On October 24 2012 23:54 Plansix wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 23:47 colossusFTW wrote: AND SELECT SWITCHES TO DOTA !!!! Anyone else wanna say sc2 isnt dying ? could not have come at a better time. Wow man, you are really pushing this hard. First off, when has Select mattered in the last year? When has he ever made a top 10 of anything in any league. I can’t remember the last time I saw him play anyone who mattered. Second of all, who cares. Half of the Dota 2 teams lost a ton of members after the international. LoL teams are losing members and switch rosters after the finals. People switch teams. Jinro no longer play SC2 either. People will leave games for new ones. They will come back too. This has all happened before and it will all happen again.
Honestly, I think Select did exactly what Destiny should have, nice official post saying your switching to LoL to advance your career, not this crazy snowball thing. So don't hate on Select and his sc2 career, because overall it was successful (probalby the most sucessful NA Terran), especially since he left with such grace.
Had Destiny left like that no one would have lost respect for him.
On October 24 2012 23:49 Torra wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 23:30 Golbat wrote: Here's my objective take on the situation:
Destiny is correct, to a point. The onus is in fact on Blizzard to improve their game. Chat channels, a better way for UMS maps to be played by casuals, unranked 1v1, whatever. The problem is that Blizzard not only knows that they need to fix all those things, they know that we know that they know they need to fix all those things. And they still don't do it. No amount of #saveHotS twitter bombs or whiny reddit threads are going to make blizzard do anything.
This is where iNcontoL, IdrA, and DJWheat come in. They know that this is the case. They also know that there are things they can do that have the potential to increase or at least hold steady the amount of people participating in SC2 as an eSport. So they do them. They aren't worried about what Blizzard is or is not doing. They know that it's pathetic for there to be "lag screens at Blizzcon", but they can't make those lag screens not happen. So they focus on other things, things that they can improve and change.
And that is the real difference between what Destiny was saying and what ITG was saying.
On another note, I think DJWheat's "explosion" after Destiny hung up was not only warranted, but completely the response I was expecting from him. Because let's be honest, it was a "pussy-ass cop-out" on Destiny's part. The entire argument devolved into something that was deliciously devoid of fluff, which is why I watch DJWheat's shows in the first place. I feel the same way. All the hate that the EG guys and Wheat is getting while Destiny is being treated as a hero, that is what is fucking disgusting. OPEN YOUR EYES anytime there is any type of show or podcast that incontrol is on it turns into the Oh look at me I think i'm hilarious desperate cry for attention. Incontrol like always on a show ranted about the person for 15 minutes calling him a "fucking idiot" and just destroying destiny and then when destiny got on he started yelling BECAUSE once again incontrol oh im fucking hilarious let me do a randy savage impression maybe people will accept me more. I hope and incontrol said at least we know what winning feels like when destiny beat him in a BO7 SHOWMATCH AHAHA.
Vatican City State334 Posts
On October 24 2012 23:54 Urasim wrote: What I don't understand is how Side B plans on doing this... There has been ZERO suggestions. Do they even know that there is a problem? Are they going to stick their heads in the sand and hope it gets better?
This is what I was going to post. It's a really easy thing to tear down Destiny's argument and say he's wrong, but it takes brains to actually offer your own solutions to a problem. Idra, Incontrol and DJWheat offer no fixes themselves. Blizzard HAVE implemented suggestions, if incredibly slowly. They created chat channels, they tried changing the custom game system, they even brought back the carrier. They have shown they are willing to change things, but that it takes a long time. Beta is the absolute best time to get your opinions heard, because by the time HotS comes half the team will be shipped off to work on Titan.
On October 24 2012 23:58 1handsomE wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 23:54 Plansix wrote:On October 24 2012 23:47 colossusFTW wrote: AND SELECT SWITCHES TO DOTA !!!! Anyone else wanna say sc2 isnt dying ? could not have come at a better time. Wow man, you are really pushing this hard. First off, when has Select mattered in the last year? When has he ever made a top 10 of anything in any league. I can’t remember the last time I saw him play anyone who mattered. Second of all, who cares. Half of the Dota 2 teams lost a ton of members after the international. LoL teams are losing members and switch rosters after the finals. People switch teams. Jinro no longer play SC2 either. People will leave games for new ones. They will come back too. This has all happened before and it will all happen again. Honestly, I think Select did exactly what Destiny should have, nice official post saying your switching to LoL to advance your career, not this crazy snowball thing. So don't hate on Select and his sc2 career, because overall it was successful (probalby the most sucessful NA Terran), especially since he left with such grace. Had Destiny left like that no one would have lost respect for him. The point destiny is making is that he has put so much into this game he should not have to leave because blizzard fucked up.
