On October 22 2011 02:35 Ksi wrote: Also damn you blizzard for not giving Zerg more micro units! Ever since the Lurker and Muta-micro were removed, there just hasn't been a good amount of micromanagement payoff for Zerg. Sure...Zerg can micro their units, but the benefits of doing so are so minimal compared to the other races. It's just a race of broad-strokes army positioning and flanking.
how did you micro lurkers? you just burrow and let them sit there dont you?
the same way you control tanks in siege mode
Except you know hold position and all that jazz.... Lurkers are not siege and forget units.
Can you explain hold position lurkers? If they can't move, why does it matter if they hold position? Why would it matter for this new sc2 unit?
it's not hold position it's "stop lurkers", where you either issue an attack on a unit out of range, or spam stop so they don't attack. it was used to hide the fact that your lurkers were there until a huge clump of units was over their splash attack, thus maximizing damage.
On October 22 2011 02:41 Tachion wrote: Can you explain hold position lurkers? If they can't move, why does it matter if they hold position? Why would it matter for this new sc2 unit?
Lurkers would attack instantly when a unit came in range. With hold position you could hold the attack until the enemy was closer, able to hit him more often before he could get out of range.
Im really sad to see the carrier go.. It's prolly the coolest unit in the toss arsenal.. just that it havent gotten used -.-'
Though Im really happy for the new terran units from the fac, but, if they made a unit just like a Goliath, why could they not named it goliath and take its design? :/
On October 22 2011 02:33 Hexxed wrote: These new protoss units are awful. They seem too gimmicky.
We need a harass unit. Not something that can't even kill. Bubbles... Seriously... You came up with bubbles...
those protoss units are exactly what we need, you're just to retarded to see good use for them.
lolwat..these units are not what protoss need at all besides the harass thing with warp in > nexus recall if that is right.
imo you just can't really balance a unit that prevents mineral harvesting. Also why do P need to clone units when they already have very powerful ones? The tempest is lategame, and toss needs help i guess early/midgame not endgame.
On October 22 2011 02:35 Ksi wrote: Also damn you blizzard for not giving Zerg more micro units! Ever since the Lurker and Muta-micro were removed, there just hasn't been a good amount of micromanagement payoff for Zerg. Sure...Zerg can micro their units, but the benefits of doing so are so minimal compared to the other races. It's just a race of broad-strokes army positioning and flanking.
how did you micro lurkers? you just burrow and let them sit there dont you?
the same way you control tanks in siege mode
Except you know hold position and all that jazz.... Lurkers are not siege and forget units.
what does the hold position do?
keeps them from attacking, so you can maximize damage over units
no, so you can trick the opponent into thinking there are no lurkers there, and then maximising damage.
from that reddit thread it's not actually dark swarm, it's disruption web. It doesn't prevent ranged damage, it prevents whatever units are under it from executing ranged attacks.
Does "reverse dark swarm" also prevent melee attacks under it? Or is it just ranged attacks that cannot be executed under it. I though DWeb stopped all attacks from under it, not jsut ranged attacks. This will make lings and banelings much stronger v marines and stalkers with fungal + reverse swarm.
Dweb prevents all ranged attacks from being fired under it. So ranged attacks attacking into Dweb and melee attacks anywhere still work.
dweb in BW prevented all attacking under the web, including melee attacks
On October 22 2011 02:38 F00LY wrote: Can the replicon clone friendly units? If the case, it has a HUGE potential.
If its cheap, you make 1 HT or DT back at base, and for a cheaper cost, you make an army of them with replicons.
Just like Hallucination right?
Problem with that is with Hallucination, you dont get storm and such. If replicon is cheap than 1 HT or 1 DT, you can essentially make a (cheaper) archon, a cheaper storm army, etc. So long as these replications dont have a stupid timer.