Sick caster line-up! Cant wait for another dreamhack
Great casters! Can't wait for Dreamhack
Sick line. I really didn't think DH would be inviting even Day9. Thanks for proving me wrong! (Yes i know Day9 was in the last Dreamhack and all that, but still)
Woot! Artosis! Another thing of many to look forward to at DH!
Okay I don't wanna get banned but imagine the long-neck-reaction guy here. Tastosis at Dreamhack? Sweeeeeeeet. Blasphemy that they are listed so late tho.
Day9 and TB has been great int he past DH. Im stoked to see this sick lineup!
Day9/Tastosis all the way! :D Great to see the guys :D amazing caste line-ups
Really awesome, haha basically took all the casters available ^^
Looking sick! To bad I live so far up north.
This is going to be so fucking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3
omfg, Tastosis! yeyeeyeyeyye \o/
but MrBitter :/ Well, you don't have to watch everything i guess :D
another 3 wasted days watching all day sc2 :-(
Where is James "2GD" Hardings? :/
Rotterdam > TotalBiscuit  Anyhows gonna be sick!
On November 15 2011 03:00 monie wrote: omfg, Tastosis! yeyeeyeyeyye \o/
but MrBitter :/ Well, you don't have to watch everything i guess :D
I kinda like MrBitters casting, plus he is a frigging funny guy! Looking forward to seeing all of these casters! They are all great in their own way
Can we stop ruining events by having totalbuscuit casting, greatly appreciated.
User was banned for this post.
Wooooow, nice caster composition :D i think i wont know in which stream to tune in :D
Will there be a german stream?
On November 15 2011 03:01 Fallout wrote: Where is James "2GD" Hardings? :/
He is the host, he doesnt cast
With the inclusion of Tastosis casting Dreamhack will be the best event to watch this year :DDD
When are they announcing the rest of the players?
Jesus Christ, I guess I'm not going to prepare well for exams that weekend.
cmon apollo tasteless DO EEEEEEEEEET
On November 15 2011 03:03 Matkap wrote:He is the host, he doesnt cast
He does cast, but not SC2.
On November 15 2011 03:06 Grettin wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 03:03 Matkap wrote:On November 15 2011 03:01 Fallout wrote: Where is James "2GD" Hardings? :/ He is the host, he doesnt cast He does cast, but not SC2.
yeah well I was just explaining why he is not mentioned here :D
oh my gawd,sick caster line up! but...
ROTTERDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM i love u bro.dont be sad.
mrbitter is now basically a standard of big tournaments. This is a good thing for SC2 and ESPORTS
sick casters line up! Often line up is used for the players but in this case it's validated.
Great casters! Just wished rotterdam would get invited together with mrbitter, such a nice.combo.
Switzerland2892 Posts
Great, finally tastosis to dreamhack
But rotti still not casting, hope he will be a caster for a big event other than iem soon
On November 15 2011 03:03 qqK wrote: Will there be a german stream?
For the love of god hopefully not, can't stand listening to german commentary in this game T.T
Great lineup, really looking forward to tastosis and apollo/day casting together again.
best caster lineup you can get! also , its the weekend after i finish my exams =)
well....there goes my productivity for the rest of the month. YEEEEAAAAAH!!!1
was hoping to see rotterdam aswell, I imagine its day9+bitter combo.
Wow. This tournament has truly the potential to crush ipl/mlg/gsl. soo exciteted
First time for tastosis in dreamhack? I can't wait .
United Kingdom12022 Posts
Oh my god Apollo9. brb nergasming!
I love Apollo9/Tastosis, this is going to be sooo good <3
Awesome! Dreamhack productions are the shit! Can't wait!
Day 9 and apollo <3 hopefully together again, dreamhack summer was awesome because of them! :D
Studio experts. I like it.
no Rotterdam at MLG, no Rotterdam at Dreamhack. Why does the world hate him?
Better lineup than MLG, in my opinion. No DJ Wheat, which is a huge part of it...I'll miss Husky, but no complaints with Day9 instead.
Can't get much better than this. Dreamhack showing they really want to stay in the vanguard of e-Sports. Good job ^ - ^
Yep, pretty much all my favorite casters right there.
Oh my god! TASTOSIS<333 They said they have always wanted to goto dreamhack, this is going to be awesome!!
great lineup of casters but i miss rotterdam
Where are milkies and moletrap when we most need them?
The best part.. IM GOING TO BE THERE!... pretty please sign my shirt tastosis!!
again mrbitter but no rotterdam? son i am disappoint :/
On November 15 2011 03:02 Randulfr wrote: Can we stop ruining events by having totalbuscuit casting, greatly appreciated.
I just hate it when people put a gun to my head and forces me to watch one particular stream out of three available. It just ruins my whole week
This event is gonna be sooo sick ! cant wait. dreamhack stepping it up!! <3<3
On November 15 2011 03:16 Lorch wrote:For the love of god hopefully not, can't stand listening to german commentary in this game T.T Great lineup, really looking forward to tastosis and apollo/day casting together again.
you know you wouldnt have to watch it... anyway: some awesome weekends coming in ))
so you simply decided to book all casters : ) ? nice
OMG. I go to dreamhack from France, it's my first time in sweden and I'm so pumped o//
day9, tastosis, apollo...
this is going to be the best dreamhack ever!
My 4 favourite casters at the same event o.o
This will be a crazy good tournament. The arena, the casters, just everything will make me vomit rainbows for hours and hours.
On November 15 2011 03:03 qqK wrote: Will there be a german stream?
I would guess so, hopefully they won't change much from DHS2011 where they had a couple of language specific streams.
Wouldn't bet a leg on it though.
A bit sad to see Mr. Bitter without RotterdaM, but I love TB, and the rest of the lineup as well. So stoked for DHWinter.
YESsss im gonna meet tasteless! :D
any event with tastosis and day9 is bound to be epic
Tastosis... MrBitter... Apollo... at the same event?
I have a huge caster boner right now.
On November 15 2011 03:41 VirgilSC2 wrote: A bit sad to see Mr. Bitter without RotterdaM, but I love TB, and the rest of the lineup as well. So stoked for DHWinter.
I couldnt have said it better.
wonder if it is going to be apollo and tb or apollo and day9.. both duos great together!... )) im just happy either way!
nice casters, personally i dont like totalbiscuit (rotti takes his place )
Those casters, that venue ..... This is going to be AWESOME!!!
200 SEK TO ENTER? DreamHack why do you do this to yourselves...
That's really a great line-up. Would love to see DJWheat there to cast with apollo. Their casting at IPL was really great.
Awesome venue, and of course that caster list pleases pretty much everyone.
wow that is some sick ass stadium. is that the prototype or is it raelly being used?
Shit just got real!!! I am so insanely happy I got tickets for this event. This will be awesome!
Norway25712 Posts
Not a huge fan of MrBitter, but the lineup of casters look amazing. Can't wait to see this. TB and Apollo is a great duo.
where is Rotti : '( ? Casting archon ftw !
On November 15 2011 03:45 blae000 wrote:wonder if it is going to be apollo and tb or apollo and day9.. both duos great together!...  )) im just happy either way!
I am casting with Apollo.
put apollo with day9, awsome casting duo and obviousily tastosis must b together
On November 15 2011 03:53 MicroTastiC wrote: wow that is some sick ass stadium. is that the prototype or is it raelly being used?
That will be used. The finals will be held inside a stadium normally used for Ice hockey.
The player lineup is great and the casters are superb. Man I love big SC2 tournaments like MLG, DH etc! :D
SICKSICKSICK Best tournament of 2011 EZ!
WOO tasteosis has arrived! This is going to be so awesome! Every stream is going to be great...
Oh yeaaah! I will finally get to see Tastosis live
200 SEK isn´t that much!. I´d rather pay 200 SEK for 8h+ DH.W entertaining then watching a crappy live artist for 900+SEK.
On November 15 2011 03:44 svefnleysi wrote: Tastosis... MrBitter... Apollo... at the same event?
I have a huge caster boner right now.
Does the head swell up like a microphone? Because if so, then I've got one too.
Great event looking forward to it Awesome casters too (tastosis yay!). but why Total Biscuit? He's cool and all and he's good with his world of warcraft i bet.. but isn't he like gold-plat at sc2? Every time i watch him cast he doesn't really seem to know what he's talking about. He has a cool accent but he doesn't know anything about sc2? Just for future reference, maybe leave him for shoutcraft invitational, craft cup light etc. and maybe keep real casters for bigger events like dreamhack? ;o idk~
Wooow, what a caster line up. I cannot wait untill dreamhack!
Wow, I think this is goint to be the best European SC2 tournament ever. It might be on the same level with edition it might even be on the same level as an MLG. The next 2 weekends will be eSports weekends once again!
It seems weird to me that the community draws so much attention to the casters. I don't give a fuck who casts the Lakers v. Celtics, or Red Sox v. Yankees, you just know it's going to be a good sporting event. It actually is quite sad, now that I think about it, that for many people in this community casters seem to come before the players and actual games.
Will 2GD be there (and not just bloodline champions plz T_T)?
On November 15 2011 04:07 NKsc2 wrote:Great event looking forward to it  Awesome casters too (tastosis yay!). but why Total Biscuit? He's cool and all and he's good with his world of warcraft i bet.. but isn't he like gold-plat at sc2? Every time i watch him cast he doesn't really seem to know what he's talking about. He has a cool accent but he doesn't know anything about sc2? Just for future reference, maybe leave him for shoutcraft invitational, craft cup light etc. and maybe keep real casters for bigger events like dreamhack? ;o idk~
Another person who doesn't know anything about what I do and thinks I still play WoW. It gets old, I tell ya (I quit WoW over 6 months ago). Sigh
I'm guessing Day9 and MrBitter casts together and Apollo and Totalbuiscuit? Possibly best set of casters for any tournament so far. Dreamhack going completely balls to the wall!
wow three of my four favorite casters, casting my favorite esports event.
probbaly the 6 best casters this is gonna be awesome
Amazing line up of casters but I am sad that rotti still gets no love
That stage looks sick, Dreamhack always has such sick production should be awesome.