On October 24 2012 23:32 monkybone wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 23:30 Golbat wrote: Here's my objective take on the situation:
Destiny is correct, to a point. The onus is in fact on Blizzard to improve their game. Chat channels, a better way for UMS maps to be played by casuals, unranked 1v1, whatever. The problem is that Blizzard not only knows that they need to fix all those things, they know that we know that they know they need to fix all those things. And they still don't do it. No amount of #saveHotS twitter bombs or whiny reddit threads are going to make blizzard do anything.
This is where iNcontoL, IdrA, and DJWheat come in. They know that this is the case. They also know that there are things they can do that have the potential to increase or at least hold steady the amount of people participating in SC2 as an eSport. So they do them. They aren't worried about what Blizzard is or is not doing. They know that it's pathetic for there to be "lag screens at Blizzcon", but they can't make those lag screens not happen. So they focus on other things, things that they can improve and change.
And that is the real difference between what Destiny was saying and what ITG was saying.
On another note, I think DJWheat's "explosion" after Destiny hung up was not only warranted, but completely the response I was expecting from him. Because let's be honest, it was a "pussy-ass cop-out" on Destiny's part. The entire argument devolved into something that was deliciously devoid of fluff, which is why I watch DJWheat's shows in the first place. Glad someone feels the same way as me about this.
Same here. Amazing that Idra/Incontrol make all the rational points and people support the screaming, ignorant buffoon(Destiny). This is the guy we essentially evicted from our community for his lack of common sense now screaming Doomsday prophecies like the guys preparing for the end of the Mayan calendar. And people ARE ACTUALLY BUYING IT.
On October 24 2012 23:52 Pwnographics wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 23:46 Josh111 wrote: I think people just get a hard on getting upset at incontrol and people he is associated with..
Incontrol presented an argument counter to what destiny was saying, yes he said some jokes and poked fun but so did destiny.
You guys lost respect because djwheat was passionate? and everyone who is "upset" are completely ignoring Destiny who is as guilty as any one else in the show.
They had an argument and people raised their voices... big fucking deal, get over it. How do you guys exist in the real world? Yeah, Destiny is guilty, he admits it... And he apologized... What's your fucking point mate? The host isn't supposed to be 'passionate' if that's even an excuse. If Obama vs Romney had a 'passionate' Romney supporter, then wtf? Are you even switched on? And being passionate is an excuse for what djWHEAT did? Then you can excuse nearly everything Destiny has fucked up on as being passionate.
Right you just proved my point..
My argument is that nothing bad happened and people need to calm the fuck down. Both parties presented a point of few outside of the yelling and screaming and both points were valid.
Also DJwheat isnt simply a host and if you expect him to act like one you need to go to another show. He has always voiced his opinion on every episode, he simply just doesn't ask the questions and keep the conversation from staying on track. Comparing him to the moderator of a presidential debate is such a stretch its ridiculous.
BUT if people are going to throw a hissy fit about DJwheat and incontrol im asking you also throw a fit about Destiny.
My god, how is anyone on Destiny's side? Just listened to it and he spent the whole time trying to interrupt people, shouting, spitting his dummy out.
He didn't listen to a single point raised and the scene would be better for him gone.
On October 24 2012 23:57 Voreau wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 23:52 Pwnographics wrote:On October 24 2012 23:46 Josh111 wrote: I think people just get a hard on getting upset at incontrol and people he is associated with..
Incontrol presented an argument counter to what destiny was saying, yes he said some jokes and poked fun but so did destiny.
You guys lost respect because djwheat was passionate? and everyone who is "upset" are completely ignoring Destiny who is as guilty as any one else in the show.
They had an argument and people raised their voices... big fucking deal, get over it. How do you guys exist in the real world? Yeah, Destiny is guilty, he admits it... And he apologized... What's your fucking point mate? The host isn't supposed to be 'passionate' if that's even an excuse. If Obama vs Romney had a 'passionate' Romney supporter, then wtf? Are you even switched on? And being passionate is an excuse for what djWHEAT did? Then you can excuse nearly everything Destiny has fucked up on as being passionate. What did djWHEAT do? Get pissed off cause he brought a guy on HIS show, supported by sponsors, and said guy acts like a child and then gives up completely by insulting 2 of the hosts and hanging up? That was utterly disrespectful to one of the most tenured, respected and knowledgeable names in eSports. Who is Destiny compared to djWHEAT?? Absolutely nothing. djWHEAT's reaction was completely justified given the circumstances.
