On October 22 2011 02:38 F00LY wrote: Can the replicon clone friendly units? If the case, it has a HUGE potential.
If its cheap, you make 1 HT or DT back at base, and for a cheaper cost, you make an army of them with replicons.
Just like Hallucination right?
Problem with that is with Hallucination, you dont get storm and such. If replicon is cheap than 1 HT or 1 DT, you can essentially make a (cheaper) archon, a cheaper storm army, etc. So long as these replications dont have a stupid timer.
Replicas don't get abilities/spells.
Really? I thought it said they did =(
Yeah it definately says they get any upgrades such as cloaking etc.
We have no idea what the price is though. Also I doubt that it's able to replicate friendly units? Or if it is it has to be more expensive than every protoss unit there is and/or have a timer limit. Otherwise you would just mass this unit and copy your more expensive ones (HT, immortal, etc).
On October 22 2011 02:19 OpticalShot wrote: At first I was super excited about the Tempest, but now I realize carriers are gone... ...
Blizzard you better bring back improved carriers for the Protoss expansion!
My friend is going to be VERY sad. No more mobile cloaking device for Protoss, except if an Arbiter-like unit shows up.
Blizzard why u no buff Carriers instead D:
On October 22 2011 02:11 P0ckets wrote: Dustin screws the Zergs yet again! First off the Zerg gets 2 units while everyone else gets 3... sigh.
Dustin helps out the terran by deciding to get rid of the one crux the hellion had. which was their durability. He then upgrades the Thor so it does better against Mech Units. Then decides to give the terran a lurker type unit so he can shut down a whole path way with his shredders whirlwind of doom.
Then for toss he basically upgrades the observer to see every upgrade, unit being built, allow it to harass workers and then corrupt buildings as well. Then he decides to give basically the voidray with AoE . I mean this units seems like it was tailored to be a muta killer. Also lets also have the protoss be able to you know duplicate any create that isn't massive so the can duplicate infestors to fungal growth Zerg units.
Then Dustin decides that the Zerg should get a burrowed broodlord, I mean same creature basically but under ground. Then finally lets just revamp the Raven for zerg and give it a type of Vortex. Then lets make both units look like they are Hydras so they most likely are upgrades from Hydra...
Basically Dustin decided to nerf Zerg and buff Terran/Toss as usual. It seems rather stupid to give the terran a unit, which functioned like a SC:BW unit, and then basically revamp 5 units to either buff them or give them to another race.
The only thing that I agree from this post is that why do they only add 2 UNITS for Zerg, while the other races get 3? This IS a Zerg expansion pack. Maybe Blizzard is still designing more units for Zerg, but I don't know...
Yea if you take a look at the mothership spell Icon its a momma ship with lazors raining down,and the new picture on a nexus is a building with lazors going up. I'm pretty sure its recall.
Stupid Blizzard. Get rid of the Mothership and give us a UNIT that recalls/cloaks. We don't need WC3 town portals.
from reddit My friend is at BlizzCon and he's played HoTS. Here are the latest changes.
No more Overseer. Hydra speed increased. Viper will permanently grant detection for energy. Lair tech. Grant detection is the cheapest spell. Burrowed banelings can MOVE. Possibly an upgrade. Swarm lord spits out broodling-looking things that have 16 attack damage and .87 attack speed.
On October 22 2011 02:35 Ksi wrote: Also damn you blizzard for not giving Zerg more micro units! Ever since the Lurker and Muta-micro were removed, there just hasn't been a good amount of micromanagement payoff for Zerg. Sure...Zerg can micro their units, but the benefits of doing so are so minimal compared to the other races. It's just a race of broad-strokes army positioning and flanking.
how did you micro lurkers? you just burrow and let them sit there dont you?
the same way you control tanks in siege mode
Except you know hold position and all that jazz.... Lurkers are not siege and forget units.
If you are letting your tanks shoot blindly at zealots with no control what-so-ever you are using them wrong.
And anyway he didn't say anything about stop lurkers he just said micro. In battles you would want lurkers to target the line of units to allow you to get the most of them. Obviously, stop lurkers would be another form of control.
On October 22 2011 02:33 Hexxed wrote: These new protoss units are awful. They seem too gimmicky.
We need a harass unit. Not something that can't even kill. Bubbles... Seriously... You came up with bubbles...
those protoss units are exactly what we need, you're just to retarded to see good use for them.
lolwat..these units are not what protoss need at all besides the harass thing with warp in > nexus recall if that is right.
imo you just can't really balance a unit that prevents mineral harvesting. Also why do P need to clone units when they already have very powerful ones? The tempest is lategame, and toss needs help i guess early/midgame not endgame.
I agree. And in particular this "replicant" unit seems utterly useless unless it's cheap enough that you can chrono it out to quickly clone more expensive units. All three of the new Toss units just seem gimmicky.
Well that appears to be the design philosophy for toss. The entire effectiveness of the race is based around assorted gimmicks.