Day9, Artosis and Tasteless at DreamHack
Oh dear god i need to be there :D!!!
F**k me!
This makes me so sad, my plans of going to this DH got smashed since my friends couldnt come beacause of their stupid families and some god damn vacation to Thailand. This would be so fucking sweet!
would prefer husky with day9, they seem to have good chemistry but no biggie... looking pretty good
Apollo =) MrBitter =) only miss Rotti :-/
nearly the best casting line up just need rotti
Wow I didn't expect this, thought it would be 1 english stream w/ TB and Apollo, nice work Dreamhack!
Wow, all my favorite casters will be there <3
personally, totalbuscuit doesnt fit as a starcraft caster anymore, rotterdam + mr. bitter would have been a lot better in perspective of great double commentary ;P anyways, dreamhack is always a great event and im looking forward to it
Dreamhack never failing to impress
I would have prefered Rotti, too, as he isnt in providence, too ;( But we have to enjoy what we get, I wont listen to TB and will be fine, happy to hear to Day9/Bitter
Why does Dreamhack winter look so fucking good when i have no money? I swear to god if they announce a few more top tier koreans in the player lineup im gonna have to start whoring myself out
Hmm, not really happy with TB instead of Rotti. With TotalBiscuit being there and not RotterdaM I don't see like every couple being a nice couple. Obviously there is Tastosis, and Day[9]Apollo has been the face of DH Winter last year, and then BitterDam rounding off, but now that's not really there, and it will probably be TB&Apollo which is also kinda nice, but I have no clue about MrBitter & Day[9] together, and Bitterdam is imo the best casting couple atm ^^.
E; Saw TB's post just now. Well I guess we'll have to see how Bitter and Day[9] mash together.
United States33097 Posts
I'm sort of concerned about this trend of Bitter ditching Rotterdam to do his own thing, maybe couples counselling is in order.
On November 15 2011 04:43 Waxangel wrote: I'm sort of concerned about this trend of Bitter ditching Rotterdam to do his own thing, maybe couples counselling is in order.
Agreed. Call me a blasphemer and cart me off to the bonfire, but I prefer Bitterdam to Tasteosis. I still can't find it in me to truly like Tasteless as a caster.
Omg! So happy that Tastosis is coming too! :D
I have a LAN/seat-ticket but I can't find the option to pay 1 SEK for Dreamarena access anywhere..? :S Is it possible to book a seat or do I pay the one SEK at the LAN?
Amazing caster list. Providence then Dreamhack Winter is a Starcraft 2 orgasm in one week.
On November 15 2011 04:43 Waxangel wrote: I'm sort of concerned about this trend of Bitter ditching Rotterdam to do his own thing, maybe couples counselling is in order. Rotterdam seems like the kind of guy who'd love an open relationship.
I hope 6 casters means there are going to be a lot more streams, I'd hate for Tastosis and Day[9] to get flown all the way over and then end up seeing each set of casters only for a small amount of time.
edit: I'm severely tempted to fly over for DH, I wonder how much that, plus a week visiting the rest of Sweden will cost.
Great casters, Totalbiscuit might not be brilliant with knowing all the strategies and such, but he is entertaining and dApollo or Day9 can easily fill whatever deep insight TB is missing.
On November 15 2011 04:46 Janaz wrote:Omg! So happy that Tastosis is coming too! :D I have a LAN/seat-ticket but I can't find the option to pay 1 SEK for Dreamarena access anywhere..? :S Is it possible to book a seat or do I pay the one SEK at the LAN?
Me neither. I can only find the option to pay 200SEK. I mailed them, just have to wait and see .
i enjoy mr bitter's cast.
All of them are amazing. Astounding line-up!
Where is Rotterdam
Not Tastosis... PLEASE
You're making it impossible for me to refuse this trip and i'm really trying.
On November 15 2011 04:47 Eufouria wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 04:43 Waxangel wrote: I'm sort of concerned about this trend of Bitter ditching Rotterdam to do his own thing, maybe couples counselling is in order. Rotterdam seems like the kind of guy who'd love an open relationship. I hope 6 casters means there are going to be a lot more streams, I'd hate for Tastosis and Day[9] to get flown all the way over and then end up seeing each set of casters only for a small amount of time. edit: I'm severely tempted to fly over for DH, I wonder how much that, plus a week visiting the rest of Sweden will cost.
it says in the topic that it will be 3 official streams and since i'ts a 64man tournament with double groupstage, lots of frickin games will be casted probably
On November 15 2011 04:43 Waxangel wrote: I'm sort of concerned about this trend of Bitter ditching Rotterdam to do his own thing, maybe couples counselling is in order.
Haha, honestly I hate it that Rotti won't be there too. There's no one in the world I'd rather work with than Kev.
Truth of the matter: I was a last second replacement for Wheat, who was unable to attend. (Hope it's okay for me to spill the beans on that)
Great Caster list; I personally like the ABiscuit combo and Tastosis is just baller, Day[9] and Rotterdam are also great, never seen the two together though.
I however cannot understand the community's very ferocious(?) reactions to casters(hating or loving), we are here to enjoy the game and the players. There are tons of unknowns in the community that deserve the attention of you guys more than casters and we should really be looking forward to instead of bashing casters that ones we don't like.
On November 15 2011 04:54 MrBitter wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 04:43 Waxangel wrote: I'm sort of concerned about this trend of Bitter ditching Rotterdam to do his own thing, maybe couples counselling is in order. Haha, honestly I hate it that Rotti won't be there too. There's no one in the world I'd rather work with than Kev. Truth of the matter: I was a last second replacement for Wheat, who was unable to attend. (Hope it's okay for me to spill the beans on that) Ah that explains it ! Well good luck casting, always enjoyed your casts ^^, too bad for Wheat ;<.
awesome lineup 
finally we have a good event with great players great casters AND a good system (and the foreign player pool is clearly better than mlg imo just not that many koreans but thats actually not a bad thing i guess)
sad to see that rotti and mrbitter are not casting together because if they were we would have an even sicker lineup (is he caster only for esl or something or is there another reason he never casts other events)
On November 15 2011 03:02 Randulfr wrote: Can we stop ruining events by having totalbuscuit casting, greatly appreciated.
User was banned for this post. I hate to say it, but Totalbiscuit is one of my least favorite casters. His accent gets really boring and he doesn't ever seem to stay on topic (cue iNcontrol rant on State of the Game). I guess he isn't the worst (Kelly might take that one) but he certainly isn't that good either.
But good to see Tastosis and Day[9]! :D Should be a great tournament!
On November 15 2011 04:54 MrBitter wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 04:43 Waxangel wrote: I'm sort of concerned about this trend of Bitter ditching Rotterdam to do his own thing, maybe couples counselling is in order. Haha, honestly I hate it that Rotti won't be there too. There's no one in the world I'd rather work with than Kev. Truth of the matter: I was a last second replacement for Wheat, who was unable to attend. (Hope it's okay for me to spill the beans on that)
I always enjoy your casts
Well, get 2GD there and it will be legendary!
On November 15 2011 04:55 [17]Purple wrote: Great Caster list; I personally like the ABiscuit combo and Tastosis is just baller, Day[9] and Rotterdam are also great, never seen the two together though.
day[9]and bitter you mean?
On November 15 2011 04:58 The Final Boss wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 03:02 Randulfr wrote: Can we stop ruining events by having totalbuscuit casting, greatly appreciated.
User was banned for this post. I hate to say it, but Totalbiscuit is one of my least favorite casters. His accent gets really boring and he doesn't ever seem to stay on topic (cue iNcontrol rant on State of the Game). I guess he isn't the worst (Kelly might take that one) but he certainly isn't that good either. But good to see Tastosis and Day[9]! :D Should be a great tournament!
lol wtf you quote a post that someone got banned for and support it with making an even worst post? this is pretty ridiculous if you dont like TB (or Kelly) you dont have to diss them because of their accents or something but instead just be reasonable and give some constructive criticism or dont post at all
Omg.. Mr Bitter is going to cast and i really don't like the way he does it!... Just kidding :D I love all the casters and especially Mr Bitter that sacrafices his life for the swarm.
Well, I could live without Apollo or TB but MrBitter, Day9 and Tastosis can only make this another great Dreamhack. Definitely stoked for it.
I think the massive boner this gave me might be hurting esports.
Canada1169 Posts
Tastosis and Day 9, YES :D
Personally im more interested in the players not the casters.
For all the haters who hate X caster, there will be 2 other streams you can watch. So I think everyone can enjoy the different casters, and their different styles.
The caster list for this event looks absolutely awesome. Should maybe make fourth stream : Rotterdam + guest player
Where is James "2GD" Hardings?
I guess i wont be doing anything on thanksgiving weekend
Why do these posts never have dates in them. I know its not hard to go find out when it is but this bugs me slightly!
On November 15 2011 05:20 Myrista wrote: Where is James "2GD" Hardings? Casting something else, Bloodline Champions I think. Hopefully Quake too
On November 15 2011 05:21 Ballack wrote: Why do these posts never have dates in them. I know its not hard to go find out when it is but this bugs me slightly!
It says 24-27 November in the OP. 