What did djWHEAT do? Let's see...
He invited someone on his show to give an opposing argument to add depth to the conversation. He then refuses to let said person finish their argument or even start it. Makes some random obscure analogy to breaking bad and American idol, sides with Incontrol/IdrA as a host. Prevents PainUser from talking when he's the only one trying to be objective. And then throws one of the most full retard scenes I've ever seen.
I even linked that scene to some of my friends who don't play video games so they could have a good laugh at a 40 year old man screaming about how some guy didn't want to talk over Skype anymore. He was by far the worst host I've ever seen...The host should not be going ape shit in any circumstances... It's the fucking host...
You don't see Obama vs Romney hosted by Rice, then when Obama goes well fuck I'm out of here. Rice jumps out of her seat screams you fucking cop out RAHWAOHNF LOOLOLOLOL.
On October 24 2012 23:42 Xayoz wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 23:32 probob wrote: Anyways I think Destiny was right in his argument but should have just stayed calm and keep cool, this way he took his own credibility away a little. Thumbs up for painuser he seems like a reasonable guy. Wheat, Incontrol and Idra just act like highschool clique guys, totally embarassing for their age to gang up on one guy like that. If you guys had a serious, calm discussion on the points destiny brought up, i would be interested to watch it, but I don't want to watch such a yellfest again.
This. Well. At least Destiny apologized. Incontrol on the other hand...
I can't believe Incontrol hasn't apologized yet. That high-five is the most procovative thing I have ever seen in a starcraft 2 debate.
Wheat also showed a fantastic way of completely misunderstanding everyhing. Like when he began opening the debate by asking destinty if the streaming success of LOL can't be attributed to Sc2. Yes of course it can, what's that got to do with destiny's point? Then he went to say streaming numbers are up, though it may not be sc2 but esports is up....
What the hell? Sc2 isn't up then wheat, but LOL is up. Too some extent he used arguments such as sponsorships (and so did Incontrol), and Inctrol talked about the infastrucuture, but they both miss that there is a lag-effect. Changes don't happen over night, but viewership count is a great predicture of future sponsorships contracts and tournament prices.
Idra had a point: It doesn't matter, which is true, and unfortunately Desinty didn't take the debate with Idra. And Painuser of course, I think everyone could learn a bit on how to handle them selves in a debate by watching him.
I'm gonna drop my 2 cents here and just leave it. If you read it, cool, if not... Whatever.
This whole conversation had over a public show does nothing but fuel the problem which BOTH sides are trying to remedy. Both sides know that the player base has been going down since season 1. Just go check sc2ranks. If they deny that, then they're so far out of touch with reality that they're too far from being saved. One side wants to pressure Blizzard to create the game which Blizzard themselves promised, the other side agrees but knows that pressuring Blizzard is pointless because they're unreliable. I for one agree with both sides. The argument between the two sides shouldn't be the topic of this discussion because quite frankly they're both right. However, DjWheat not understanding this and seeing the discussion for what it actually is was embarrassing to all of us who were watching the show tonight. Also, Incontrol has lost a fan in me from this show, I'm through trying to defend him. Actions speak louder than words, if you constantly claim to be the only man in eSports among a sea of children, please act that way and maybe I'll re-follow your stream.
MOST IMPORTANTLY - Am I the only one who knows and has known for a long time that Blizzard is holding out on ALL of the UI changes to SC2 until HoTS comes out because it makes them more money that way?! They should wait until HoTS and so should we. If by the time HoTS comes out and there is still no basic communal feel to SC2 then we have a very good reason to pressure Blizzard. Until then, chill and enjoy some streams .
On October 25 2012 00:02 Josh111 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 23:52 Pwnographics wrote:On October 24 2012 23:46 Josh111 wrote: I think people just get a hard on getting upset at incontrol and people he is associated with..
Incontrol presented an argument counter to what destiny was saying, yes he said some jokes and poked fun but so did destiny.
You guys lost respect because djwheat was passionate? and everyone who is "upset" are completely ignoring Destiny who is as guilty as any one else in the show.
