ESL announces Extreme Masters VI (IEM) - Page 33
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This isn't going to turn into another LoL vs (all other games apparently) thread. You can speak your mind about the selection of games but keep it civil. | ||
Norway1144 Posts
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605 Posts
LoL is really the only choice for a NEW competitive MOBA - HoN isn't working, Demigod is relatively weak competively, and LoL has a huge fanbase and ridiculous results for the DreamHack streams. Maybe DoTA 2 will replace it at release, but LoL is a great choice for now. It's a new game, give it a chance. New games are always imbalanced at first, and new MOBAs are releasing new characters every week or two, so imbalance is expected. And QL has been slowly dying off anyway, so I'm excited to see what becomes of LoL in the near future. | ||
Germany358 Posts
On June 27 2011 23:38 th3_great wrote: edit: you also have to remember that the prize pool at dreamhack for LoL was $100,000, and thats dollars, not euros. thats still divided among the highest ranking teams and the players, but its still a lot of money that should'nt be taken lightly I bet they hoped it had been Euros not Dollar: 1 euro = 1,45 USD. You ment SEK (Swedish Kronor), that's what they actually payed the price money in at dreamhack. | ||
Australia317 Posts
On June 30 2011 03:10 Mr.Brightside wrote: GODDAMNIT. Now they announce that there will be an IEM tournament at GamesCon!? Like a couple of weeks after I booked going somewhere else and I was seriously thinking of going to that too. Probably my only chance to see some of the top players in the world in person gone since I go back to Australia from Germany in like 3 months and as if they will ever have a tournament there. Well now I'm not really that upset about missing IEM. For a few reasons which a lot of people have been over but I want to express them anyway. First of all, I was a Quake 3/Live player, Brood War, DotA and HoN player (and now only really play SC2 due to time restrictions and it being a pretty awesome game) but never a LoL player (but I have touched on it and understand how it works). I see this decision from ESL as just being a matter of business. Business that I do not like but unfortunately that's the way it is. I think this is sort of similar to the BW being replaced by SC2 for WCG decision (although that was more influenced by law than anything I think). I would still argue that the skill level of the top BW pros is above (and it was even further above when WCG was changed) that of the top SC2 pros, I think anyone who has played or even watched both games understands that and I feel that it is the same case with QL players being far more skilled than LoL players although people will argue about it being a completely different genre, if you have duelled against a top player in Quake you will know exactly what I'm talking about, I think the first time I duelled against a top Australian player I lost 42-0. That's in 10 minutes, getting fragged about once every 15 seconds, and I didn't even think I was THAT bad. I will also add that out of DotA, HoN and LoL I think LoL has the lowest skill level required to at least perform decently so it disappoints me that this is the game out of those 3 that has been chosen. The reason why it was chosen though was because it is easier, it's F2P, far easier to learn and play well without getting crushed and being called a fucking scrub and other obscenities (which of course almost everyone experienced if you didn't start playing DotA early on which was the case with me) and I guess has a lot more pretty colourful pictures and sparkly things. It definately is more eye-catching. Which for most simians, whether on a computer or infront of a TV or just sitting in a park scratching your ass, certainly makes things more interesting. Quake, although being F2P now, lacks any of these things that makes it appealing to anyone new or just wishing to be entertained, unless you have played the game, it is difficult to appreciate the jaw-dropping skill of someone hitting 5 rails or slamming air rockets down a guy's throat when he came millimetres to the megahealth. Quake is also almost impossible for anyone new to play and enjoy or rather own at (I only tried to play it competitively for about 8 months, though I played it on and off for years and all I did was progress above anyone else that was new and get crushed by everyone else). The only hope I have is that events such as ESL do not degrade into the absolute trash that is considered part of esports in events at WCG with ridiculous games on mobile phones and such. I will not say LoL is a step towards this as it is still a very legitimate esport but it certainly is sacrificing skill for something else. Another reason why I have no interest in going to IEM is the issue that has been mentioned in this thread by FXO and