오늘 최지성선수가 MLG 콜럼버스행 비행기를 못탔습니다. 모두다 제 잘못입니다. 너무속상하고 지성이한테 미안하네요. 아쉽지만 다음달 애너하임대회때 출전시킬계획입니다. 최지성선수를 응원해주시는 팬분들께도 죄송하단말씀드립니다.
Bomber has missed his flight to the United States.
The google translation implies that this means that he will miss MLG and Milkis has confirmed that to be true.
Not much else to say.
On June 02 2011 13:06 Str1keFreedom wrote:
ST_Bomber was suppose to leave Korea for MLG, but unfortunately he was not able to take the flight.
Visa registration was not made and now his appearance in MLG became impossible.
Bomber's passport is a regular passport but he and his team mistook it as an electronic passport, and did not register for proper visa.
The game between him and IdrA will probably end up as walk over for Idra.
This is a very unfortunate event, but this is how everything panned out....
ST_Bomber was suppose to leave Korea for MLG, but unfortunately he was not able to take the flight.
Visa registration was not made and now his appearance in MLG became impossible.
Bomber's passport is a regular passport but he and his team mistook it as an electronic passport, and did not register for proper visa.
The game between him and IdrA will probably end up as walk over for Idra.
This is a very unfortunate event, but this is how everything panned out....