Ladder locked? - Page 23
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South Africa3627 Posts
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United States188 Posts
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Australia796 Posts
On May 23 2011 10:49 Ex_Matt wrote: lol at people lying in this thread. 99.9% of battle.net players would never go 26-4 out of 30 games ever. I'd prop bet this with any degenerate gambler that isn't a sponsored player. I have gone on fairly long runs of 80%+ wins twice. The first time was when I worked out that I should be making multiple production facilities and that this wouldn't mean I'd run out of resources. That lasted for about 80 games (10W70L->80W80L) . The next time was a result of learning to a-move. Because these were discrete skills which incresed my skill immediately upon acquisition it took my MMR a while to catch up. There are many other skills which can be learnt suddenly. I would contend that at least 20% of players are likely to have this kind of run at some point, either as the system works out where they are or as the system re-evaluates after a skill jump. | ||
33 Posts
My post was correct and truthful after all and mods just bashed me for false info and closed my post. Now I understand how the mods react. | ||
Iceland623 Posts
Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like they're ready to patch things so the fix is probably at least a week or so off. | ||
Spain8 Posts
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Australia796 Posts
On May 24 2011 03:52 random user wrote: That sort of works except that everyone is being affected by this bug. Which means that everyone is going to deviate from where they should be. At this point, I have stopped looking at a person's league after a match because after 10 days or whatever, it's like trying to figure out where someone lives now by looking at data which told you where they lived 10 years ago. Sure, for some people it's going to be accurate because you have a general sense of where they were 10 days ago, but the data is so obsolete at this point I think trying to determine where you stand by looking at where people were 10 days ago, just by simple probability a non insignificant number of people are going to be wrong. On top of that, some people have a funny way of discarding information they don't like. So if someone plays 6 plats, 1 diamond, and 3 golds, they think they are playing mostly plats and diamonds, which is true, but I wouldn't draw any conclusions from that. I'm sure that some people are quite right that they should be promoted, and it wasn't my intention to dispute that. But I think that it's funny and ironic that EVERYONE (or at least everyone who posts) thinks that. Edit: it's sort of like that thing where something like depending on what specifically you ask, 70-90% of respondents will believe that they are better than average drivers etc. The people who are likely to be demoted after the unlock are unlikely to come to a thread like this and complain about it not happening sooner are they? The only people I've seen posting to that effect are portrait farmers or people wanting to demote to learn a new race. Checking opponents match history can help to establish where the error in placement most likely lies. I have been doing this for months. Using the average rank of your opponents' opponents to judge their skill can avoid the errors associated with locked leagues as relatively few people change leagues in any given fortnight and using the process iteratively can be used to evaluate anomalies. | ||
Australia477 Posts
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United States12224 Posts
On May 24 2011 09:25 nepts2 wrote: Okay thanks to the forum mods here for closing my post on this topic. My post was correct and truthful after all and mods just bashed me for false info and closed my post. Now I understand how the mods react. Don't be dumb. You posted a thread called "ladder promotion bug fixed!!" which is misleading in itself, then an equally vague link to a blue post where they're looking into it and somehow your analysis in the OP is "by tomorrow probably". Ares was right to close that thread. Besides, this is the thread where we're discussing the league lock. | ||
33 Posts
I will not post from now on. My apology is behalf on your intelligence. ![]() User was banned for this post. | ||
United States48 Posts
On May 24 2011 09:13 -_-Quails wrote: I have gone on fairly long runs of 80%+ wins twice. The first time was when I worked out that I should be making multiple production facilities and that this wouldn't mean I'd run out of resources. That lasted for about 80 games (10W70L->80W80L) . The next time was a result of learning to a-move. Because these were discrete skills which incresed my skill immediately upon acquisition it took my MMR a while to catch up. There are many other skills which can be learnt suddenly. I would contend that at least 20% of players are likely to have this kind of run at some point, either as the system works out where they are or as the system re-evaluates after a skill jump. LOL those are pretty big "discoveries" =p. It's like discovering the wheel and fire on two separate occasions and reaping the benefits. | ||
United States395 Posts
I've been facing plats and diamonds since I got my new computer on Friday and I'm in masters league. Maybe my MMR isn't horrible enough to get me demoted..../sigh I wish I could be one of those people whining about not being promoted--would be much better than being scared of being demoted to diamond. | ||