TL members of players not being paid within the time stated by ESL. I can understand if there is a delay but to not pay for longer than what they stated would be considered criminal with many other professions and would cause the downfall of the company doing so. How would you feel if you were asked to work for no pay for an indefinate amount of time? You can argue that what these players are doing is not a job and is enjoyable, which is true or else they wouldn't be good at it but imagine if some of these players were not sponsored or perhaps lost sponsorship after the tournament because their contract ended or something, they would be left in an uncertain deadzone where they are not getting paid for what they professionally do and that is in my opinion quite a stressful situation to be in and can have negative effects on other aspects of that person's life. Also, how the hell does this support esports? These players go home to Korea or NA and tell the other players, "yeah it's nice to travel over there if you don't like to get paid for playing well". I wonder if a caster like RotterdaM, a former WC3 pro, would work for ESL if they told him he wasn't going to be paid until who knows when or all of the people that set up the event for example. It is unbelievable for all of the people that work towards making the event possible get paid (so they should they do a pretty good job, thanks) while the people that are the main attraction, the reason why people come to the event, don't get paid for doing their best. Anyway, TLDR: Q3 > LoL skillwise but not in terms of entertainment or appeal to a majority of the public (which is sad for me but I'm sure fine for others). ESL not paying players which make these events possible and possibly stunting the growth of esports rather than helping it. | ||
1246 Posts
Posted earlier in this thread, but I played some LoL and as fun as it is, it just isn't.. well... esports. It's also really boring to watch - if they must have a hero based esports game, why not just play the original and best, Warcraft 3? | ||
Sweden505 Posts
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Norway1144 Posts
On July 02 2011 19:20 Mr.Brightside wrote: Anyway, TLDR: Q3 > LoL skillwise but not in terms of entertainment. WTF is so entertainment with LoL when you just sit there and wait for 25min mark before something starts to happen? First 15min it's rarely anything happens, maybe 1-2 kills. | ||
Romania43 Posts
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Canada457 Posts
On June 27 2011 23:20 GTR wrote: what a travesty that quake live was shafted for league of legends. i guess riot are pouring the money in for the game to be a major ESPORTS title. well when the can pull in over 200k viewers for their stream can you really blame ESL for picking them up over quake? | ||
Germany10157 Posts
On July 02 2011 19:42 Tomken wrote: WTF is so entertainment with LoL when you just sit there and wait for 25min mark before something starts to happen? First 15min it's rarely anything happens, maybe 1-2 kills. yea, I have no clue about Q3, i just used to play it very very casually against AI, but watching it at IEM cologne last year was really fun. I have played LoL just a few times but watching it just seems super boring to me. I'll still happily be going to cologne though since I'm in for SC2 anyways. | ||
Norway2474 Posts
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Germany118 Posts
Quake Live is exciting without me playing the game. Well LoL has a massive fanbase so its probably way better for ESL to stream Lol instead of QL | ||
United Kingdom211 Posts
On July 02 2011 01:08 KoTakUEurO wrote: Nothing wrong with LoL, you may not like it but it will undoubtebly continue to stimulate the growth of eSports. = No pause ability. So when a player d/c you have to remake. Typically before 5 minutes. And without Lan this will be a issue for every tournament. Stimulate esports? No replays. Lol well you better like the same casters, or view without game sounds. Free teleports to base. Abilities that cost zero resource. No risk to spam. Poor graphic engine. Feels like one step above warcraft 3, but two steps behind HoN. One step forward, two steps back. Just a few issues I found upon taking up the game. This is what is acceptable as a game of esports now a days? Ya-ya graphics arnt a big deal but what about these other glaring issues? I enjoy LoL for a good casual game with my casual gaming buddies. But an eSport? Be serious. | ||
United States910 Posts
Edit-Doh, just realized CS 1.6 is there. I guess my comment still stands but on a much smaller scale. Quake was also the very first esport, so it's surprising that they removed it. | ||
Portugal3 Posts