On November 15 2011 04:46 Janaz wrote:Omg! So happy that Tastosis is coming too! :D I have a LAN/seat-ticket but I can't find the option to pay 1 SEK for Dreamarena access anywhere..? :S Is it possible to book a seat or do I pay the one SEK at the LAN? I would guess that all those 1kr seats are taken. The option was there before but not anymore.
4 of my absolute favorite casters (guess who), thats mega sweet!
On November 15 2011 04:58 The Final Boss wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 03:02 Randulfr wrote: Can we stop ruining events by having totalbuscuit casting, greatly appreciated.
User was banned for this post. I hate to say it, but Totalbiscuit is one of my least favorite casters. His accent gets really boring and he doesn't ever seem to stay on topic (cue iNcontrol rant on State of the Game). I guess he isn't the worst (Kelly might take that one) but he certainly isn't that good either. But good to see Tastosis and Day[9]! :D Should be a great tournament!
If you hate to say it... why freaking say it?
go day9+apollo best dualcast
Apollo9 and Tastoisis, I'm so pumped for DH:W
Awsome lineup they include almost all my favorite casters. I really want to watch every game. Imo there is only 1 problem: the scedule on day 3, runs from 10:00 to 23:30, that shouldnt really help te pro's considering fatigue. The scedule runs so long because there are other games finals in between the starcraft finals wich streches out the day unnessaceraly long. Im not sure why though.. The same "problem" happened with IPL3(LOL final inbetween) wich IPL admit it was a problem and promised to not do it again. Anyways I dont want to be to negative because I'm really pumped for this and I wouldnt care if I had to wait till 3 am to watch the finals!
Why must you hype so much Dreamhack, WHY? I'm about to explode with anticipation!
Man, this event is looking sweeter and sweeter.
On November 15 2011 05:29 Kryptonite333 wrote: Awsome lineup they include almost all my favorite casters. I really want to watch every game. Imo there is only 1 problem: the scedule on day 3, runs from 10:00 to 23:30, that shouldnt really help te pro's considering fatigue. The scedule runs so long because there are other games finals in between the starcraft finals wich streches out the day unnessaceraly long. Im not sure why though.. The same "problem" happened with IPL3(LOL final inbetween) wich IPL admit it was a problem and promised to not do it again. Anyways I dont want to be to negative because I'm really pumped for this and I wouldnt care if I had to wait till 3 am to watch the finals!
It's a 64-player tournament. I doubt the players, except BYOC people perhaps, has to play more then 5-6 games a day.
this thread gave my a raging b*ner, looking forward to dreamhack and the arena
This is going to be amazing. I feel lucky to live in Sweden when we get such a great event.
Where is Rotterdam the best player/caster in SC2 
But awesome lineup nonetheless.
Tastosis[9] will be sick!
On November 15 2011 05:20 Myrista wrote: Where is James "2GD" Hardings?
2gd isn't a caster for sc2, he doesn't like casting sc2.
Ah cmon, you just cant seperate Bitterdam. :/
On November 15 2011 05:57 Sina92 wrote:2gd isn't a caster for sc2, he doesn't like casting sc2.
But I hope he will play some role at DH Winter?! He was so awesome at the Stockholm invitational.
Tastosis so geekishly funny most of the times! Awkward some other times. Entertaining always!
This will be sick...no other word to describe it
Give me Apollo & Day9 together, that would be amazing.
On November 15 2011 05:04 sVnteen wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 04:55 [17]Purple wrote: Great Caster list; I personally like the ABiscuit combo and Tastosis is just baller, Day[9] and Rotterdam are also great, never seen the two together though.
day[9]and bitter you mean?
Yes, I did mean MrBitter, stupid mistake, and it will be weird hearing him cast without Rotterdam. I do believe however that Rotterdam and Day[9] have casted before... at an IEM if I remember correctly.
Mr Bitter but no Rotterdam ? WHAT GIVES !
Awesome casters, I really wanna see Day 9 and Artosis cast together
Plott brothers, day9 artosis and day9 apollo. make. it. happen.
Would love to see some caster mix and match at Dreamhack personally. Curious as to how a Day[9]/TotalBiscuit or Apollo/Artosis combination would work out 
Super psyched! :D
It's a great list of casters, but I can't help being a little disappointed there is no Rotterdam.
Looks good except for totalbiscuit =/
Hope to see some good games
No Rotterdam? I disappoint.
Is there invited player list yet?
DH looking better and better.
On November 15 2011 03:22 MadChem wrote: Studio experts. I like it.
Yes. This can be something very interesting, a new way of doing SC2.
On November 15 2011 06:11 marcesr wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 05:57 Sina92 wrote:On November 15 2011 05:20 Myrista wrote: Where is James "2GD" Hardings? 2gd isn't a caster for sc2, he doesn't like casting sc2. But I hope he will play some role at DH Winter?! He was so awesome at the Stockholm invitational.
2GD is probably busy with BC at DHW, it is after alll "his" game. It would be nice if he managed to host the expert studio tho.
Hell Yea, Line EM UP !!! ... great casters ...love it <3
Inviting Rotterdam would probably require Day9 to be dropped, considering Bitterdam are a duo, Tastosis are a duo and TotalApollo are a duo. Rotter/Day9 wouldn't work because they both speak at 200 km/h in the action. That's just my reasoning though.
Awesome! Sick caster lineup! Im soooo pumped cant wait to be at the finals~ Am I the only one that think its a good call to not bring in Rotterdam... mabey its just me but i cant stand that german-english accent (altho he's a good sc2-caster, so no offence)
Great caster line up, I'm really happy that Tastosis are going to be casting a DreamHack.
Ok, this is going to be insane.
Day[9] and Total Biscuit FIGHTING!! Also Mr Bitter, Tastosis and Apollo are amazing! DreamHack keeps getting better and better!
Apollo and Total Biscuit = Code A level Casters Day9 and Tastosis = Code S level Casters
I just wanted to add that I will also cast the semifinals and the finals (In Swedish)
I want to see the plott brothers cast together!
On November 15 2011 06:37 ZooG wrote: Awesome! Sick caster lineup! Im soooo pumped cant wait to be at the finals~ Am I the only one that think its a good call to not bring in Rotterdam... mabey its just me but i cant stand that german-english accent (altho he's a good sc2-caster, so no offence)
No, although he is a fellow Dutchie, i can´t stand his accent.
Lots of people here have that problem, everybody can speak English, very few can speak it without that horrible accent.
Nice going dreamhack I'll try to make it there!
Khaldor/Rotterdam > Mr. Bitter. 
Tasteosis is obviously a fantastic addition though, I will be watching them almost exclusively.
On November 15 2011 03:16 Lorch wrote:For the love of god hopefully not, can't stand listening to german commentary in this game T.T Great lineup, really looking forward to tastosis and apollo/day casting together again.
o.O You don't like Khaldor?
Overall I like the casters No hatin' ... But I wonder why they would take Day9 (with no über hyping Husky) and MrBitter (without storytelling RotterDaM) ... But for all I know, this might work out great :D
Such a good caster list, I can't wait for this!! and MrBitter <3, shame Rotti isn't there, those 2 together are my favourite
All my favourite casters at one event? This is going to be awesome. I love all 6 of them, Tastosis is the best duo rivaled by Apollo and TB. Mr. Bitter and Day9 are both really awesome as well, not a single caster is missing to make it perfect in my eyes.
Slightly off topic:
The picture of TB is really unfortunate, he looks like a fat mongoloid scumbag instead of the slightly stocky but sexy beast he is in reality.
The only one missing is DjWheat, bitter out wheat in. Sure MrBitter is a awesome caster but in my eyes no casters can stop the DJWheat&Day[9] combo!
Artosis+Incontrol would make the, without a doubt, best caster combo in the world... When incontrol retires soon (IF he does, perhaps he suddenly becomes good) I really hope he decides to become a caster. Incontrol + Artosis would be sickkkk :/
Other than TotalBiscuit, a fantastic casting line up. Dreamhack is quickly becoming my premiere international tourney. Well done dudes.
SO pumped! Travelling more than 100 miles for this! PEWPEWLAZ0R!
great casters! i only wish they would replace TB, i really hate listening to TB. He has no knowledge of the game.
A little bit disappointed that once again Rotterdam isn't at an event which I think he has every right to be at. He's a great caster and he and Mr Bitter word so well together. They're extremely entertaining and as long as there isn't a Terran in the game they're really knowledgeable. So yeah, If I could make one change I would drop TB and bring in Rotterdam.
Great caster lineup, although i REALLY dislike total biscuit, well i hope i can choose between different streams just like mlg so i dont have to ever watch him.
On November 15 2011 07:22 TiCHEN wrote: great casters! i only wish they would replace TB, i really hate listening to TB. He has no knowledge of the game.
If you keep repeating this enough times, it might come true. Either that or the Candyman will appear, not sure which.
On November 15 2011 07:27 TotalBiscuit wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 07:22 TiCHEN wrote: great casters! i only wish they would replace TB, i really hate listening to TB. He has no knowledge of the game. If you keep repeating this enough times, it might come true. Either that or the Candyman will appear, not sure which.
Don't always pick the quotes of people who hate on you, there is so much TB-love in this thread, quote one of us.
On November 15 2011 07:27 TotalBiscuit wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 07:22 TiCHEN wrote: great casters! i only wish they would replace TB, i really hate listening to TB. He has no knowledge of the game. If you keep repeating this enough times, it might come true. Either that or the Candyman will appear, not sure which.
LOL TB this is why I love you man. I hope to see you casting with Apollo.