They had an argument and people raised their voices... big fucking deal, get over it. How do you guys exist in the real world? Yeah, Destiny is guilty, he admits it... And he apologized... What's your fucking point mate? The host isn't supposed to be 'passionate' if that's even an excuse. If Obama vs Romney had a 'passionate' Romney supporter, then wtf? Are you even switched on? And being passionate is an excuse for what djWHEAT did? Then you can excuse nearly everything Destiny has fucked up on as being passionate. Right you just proved my point.. My argument is that nothing bad happened and people need to calm the fuck down. Both parties presented a point of few outside of the yelling and screaming and both points were valid. Also DJwheat isnt simply a host and if you expect him to act like one you need to go to another show. He has always voiced his opinion on every episode, he simply just doesn't ask the questions and keep the conversation from staying on track. Comparing him to the moderator of a presidential debate is such a stretch its ridiculous. BUT if people are going to throw a hissy fit about DJwheat and incontrol im asking you also throw a fit about Destiny.
He already apologized, most people just want an apology from Incontrol, but as you can see from his twitter/reddit instead of doing that he's making personal attacks at his twitter followers.
On October 25 2012 00:03 DKR wrote: My god, how is anyone on Destiny's side? Just listened to it and he spent the whole time trying to interrupt people, shouting, spitting his dummy out.
He didn't listen to a single point raised and the scene would be better for him gone.
He actually stopped and agreed with some of their points... What I think is the most surprising thing about the show, was at the end of the show, they all agreed that Blizzard fucked up and they need to fix it. So, they actually agree with Destiny they are just to ashamed to say "we agree with most of Desiny's points".
On October 25 2012 00:02 colossusFTW wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 23:58 1handsomE wrote:On October 24 2012 23:54 Plansix wrote:On October 24 2012 23:47 colossusFTW wrote: AND SELECT SWITCHES TO DOTA !!!! Anyone else wanna say sc2 isnt dying ? could not have come at a better time. Wow man, you are really pushing this hard. First off, when has Select mattered in the last year? When has he ever made a top 10 of anything in any league. I can’t remember the last time I saw him play anyone who mattered. Second of all, who cares. Half of the Dota 2 teams lost a ton of members after the international. LoL teams are losing members and switch rosters after the finals. People switch teams. Jinro no longer play SC2 either. People will leave games for new ones. They will come back too. This has all happened before and it will all happen again. Honestly, I think Select did exactly what Destiny should have, nice official post saying your switching to LoL to advance your career, not this crazy snowball thing. So don't hate on Select and his sc2 career, because overall it was successful (probalby the most sucessful NA Terran), especially since he left with such grace. Had Destiny left like that no one would have lost respect for him. The point destiny is making is that he has put so much into this game he should not have to leave because blizzard fucked up.
I would argue there are people who put in way more work, time and took way more risk in this community. Artosis is a great example, who moved to Korea, lived off no money for years, spent time with Tasteless developing the Tastosis brand and has finally doing well. If he can be positive about SC2, I think people should listen to him. He has a vested interested in making SC2 better and has proven he is willing to put in the time.
There are so many members of the community that are more dependant on the success of SC2 than Destiny. Almost all of them are taking a much calmer, more reasoned approach with Blizzard.
On October 25 2012 00:04 Pwnographics wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 23:57 Voreau wrote:On October 24 2012 23:52 Pwnographics wrote:On October 24 2012 23:46 Josh111 wrote: I think people just get a hard on getting upset at incontrol and people he is associated with..
Incontrol presented an argument counter to what destiny was saying, yes he said some jokes and poked fun but so did destiny.
You guys lost respect because djwheat was passionate? and everyone who is "upset" are completely ignoring Destiny who is as guilty as any one else in the show.
They had an argument and people raised their voices... big fucking deal, get over it. How do you guys exist in the real world? Yeah, Destiny is guilty, he admits it... And he apologized... What's your fucking point mate? The host isn't supposed to be 'passionate' if that's even an excuse. If Obama vs Romney had a 'passionate' Romney supporter, then wtf? Are you even switched on? And being passionate is an excuse for what djWHEAT did? Then you can excuse nearly everything Destiny has fucked up on as being passionate. What did djWHEAT do? Get pissed off cause he brought a guy on HIS show, supported by sponsors, and said guy acts like a child and then gives up completely by insulting 2 of the hosts and hanging up? That was utterly disrespectful to one of the most tenured, respected and knowledgeable names in eSports. Who is Destiny compared to djWHEAT?? Absolutely nothing. djWHEAT's reaction was completely justified given the circumstances. What did djWHEAT do? Let's see... He invited someone on his show to give an opposing argument to add depth to the conversation. He then refuses to let said person finish their argument or even start it. Makes some random obscure analogy to breaking bad and American idol, sides with Incontrol/IdrA as a host. Prevents PainUser from talking when he's the only one trying to be objective. And then throws one of the most full retard scenes I've ever seen. I even linked that scene to some of my friends who don't play video games so they could have a good laugh at a 40 year old man screaming about how some guy didn't want to talk over Skype anymore. He was by far the worst host I've ever seen...The host should not be going ape shit in any circumstances... It's the fucking host... You don't see Obama vs Romney hosted by Rice, then when Obama goes well fuck I'm out of here. Rice jumps out of her seat screams you fucking cop out RAHWAOHNF LOOLOLOLOL.