On July 04 2011 08:39 BushidoSnipr wrote: LoL is definitely not e-sport quality. And im not sure subbing an FPS for an "RTS" isn't really fair to the competitive FPS scene. Maybe they could put TF2 in there, that'd be fucking glorious Edit-Doh, just realized CS 1.6 is there. I guess my comment still stands but on a much smaller scale. Quake was also the very first esport, so it's surprising that they removed it. You gotta be kidding me. You complain about LoL and then "ask" for TF2... | ||
United States3 Posts
Because of their hidden ranking system it will only match you up against people of similar rating. And even when you do start playing ranked games you have to have a win loss spread of around 50 games before getting close to 'Diamond' level play. For those here who are judging it after playing less than 200 games is like someone watching a SC2 game of Bronze/Silver level players playing. Still it's sad that a staple of esports is gone. (Former top 200 player) | ||
1704 Posts
On June 28 2011 06:10 danl9rm wrote: As someone who has played both, LoL is a joke of a game compared to QuakeLive. The game caters to noobs in every way conceivable. I was about to hit "post," but I will instead elaborate. From Dota -> League of Legends: Problem: meanie-head denies all my creeps leaving me way behind ![]() Problem: I have to use the mini-map. Fix: You are now panned so far out you can see everything w/o it! Problem: I sometimes run out of mana. Fix: Spells now take next to no mana with insane mana regneration! Problem: Sometimes when I'm playing someone better than me, they combo me to death. Fix: It is now impossible to combo someone down from full health. Spells will do insignificant damage and they will have to cast a dozen of them on you to kill you. At 40% health, please retreat to base for healing. Problem: It seems no matter who I pick, my opponent can still beat me. Fix: Some characters are now drastically overpowered compared to others so you'll always have a chance against someone actually wanting to pick a different character! Problem: When I get low on health, people sometimes kill me. Fix: Now, when you get low on health, just leisurely walk back under the tower (with extended range!) and it will totally obliterate anyone who dare follow you! Now you can lane and shoot at creeps all day long! Yes, I hate that game. And if I had played it more recently, I'm sure I could point out 100 more things that they purposely put into that game, that dota had right, just to make it for noobs. UGH. Sorry Quakelive ![]() Funny you used that line. When you could similarly wreck Quake live as being the noob friendly dumbed down nerfed down version of older quake games. | ||
Australia628 Posts
On July 05 2011 17:05 xarthaz wrote: The bottom line is LoL is the most popular Western Esport of all time, its that simple. The 210 000 viewers was world record for any western esports event. as such, it must be cherished, and honored. in fact i will shortly proceed to have a glorious match of lol myself. the new free champion week is about to start, let us enjoy it, fellow summoners! I see a lot being made out of this stream number, but isn't that simply because riot embedded it in their game client? I mean if blizzard were to do that for battlenet and make it play automatically I'm sure they would smash 200k viewers with ease. I find Lol boring to watch but that may just be because I don't play it. But from what I understand its similar to dota, which I played heaps and heaps, its the type of thing thats fun to play but not very entertaining to watch. History tells us that these type of games despite having a huge playerbase tend to fail. I guess only time will tell how viable LoL really is. While I don't really mind them trying new games, I can totally understand where this disappointment and negativity is coming from, as you would expect any quake fan to get upset when their game is removed. edit: I just checked the youtube videos for sc2 and lol finals respectively, the sc2 finals had 20k views while the LoL finals had 7k, I really don't think its the most popular western esports. | ||
1704 Posts
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Australia628 Posts
On July 05 2011 17:41 xarthaz wrote: All your ifs and buts and whens.. You can fiddle with that shit for days, but the reality is: LoL is the most popular western ESPORT of all time. And yeah, its way more popular than SC2 in player counts anyway so strange youre trying to speculate claims from that angle. Maybe if WoW launcher had a link to the SC2 stream it could match it :p As such, for everyone that holds success of esports dear, it is rational to cherish the game that has stormed the industry like nothing that has ever happened. okay if theres no stream trickery going on explain why there are so few views on the finals vods... if it were really as popular as you say more people would be interested in watching it on youtube also. Most popular ESPORT of all time says you... based upon a single stream number. Its a bit early to call it don't you think? | ||
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