he doesn't know anything about sc2? Just for future reference, maybe leave him for shoutcraft invitational, craft cup light etc. and maybe keep real casters for bigger events like dreamhack? ;o idk~
Wooow, what a caster line up. I cannot wait untill dreamhack!
Wow, I think this is goint to be the best European SC2 tournament ever. It might be on the same level with edition it might even be on the same level as an MLG. The next 2 weekends will be eSports weekends once again!
It seems weird to me that the community draws so much attention to the casters. I don't give a fuck who casts the Lakers v. Celtics, or Red Sox v. Yankees, you just know it's going to be a good sporting event. It actually is quite sad, now that I think about it, that for many people in this community casters seem to come before the players and actual games.
Will 2GD be there (and not just bloodline champions plz T_T)?
On November 15 2011 04:07 NKsc2 wrote:Great event looking forward to it  Awesome casters too (tastosis yay!). but why Total Biscuit? He's cool and all and he's good with his world of warcraft i bet.. but isn't he like gold-plat at sc2? Every time i watch him cast he doesn't really seem to know what he's talking about. He has a cool accent but he doesn't know anything about sc2? Just for future reference, maybe leave him for shoutcraft invitational, craft cup light etc. and maybe keep real casters for bigger events like dreamhack? ;o idk~
Another person who doesn't know anything about what I do and thinks I still play WoW. It gets old, I tell ya (I quit WoW over 6 months ago). Sigh
I'm guessing Day9 and MrBitter casts together and Apollo and Totalbuiscuit? Possibly best set of casters for any tournament so far. Dreamhack going completely balls to the wall!
wow three of my four favorite casters, casting my favorite esports event.
probbaly the 6 best casters this is gonna be awesome
Amazing line up of casters but I am sad that rotti still gets no love
That stage looks sick, Dreamhack always has such sick production should be awesome.