On October 22 2011 02:38 itkovian wrote: Collapsible rocks? lolololol actually not a bad idea
Yeah, I actually really like this. There could be collapsible rocks to certain expansions which you can protect by blocking off, or you could collapse rocks onto expansions your opponent is going to take soon...
On October 22 2011 02:38 CandyHunterz wrote: potential use for viper's pull ability vs terran (assuming they come out around the same time as an overseer): get 2 vipers behind each mineral lines (ideal for shatterd temple where they cant see the edge) -> wait for mule drop -> PULL AND LET MULE GET STUCK TROLOLOLOL
and maybe they can pull an scv that is building something over the edge YAAAA
On October 22 2011 02:38 F00LY wrote: Can the replicon clone friendly units? If the case, it has a HUGE potential.
If its cheap, you make 1 HT or DT back at base, and for a cheaper cost, you make an army of them with replicons.
Just like Hallucination right?
Problem with that is with Hallucination, you dont get storm and such. If replicon is cheap than 1 HT or 1 DT, you can essentially make a (cheaper) archon, a cheaper storm army, etc. So long as these replications dont have a stupid timer.
from that reddit thread it's not actually dark swarm, it's disruption web. It doesn't prevent ranged damage, it prevents whatever units are under it from executing ranged attacks.
Does "reverse dark swarm" also prevent melee attacks under it? Or is it just ranged attacks that cannot be executed under it. I though DWeb stopped all attacks from under it, not jsut ranged attacks. This will make lings and banelings much stronger v marines and stalkers with fungal + reverse swarm.
Dweb prevents all ranged attacks from being fired under it. So ranged attacks attacking into Dweb and melee attacks anywhere still work.
that is unless you're playing broodwar... where NO attacks work under dweb
It's a dweb 2.0, you can't cast ability under it either
On October 22 2011 02:35 Ksi wrote: Also damn you blizzard for not giving Zerg more micro units! Ever since the Lurker and Muta-micro were removed, there just hasn't been a good amount of micromanagement payoff for Zerg. Sure...Zerg can micro their units, but the benefits of doing so are so minimal compared to the other races. It's just a race of broad-strokes army positioning and flanking.
how did you micro lurkers? you just burrow and let them sit there dont you?
the same way you control tanks in siege mode
Except you know hold position and all that jazz.... Lurkers are not siege and forget units.
what does the hold position do?
keeps them from attacking, so you can maximize damage over units
I really like the new units, but I'd just like to point out that the revealed hellion doesn't match the silhouette in about 6 points ( base of the turret, head, foot, hand, shield(2), could be more)
I think it means they changed the unit because everyone seemed to want a transformer.
they do listen to the community, they just pick the points they like.
On October 22 2011 02:42 Fyzar wrote: What the fuck ;> No more carrier makes me a sadpanda, I had hoped they would just revamp it QQ.
The units look fucking sick though, except for the terran ones, but they odn't deserve it. IS THE MARAUDER GONE BTW?
Of course it is not lol, that would be stupid. From what was said you can conclude that warhound is really weak, and hellion/firebat thingy only works vs light. So ye, don't expect marauder erased.