I dont support champions but usually the 2nd place. Like I prefer : Arsenal > Man Utd in 1999 (man utd crown 3 champs) Ferrari > Mclaren (Hakkinen dominate F1) AMD > Intel (Pentium 4) Terran > Protoss (Terran is consider weakest race)
It change in 2000s where Henry makes Arsenal invincibles in 2002 Schumacher winning 7th title with Ferrari AMD Athlon64 that totally pawn Intel
and BOXER comes out with his Terran dominate SC...
BoxeR are the Henry to Arsenal, Schumacher to Ferrari in my hearts to starcraft... Boxer forever
boxer should compete for as long as he has the desire to compete so long as its healthy and won't jeopardize his future.
this isn't a sport like mma or boxing where once you're done, you're done and you risk serious injury if you don't stop.
boxer, keep giving us all the great games, you have fans for life! the emperor!
Boxer will forever be the most important person in StarCraft. I will always watch his games and always cheer for him no matter what. That reporter was just trying to stir up drama. Neither Boxer nor Jessica should pay him any mind. Long live the Emperor!
On July 01 2011 14:01 sylace wrote: Boxer will forever be the most important person in StarCraft. I will always watch his games and always cheer for him no matter what. That reporter was just trying to stir up drama. Neither Boxer nor Jessica should pay him any mind. Long live the Emperor!
This, many of the new to SC people may not know but Boxer is one of the players who really set up the bases for e-sports as we know it. I will always be a fan and in my heart he will always be the emperor. GL Boxer and get well soon!
The thing is i dont understand about profesional players in pro sports, or celebrities, is that they are quick to take on any positive from reporters and when there is negative written about them they act like the reporters are evil or are stupid. So they are willing to take all the good but none of the negative criticism? They accept "Hype" when there probably is nothing to base it on (early stages of someones career) but wont accept "anti-hype" when it is early stages of downfall?
Give me a break
Can someone please tell Boxer to update is twitter moar? Daily dosage of Lim Yo Hwan tidbits please
Boxer is the man that made e-sports what it is today - the first true superstar. He should keep playing for as long as he wants, and when he plays there will ALWAYS be people cheering for him!
Boxer is a legend. Even when his technical skills dwindle, his creativity and strategic view of the game will forever be valued and ahead of everyone else. Don't listen to the haters Boxer, you are truly one of the most brilliant gamers to have ever picked up Starcraft.
Boxer don't give up, we are here for you!
Haters gonna hate. I have no idea where/why this mentality even comes from. Maybe I'm a super nerd for this, but I remember when BoxeR was playing in a tournament, his opponent dropped. The admins/refs of the tournament awarded him the win, and released the replay to the public. I downloaded the replay to watch the game and watched the entire thing from his perspective, on normal speed. I felt so honored to be watching the game from his eyes, that I felt it would be disrespectful to fast forward the replay.
Keep stepping on bodies, BoxeR...keep stepping on bodies.
His work with the SlayerS clan and team has shown even more that the Emperor knows what he's doing with starcraft, 1 & 2. To take a bunch of unknowns and jobbers and turn them into the two time winners of the GSTL is an amazing achievement that only goes to prove he's still got his stuff.
Thank you Boxer, for still doing great things for eSports. We'll never forget you.
F*** the haters BoxeR you're the sole reason I got into SC after watching you play ! You're a legend in the community for everything you have done and achieved and nothing any reported can say will ever take away your greatness and what you've done for this game.
The Korean congressman Hee-Ryong Won said it best in BoxeRs Wings Episode #2: "A real fan does not care about results alone. A real fan has the ability to support its idol even when its in trouble. I am this kind of fan."
BoxeR might not be the best SC2 player out there but for me and certainly a lot of fans out there he is still the one person in esports we look up to. He came to SC2 because of his passion for the game and for his fans. Every match BoxeR plays, no matter what league or 'code X' it is, makes me all excited and jittery for him and so happy he is still around. Thank you Lim Yo Hwan!
Before I heard about BoxeR I didn't even know there were progamers. And BoxeR just made me jizz all over the idea. <3 you
Boxer <3 Hwaiting !
We love you , listen to your heart, and you'll see that we wiwll always love you and support you no matter what. You've been very king to us by all the work you've done to eSport, and this is like a gift nobody has ever done to us. Me and my Gamer's Guild association are currently working harder and harder to make eSport more known in west ; based on the hope you gave us by doing the same in Korea.
Much, much respect,
Boxer Fighting!
Never stop playing! I've enjoyed watching your SC2 career, the ups and downs. You're a hero!
P.S. You're in my SC2 background picture, wishing me luck to every single match i play. ^_^
Whether it be code s code a code b coach only or spectator. I will always cheer for lim yo hwan. He made sc what it is today. He made esports what it is today and he was kind enough to me to shake my hand and sign my shirt at last years blizzcon despite his busy practice schedule and jessica wanting him to rest and not be chased by fans (I don't blame her he was constantly followed and mobbed outside the player lounge). I'm sure he didn't understand me but I told him he was my hero and I'm sure he got it. Today I want to remind him that this has not changed.
Lim yo hwan fighting!!! Forever! Much love and utmost respect to the man who singlehandedly crashed the gomtv sight. The man who singlehandedly stole our nerdy hearts. The man who cried tears for the game he loved. The man who brings us to tears because we want him to succeed (see peanutsc video!). The man, the myth, the legend, our emperor.
Boxer don't you dare quit this game I am your biggest fan and will be disappointed forever.
Literally, you're the reason I play Terran, and watching your games was one of the biggest inspirations of my life...DON'T QUIT!!!
Go emperor! You will always have fans here on TL.