Also, the venue looks sick!!
so many awsome tournys . and this one is gonna be right there with the best of them
On November 15 2011 07:27 TotalBiscuit wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 07:22 TiCHEN wrote: great casters! i only wish they would replace TB, i really hate listening to TB. He has no knowledge of the game. If you keep repeating this enough times, it might come true. Either that or the Candyman will appear, not sure which. I have nothing against you or your casting, but you really need a lesson at the internetz it seems. You do realize your attempts at defending yourself just keept fueling the haters, right? It's like you want them to continue....
Ask yourself how fun it is to keep on hating on someone while getting completely ignored. Exactly, its not any fun at all. But replying to them you're giving them what they want: a reaction. Hating when nobody cares about you is boring as fuck, hating and getting people mad about it is very rewarding (to some).
On November 15 2011 07:22 TiCHEN wrote: great casters! i only wish they would replace TB, i really hate listening to TB. He has no knowledge of the game.
Good thing he doesn't play the role of the expert in a casting duo then. Who knows, maybe they pair him up with someone!
On November 15 2011 07:35 Kreb wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 07:27 TotalBiscuit wrote:On November 15 2011 07:22 TiCHEN wrote: great casters! i only wish they would replace TB, i really hate listening to TB. He has no knowledge of the game. If you keep repeating this enough times, it might come true. Either that or the Candyman will appear, not sure which. I have nothing against you or your casting, but you really need a lesson at the internetz it seems. You do realize your attempts at defending yourself just keept fueling the haters, right? It's like you want them to continue....
I've been around on the net long enough to know that this is absolutely not true and ignoring them never stops them, so I'd rather just take the piss out of them instead.
I hope i get to se Apollo and TB casting together. Really enjoyed their casting during the DH spain event
On November 15 2011 07:36 TotalBiscuit wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 07:35 Kreb wrote:On November 15 2011 07:27 TotalBiscuit wrote:On November 15 2011 07:22 TiCHEN wrote: great casters! i only wish they would replace TB, i really hate listening to TB. He has no knowledge of the game. If you keep repeating this enough times, it might come true. Either that or the Candyman will appear, not sure which. I have nothing against you or your casting, but you really need a lesson at the internetz it seems. You do realize your attempts at defending yourself just keept fueling the haters, right? It's like you want them to continue.... I've been around on the net long enough to know that this is absolutely not true and ignoring them never stops them, so I'd rather just take the piss out of them instead. Having been around TL since SC2 release, I've seen a fair amount of hate-trains. There was one on Tasteless rather early, Husky also got a pretty descent amount after what I think was an appearance at a very early MLG. HD gets some from time to time. None of them has ever said a word about it, and none of theirs has been going on anywhere as long as yours have. As I said in my edited post, its boring as fuck to hate without getting a reaction, getting a reaction is rewarding to them.
On November 15 2011 07:41 Weson wrote:I hope i get to se Apollo and TB casting together. Really enjoyed their casting during the DH spain event 
QFT, the ROG-Invitational was rather enjoyable (partly) due to their fantastic casting.
On November 15 2011 07:27 TotalBiscuit wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 07:22 TiCHEN wrote: great casters! i only wish they would replace TB, i really hate listening to TB. He has no knowledge of the game. If you keep repeating this enough times, it might come true. Either that or the Candyman will appear, not sure which.
you are great! :D
and that is sick caster lineup!
btw players are still not announced, right?
On November 15 2011 03:50 busbarn wrote: 200 SEK TO ENTER? DreamHack why do you do this to yourselves... It's 200 SEK to book a seat, but free to enter otherwise i do believe
On November 15 2011 07:48 Alpina wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 07:27 TotalBiscuit wrote:On November 15 2011 07:22 TiCHEN wrote: great casters! i only wish they would replace TB, i really hate listening to TB. He has no knowledge of the game. If you keep repeating this enough times, it might come true. Either that or the Candyman will appear, not sure which. you are great! :D and that is sick caster lineup! btw players are still not announced, right? Some of the players have been announced in this thread
On November 15 2011 07:41 Kreb wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 07:36 TotalBiscuit wrote:On November 15 2011 07:35 Kreb wrote:On November 15 2011 07:27 TotalBiscuit wrote:On November 15 2011 07:22 TiCHEN wrote: great casters! i only wish they would replace TB, i really hate listening to TB. He has no knowledge of the game. If you keep repeating this enough times, it might come true. Either that or the Candyman will appear, not sure which. I have nothing against you or your casting, but you really need a lesson at the internetz it seems. You do realize your attempts at defending yourself just keept fueling the haters, right? It's like you want them to continue.... I've been around on the net long enough to know that this is absolutely not true and ignoring them never stops them, so I'd rather just take the piss out of them instead. Having been around TL since SC2 release, I've seen a fair amount of hate-trains. There was one on Tasteless rather early, Husky also got a pretty descent amount after what I think was an appearance at a very early MLG. HD gets some from time to time. None of them has ever said a word about it, and none of theirs has been going on anywhere as long as yours have. As I said in my edited post, its boring as fuck to hate without getting a reaction, getting a reaction is rewarding to them.
Correlation does not equal causation. The hate will always be around when a part-time caster who can't get past gold league continues to desecrate their hallowed halls. But, they'll always be a tiny vocal minority. It really isn't a problem, I like to poke fun at them.
Personally I don't like TB's casting style, but I can live with it. Looks like it's going to be a great event, hopefully we get to find out more invites soon!
I feel like I'd be really stupid not going there now, living in Sweden and all...
Best caster line up? uh huh!
change totalbiscuit for Rotterdam and we have a dream team!
Oh great, another tournament with tasteless and artosis. weee... which means they won't cast GSL round of 8 nor the semi finals.... why dont they invite moletrap and doa instead? plz? they take the best casters to cast DH, and keep the worst casters to cast the most important e-sport event. i don't wanna live in this world anymore!
edit: and when they are finally back to korea, they waste half their casting whinning about how tired and sleepy they are, and how terrible jetlag is, yadda yadda. Do I really need to listen o that? is it too much to ask for some professionalism?
Day9, tasteless, and Artosis what am I in heaven?
Really awesome lineup. Shame Wheat couldn't be there but Bitter is just as awesome. Assuming they stick the normal "pairs" and have Apollo + TB together will be interesting to see Bitter and Day9 casting together.
Looking forward to this lots.
Filled up Kinnarps with Tastosis casting... wow. Weird that MrBitter is both going to this and MLG while RotterdaM isn't in for any of them :/
On November 15 2011 09:16 Xcobidoo wrote: Filled up Kinnarps with Tastosis casting... wow. Weird that MrBitter is both going to this and MLG while RotterdaM isn't in for any of them :/
I feel bad for Rotterdam, I wish for him to get invited to cast for some great tournament soon.
Yay! I love Day9/Bitter/Apollo/Tastosis (sorry TB no offense but you are just not the one for me)
Awesome lineup of casters! That new arena is just amazing wish I could be there
This is sick! I've been on DH the last two times and it is awesome. So sad that I can't go now. Tastosis and MrBitter <3
missing djwheat but still very very sick lineup.
Great lineup. DH will be amazing. Sad that Wheat cannot make it. He would've been a great addition combo-wise.
Great lineup of casters. Well done dreamhack!
Awww they invited Mr. Bitter.... he's biased towards zerg. But in all reality these casters are exceptionally good I hope they keep the normal pairings Tastless and Artosis work well together as well as Apollo and TB
Lovely lineup. TB is a really good caster for those new to the sport and showing some friends his casts has made them more interested in playing/watching SC2.
The rest are great for those of us who play and watch more regularly.
Day9 and Apollo, all I wanted to hear. They are the essential Dreamhack casters for me.
Don't really see the need to bring Tastosis since they "belong" to the GSL in my mind, but I'm sure people will like them too.
Holy crap MOAR Tastosis! I love those guys...
I'm kinda lost here... where do i go if I want to get the 1 sek/seat deal (yes, i do have the byoc seat ticket)
Holy awesome casters.... :D :D :D
Canada1046 Posts
Hope this won't mess up code S casting by Tastosis ;_;
But on the other hand, iit's the only stream I will be watching unless there are some matches I really want to see.
Maybe Day9 and Apollo if match deent or tstosis casting some bad games.
Wow that is not cool, Mr. Bitter but no Rotterdam.
On November 15 2011 03:16 Lorch wrote:For the love of god hopefully not, can't stand listening to german commentary in this game T.T Great lineup, really looking forward to tastosis and apollo/day casting together again.
Do you find the german language that bad for casting or just the casters. I find Khaldor to be quite good. Or is he not german?
bla, tasteless/artosis but no rotterdam/mrbitter??
Can't go wrong with Tastosis 
Day 9 is the icing on the cake.
On November 15 2011 11:14 Moosy wrote: Wow that is not cool, Mr. Bitter but no Rotterdam.
Was going to say the same thing. Where's Rotterdam?
Sickening line up for this. Look forward to it!
More top tier casters than you can shake a stick at!
YEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH Mr. Bitter + Day[9] + Apollo <3
Sick lineup of players AND casters.
Can day9 cast with Tasteless please? maybe its just me but i alway seem to miss out seeing this combination
Should be fantastic.
Dreamhack always puts on the greatest stream. :D
On November 15 2011 12:30 Torte de Lini wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 11:14 Moosy wrote: Wow that is not cool, Mr. Bitter but no Rotterdam. Was going to say the same thing. Where's Rotterdam? yea, we want Rotti. In my opinion Bitterdam is evolving into one of the best casting duo out there
awesome casters and a better line up of players cant wait for this!!!
