On October 22 2011 06:33 sGs.Kal_rA wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2011 06:12 Crisco wrote:On October 22 2011 06:11 forsooth wrote:On October 22 2011 05:50 0neder wrote:On October 22 2011 05:49 forsooth wrote: If Blizzard thought blue flame needed to be nerfed, why would they even consider burrow move banelings? Mineral lines will cease to exist when Zerg is in a game. Scanner sweep is ridiculously huge in SC2. The least they can do it they don't nerf it is to buff burrowed stuff. Scanner sweep? Please tell me you're joking. We're talking about a tier 1 unit that has the ability to instantly annihilate any mineral line, anywhere on the map, at any time. This isn't a pull and scatter your workers scenario like when hellions/DTs/mutas/etc. show up and save a decent chunk of them if you do it right. This is an instant loss of 20 workers with no warning and no ability to save a single one of them. It's a terrible idea. you realize burrowed movement is tier 3 right? Okay. Tier 1 is a bad idea, duh. Tier 3 is still a bad idea. Example: Terran on 4-5 bases spread out across the map, trying to push the zerg. Zerg takes one ling, makes it into a bling, burrows and then just sneaks around to an expansion and blow up the scvs. What I'm trying to say is that the terran will be stretched way to thin in defending all his bases. Waste of money to put up turrets everywhere. 150 for a turret is no joke.. Positioning it will be a bitch to make sure it can cover the entire mineral line. Okay, now lets say youve successful managed to establish detection around your new expo. Now how the fuck are you supposed to kill the bings? Okay, hold back a couple marines to deal with the blings (well, now your main army is weaker......... -_-) or set up a planetary. Planatary = less orbitals = less scans = better for zerg as now pretty much everything can burrow and move around. Fuck. This is also a big rip in terran's econ. MULEs are pretty much useless mid-late game, cause you need to scan everything cause zerg will burrow pretty much everything (I'm accounting for people wanting to use the "trendy" new units). All in all, this is a bad idea. Burrowed bligns are a bitch already to deal with. Now you are FORCED to go raven. Banshee and dt work well as they dont do splash damage. As is, SVCs stack when mining... oh god this is such a bad idea. Reavers worked well cause their scarabs were fucking retarded, and you pretty much always knew when and how they were coming.. A reaver drop was never a surprise. Turrets were considerably cheaper and could deal wtih shuttles well. And reavers were slow as fuck lol. The lurker burrow idea was the best. Shit fuck crazy tons amount of damage, but useless when it's unburrowed, and you cannot move when burrowed. Plus the burrow animation took a while, which gave opponents a second to react accordingly (ie, stim in, pick off a lurker and pull out asap). Swarm host is pretty sick as it a lurker replacement. This is a very nice addition [=
You mean like other races are fucking FORCED to react to terrans ? Thats right baby not the case anymore
Thinking about it, the Arc Shield is effectively a gigantic cannon rush buff. If it does 20 damage to light, you basically have to kill any warping pylons before they finish. You can't just dedicate your workers to killing the probe anymore, because if the pylon finishes, even if you kill the first one a second probe can set up a cannon safely.
Viper is not a spire unit. It's lair tech. Probably expensive too. Viper does not provide detection, but instead plants a parasite on a friendly unit so it provides protection. As of right now, you can just give a friendly overlord the detection ability and be done with it, or a drone, or queen. The whole dark swarm thing, Its more of a reverse disruption web. Would probably make Hydras with their buff somewhat useful now. Viper's tongue ability cost 100 mana as of right now. I guess you Protoss players will have to work on that using recall, or protective forcefields, or hallucinations to bait zerg players into grabbing the wrong colossi. Im expecting more Ghost with emp/snipe against zezg now.
Burrowed movable banelings probably move very slow. Enough time to just walk away...Granted you have a raven/obs. By zerg tier 3, you should have at least 1 raven.
Now the ultra charge is op.
On October 22 2011 07:02 sereniity wrote: I find it funny how every protoss is going OMG CARRIERS REMOVED WTF THEY WERE SO COOL AND FROM BTW ETC...
And then you got a new cool unit which actually seems useful. How can you possibly be whining about that? Because Carriers are iconic. People wanted them being good not being removed (like Hydras as a core unit)
On October 22 2011 07:00 ruhrohraggy wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2011 06:47 Glacial wrote:On October 22 2011 06:31 XRaDiiX wrote:On October 22 2011 06:30 GGTesomas wrote:On October 22 2011 06:21 XRaDiiX wrote:On October 22 2011 06:19 Bayyne wrote: So I'm basically going to have to go Spire in order to have mobile detection out? That's what i was thinking as well. How are Zerg going to Move out of the Base When Protoss can have Dark Templars Before Spire Timing. And Spire takes so long... Right now i'm seeing Protoss going for DT rushes sniping the Spire and GG This is actually pretty concerning. I'm sure Blizz wouldn't fuck Zerg like that though, not again That's Very True this is an issue we should discuss in the Thread right now .... "That's what i was thinking as well. How are Zerg going to Move out of the Base When Protoss can have Dark Templars Before Spire Timing.
