It is highly recommended that your read this entire thread - at least until page 10. If you make uninformed opinions that have been answered by the thread, col management or Destiny, you will be banned.
On June 23 2011 18:15 papaz wrote: Destiny seems like a player that get more attention than deserved.
What is his accomplishments as a player?
Is it because the way he talks on his stream that gets him all this attention?
Why do people always have this opinion, that the accomplishments of a player should determine the view numbers? I could care less about HuK's stream where all you get is starcraft and kpop. It's not how destiny talks, but rather that he does it. It's just a fun stream to tune in, good music, often some other people on skype (like catz) and he does often talk about strategy and how he approaches the game. Dunno, I just love streamers who interact a lot either with the viewers or with other people on stream (skype or vent)
About the language, if your offended by that sort of thing don't watch the stream? There is a warning when entering it you know, so you have only your self to blame if you put your innocent, delicate self through that horrible, horrible ordeal..
And for the people butthurt over destinys viewer count i just want to say; Grow up. Your throwing a classic hizzy-fit befitting of an 8 year old child. "It's not fair!!!". Not to mention the childish perspective of the "better" player somehow should have the higher viewership. Maybe the better players would have higher counts if they just tried to be a little more interesting than a cardboard box. This is entertainment you know, just as regular sports is.
The only person who is sane in this case is Debo, which is weird..
Maybe if you start viewing SC2 more as entertainment instead of being so laughably srs bsns about everything you wouldnt be so starved for drama that you need to find it where there is none.
On June 23 2011 20:07 Greggor wrote: Can anyone give some exampels of these so called racist jokes ? Havent heard any of them while whatching his stream.
I think it's more like "GODDAMN NIGGERTITS" when three blue hellions clear his mineral line, rathen than "What do you do when you see a floating television?". I haven't watched his stream a whole lot and not actually heard him use "nigger", but he's said he uses it himself and from his explanations it sounds like that's how he uses it.
On June 23 2011 20:07 Greggor wrote: Can anyone give some exampels of these so called racist jokes ? Havent heard any of them while whatching his stream.
I think it's more like "GODDAMN NIGGERTITS" when three blue hellions clear his mineral line, rathen than "What do you do when you see a floating television?". I haven't watched his stream a whole lot and not actually heard him use "nigger", but he's said he uses it himself and from his explanations it sounds like that's how he uses it.
On June 23 2011 18:15 papaz wrote: Destiny seems like a player that get more attention than deserved.
What is his accomplishments as a player?
Is it because the way he talks on his stream that gets him all this attention?
Why do people always have this opinion, that the accomplishments of a player should determine the view numbers? I could care less about HuK's stream where all you get is starcraft and kpop. It's not how destiny talks, but rather that he does it. It's just a fun stream to tune in, good music, often some other people on skype (like catz) and he does often talk about strategy and how he approaches the game. Dunno, I just love streamers who interact a lot either with the viewers or with other people on stream (skype or vent)
I guess I can understand that for some people bad humor is more fun to watch then one of the best players in the world but I don't really see how that has anything to do with Destiny as a pro gamer and asset to a pro team. Maybe a pro team should recruit the decota eagles and their 200-300k stream (and they would do about as well as Destiny at MLG). The stevo of starcraft isn't going to get any serious team offers anymore then stevo gets serious movie offers.
On June 23 2011 18:15 papaz wrote: Destiny seems like a player that get more attention than deserved.
What is his accomplishments as a player?
Is it because the way he talks on his stream that gets him all this attention?
Why do people always have this opinion, that the accomplishments of a player should determine the view numbers? I could care less about HuK's stream where all you get is starcraft and kpop. It's not how destiny talks, but rather that he does it. It's just a fun stream to tune in, good music, often some other people on skype (like catz) and he does often talk about strategy and how he approaches the game. Dunno, I just love streamers who interact a lot either with the viewers or with other people on stream (skype or vent)
I guess I can understand that for some people bad humor is more fun to watch then one of the best players in the world but I don't really see how that has anything to do with Destiny as a pro gamer and asset to a pro team. Maybe a pro team should recruit the decota eagles and their 200-300k stream (and they would do about as well as Destiny at MLG). The stevo of starcraft isn't going to get any serious team offers anymore then stevo gets serious movie offers.