Man, if they hype this up right, this could be the greatest tournament ever. TSL3 hype and games, MLG passion, and Dreamhack stadiums; one these will meld into the perfect tournament. Also;
\hipster mode on/ I remember back when the stadium was for 40 or so people, not these ding-blasted stadiums full of young people *old man noise* \hipster mode off/
What the hell totalbiscuit over ROTTERDAM? Rotterdam is a goddamn genius caster.
Definitely an insufficient amount of Rotterdam.
Sweetness! I now just have to decide to go there or not... I'll see better at home but I'll miss out on the atmosphere... its just like a 40 min drive from my place... in the whats most likely gonna be snow in the middle of the night home... sigh what to do what to do... :/
Sick caster line-up. Very, very excited for this! Apollo all the way! :D
Good stuff, i love Apollo's casting and now it get's even sweeter with the plot brothers and artosis added to the mix. Like many i was hoping for Rotterdam aswell, actualy i'd pref him above bitter.
absolutely great casters, i dont want to miss any of them ... allthough i often wonder myself why everybody is overlooking Rotterdam. That guy is a beast!
MrBitter without Rotterdam is like Artosis without Tasteless 
Still one of the best caster-line-ups you could possibly imagine. Since Day9 will be missing at Providence, I'll be especially looking forward to his casting again.
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
Oh my this is going to be SIIICKKKKK!!!
Look at the Arena layout!! Absolutely EPIC!! Looks like a concert and its going to be full with 1000s of nerds <3 awesome awesome awesome!
Going be a sick end to the year tournament this! Great casters, well done and thanks DreamHack!
On November 15 2011 17:40 Thune wrote: absolutely great casters, i dont want to miss any of them ... allthough i often wonder myself why everybody is overlooking Rotterdam. That guy is a beast!
It seems by the comments by mister bitter earlier in the thread like he wasn't suppose to be there in the first place but got invited as a replacement for wheat. Though you could make the argument that both should have been invited in the first place. In any case I think it looks like an amazing casting lineup for most peoples tastes.
Damn them... Now I HAVE to go there! Was trying to have something else planned that weekend but now... Now I have to get there in person!
day[bitter]? bitter[9]?
hmmm but none of these combos sound good
Day9 + Tasteless + Artosis!! YEEEAAHH! :D
On November 15 2011 17:47 sleepingdog wrote:MrBitter without Rotterdam is like Artosis without Tasteless  Still one of the best caster-line-ups you could possibly imagine. Since Day9 will be missing at Providence, I'll be especially looking forward to his casting again.
*Tasteless without Artosis. I'm quite sad about there being no RotterdaM TT 
But that doesn't change the fact that the line up is amazing and I'm really looking forward to the setup, with the 'Studio Experts' etc.
On November 15 2011 15:52 asdads wrote: What the hell totalbiscuit over ROTTERDAM? Rotterdam is a goddamn genius caster.
Just wanna point out that myself and Apollo are an established casting pair. We are doing 3 major tournaments together this month alone and have been casting as a duo since 2010. That and we cast Dreamhack Valencia so why would they bring one without the other?
As mentioned by Mr Bitter, he is there as a replacement for DJWheat because Day9 needs someone to cast with.
Amazing pairs. I love absolutely EVERY pair.
TB/Apollo the British dream team. Tasteless/Artosis the casting archon.
And Mr.Bitter/Day9 aren't an established pair, but both individually are amazing with lots of experience, so i think they'll work really good together.
great announcement in my opinion - these casters will kick ass :D
This is absolutely incredible!
I wasn't planning on driving up there, but now that Tastosis is coming I DEFINITIELY am! :D
The lack of Rotterdam is disturbing 
What do tournament organizers have against him when he is one of the very best casters out there? No MLG, no BiB, no DH for him TT
Hmm, I wonder which casting pairs they'll have. They had Day9 + dApollo before but I prefer dApollo + TB
MrBitter + Day9?
Awesome players, nice casters, great production. This event is gonna kick some ass! :D
No RotterdaM makes me a sad panda (
So that, that mostly german speakers know RotterdaM, hes such a great guy
So great, I really love all of those casters.
ughhh.....where is rotterdam yo
Such excellent casters. Nice to see Apollo and TB representing the Brits.
By the way, I think the OP spells MrBitter's name wrong. I think it should be Ben Nichol.
Hahaha I love all of you guys , its ok, I let bitter sleep around 1 more time but after that I will follow him whereever he will go
On November 15 2011 22:59 RotterdaM wrote:Hahaha I love all of you guys  , its ok, I let bitter sleep around 1 more time but after that I will follow him whereever he will go 
Made me think of this: + Show Spoiler +
It's a shame they couldn't have Rotterdam in there too somewhere. Can't wait regardless! :D
amazing caster lineup. feel so happy for mrbitter, well deserved... i hope rotterdam can cast at an international top event too sometime maybe instead of totalbiscuit...
On November 15 2011 23:08 f0X wrote: amazing caster lineup. feel so happy for mrbitter, well deserved... i hope rotterdam can cast at an international top event too sometime maybe instead of totalbiscuit...
When trying to post something complimentary, try not to accompany it with backhanded insults, it'll make you seem much more sincere.
Great line up as it is! Looking forward to an amazing tournament.
all love to total biscuit and day 9 
Looking forward to Apollo/TB, they did such an amazing job at DH Valencia. Amazing caster lineup, and I am going to be there so really looking forward to this
Looks amazing so far!
Im not sure what to think of MrBitter without Rotterdam though.. I wonder if tournaments are deliberately trying to have them not cast together? :-[
Sick lineup, sick casters - Can't wait to watch
On November 15 2011 23:01 OminouS wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 22:59 RotterdaM wrote:Hahaha I love all of you guys  , its ok, I let bitter sleep around 1 more time but after that I will follow him whereever he will go  Made me think of this: + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAP9AF6DCu4
haha, its what I had in mind it was the favorite song of Demuslim and me when we were living together ^_^, whenever we had some whiskey we'd be singing the calling, ah dem good old days 
On November 15 2011 23:44 RotterdaM wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 23:01 OminouS wrote:On November 15 2011 22:59 RotterdaM wrote:Hahaha I love all of you guys  , its ok, I let bitter sleep around 1 more time but after that I will follow him whereever he will go  Made me think of this: + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAP9AF6DCu4 haha, its what I had in mind  it was the favorite song of Demuslim and me when we were living together ^_^, whenever we had some whiskey we'd be singing the calling, ah dem good old days 
Well there you go! It's a good singing out loud song for sure!
yeah missing rotti  rotti/artosis rotti/tasteless would totally work. damned i wanna see that right now
On November 15 2011 23:44 RotterdaM wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 23:01 OminouS wrote:On November 15 2011 22:59 RotterdaM wrote:Hahaha I love all of you guys  , its ok, I let bitter sleep around 1 more time but after that I will follow him whereever he will go  Made me think of this: + Show Spoiler +http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAP9AF6DCu4 haha, its what I had in mind  it was the favorite song of Demuslim and me when we were living together ^_^, whenever we had some whiskey we'd be singing the calling, ah dem good old days 
Now to the real question, WHERE HAVE DEMUSLIM GONE?!
they shouldve added DJ Wheat to cast as a partner for Day9.
This way, we could still have Bitterdam :/
On November 15 2011 23:56 ThisGS wrote: they shouldve added DJ Wheat to cast as a partner for Day9.
This way, we could still have Bitterdam :/
Mr bitter was Dj wheat's replacement as by his own words earlier in the thread. If wheat could have come it would probably have been tastosis, day9+ wheat and TB + apollo.
On November 15 2011 23:59 nam nam wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 23:56 ThisGS wrote: they shouldve added DJ Wheat to cast as a partner for Day9.
This way, we could still have Bitterdam :/ Mr bitter was Dj wheat's replacement as by his own words earlier in the thread. If wheat could have come it would probably have been tastosis, day9+ wheat and TB + apollo.
I almost feel like this should be added to the OP, because it would stop the same question/issue coming up every 5 posts.
I personally don't like TB's casting, but the other casters are all great! This is gonna be a sweet dreamhack
TB is the greatest caster ever!
I wish I lived in Europe, this type of events are so awesome. Really good caster lineup.
Looks fantastic! That stadium looks sick!
Reaaaaally weird to me that it's such a big thing to announce the casters.... Since when did casters become the thing to hype a tournament? That really didn't happen before recent SC2-history. Yes, I do love Tastosis yadda yadda yadda, but why is there so much hype around certain casters?
Oh yes; why Totalbiscuit? Has he really that large of a following? Is he even Gold on the ladder?...
This looks so badass, best caster lineup and arena-like setting! Definitely will set the standard for future tournaments.
On November 16 2011 01:16 kickinhead wrote: Reaaaaally weird to me that it's such a big thing to announce the casters.... Since when did casters become the thing to hype a tournament?
It's not like this is "the thing" to hype the tournament, it's one step of many. They announce players in a bunch of 10 or 15 and make a new thread about it to hype the tournament and they do the same for casters. It does a good job to raise awareness for the upcoming event.
Yes, tournaments are a bit to caster-focused, but this announcement right here is nothing uncommon and not noteworthy to point out as an example of putting the wrong things in focus, in my opinion. It fits in well with the rest of the marketing and shows me what to expect when I tune in. Professionality, first and foremost.
Holy... christ on a cracker! This will be so amazing i dont have words for it! Take ALL the best casters was the motto i guess :D
Aww, no Rotterdam! Still, MrBitter. Perhaps I should go anyway. He is hilarious!
On November 16 2011 01:16 kickinhead wrote: Reaaaaally weird to me that it's such a big thing to announce the casters.... Since when did casters become the thing to hype a tournament? That really didn't happen before recent SC2-history. Yes, I do love Tastosis yadda yadda yadda, but why is there so much hype around certain casters?