And Spire takes so long...
Right now i'm seeing Protoss going for DT rushes sniping the Spire and GG" lol, maybe learn the timings and make a couple spores? i.e. the old fashioned way? Also, Hellions are used to by Terran to gain early map control and limit Zerg movement for a short while, why shouldn't DTs be able to be used in the same way? ^^ Because 4 Hellions don't suddenly make it impossible to take a 3rd. Because Spore Crawlers can't be placed in places where there is no creep. Because, unlike Terran Orbital Commands, Zerg does not have any form of mobile detection until Lair. And in HotS it will come with Vipers, which will be waaaay too late for DTs. It simply won't be possible to take a 3rd against a FFE build going for early DTs because you won't have Lair to poop creep at the 3rd to make a Spore Crawler or to make an Overseer. I can't see why people are not grasping this, it's not that complicated. If the game was released tomorrow this would be a HUGE problem. I'm not QQing, but I am suggesting things will be changed (for all races, and) to allow Zerg to get detection at a reasonable time whether it means Lair takes less time to morph, Overseers are back in, etc. Hell, WoL changed a lot in beta. I'm just amazed that people are confused about this :/
Realized this too but in 12 min there's the multiplayer panel and I hope we get a lot of good answers then! But yeah this is a problem as you need to invest in so much tech to get detection and it takes a lot of time to get there....
People just love to whine seriously... losing the overseer doesn't mean annything. When overseer cost 100 gas, we all upgraded overlord speed and sacked overlord. That's basically what we're gona do again in HotS.
On October 22 2011 07:02 Whitewing wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2011 07:01 ayaz2810 wrote:On October 22 2011 06:59 Sakray wrote: Wtf, where's the early-game harass protoss unit they promised ?
Holy shit, zerg new ones looks so OP (movable burrowed banelings, srsly WHAT THE FUCK), terrans maybe standard, but protoss...they seem so useless... I was hugely expecting this follow-up, now I'm hugely disappointed... Uh.... the oracle. Disrupts economy. That's a pretty fuckin big deal. It can also draw armies out of position. It's also not exactly early game, seems more like a late mid-game to end game harass. The bubble shield it puts on minerals dies fast if there are units there, you could shut down the oracle harass by putting some units of any kind in all your mineral fields. That means it only works when the enemy is really spread out.
I may have missed it. Point me to where I can see the tech path for the Oracle. It very well may be a super early unit. If it's not, then I'll be disappointed. But regardless, what you just described is what it feels like for protoss to spread out to prevent muta harass and drops. It's about time we got something to compete with that. A quick in and out type of unit. WP doesn't really qualify.
On October 22 2011 07:02 sereniity wrote: I find it funny how every protoss is going OMG CARRIERS REMOVED WTF THEY WERE SO COOL AND FROM BTW ETC...
And then you got a new cool unit which actually seems useful. How can you possibly be whining about that? It's the principle of it. Carriers should have been fixed to be as glorious as they were in BW but Blizzard took the easy way out and got rid of a long time iconic unit and gave us something else in place of it.
are people wining that a unit that they have no idea the tech or build time for will be too late?
also agaisnt FFE you can take a very fast third and have spores up before 7 minutes and if there not FFE WTF are you doing taking a fast third?
hmm... 1. use bio and kite enemy army to nearby Shredder 2. hop in medivac 3. ??? 4 profit!
On October 22 2011 07:03 lowercase wrote: I don't think anyone's commented on this yet, so I'll mention it here:
Thors are gonna be pretty damn OP with repair.
It's going to be a mobile planetary fortress that can shoot air and ground. How is this not a terrible idea?
They removed it's anti-air cannons and replaced it with the single-player ground aoe attack. Flock of mutas can take it down while the bounce kills the repairing scv's
On October 22 2011 07:04 Lazerlike42 wrote: Thinking about it, the Arc Shield is effectively a gigantic cannon rush buff. If it does 20 damage to light, you basically have to kill any warping pylons before they finish. You can't just dedicate your workers to killing the probe anymore, because if the pylon finishes, even if you kill the first one a second probe can set up a cannon safely.
Incoming cannon rushes all day long brah. Seriously though, I would imagine that Blizz will get the balance right to prevent the kind of madness that COULD happen.
According to http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/10/21/official-list-of-unit-changes-in-starcraft-iis-heart-of-the-swarm-expansion/ occular parasite "allows it to detach its eye stalk and meld it onto any friendly, non-massive unit, turning that unit into a detector." Basically the spell is a one-time use and once the detecting unit dies, you have to build another viper to get mobile detection up again.
I think zerg might have a big problem with detection if they don't make a bunch of preemptive vipers, losing your detectors in battle and not having the ability to morph overseers quickly could really fuck someone over.
On October 22 2011 07:02 sereniity wrote: I find it funny how every protoss is going OMG CARRIERS REMOVED WTF THEY WERE SO COOL AND FROM BTW ETC...