You NEED to stop comparing a sc2 show to the FUCKING PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES... Honestly if you cant understand the difference between a presidential debate watched by people all over the world interested in electing 1 person the leader of the strongest country in the world to a weekly, passionate and sometimes conversational starcraft show you are not worth talking to.
It is DJwheats show, he inst simply the moderator. He constantly voices his opinion like and idra or in control (in every episode) its 100% understandable for him to get upset after Destiny acted like that after being invited on to the show.
On October 25 2012 00:04 Pwnographics wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 23:57 Voreau wrote:On October 24 2012 23:52 Pwnographics wrote:On October 24 2012 23:46 Josh111 wrote: I think people just get a hard on getting upset at incontrol and people he is associated with..
Incontrol presented an argument counter to what destiny was saying, yes he said some jokes and poked fun but so did destiny.
You guys lost respect because djwheat was passionate? and everyone who is "upset" are completely ignoring Destiny who is as guilty as any one else in the show.
They had an argument and people raised their voices... big fucking deal, get over it. How do you guys exist in the real world? Yeah, Destiny is guilty, he admits it... And he apologized... What's your fucking point mate? The host isn't supposed to be 'passionate' if that's even an excuse. If Obama vs Romney had a 'passionate' Romney supporter, then wtf? Are you even switched on? And being passionate is an excuse for what djWHEAT did? Then you can excuse nearly everything Destiny has fucked up on as being passionate. What did djWHEAT do? Get pissed off cause he brought a guy on HIS show, supported by sponsors, and said guy acts like a child and then gives up completely by insulting 2 of the hosts and hanging up? That was utterly disrespectful to one of the most tenured, respected and knowledgeable names in eSports. Who is Destiny compared to djWHEAT?? Absolutely nothing. djWHEAT's reaction was completely justified given the circumstances. What did djWHEAT do? Let's see... He invited someone on his show to give an opposing argument to add depth to the conversation. He then refuses to let said person finish their argument or even start it. Makes some random obscure analogy to breaking bad and American idol, sides with Incontrol/IdrA as a host. Prevents PainUser from talking when he's the only one trying to be objective. And then throws one of the most full retard scenes I've ever seen. I even linked that scene to some of my friends who don't play video games so they could have a good laugh at a 40 year old man screaming about how some guy didn't want to talk over Skype anymore. He was by far the worst host I've ever seen...The host should not be going ape shit in any circumstances... It's the fucking host... You don't see Obama vs Romney hosted by Rice, then when Obama goes well fuck I'm out of here. Rice jumps out of her seat screams you fucking cop out RAHWAOHNF LOOLOLOLOL.
It's not THAT Destiny got off of skype, it's the manner in which he got off of skype. If you can't understand that, I don't know what to tell you.
On October 25 2012 00:05 Hider wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 23:42 Xayoz wrote:On October 24 2012 23:32 probob wrote: Anyways I think Destiny was right in his argument but should have just stayed calm and keep cool, this way he took his own credibility away a little. Thumbs up for painuser he seems like a reasonable guy. Wheat, Incontrol and Idra just act like highschool clique guys, totally embarassing for their age to gang up on one guy like that. If you guys had a serious, calm discussion on the points destiny brought up, i would be interested to watch it, but I don't want to watch such a yellfest again.