Oh yes; why Totalbiscuit? Has he really that large of a following? Is he even Gold on the ladder?... Totalbiscuit is exactly gold on both EU and US actually.
No problem with hype around casters, cus they do alot for the "scene". But we could sure use a few more good casters. Not that I'm geting tired of Tastosis or Day[J], but would be nice with some new voices. Also perhaps that would leed to more focus on great players deciding what tournament's are great and not the casters. But then again, good casters and good players go hand in hand moste of the time when picking tournaments.
On a Swedish note, since it's dreamhack, we need some Swedish casters to step it up. Not really anyone out there who is outstanding. [JOKE] But I guess all Swedish casters are buissy trying to find a way to get a spot in GSL.
On November 16 2011 01:16 kickinhead wrote: Oh yes; why Totalbiscuit? Has he really that large of a following? Is he even Gold on the ladder?...
because. yes. does it matter?
On November 15 2011 03:00 monie wrote: omfg, Tastosis! yeyeeyeyeyye \o/
but MrBitter :/ Well, you don't have to watch everything i guess :D
Thanks for pointing that out troll. I love MrBitter with all of my heart and think he is worthy. Instead of writing this stupid posts, please just don't write anything at all.
I enjoy all of this casters, some less some more, but I don't tell a bunch of people who I don't like so please a little bit of respect, that's all I want! Specially to a talented caster like MrBitter.
Dream team caster line up :D
On November 16 2011 01:58 FliedLice wrote:Show nested quote +On November 16 2011 01:16 kickinhead wrote: Oh yes; why Totalbiscuit? Has he really that large of a following? Is he even Gold on the ladder?... because. yes. does it matter? I really like the caster lineup, I personally would have prefered Rotterdam, too, but we cant have everything and I will just mute TB 
Actually, yes it does matter. In my opinion, a caster has to understand the depths of a game. I think e.g. RotterdaM (as high in masters as you can get) can analyze way more and better than a gold player
Who's casting with Day9? God I hope its TB :D
On November 16 2011 03:33 Catatonic wrote: Who's casting with Day9? God I hope its TB :D Its Mr.Bitter as stated several times before
On November 16 2011 03:23 Tarotis wrote:Show nested quote +On November 16 2011 01:58 FliedLice wrote:On November 16 2011 01:16 kickinhead wrote: Oh yes; why Totalbiscuit? Has he really that large of a following? Is he even Gold on the ladder?... because. yes. does it matter? I really like the caster lineup, I personally would have prefered Rotterdam, too, but we cant have everything and I will just mute TB  Actually, yes it does matter. In my opinion, a caster has to understand the depths of a game. I think e.g. RotterdaM (as high in masters as you can get) can analyze way more and better than a gold player 
My role is not analysis, that should be clear.
On November 16 2011 04:16 TotalBiscuit wrote:Show nested quote +On November 16 2011 03:23 Tarotis wrote:On November 16 2011 01:58 FliedLice wrote:On November 16 2011 01:16 kickinhead wrote: Oh yes; why Totalbiscuit? Has he really that large of a following? Is he even Gold on the ladder?... because. yes. does it matter? I really like the caster lineup, I personally would have prefered Rotterdam, too, but we cant have everything and I will just mute TB  Actually, yes it does matter. In my opinion, a caster has to understand the depths of a game. I think e.g. RotterdaM (as high in masters as you can get) can analyze way more and better than a gold player  My role is not analysis, that should be clear. It is, and that is why I dont like you as a caster, if I am allowed to say so. Of course, a caster has to be entertaining, but my personal preference is 2 people knowing both analysis and entertainment and preferably having casted a lot of games together (e.g. Bitterdam)
On November 16 2011 04:33 Tarotis wrote:Show nested quote +On November 16 2011 04:16 TotalBiscuit wrote:On November 16 2011 03:23 Tarotis wrote:On November 16 2011 01:58 FliedLice wrote:On November 16 2011 01:16 kickinhead wrote: Oh yes; why Totalbiscuit? Has he really that large of a following? Is he even Gold on the ladder?... because. yes. does it matter? I really like the caster lineup, I personally would have prefered Rotterdam, too, but we cant have everything and I will just mute TB  Actually, yes it does matter. In my opinion, a caster has to understand the depths of a game. I think e.g. RotterdaM (as high in masters as you can get) can analyze way more and better than a gold player  My role is not analysis, that should be clear. It is, and that is why I dont like you as a caster, if I am allowed to say so. Of course, a caster has to be entertaining, but my personal preference is 2 people knowing both analysis and entertainment and preferably having casted a lot of games together (e.g. Bitterdam) 
This is an interesting point. TB, I'd like to ask you a question if you want: assuming that casting games is your main/only job (I think, at least) do you think that you are fine the way you are?
Not judging or anything: I could never cast anything decently and I enjoy basically everyone to an extent. ...and I don't threaten to mute any stream 
Just asking if you are actually doing something to improve your gaming knowledge so that you'll be able to tell who has the upper hand in an engagement (upgrades, army positioning and army composition) or you'll leave everything to Apollo. That's because I don't like that much when a caster says something only to be proven otherwise by the game in a couple of seconds, it feels like they don't know what they are talking about... and we all agree that for a commentator it should be a big no-no.
Ofc I'm not talking about advanced concept, metagame shifts or opinions about what is going to happen: after all your strongest point is elsewhere. But what about basic concepts such as upgrades or army composition? Thanks.
On a side note I love you Rotterdam: you are one of the best casters in the whole scene, especially since you bring us constant high-quality casting without being a supposed 'pinnacle of SC knowledge'. + Show Spoiler +and you are one of the few always willing to prove your skill, being it in game or not >:D
On November 15 2011 03:02 Dronk wrote:Rotterdam > TotalBiscuit  Anyhows gonna be sick!
Rotterdam sucks! Event will be sick for sure
I dont like TB, but that's cos i rly cant undertand him - DApollo is ok for me, i rly like him when he casted with day9 they make a rly nice duo.
All fantastic casters except for TB, still not entirely sure why he's as popular as he is in the SC2 casting world.
I'll be tuning in nonetheless
On November 16 2011 05:18 nicksson wrote:Show nested quote +On November 15 2011 03:02 Dronk wrote:Rotterdam > TotalBiscuit  Anyhows gonna be sick! Rotterdam sucks! Event will be sick for sure stfu don't diss rotterdam. DH will be sick but it won't feel real without rotti T____T
On November 16 2011 04:54 MavivaM wrote:
This is an interesting point. TB, I'd like to ask you a question if you want: assuming that casting games is your main/only job (I think, at least) do you think that you are fine the way you are? r]
It's not my main job, it is a part-time hobby.
Awesome ! Look forward to some awesome casting. I do think that Rotterdam should be there though, he's a boss. He and Mr Bitter made a pretty epic casting duo. Looks like an awesome Arena for the final show as well.
sucks, wanted to meet rotti again <3
Why all the flak on TB? He's definitely one of my favourite casters. He and Apollo makes an excellent pair, with Apollo supplying the deeper analysis. Not being a grandmasters doesn't equal poor casting.
Looking forward to TB/Apollo channel on DH!
On November 16 2011 04:33 Tarotis wrote:Show nested quote +On November 16 2011 04:16 TotalBiscuit wrote:On November 16 2011 03:23 Tarotis wrote:On November 16 2011 01:58 FliedLice wrote:On November 16 2011 01:16 kickinhead wrote: Oh yes; why Totalbiscuit? Has he really that large of a following? Is he even Gold on the ladder?... because. yes. does it matter? I really like the caster lineup, I personally would have prefered Rotterdam, too, but we cant have everything and I will just mute TB  Actually, yes it does matter. In my opinion, a caster has to understand the depths of a game. I think e.g. RotterdaM (as high in masters as you can get) can analyze way more and better than a gold player  My role is not analysis, that should be clear. It is, and that is why I dont like you as a caster, if I am allowed to say so. Of course, a caster has to be entertaining, but my personal preference is 2 people knowing both analysis and entertainment and preferably having casted a lot of games together (e.g. Bitterdam) 
No. it's not, he's a color caster, for pepole who aren't knowledgable about the game, and especially pepole who just want to get entertained while watching.
I honestly think that having no analysis casters is better than having all analysis casters, because the number of pepole who don't know anything about SC2 but will get hooked by a good caster is way bigger than the number of pepole who just want to learn more about the game.
Ah mrBitter back in biz, great to see, love his casting!
What a suprise, a totalbiscuit casting argument on teamliquid.
Its all been said so many timessss.
<3 TB, fuck the haters!
Can't wait for this!
Hmm, no Rotterdam?
I like how he works with Mr Bitter, but a fantastic caster lineup anyways
I am a fairly seasoned player and I quite like TB's analysis. I noticed he was reading the thread so thought I might throw in my 2 cents on people's reactions here.
TB has some very clear pro's and cons.
Pro's: great voice, great accent, fun humour, quick and manages high pace, clearly audible and generally engaging to listen to.
Cons: there is very little analysis. Since he doesnt promise any analysis, thats fine. But I think it is not far from his reach. He should learn it to become brilliant.
