New HotS Units/Abilities in Blizzcon - Page 176
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Sweden2653 Posts
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United States510 Posts
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United States2958 Posts
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1146 Posts
On October 22 2011 05:20 GGzerG wrote: How are all of you commenting on how HotS is when NONE of you have even played it? Jeez man, this is just like before SC2 began, before you knock it, try it, because you really don't know what it will be like, so stop making assumptions. But in WoL beta the warning bells started to chime early about how badly of a design Colossus was, but albeit every protest and warning sign Blizzard kept altering and patching, fixing and correcting without removing Colossus in early stages. People now keep saying: "Relax, badly designed stuff will be fixed before gold, just like WoL had units that did not live up to Bliz design standards". But to this day we have Colos left in the game that make any PvX a travesty for us esport spectators. | ||
United Kingdom774 Posts
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United States358 Posts
On October 22 2011 06:19 Bayyne wrote: So I'm basically going to have to go Spire in order to have mobile detection out? Protoss has to go robo to get mobile detection, and that's actually implemented and not a newly announced unit far from finalized. I'm not too excited about much of this stuff. It seems like developers sat around saying "you know what would be sweet, THIS!" and didn't do much filtering. Maybe it will come together better than it seems, but as they keep adding new units with strange abilities (copy a unit, pull a unit, block minerals, whatever the hell it is corruptors do with minerals) the less and less this game feels like StarCraft. | ||
1170 Posts
On October 22 2011 06:26 Paladia wrote: Could just make it so you can't copy your own units with it. Not much point in having it being able to copy own units, as it creates balance problems if you can just use it to mass tech-switch all at once. With the 200/200 cost and build time, there is almost nothing that is worth replicating. Even an SCV isn't worth it as you need such an investment, making a CC and a rax just to get mules, plus the replicator cost and time investment. And you lose out on the free nexus abilities you could have had instead. It's not like the mind control was really used in BW, despite being permanent, removing the unit from your opponent as well as being reusable and usable on all types of units. So yeah, with 200/200, it will likely go down the Dark archon-route of rarely being used except for extreme late game. It's better than mind control. You can convert it into anything within your vision. That means there's NO risk in attempting to duplicate that unit. Secondly, I see several units I wouldn't mind stealing. Terrans: Ghosts, Siege Tanks, Ravens, Medivacs. Zergs: Infestors, any of the new Z units, | ||
United Kingdom124 Posts
On October 22 2011 06:25 Crisco wrote: not exactly, it's been said that the recalled units can't attack for a few seconds. It should be plenty of time to get out when they recall. And if that is the case, then it adds even more weighting to my point. Protoss will only be able to recall so many times before there is no energy and denying the use of that energy on production is a big deal. | ||
Canada1730 Posts
On October 22 2011 06:30 GGTesomas wrote: This is actually pretty concerning. I'm sure Blizz wouldn't fuck Zerg like that though, not again That's Very True this is an issue we should discuss in the Thread right now .... "That's what i was thinking as well. How are Zerg going to Move out of the Base When Protoss can have Dark Templars Before Spire Timing. And Spire takes so long... Right now i'm seeing Protoss going for DT rushes sniping the Spire and GG" | ||
United States11035 Posts
On October 22 2011 06:25 On_Slaught wrote: Even at cost, they would def help a protoss with a tech switch out of robo (except into tempest). If you're willing to pay a little extra, protoss can be pumping replicants while waiting for his templar or stargate tech to finish. As soon as the tech is finished and a single unit (like a HT or VR) is done, have them all replicate that and you'll have that tech switch done significantly faster than otherwise. At 200 gas you'll hardly be pumping anything. | ||
United States66 Posts
On October 22 2011 06:30 Willzzz wrote: Can you still carry a super Thor in a medivac? Now you need three medivacs to carry your UltraThor | ||
Australia220 Posts
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Australia486 Posts
I'm confuzzled O.o | ||
United States1269 Posts
by them removing the overseer and putting detection on this spire tech unit that is actually a pretty severe nerf for zerg detection. not only that but u have to spend energy to parasite a unit for it to detect? i dont like that idea at all. they mind as well keep the overseer or replace it with something other then viper for scouting and detection. also can anyway tell me the stats on "the host" unit? what is the atk range and HP on it? spawning 2 units every 15 seconds dont sound all that great if those 2 units will die before they even reach the target by tank fire/marines...... do they do impact damage similiar to broodlords? do the units they spawn have high HP or is it 35-45 HP like broodlings? | ||
Scotland4486 Posts
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United States2925 Posts
On October 22 2011 06:12 Crisco wrote: you realize burrowed movement is tier 3 right? Okay. Tier 1 is a bad idea, duh. Tier 3 is still a bad idea. Example: Terran on 4-5 bases spread out across the map, trying to push the zerg. Zerg takes one ling, makes it into a bling, burrows and then just sneaks around to an expansion and blow up the scvs. What I'm trying to say is that the terran will be stretched way to thin in defending all his bases. Waste of money to put up turrets everywhere. 150 for a turret is no joke.. Positioning it will be a bitch to make sure it can cover the entire mineral line. Okay, now lets say youve successful managed to establish detection around your new expo. Now how the fuck are you supposed to kill the bings? Okay, hold back a couple marines to deal with the blings (well, now your main army is weaker......... -_-) or set up a planetary. Planatary = less orbitals = less scans = better for zerg as now pretty much everything can burrow and move around. Fuck. This is also a big rip in terran's econ. MULEs are pretty much useless mid-late game, cause you need to scan everything cause zerg will burrow pretty much everything (I'm accounting for people wanting to use the "trendy" new units). All in all, this is a bad idea. Burrowed bligns are a bitch already to deal with. Now you are FORCED to go raven. Banshee and dt work well as they dont do splash damage. As is, SVCs stack when mining... oh god this is such a bad idea. Reavers worked well cause their scarabs were fucking retarded, and you pretty much always knew when and how they were coming.. A reaver drop was never a surprise. Turrets were considerably cheaper and could deal wtih shuttles well. And reavers were slow as fuck lol. The lurker burrow idea was the best. Shit fuck crazy tons amount of damage, but useless when it's unburrowed, and you cannot move when burrowed. Plus the burrow animation took a while, which gave opponents a second to react accordingly (ie, stim in, pick off a lurker and pull out asap). Swarm host is pretty sick as it a lurker replacement. This is a very nice addition [= | ||
2107 Posts
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Poland449 Posts
On October 22 2011 06:30 Willzzz wrote: Can you still carry a super Thor in a medivac? Yes, apparently, but you'll need a min of 3 medivacs working in tandem to pick it up. Every extra medivac you use to help increases the towing speed! ![]() | ||
United States1 Post
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Australia201 Posts
Terran units will probably be fun but actually look gimp The Tempest actually looks amazing. | ||
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