On October 22 2011 08:07 Whitewing wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2011 08:02 Kaitlin wrote:So, it seems a Protoss early game can warp / cancel pylons for 25 forcing workers off the line. Cannon rush without the cannons and forge. Welcome to the Terran bunker rush  . Only like 10 times weaker. Arc Shield is actually WEAK, I don't know why people keep jumping to this conclusion. It's only use is as a slight buffer to give you the edge in very close fights.
it's not that weak. it says in the article pcgamer that it the dps of photon cannons, but deal that damage only to light. also, shield is increased. so it's quite a trat for 25 energy
Is it just me, or would the best solution for the fear of the Arc Shield as cheese would be to just make it not applicable to pylons? Or is it already like that?
Why should protoss be forced into robo every game?
Terran has scans that can be used in a pinch.
Zerg had overseers, and the new caster.
How is it exiting when protoss loses to 1 cloakshee?
I kinda wish instead of the Nexus defensive ability to put a cannon on a building or whatever, they would do a shield battery spell on the Nexus.
I feel like the oracle will not be useful enough to warrant the gas or the tech :< being able to see what something is making isnt actually that useful for someone who knows how to look for tech structures. maybe being able to see research could be useful but I think good players can figure out what their opponents are doing just by looking at their tech and army.
Contaminate wasn't that good on the overseer and the mineral shield thing sounds way less useful then spending your money on something that can kill workers.
On October 22 2011 08:09 TroubL wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2011 08:08 Phaded wrote: Shredder damage like psi storm, doesn't stack. Can be repaired. Deactivates with allies units. Deactivates with friendly workers what is range of Shredder? i mean spread? Looked like 4 range radius. Bigger than psi storm. 2 of them covered a large wide ramp
United Kingdom12022 Posts
On October 22 2011 08:10 Noocta wrote: Can someone explain me what is the use of the Shredder ? You put it alone at a point you don't want the ennemy to go ? Won't the ennemy just kill it lol ?
I think it works like the spidermine. It forces the enemy to kill it or take damage, which gives your mech chance to move to get into a better position.
On October 22 2011 08:09 Orkfaeller wrote: I dont know If somebody allready noticed but
the WARHOUND from the Trailer and the one from the pcgamer site, they look different.
NO they dont !
On October 22 2011 08:09 Shikyo wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2011 08:08 TroubL wrote:On October 22 2011 08:05 Shikyo wrote:On October 22 2011 08:04 TroubL wrote:On October 22 2011 08:00 Shikyo wrote: Okay honestly, after reading through everything....
This is a complete flop. What the hell, Protoss units are useless and the mass recall is so broken they'll need to remove it anyway, Terran units are really boring and uninteresting, WTF reaper is a medic now? Okay I guess they have minithors now... wtf, Terran was already too mecha transformers and now it's even worse!
The Zerg units seem decent but this also means that Zergs now need to SPAM spores just to defend from banshees and is that "lurker" a joke, it attacks every 15 seconds???
This is going to be the most horrible expansion I've ever seen, anyone who was expecting another Brood War is surely going to be disappointed. reaper a medic? it just regens too mecha transformers? like one unti more plus one viking? its not a lurker and deosn't need to be one. Why would you wanted new BW you had one already Huh? I meant brood war as in the best expansion in history, not brood war as in exact same changes... got it but still don't be so judgy till it's beta Yeah of course I'm just going by the information provided, I'm absolutely certain they're going to axe quite a bit of this as most of it is just ridiculous.
@D remember what we heard about WOL before Beta , planet cracker, time bomb :D:D that was ridicilous
Why the heck does Blizzard think easy detection and later covertness (burrow) makes the game better?
It looks cool, but if they honest don't fix the continual disconnects from bnet, I've no real interest.
I wonder how they'll achieve to balance the game with all those gimmicky/situational units or abilities (Viper with Dark swarm, Mass Recall, That weird protoss flyer, the infamous Replicant, etc) It's gonna be uncontrollable chaos during beta lol.
On October 22 2011 08:11 Andytaker wrote: David Kim: Tempest conters everything! :D
God Damn David Kim
you know i got so caught up in the awful awful game play changes i see that i almost completely overlooked the worst part of all...
according to that trailer, that 'leaked HotS' ending we saw a few months back may be real :S mother of god.
Alot of people are bashing on the new protoss unit... If you look at the hots preview closely at 1:42 you will notice 4-5 balls, the range is quite far away and they replicate 4 seiges tanks almost instantly, looked pretty sick and kind of looks op from the range they replicated from~
On October 22 2011 08:11 Andytaker wrote: David Kim: Tempest conters everything! :D that great to hear :D
On October 22 2011 08:11 Phaded wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2011 08:09 TroubL wrote:On October 22 2011 08:08 Phaded wrote: Shredder damage like psi storm, doesn't stack. Can be repaired. Deactivates with allies units. Deactivates with friendly workers what is range of Shredder? i mean spread? Looked like 4 range radius. Bigger than psi storm. 2 of them covered a large wide ramp
Oh god it can't stay like that
making Thor the new mothership is the worst decision made for HotS. These hero units really not be part of SC2 Multiplayer in my opinion, some of SC2s devs must really like WC3
On October 22 2011 07:52 Bibdy wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2011 07:51 lololol wrote: Corruptors and Colossi aren't replaced and instead they remove carriers and motherships... Toss still has problems with tech paths because of detection Reapers, instead of being removed or reworked, receive... healing... like it's related to any of the issues with them.
The new units sound interesting, but the replicant looks like it will be either too good or too bad and the warhound... they say it's "versatile", but how versatile is something that deals low damage vs non-mechanical(and supposedly high enough vs mechanical to counter tanks), when all zerg, marine/marauder and zealot/archon are not mechanical, the only mechanical unit that's massed is the stalker, and they sit behind the zealot wall. Welcome to the wonderful life of the Immortal. The immortal at least deals bonus vs roaches and marauders, the warhound won't even do that... Oh, well, at least it doesn't have a defensive ability with a niche use, which is most useful in an... immortal vs immortal battle.