Right now he mostly comments on which units he expects to die during skirmishes, as well as other obvious stuff "THAT was not good for Huk" or "It's costing him a lot of money to make these Broodlords" or "I think that this planetary fortress might go down" (when it will definitely go down) etc. Thats better than nothing, and to be honest about 20% of all casting is just "stating the obvious", keeping the viewer up-to-speed and maintaining a tense and exciting atmosphere. It is when stating-the-obvious reaches and exceeds the critical 70-80% mark that mid- and higher-tier players start getting a bit bored. The other casters can give predictions, in depth knowledge about builds (their viability in the matchup, who invented them, who is known for them, what their chance of success is etc) as well as maps (what the win ratios are for each matchup etc), I hear Day9 saying things like "on 3 gas, a protoss just CANNOT do this build" which is in my opinion the kind of truly interesting opinions that a caster should insert into a game every now and again. Having said that, with the few things that TB _does know_, he puts on a hell of a show and I can't remember ever being disappointed on hearing that he would cast a game (Rotterdam is smart, but not so fun. Artosis is very smart, but weak voice, etc).
So I just wish he would learn more of the builds, the strats, the maps, the legacy and history of builds and also more metagame so that he could give these insights, because then he would become SO good and wouldn't draw all this criticism. You don't need to be master league to be able to make these kinds of statements, SC2 is a finite game with a finite number of learnable builds.
Sooo looking forward to Dreamhack! One of the sickest line-ups of players ever! Go Nerchio!
Juz out of curiosity, how much do casters get per gig?
On November 16 2011 06:40 RobX wrote: Why all the flak on TB? He's definitely one of my favourite casters. He and Apollo makes an excellent pair, with Apollo supplying the deeper analysis. Not being a grandmasters doesn't equal poor casting.
Looking forward to TB/Apollo channel on DH!
I agree, TB and Apollo works great together.
On November 16 2011 20:36 taldarimAltar wrote: Juz out of curiosity, how much do casters get per gig? They don't release numbers publicly, similar to pretty much every company ever...but with this many big names being flown across the planet when there's so much other stuff for them to do, I'd think they'd be getting paid at the very least a few thousand.
On November 16 2011 06:43 RageBot wrote:Show nested quote +On November 16 2011 04:33 Tarotis wrote:On November 16 2011 04:16 TotalBiscuit wrote:On November 16 2011 03:23 Tarotis wrote:On November 16 2011 01:58 FliedLice wrote:On November 16 2011 01:16 kickinhead wrote: Oh yes; why Totalbiscuit? Has he really that large of a following? Is he even Gold on the ladder?... because. yes. does it matter? I really like the caster lineup, I personally would have prefered Rotterdam, too, but we cant have everything and I will just mute TB  Actually, yes it does matter. In my opinion, a caster has to understand the depths of a game. I think e.g. RotterdaM (as high in masters as you can get) can analyze way more and better than a gold player  My role is not analysis, that should be clear. It is, and that is why I dont like you as a caster, if I am allowed to say so. Of course, a caster has to be entertaining, but my personal preference is 2 people knowing both analysis and entertainment and preferably having casted a lot of games together (e.g. Bitterdam)  No. it's not, he's a color caster, for pepole who aren't knowledgable about the game, and especially pepole who just want to get entertained while watching. I honestly think that having no analysis casters is better than having all analysis casters, because the number of pepole who don't know anything about SC2 but will get hooked by a good caster is way bigger than the number of pepole who just want to learn more about the game. I did not say he is a bad caster, I just did say I (me, nobody else, everybody can have his own opinion about him, thats just mine!) dont like him as a caster
On November 16 2011 20:49 Ruscour wrote:Show nested quote +On November 16 2011 20:36 taldarimAltar wrote: Juz out of curiosity, how much do casters get per gig? They don't release numbers publicly, similar to pretty much every company ever...but with this many big names being flown across the planet when there's so much other stuff for them to do, I'd think they'd be getting paid at the very least a few thousand.
Maybe that's why the prize pool have been so small in the past! 
On November 16 2011 06:16 TotalBiscuit wrote:Show nested quote +On November 16 2011 04:54 MavivaM wrote:
This is an interesting point. TB, I'd like to ask you a question if you want: assuming that casting games is your main/only job (I think, at least) do you think that you are fine the way you are? r] It's not my main job, it is a part-time hobby. Well, that explains a lot. In that case I can't do anything but wish you good luck for the games!
A little feedback if you care: differently from other people, I don't have any problem with commentators/you stating the obvious: after all, your job is telling people what's happening. I just hate when a caster says something completely wrong or miss something that should be clear.
Cast cast gogogo
Event will be sick indeed. First MLG and the week after MLG we have Dreamhack. This will be a couple of nights not sleeping for me..!
On November 16 2011 04:16 TotalBiscuit wrote:Show nested quote +On November 16 2011 03:23 Tarotis wrote:On November 16 2011 01:58 FliedLice wrote:On November 16 2011 01:16 kickinhead wrote: Oh yes; why Totalbiscuit? Has he really that large of a following? Is he even Gold on the ladder?... because. yes. does it matter? I really like the caster lineup, I personally would have prefered Rotterdam, too, but we cant have everything and I will just mute TB  Actually, yes it does matter. In my opinion, a caster has to understand the depths of a game. I think e.g. RotterdaM (as high in masters as you can get) can analyze way more and better than a gold player  My role is not analysis, that should be clear.
Hi TB,
Could you possibly try and play the game a little more? I think it would be nice if you could be more than bronze league.
It would bring credibility and sense to what you are saying!
Big fan.
On November 16 2011 22:18 Xenogears wrote: Hi TB,
Could you possibly try and play the game a little more? I think it would be nice if you could be more than bronze league.
It would bring credibility and sense to what you are saying!
Big fan.
And people wonder why I don't bother giving credence to "feedback" given on the forums.
Really looking forward to this tournament! Awesome invites and awesome casters!
Gonna be interesting with Tejbz doing some commentary. Hes a good personality and has a fairly large fan base so hopefully he will get some of his youtube followers interested in sc2.
Eitherway he will increase the unique stream viewers by quite a lot.
can sb tell me when grups will be annouse?
Hi everyone I'm not sure I can do some "publicity" in this forum but ... Please don't ban me if what i'm going to say is not allowed. I also want to clarify that I don't signed up to advertise but to post a strategy question, but can't for the moment because i'm not 3 days old. So, I wanted to share with you this website : http://sc2bet.fr . Created by "SuperJambon" (Great Ham in english), it's a fun betting website, based on non-real money. It works in real time, but for the moment only for a quite little competition : the GameCreds Cup. For the dreamhack, there will be a huge effort made on the presentation and the real time interactivity to add more excitation in the matchs. I'm working on that project and I can promise you that's it's going to be great. sc2bet have also a big advantage : it can load the official stream AND the IRC channel on the same screen, what is very comfortable. I must forgive tons of others fonctionality and I personally recommend you to try it for the dreamhack, so sign up now ! If it work, the concept will be extended for others competitions. The best better will received a pre-order for the upcoming Heart of the Swarm ! Ps : I'm really sorry for my bad english but you noticed that I'm french, what explain a lot of things :p Hoping to see you the 24th  Alekatok (the unique)
User was warned for this post
Im sorry if Im just being blind at the moment but what exactly do I have to do in order to book my seat for 1 SEK? I can't seem to find a way to do that
On November 16 2011 23:39 TotalBiscuit wrote:Show nested quote +On November 16 2011 22:18 Xenogears wrote: Hi TB,
Could you possibly try and play the game a little more? I think it would be nice if you could be more than bronze league.
It would bring credibility and sense to what you are saying!
Big fan. And people wonder why I don't bother giving credence to "feedback" given on the forums.
Oh I see you don't like the truth, I understand now, makes perfect sense.
On November 17 2011 05:50 Lorch wrote:Show nested quote +On November 16 2011 23:39 TotalBiscuit wrote:On November 16 2011 22:18 Xenogears wrote: Hi TB,
Could you possibly try and play the game a little more? I think it would be nice if you could be more than bronze league.
It would bring credibility and sense to what you are saying!
Big fan. And people wonder why I don't bother giving credence to "feedback" given on the forums. Oh I see you don't like the truth, I understand now, makes perfect sense.
You think the truth is that I'm in bronze league, so forgive me if something that's obviously false doesn't match up with my sense of what "truth" means. Trolls will be trolls.
TB i think you are wonderful and one day i would like to shake your hand for all the fantastic work you do for various communities. Keep it up!
On November 17 2011 07:01 Imascotsman wrote: TB i think you are wonderful and one day i would like to shake your hand for all the fantastic work you do for various communities. Keep it up!
Thanks. I am reading all the positive stuff, don't worry and I appreciate all of it.
Wow!! This is so awesome. We need to set up a barcraft in Minneapolis for this. Hope I'm home again during this event.
On November 17 2011 06:50 TotalBiscuit wrote:Show nested quote +On November 17 2011 05:50 Lorch wrote:On November 16 2011 23:39 TotalBiscuit wrote:On November 16 2011 22:18 Xenogears wrote: Hi TB,
Could you possibly try and play the game a little more? I think it would be nice if you could be more than bronze league.
It would bring credibility and sense to what you are saying!
Big fan. And people wonder why I don't bother giving credence to "feedback" given on the forums. Oh I see you don't like the truth, I understand now, makes perfect sense. You think the truth is that I'm in bronze league, so forgive me if something that's obviously false doesn't match up with my sense of what "truth" means. Trolls will be trolls.
Sorry TB I thought you were in bronze league because I heard that on a stream the other day. What league are you in?
Anyway I am only saying this because I care and I like your personality. You could get much better if you actually played the game.
I can tell that most of the time you are off on the commentary but that can be worked on very easily.
Omg Day[9] + Tasteless is gonna be siiiick :D
Daysteless Taste [9] or just the Plotts :D
SFIV and Quake Duel, f*** yeah!
Casting for DreamHack Winter 2011 is going to be spectacular!
These events that have Mr. Bitter but not Rotterdam are missing the ball here. They are such a great duo.
