I totally don't agree with your posts and here is why, since you want reasons.
Western cultures are far different from that of Asian cultures such as that in Korea. Moving from a nice familiar home where you would have your own room, privacy and the freedom to do as you please to a house where you share a room with multiple people you probably do not know personally and share everything can be quite difficult. It takes a lot of time and effort to make this new unfamiliar destination your home.
Okay. REALLY bad misconception here. "Asians" or "Koreans" don't ENJOY spending time living/sleeping in cramped quarters either. Sure the average square footage per person is much less than say in North America, but we all like privacy too. Irregardless of room size, most of us in Asia enjoy having our own rooms too. You think the Koreans didn't have to "adjust" to sharing a room with multiple people? If you think living like that is the norm, you are VERY misinformed.
This leaves players with the option of going to the GSL foreigner house. The GSL foreigner house – open to any gamers wishing to try their hand at entering the GSL is a wonderful idea. The house has all of your basic needs, a place to sleep, a bathroom and shower, and a room for you to set up practice Starcraft 2. However, it does not come equipped with professional gamers or any additional means of getting good practice. Players are left to their own devices, which usually ends up with them laddering on the Korean ladder.
Well wasn't the idea of the foreigner house to have people together to practice?
Anyways, the cost of moving to Korea thing is a bit irrelevant because GomTV said they will be paying for the players who win MLG etc to go to Korea. If you're talking about a team sending someone there, I don't see why GOM should have to foot the bill for everyone, even those who didn't even qualify yet, that just seems a bit greedy if you ask me.
While you are in Korea for one month, you are missing countless online and LAN tournaments alike. If you move to Korea for one month to focus solely on the GSL, you are forgoing an average of $19,000 USD in potential earnings every 15 days¹.
This is a horrible calculation. I don't even know where to begin. In the most recent TL roundup, I don't think I recall seeing anyone win more than 2 events. If you're saying attending GSL is forgoing a "potential" $19,000 without any regard for the actual possibility of winning it all, then I might as well say by not going to GSL a player is forgoing a "potential" $40,000 as well.
Your point on sponsors is valid, but I'm not too sure what point you are trying to make there since I don't know what you expect. You want Koreans to sponsor some random foreign team that "may or may not" go to Korea?
To be honest, I feel this article was put together pretty poorly. I don't really know what you expect from GOM. Do you want them to send a plane to pick up your players? Put them in a house and find gamers for them to practice with as well? I honestly feel the whole part about "adjusting to the lifestyle, language barrier and "rules"" part to be a bit bull-shitty (excuse my language) and just seems like an excuse for someone who doesn't want to leave their comfort zone and experience new things in life. I mean honestly, the "food" is new? How new is Korean food? I mean, maybe I'm lucky to say I can have it, but most places I've been to have Korean food in some shape or form.
I also feel the title of your article to be very obnoxious, as if Korean OWES the West something. I feel you really need to reword this post, because right now all it does is come across as ANOTHER attack from FNatic on GOM, which I don't think is very fair at all.