On June 23 2011 19:16 Kireak wrote: I have watched competitive sc2 for about a year now, and one the greatest one think to me sc2 falls short in is the way the teams and players promote themselves. Most players got no identitys, a lot of them no charisma at all on camera etc.
Idra got it, MC got it. But apperently you need to be at the very top to be allowed to BM people, do slit-throat signs etc. Otherwise you are bad for the image and have to go, what amazes me is what cruncher is doing in col's lineup if destiny is too much? I mean does anyone like that due... at all? If they would truly care about their image they should get rid of him, and not someone that has tons of fans and stands for what he says, even has debates about it.
But sure, if complexity wants 10 blank canvases playing for them (and catz) which no one really cares about, GLHF
Dude.....there is so much difference between idra callling someone a bad player and a race imbalance, MC doing taunts to someone doing long rants about why he thinks its ok to go on racist rants.
Destiny has actually been incredibly mild these past few months. As someone who used to watch when the stream would go up to only 200-300 viewers, there was far more BM, rage, and "offensive language" in his past. So, willingly or not, he actually has cleaned up quite a bit, though truthfully I miss the old Destiny sometimes.
I get where he's coming from. Sometimes I just want to train and not have to deal with the paraphernalia that comes with being in a team. If he performs well in competition a team will pick him up anyways.
On June 23 2011 19:16 Kireak wrote: I have watched competitive sc2 for about a year now, and one the greatest one think to me sc2 falls short in is the way the teams and players promote themselves. Most players got no identitys, a lot of them no charisma at all on camera etc.
Idra got it, MC got it. But apperently you need to be at the very top to be allowed to BM people, do slit-throat signs etc. Otherwise you are bad for the image and have to go, what amazes me is what cruncher is doing in col's lineup if destiny is too much? I mean does anyone like that due... at all? If they would truly care about their image they should get rid of him, and not someone that has tons of fans and stands for what he says, even has debates about it.
But sure, if complexity wants 10 blank canvases playing for them (and catz) which no one really cares about, GLHF
Dude.....there is so much difference between idra callling someone a bad player and a race imbalance, MC doing taunts to someone doing long rants about why he thinks its ok to go on racist rants.
How is the slit-throat sign any different from using those "racists" words which he clearly doesn't use in that context either. If you say Destiny uses nigger and faggot to descriminate, you'd have to go ahead and assume that MC wanted to physically harm IdrA. Both are equally unlikely.
On June 23 2011 11:43 HyperLimen wrote: Honestly... who didn't see this coming ?
Everyone that puts Destiny on a pedestal is so blind. He constantly makes racist jokes and makes fun of black people on top of all of his other completely ignorant rants he habitually goes on.
I challenge any of his fans to take a look at him and objectively evaluate his character. He is an uneducated college dropout with an illegitimate child; moreover, he is a MUSIC MAJOR dropout. That makes him the equivalent of the demographic that he constantly berates (at the most) and uses racial epithets towards... assuming that you want to apply stereotypes like Destiny does.
The only reason that anyone would be a fan of this ignorant hate monger is because they appreciate him for voicing their own closeted bigotry.
Any team that would sign this embarrassment to the community is a disgrace. Good job on Complexity's part for putting a footprint on his ignorant hind quarters.
Maybe this will have a positive effect on him and he will start actually raising his child.
Personally, I find it hilarious that some people view him as a martyr for his own personal beliefs... no matter how misguided and unenlightened they may be. Any rational human being would discern his behavior as stubborn and immature.
He openly admits to signing a contract under false pretenses and yet, somehow, people still support him. I wish I was alive centuries ago where a person's word and signature actually meant something.
omfg... did you just accuse Destiny of being racist while employing the intimation that black people have illegitimate children? no one can be this fucking stupid. Can't help but notice you posted about Destiny when Complexity acquired Root... your obsession is unhealthy.