On June 02 2011 13:02 Hot_Bid wrote: did anyone really think TSA would let someone named "Bomber" fly into the US??
edit: too soon?
Did anyone really think USA would let someone named "Obama" be president in the US??
edit: too late?
wtf? He even went there with torch and losira, yet he didnt manage to get on the plane?
Some mystery we got here
On June 02 2011 13:04 Fionn wrote:How is Bomber not there and Losira/Torch are? Are we sure he's not there? He was with two people who are reportedly there.
Maybe they forgot to bring his passport.
Wow... That really sucks for Bomber... I was looking forward to him.
+ Show Spoiler +First what happened in the Nestea vs Bomber match... then this.
But yes, how can he miss a flight when there's a fucking image of him on his way to the airport with two other people? Did he forget his passport at home, or something?
Also, any idea what will happen to the spot in the group? Will it go to the winner of the CotH? Or maybe simply the next ranking unseeded player?
United States23455 Posts
On June 02 2011 13:05 Dexington wrote: Perhaps they will put the CotH win in his place?
Probably this. Especially considering who that is.
But I can already see the shitstorm with players complaining they practiced to play against Bomber and not the other Korean who made it.
Hopefully Bomber can make it or at least another Korean.
Yeah I saw this too how tf did Bomber miss his flight if he was with Torch and Losira??
On June 02 2011 12:57 ROOTFayth wrote: lmao
he probably hates flying
Maybe he only flys in bombers. I guess idra will be happy!
So how's that warp gate technology going? We there yet?
MLGLee is working on saving the day for Bomber!
On June 02 2011 13:06 Pirat6662001 wrote: Well this sucks, Koreans seem to not be very punctual, just the other day Maka got a free win because his opponent didnt show up
wtf stop trolling idiot. take a look at nasl, sometimes shit happens and players cannot make it. it happens to everyone.
If bomber and losira went to the airport together and losira is on the plane then there must have been some sort of problem....
Either that or hes afraid of flying, i doubt it would be the latter though must have been some kind of problem like he forgot his passport or something.
+ Show Spoiler +to think they rescheduled his GSL match for this and he bows out early there. He's not been having a good week so far.
...Oh wow. Hopefully MLG can figure a solution to this, otherwise this would be extremely unfortunate.
On June 02 2011 13:08 TDN wrote: Bomber misses target. Even better than the TSA jokes lol
On June 02 2011 13:02 Hot_Bid wrote: did anyone really think TSA would let someone named "Bomber" fly into the US??
edit: too soon?
Lol. Hot_Bid...You always make my day.