And then you got a new cool unit which actually seems useful. How can you possibly be whining about that?
or they could have just removed the dumbfuck corrupter
United States7483 Posts
On October 22 2011 07:03 Teoita wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2011 07:00 ruhrohraggy wrote:On October 22 2011 06:47 Glacial wrote:On October 22 2011 06:31 XRaDiiX wrote:On October 22 2011 06:30 GGTesomas wrote:On October 22 2011 06:21 XRaDiiX wrote:On October 22 2011 06:19 Bayyne wrote: So I'm basically going to have to go Spire in order to have mobile detection out? That's what i was thinking as well. How are Zerg going to Move out of the Base When Protoss can have Dark Templars Before Spire Timing. And Spire takes so long... Right now i'm seeing Protoss going for DT rushes sniping the Spire and GG This is actually pretty concerning. I'm sure Blizz wouldn't fuck Zerg like that though, not again That's Very True this is an issue we should discuss in the Thread right now .... "That's what i was thinking as well. How are Zerg going to Move out of the Base When Protoss can have Dark Templars Before Spire Timing.
And Spire takes so long...
Right now i'm seeing Protoss going for DT rushes sniping the Spire and GG" lol, maybe learn the timings and make a couple spores? i.e. the old fashioned way? Also, Hellions are used to by Terran to gain early map control and limit Zerg movement for a short while, why shouldn't DTs be able to be used in the same way? ^^ Because 4 Hellions don't suddenly make it impossible to take a 3rd. Because Spore Crawlers can't be placed in places where there is no creep. Because, unlike Terran Orbital Commands, Zerg does not have any form of mobile detection until Lair. And in HotS it will come with Vipers, which will be waaaay too late for DTs. It simply won't be possible to take a 3rd against a FFE build going for early DTs because you won't have Lair to poop creep at the 3rd to make a Spore Crawler or to make an Overseer. I can't see why people are not grasping this, it's not that complicated. If the game was released tomorrow this would be a HUGE problem. I'm not QQing, but I am suggesting things will be changed (for all races, and) to allow Zerg to get detection at a reasonable time whether it means Lair takes less time to morph, Overseers are back in, etc. Hell, WoL changed a lot in beta. I'm just amazed that people are confused about this :/ Dt's off forge expand come at about 9 minutes. If you can't get a third done by 9 minutes, you just suck.
I doubt rushing DT's will suddenly become a viable option for a protoss. If he rushes DT's ASAP to stop you from taking a fast third (which you'd only do anyway if he went FFE for example, which really slows DT's down), he's not exactly even with you if all he manages to accomplish is to delay your third. DT's are bloody expensive man.
United Kingdom20276 Posts
On October 22 2011 07:04 Andytaker wrote:Show nested quote +On October 22 2011 07:01 Cyro wrote:On October 22 2011 06:57 hocash wrote:On October 22 2011 06:50 Andytaker wrote:On October 22 2011 06:46 hocash wrote:On October 22 2011 06:31 XRaDiiX wrote:On October 22 2011 06:30 GGTesomas wrote:On October 22 2011 06:21 XRaDiiX wrote:On October 22 2011 06:19 Bayyne wrote: So I'm basically going to have to go Spire in order to have mobile detection out? That's what i was thinking as well. How are Zerg going to Move out of the Base When Protoss can have Dark Templars Before Spire Timing. And Spire takes so long... Right now i'm seeing Protoss going for DT rushes sniping the Spire and GG This is actually pretty concerning. I'm sure Blizz wouldn't fuck Zerg like that though, not again That's Very True this is an issue we should discuss in the Thread right now .... "That's what i was thinking as well. How are Zerg going to Move out of the Base When Protoss can have Dark Templars Before Spire Timing.
And Spire takes so long...
Right now i'm seeing Protoss going for DT rushes sniping the Spire and GG" Spore Crawler by the Spire. No 3rd untill spire finishes? Protoss will rush to dt and expand like crazy due to the mapcontrol or just make suicide dts to kill all spores :/ this just doesnt seem right. You Get Spire Around 10 mins ready, But Toss gets Obsever so much faster ad Terran Has Scan Fastest DTs come out is 7:30 - if you're scouting correctly you'll see it coming as he has almost no gas units. Attack at 6:30 and it's auto gg if he opens dt. If he warps in sentries...well that just means he won't have dts for a while longer. You can finish a dark shrine before 7:00 if you go zealot-sentry at ramp... and notably earlier if you delay warpgate research and skip the sentry Forge Expand into DT Rush-> Deny 3rd until 11 Minutes -> Huge Lead
2 base zerg being inferior to 2 base protoss is not really THAT BAD, really its not that big of a deal, im starting to see more and more zergs comfortably take a fourth base while denying the protoss third.
With your new siege units and larvae mechanics, a macro hatch, even if you couldnt take a third til 11 minutes you wouldnt be out of the game by any means
My years of zerg pain have finally been compensated!