On May 24 2011 03:32 random user wrote: I think it's funny and ironic that pretty much everyone (who posts at least) who is, for example, in gold and facing more and more plats and some diamonds, believes that they belong in plat and the people they are facing are in the correct league, rather than thinking that they are in the correct league, and that at least some of the people they are facing are in the incorrect league.
Yea total nonsense if you are sitting on top of your division with 300+ points difference to #2, you should really wait for your opponents to get demoted soon. It's widely known that SC2 is a game where you get more likely demoted than promoted, ironic not?
On May 24 2011 04:24 StrangrDangr wrote: Is it unusual to only face people who are 'even match' with you. I have only face 2 slightly favored people this entire season. It seemed like I face a lot more last season, but maybe not :/
I've noticed this too! It used to be that everyone I played was either favored against me or I was slightly favored against them. I didn't even know that there was an "Even Match" rating until I'd played at least 50 games, but it's all I see now.
Maybe the game is figuring out how precisely it knows my skill level as I play more games and is thereby zeroing in on people I should be able to beat half the time.
I've been in platinum playing as zerg on my alternate account and have been playing the heck out of 1v1. Playing diamonds every single game, definitely with a record above .500. Probably close to 200 games in the last couple weeks (not sure when the bug started).
Also I'm like 600 points above rank 2 in the division.
You guys are making fun of him and you don't understand what is going on. I was grandmaster and got demoted due inactivity. I kept playing these days to get placed in a league and I still have no 1v1 league. I was just not placed anywhere. What now, flamers? Am I SO BAD that I don't even deserve a league? What is gonna be the excuse?
United States12224 Posts
On May 24 2011 04:42 Kishuu wrote: You guys are making fun of him and you don't understand what is going on. I was grandmaster and got demoted due inactivity. I kept playing these days to get placed in a league and I still have no 1v1 league. I was just not placed anywhere. What now, flamers? Am I SO BAD that I don't even deserve a league? What is gonna be the excuse?
That's kind of a special case for Grandmaster players, because there's a forced ejection once you exceed 180 bonus pool. After your first game following your ejection, you should get demoted into a different league, but because demotions appear to be frozen, you're stuck in limbo and have no league association at all.
On May 24 2011 04:42 Kishuu wrote: You guys are making fun of him and you don't understand what is going on. I was grandmaster and got demoted due inactivity. I kept playing these days to get placed in a league and I still have no 1v1 league. I was just not placed anywhere. What now, flamers? Am I SO BAD that I don't even deserve a league? What is gonna be the excuse?
Seriously? I feel like new players not getting placed would make headlines a lot faster than this did. Maybe it's bug that is specific to your somewhat unusual case. Maybe you're trolling a bit. The world may never know...
EDIT: Ninja'd by a burrowed banling! Well played, sir. Well played.
I have been wondering if there is any truth to the ladder lock because I'm in bronze rank 1 and didnt feel like I belong there. So I created a trial acc today to redo placement matches and see where I get placed. I went 4-1 and got put into plat I'm going to play alot of games tonight and see what happens.
nah guys, I'll vouch for it, whatever it's worth. it's very true.. I'm like 350pts above 2nd place in gold. have been for about 3 weeks now. been playing purely high diamonds for a week. if the ladder isn't bugged, it's surely broken :\
SEA is being patched right now but the patch notes doesnt said anything about promotion/demotion bug.
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.3.4
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that would cause some Leagues & Ladder pages not to show correctly.
I think that is the fix. The error was: Players who could not view the league/ladder pages properly were unable to be promoted/demoted.
I really hope that this is the fix. Can't wait to get promoted
Here's hoping we Euros get this posthaste.
On May 24 2011 04:26 dcrowe wrote: Actually I know for a fact that several of the people I'm facing are in the incorrect league. I'm high plat at the moment, and winning against plats/diamonds, and occasionally playing #1 bronze leaguers, who are obviously stuck.
This is exactly my situation aswell, but thats on EU. It seems most people in this thread are from NA servers, however i'm facing everything from 1400 point bronze league to, usually diamond latly. The bronze league dude was not on a particularly insane winstreak either, he had some losses thrown in there (a pretty impressive ratio, but not the kind that will make the MMR confused).
MYMClouD is the best example of the problem I think. He is ranked 1 in GM league on EU, but on NA he is stuck in Diamond. 1,800+ points, more than 900 ahead of the guy below him, and 1,400 ahead of the guy below that. Definitely something wrong there if the GM leader is stuck in Diamond league ><
Let's hope the new patch going live on SEA now comes quickly to the other servers and fixes it up
are there any SEA players that can verify if its fixed after the patch goes live? ^_^
United States12224 Posts
On May 24 2011 07:58 DubsteP wrote: are there any SEA players that can verify if its fixed after the patch goes live? ^_^
The league lock is not associated with the patch. The league lock is a hotfix and is done on the server end. They will probably unlock once all regions get this patch (if the patch does indeed fix everything).
On May 24 2011 08:12 Excalibur_Z wrote:Show nested quote +On May 24 2011 07:58 DubsteP wrote: are there any SEA players that can verify if its fixed after the patch goes live? ^_^
The league lock is not associated with the patch. The league lock is a hotfix and is done on the server end. They will probably unlock once all regions get this patch (if the patch does indeed fix everything).
Everything including the input error hopefully :D Hope to see this stuff resolved soon ^^
If anything I suppose we can wait for season 3.. New GM~
United States12224 Posts
Here's the blue post on it, gonna add it to OP: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/2580698045#1
Due to an issue with the Grandmaster league we’ve temporarily locked league reassignments. This means that all ranked games are correctly awarding (and subtracting) points, all changes to player’s internal matchmaking rating continue to be made, but the ability to be promoted/demoted to a different league is temporarily on-hold. When this lock is released, the next win will process the correct standing and any league reassignments will be carried out as they would have.
We currently have a hotfix for the Grandmaster issue in testing, and expect it to be implemented very soon. Once the fix is in and verified the lock will be removed and league standings will continue as normal. We’ll make another announcement at that time.
It’s important to note, again, that your games played now continue to count toward your standing and a possible league reassignment.
Awesome, I was hoping Blizzard would confirm. Now just have to wait.
thx for updating the OP excailibur - any idea when they are done testing the fix für GM ?