your Country52797 Posts
On May 24 2011 10:04 nepts2 wrote: Okay Mr.Analyst. I will not post from now on. My apology is behalf on your intelligence. ![]() User was banned for this post. ROFL. OT: I do not believe that the bug is as serious as people think, as they are still getting MMR Luke they were at the end of season 1. I also do not believe everyone on this thread is telling the truth, as it is highly unlikely that there are suddenly hundreds of players that are suddenly playing 3 leagues higher. Although it is possible. I myself have an 80% win rate since reaching gold. | ||
United States964 Posts
On May 24 2011 10:25 TheAwesomeTemplar wrote: OT: I do not believe that the bug is as serious as people think, as they are still getting MMR Luke they were at the end of season 1. I also do not believe everyone on this thread is telling the truth, as it is highly unlikely that there are suddenly hundreds of players that are suddenly playing 3 leagues higher. Although it is possible. I myself have an 80% win rate since reaching gold. its just really disappointing seeing holes in the GM league and grinding like mad, and no one is filling them across the entire server lol. wonder if that patch fixes the issue and the lock gets removed. since no one has confirmed it yet on sea =/ | ||
90 Posts
On May 23 2011 10:49 Ex_Matt wrote: lol at people lying in this thread. 99.9% of battle.net players would never go 26-4 out of 30 games ever. I'd prop bet this with any degenerate gambler that isn't a sponsored player. You mean like this? + Show Spoiler + ![]() It's probably more common than you think. In my case I just switched from Zerg to Terran (not trying to start a balance discussion, I was just terrible at playing zerg). I was getting super pissed that I didn't get promoted, I actually decided to stop playing SC2 cause of this until I saw this thread, lol. | ||
United States4853 Posts
On May 24 2011 08:53 Excalibur_Z wrote: Here's the blue post on it, gonna add it to OP: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/2580698045#1 Looks to me like this patch is rolling out just as a coincidence. The problem is most likely server side and we'll see the unlock within the next 2 days, separate from the actual patch. | ||
United States261 Posts
On May 20 2011 17:04 Corrosive wrote: MOD EDIT: Blue post on the matter: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/2580698045#1 ^ This means don't stop playing games just because the leagues are locked you dumb faces! Your games are not getting lost! EDIT: Ladder is locked David Kim (dayvie) has also said to some people that the ladder is indeed locked due to a bug. Original post: Hello, i was wondering if anyone is experiencing what i am? I'm high plat, playing vs high masters, no rank up. I know what you're thinking, just keep playing and you will rank up eventually. Well me and my friend are smurfing on other accounts. In 2v2 we lost all 5 of our matches so we could be placed in bronze. We've been doing 3 roach rush w/ speedlings and we have won ALOT of games, like 95% win ratio We are still in bronze and we are playing high diamond / master teams. Also, i took some quotes from the battle.net forums.;; + Show Spoiler + As noted in the patch notes, some players were being disconnected when they tried to view certain leagues and ladders pages. As a temporary fix, Blizzard set those pages to display, "Not yet ranked", instead of the actual page. However, as a side effect of this temporary fix, players who were affected can no longer be promoted at least from platinum to diamond. As evidence, I am rank 1 in platinum by 200+ points for 2 weeks, have won 15 games in a row against diamond and master players, most of them high diamond. Blizzard has promised to fix the grandmaster viewing issue in the next patch, but I don't know if they are aware of the promotion bug. + Show Spoiler + This is definitly a bug, I know a few people stuck in plat and gold, playing all master league. There is no promotion, this is 100% glitch that NEEDS to be fixed. + Show Spoiler + I am also having the same problem with my 4's. we are in bronze. rank 1. we vs. Diamond/master teams. we win all the time. and no promotion. Also ive been hearing stories of people in diamond or whatever trying to derank to bronze (portrait farmers, want to try new race etc) and losing 50+ games on purpose with no derank. I didn't see a post of this, i searched and stuff. is this a known bug? or am i just dumb and missing something completely? Thanks! If any of you noticed, Blizzard issued this notice the day after PiLLaGe got dropped out of Grandmasters League due to 180 bonus points! It's sad that Blizzard was unable to force PiLLaGe out of Grandmaster besides lock up his account and wait 2 weeks. Sigh~~ =( | ||
Canada59 Posts
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Czech Republic593 Posts
On May 24 2011 15:19 VPFaith wrote: If any of you noticed, Blizzard issued this notice the day after PiLLaGe got dropped out of Grandmasters League due to 180 bonus points! It's sad that Blizzard was unable to force PiLLaGe out of Grandmaster besides lock up his account and wait 2 weeks. Sigh~~ =( Its only 180? How come that I saw Thorzain on Eu week or so ago with 450 pool and no games played still in GM? :o | ||
Australia24 Posts
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