On July 12 2011 10:41 danson wrote: Does noone else read "region linking" as "server merging"
aka. a BAD thing/sign for every other game
It is a server merge, but I don't see what the problem is. This is one step toward what pretty much everyone wanted all along????? Remember the region lock outcry from alpha/beta??
I think he was saying it's a bad sign because it could mean the population of the servers are struggling or declining.
That was always going to happen at some point. People who really like the game want to play on one of the three big servers and the casuals will slowly fade away between expansions.
Merging na/eu is what interests me and this is at least a step in that direction.
On July 12 2011 22:23 Mouzone wrote: Does this mean us Europeans are gonna have to listen to a bunch of cyrillian drivel each time we upset some Russian?
They tend to spam chat even when not upset tbf, team games are going to be really annoying.
x6Paramore that's only because almost all top players from LA switched to NA long ago with there free switch and some of the top guys switched but kept there LA account as well and just bought an NA one. There are still some great players left on LA but yes most have been on NA for a long time so no NA didn't get "jipped" by anyone.
On July 12 2011 22:42 x6Paramore wrote: i feel NA got jipped... no offense latin america... i just haven't seen anybody come out of that entire server...
no offense x6Paramore, but the only thing that changes for NA is there are more players. Do you even talk to your opponents more than the standard glhfgg?
When have you ever heard ANYTHING about the LA server? Ever hear of Fenix? or Capoch? I hear those guys are pretty good and they're from LA server. Plus alot of the top LA players already play in NA and it's actually more rare for them NOT to already have an NA account.
On July 12 2011 22:48 RaLakedaimon wrote: x6Paramore that's only because almost all top players from LA switched to NA long ago with there free switch and some of the top guys switched but kept there LA account as well and just bought an NA one. There are still some great players left on LA but yes most have been on NA for a long time so no NA didn't get "jipped" by anyone.
afaik, only Potiguar, Capoch and wzp remain at LA as NA GM level, all the others stopped playing at LA long ago.
Seriously though, as long as this doesn't cause lag issues I don't see an issue with it.
All I can say is this: hahuaehauheuaheuhaeuhauehauehauehuaheuaheuh
I kid, actually it is: sorry about that.
There will be no lag issues since (as mentioned on the Blizz site) the servers to be joined are located at the same places (LA and NA server are both in California, etc etc). What is likely to happen is the there will be more laggers, as in people with slower computers and connections.
On July 12 2011 22:48 RaLakedaimon wrote: x6Paramore that's only because almost all top players from LA switched to NA long ago with there free switch and some of the top guys switched but kept there LA account as well and just bought an NA one. There are still some great players left on LA but yes most have been on NA for a long time so no NA didn't get "jipped" by anyone.
afaik, only Potiguar, Capoch and wzp remain at LA as NA GM level, all the others stopped playing at LA long ago.
FkcXyper shouldn't be left out he's a great player as well if you don't know of him but yeah my main point was that yes there are awesome players that have came from LA. I also play LA and there are still good players with potential and having them switch will maybe push them harder to get to the top and get noticed. I was mainly just telling the dude not to try to count LA out like there all garbage players or something because there only a fraction of how large NA is.
I don't think this is a step in any direction and we won't ever see those new 3 servers being merged together. It's simplcy because TW, EU and SEA have been too small and having 3 instead of 6 regions makes it much easier to control. They're not doing this for us, they're doing it, because it servers their purposes.
On July 12 2011 01:15 hmc wrote: I didn't even know there was a Russian server. Is the server active?
normal CIS players have eu accounts. Russian servers are inhabited mostly by massive noobs and cheaters\droppers\abusers so no huge surprise that they are joining it with eu: there is no need in it anymore since the limited WoL version have been mostly sold out and used up.
On July 12 2011 02:27 pRo9aMeR wrote: i don't know whether to be happy that they've finally done this small step toward how it used to be in BW or angry because it's still not how it used to be in BW...
either way, this is a good thing yet i still don't understand why this couldn't've been like this from the beginning
What was it like in BW? On;y been into starcraft since the SC2 beta, so have no idea
Honestly, for something like StarCraft 2, less servers is a good thing. More competition means your skill will improve more. If we were linked with the Koreans we would be able to make a better attempt at matching skill with them just by laddering a lot.
Now, the only problem with a super server is the language barrier, but that really doesn't matter all THAT much for 1v1 at least.
On July 12 2011 23:50 Ickalanda wrote: Honestly, for something like StarCraft 2, less servers is a good thing. More competition means your skill will improve more. If we were linked with the Koreans we would be able to make a better attempt at matching skill with them just by laddering a lot.
Now, the only problem with a super server is the language barrier, but that really doesn't matter all THAT much for 1v1 at least.
I don't think that a "language barrier" is such a big disadvantage, I mean, all you have to do is say the well known "GL HF" & "GG", if you want to keep chatting with someone, then just whisper him/her after the game, not a big deal :D.
PS: I'm quite happy about the server merging, I was about to buy a NA account and got a lot of doubts about on what to spend my money (keep in mind I'm from LA).
What else can I say... good news for everyone I beleive, a lot more players comming in, so it will be more competitive in order to ladder up.
<Sorry about the probably improper grammar, not my native language.>
I'm very happy about the news. I was about to transfer my account to NA. The LA server is pretty ridiculus, here there are only about 3 customs you can play withou having to wait 30 mins, and it's not uncommon to play agains the same people over and over again, and also play people way above or below your skill level.
(some people's prejudice here is just ridiculus, NA people probably won't even notice the change)