As always DH seems like it will be pretty damn awesome though.
On November 17 2011 08:49 DIRESTRAIT wrote: Omg Day[9] + Tasteless is gonna be siiiick :D
Daysteless Taste [9] or just the Plotts :D I don't think they are casting together. Unless I missed it somewhere.
On November 17 2011 08:47 Xenogears wrote:Show nested quote +On November 17 2011 06:50 TotalBiscuit wrote:On November 17 2011 05:50 Lorch wrote:On November 16 2011 23:39 TotalBiscuit wrote:On November 16 2011 22:18 Xenogears wrote: Hi TB,
Could you possibly try and play the game a little more? I think it would be nice if you could be more than bronze league.
It would bring credibility and sense to what you are saying!
Big fan. And people wonder why I don't bother giving credence to "feedback" given on the forums. Oh I see you don't like the truth, I understand now, makes perfect sense. You think the truth is that I'm in bronze league, so forgive me if something that's obviously false doesn't match up with my sense of what "truth" means. Trolls will be trolls. Sorry TB I thought you were in bronze league because I heard that on a stream the other day. What league are you in? Anyway I am only saying this because I care and I like your personality. You could get much better if you actually played the game. I can tell that most of the time you are off on the commentary but that can be worked on very easily. Cheers
From my experience he judges the game fairly well, given what he says. Especially concerning that it's not his job, his analysis on what's happening currently on the screen is mostly correct, and if he's not, because he misses the strategic details why something is done by the player, it should be the job of the analyst to step in an explain after the scene is over and everything has calmed down a bit.
can't believe all the hate on TB :O
He has gotten so many people into starcraft, me included! keep up the good work
I don't get the hate on TB as well, I think he's a terrific caster!! Does a really great job at entertaining the viewers and I really enjoyed all the games he casted during past events...
also, is there a bronze league anyway?
On November 17 2011 18:28 jmbthirteen wrote:Show nested quote +On November 17 2011 08:49 DIRESTRAIT wrote: Omg Day[9] + Tasteless is gonna be siiiick :D
Daysteless Taste [9] or just the Plotts :D I don't think they are casting together. Unless I missed it somewhere.
As much fun as it would be to see the brothers cast together, they can't break up Tastosis! I also really like the inclusion of MrB, and really appreciated his 12 Weeks with the Pros as they got me from Silver to Platinum league. It's awesome to see him casting such a high profile event. It would have made sense if the dates for Dreamhack were more easy to find. I reread the OP twice and didn't see them.
On November 17 2011 20:27 iMech wrote:Show nested quote +On November 17 2011 18:28 jmbthirteen wrote:On November 17 2011 08:49 DIRESTRAIT wrote: Omg Day[9] + Tasteless is gonna be siiiick :D
Daysteless Taste [9] or just the Plotts :D I don't think they are casting together. Unless I missed it somewhere. As much fun as it would be to see the brothers cast together, they can't break up Tastosis! I also really like the inclusion of MrB, and really appreciated his 12 Weeks with the Pros as they got me from Silver to Platinum league. It's awesome to see him casting such a high profile event. It would have made sense if the dates for Dreamhack were more easy to find. I reread the OP twice and didn't see them.
It starts next thursday and ends on saturday evening. Exactly in a week.
On November 17 2011 18:31 xi Tempest x wrote:can't believe all the hate on TB :O He has gotten so many people into starcraft, me included! keep up the good work 
That's not what casting is about though.
On November 17 2011 21:12 Moxi wrote:Show nested quote +On November 17 2011 18:31 xi Tempest x wrote:can't believe all the hate on TB :O He has gotten so many people into starcraft, me included! keep up the good work  That's not what casting is about though.
Eh, drawing people into a sport and making people excited about watching it is definatly a part of being a caster.
On November 15 2011 03:02 OGKruemmel wrote: Wooooow, nice caster composition :D i think i wont know in which stream to tune in :D
Agreed. Looks really good. I hope there will be some great matches for them to cast.
On November 17 2011 21:12 Moxi wrote:Show nested quote +On November 17 2011 18:31 xi Tempest x wrote:can't believe all the hate on TB :O He has gotten so many people into starcraft, me included! keep up the good work  That's not what casting is about though.
So what is it about, if not to get people excited and interested in the game?
Sorry TB I thought you were in bronze league because I heard that on a stream the other day. What league are you in?
I'd be very interested to know which stream that was on.
Anyway I am only saying this because I care and I like your personality. You could get much better if you actually played the game.
I do a regular Starcraft 2 show 3 times a week in which I stream my own play, I really don't understand what more I could possibly be doing given I also have a job to do covering other games. It is tiring, I have to say, to be constantly told these things. What more, could I possibly do for eSports? How can I be better, how can I give more than I already am? Do you want my soul? You can have it, I have no use for it.
Don't listen to the haters TB, you're awesome. Keep up the great work.
TB, you are an awesome caster and an awesome dude.
I have been following you since the beta of Cataclysm. Keep your head up and dont listen to haters. Some people need to hate on something, solely for the pleasure of hating.
You and dApollo make such a nice combo. It amazes me how in such a short time you two became so synched while casting.
Love you, man!
TB is a very good caster, especially with apollo. I think they make a very good combo the loud and exciting TB with the calm and more thinking apollo.
I'm very happy to have them both, i feel a bit sad for our european casters since we only have 2/6 casters.
But it's fine by me, it's gonna be a very good event!
Tickets are booked. This will be an amazing event! Can't wait... Only 5h with car from Oslo, Norway!
This DH will be perfect ! Really nice casters !
holy carp - TB, Day9 AND Bitter casting AT THE SAME EVENT?
Cant wait for a three day Starcraft tolerance break next weak, shit is gonna be awesome.
TB's play by play, witty remarks and all round hilarity are awesome. If you don't like it, you have no soul. Go frolic with some horses.
DreamHack is going be an awesome event as always, can't wait =]
Apollo and Day 9 are an EPIC team!
I like TB, especially when he's paired with Apollo. Apollo has the game knowledge and TB brings the epic play by play.
Yeah, TB alone is a bit too much for me, but paired with Apollo, the combination is simply fantastic. Banter, good, energetic play-by-play with a professional radio feel, tons of research and analysis. They have everything. Even the top hat. <3
Now they just need to be able to do MKP's 3-reactor Hellion insanity as observers, and we're talking.
On November 17 2011 23:52 Bashion wrote: TB, you are an awesome caster and an awesome dude.
I have been following you since the beta of Cataclysm. Keep your head up and dont listen to haters. Some people need to hate on something, solely for the pleasure of hating.
You and dApollo make such a nice combo. It amazes me how in such a short time you two became so synched while casting.
Love you, man!
The word "hater" is completely overused. Are we not allowed to have a critical opinion of someone you love? I'm sure TB is a very nice person and I genuinely appreciate what he has done for esports (seriously). I just dislike his carnival barker casting schtick. It rubs me the wrong way and thus he's near the bottom of my list of preferred casters.
I still have respect for the man and, again, appreciate his presence (when he's not casting).
In any event, love the rest of the casters on board for the most part. Cannot wait!
damned - thats awesome - cant wait to see it 
3 screens are ready for every stream... hmm... and the sound.... ofc TB and apollo
On November 18 2011 08:32 IPA wrote:Show nested quote +On November 17 2011 23:52 Bashion wrote: TB, you are an awesome caster and an awesome dude.
I have been following you since the beta of Cataclysm. Keep your head up and dont listen to haters. Some people need to hate on something, solely for the pleasure of hating.
You and dApollo make such a nice combo. It amazes me how in such a short time you two became so synched while casting.
Love you, man!
The word "hater" is completely overused. Are we not allowed to have a critical opinion of someone you love? I'm sure TB is a very nice person and I genuinely appreciate what he has done for esports (seriously). I just dislike his carnival barker casting schtick. It rubs me the wrong way and thus he's near the bottom of my list of preferred casters. I still have respect for the man and, again, appreciate his presence (when he's not casting). In any event, love the rest of the casters on board for the most part. Cannot wait!
You're of course entitled to your opinion but you can't possibly fail to notice how odd it is to call the style of casting used as "carnival barking" when applied to a computer game, yet it's entirely normal in a multi-billion dollar industry like broadcast sports. It's a very curious attitude to hold, I find it interesting if a little confusing.
Italy420 Posts
TB is a must be for my sc2 enjoyment, totally dig your style senior!
refreshing indeed
I do appreciate TB Attitude and cast, when alone. And also like Apollo cast alone. They two together no. really sorry. TB doesn't know how to continue the logic from what Apollo just comment. TB also repeat Apollo's saying with a small comment like: yes indeed, of course it is, couldn't be other way, etc. In other hand, when TB comments one aspect, Apollo complements it talking about something else. pay attention for that. So I'm sad to see them together, I would appreciate much much more to see only TB.
That's probably the mostest excellentest bestest everythingest line-up one could hope for. It would be perfect, perhaps, if we also had DJ Wheat casting, but that's just me being silly :D
Great work, DreamHack, as always! Looking forward to it! ♥
Dear Dreamhack,
dang, I'm leaving tomorrow for the event and have no idea who the last invitees will be, printed photos of my favorite players so they could sign them
On November 21 2011 23:16 evil_lesh wrote:Dear Dreamhack, Y U NO ANNOUNCE LAST INVITEES?! dang, I'm leaving tomorrow for the event and have no idea who the last invitees will be, printed photos of my favorite players so they could sign them 
I was thinking the same, but I though I was just too daft to find the complete list. In liquipedia I can only find 51 qualified/invited players. I hope there some more Koreans coming.