This. Well. At least Destiny apologized. Incontrol on the other hand... I can't believe Incontrol hasn't apologized yet. That high-five is the most procovative thing I have ever seen in a starcraft 2 debate. Wheat also showed a fantastic way of completely misunderstanding everyhing. Like when he began opening the debate by asking destinty if the streaming success of LOL can't be attributed to Sc2. Yes of course it can, what's that got to do with destiny's point? Then he went to say streaming numbers are up, though it may not be sc2 but esports is up.... What the hell? Sc2 isn't up then wheat, but LOL is up. Too some extent he used arguments such as sponsorships (and so did Incontrol), and Inctrol talked about the infastrucuture, but they both miss that there is a lag-effect. Changes don't happen over night, but viewership count is a great predicture of future sponsorships contracts and tournament prices. Idra had a point: It doesn't matter, which is true, and unfortunately Desinty didn't take the debate with Idra. And Painuser of course, I think everyone could learn a bit on how to handle them selves in a debate by watching him.
Hinder Strikes. I thought he would be in here sooner, since he has alarms set for when Incontrol raises his voice or EG makes any press release.
On October 25 2012 00:02 Wingblade wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 23:32 monkybone wrote:On October 24 2012 23:30 Golbat wrote: Here's my objective take on the situation:
Destiny is correct, to a point. The onus is in fact on Blizzard to improve their game. Chat channels, a better way for UMS maps to be played by casuals, unranked 1v1, whatever. The problem is that Blizzard not only knows that they need to fix all those things, they know that we know that they know they need to fix all those things. And they still don't do it. No amount of #saveHotS twitter bombs or whiny reddit threads are going to make blizzard do anything.
This is where iNcontoL, IdrA, and DJWheat come in. They know that this is the case. They also know that there are things they can do that have the potential to increase or at least hold steady the amount of people participating in SC2 as an eSport. So they do them. They aren't worried about what Blizzard is or is not doing. They know that it's pathetic for there to be "lag screens at Blizzcon", but they can't make those lag screens not happen. So they focus on other things, things that they can improve and change.
And that is the real difference between what Destiny was saying and what ITG was saying.
On another note, I think DJWheat's "explosion" after Destiny hung up was not only warranted, but completely the response I was expecting from him. Because let's be honest, it was a "pussy-ass cop-out" on Destiny's part. The entire argument devolved into something that was deliciously devoid of fluff, which is why I watch DJWheat's shows in the first place. Glad someone feels the same way as me about this. Same here. Amazing that Idra/Incontrol make all the rational points and people support the screaming, ignorant buffoon(Destiny). This is the guy we essentially evicted from our community for his lack of common sense now screaming Doomsday prophecies like the guys preparing for the end of the Mayan calendar. And people ARE ACTUALLY BUYING IT. Another mindless incontrol follower You blind yourself to what really happened. Incontrol ranted shitting on destiny FOR 15 MINUTES BEFORE DESTINY GOT ON THE CALL. And even then destiny was calm until incontrol thought everone thinks im hilarious let me do a screaming randy savage impression which is why destiny started yelling in the first place. when painuser said lets keep this civil incontrol even admitted he started yelling first because of the randy savage impression at least have a mind of your own.
On October 25 2012 00:08 Josh111 wrote:Show nested quote +On October 25 2012 00:04 Pwnographics wrote:On October 24 2012 23:57 Voreau wrote:On October 24 2012 23:52 Pwnographics wrote:On October 24 2012 23:46 Josh111 wrote: I think people just get a hard on getting upset at incontrol and people he is associated with..
Incontrol presented an argument counter to what destiny was saying, yes he said some jokes and poked fun but so did destiny.
You guys lost respect because djwheat was passionate? and everyone who is "upset" are completely ignoring Destiny who is as guilty as any one else in the show.
They had an argument and people raised their voices... big fucking deal, get over it. How do you guys exist in the real world? Yeah, Destiny is guilty, he admits it... And he apologized... What's your fucking point mate? The host isn't supposed to be 'passionate' if that's even an excuse. If Obama vs Romney had a 'passionate' Romney supporter, then wtf? Are you even switched on? And being passionate is an excuse for what djWHEAT did? Then you can excuse nearly everything Destiny has fucked up on as being passionate. What did djWHEAT do? Get pissed off cause he brought a guy on HIS show, supported by sponsors, and said guy acts like a child and then gives up completely by insulting 2 of the hosts and hanging up? That was utterly disrespectful to one of the most tenured, respected and knowledgeable names in eSports. Who is Destiny compared to djWHEAT?? Absolutely nothing. djWHEAT's reaction was completely justified given the circumstances. What did djWHEAT do? Let's see... He invited someone on his show to give an opposing argument to add depth to the conversation. He then refuses to let said person finish their argument or even start it. Makes some random obscure analogy to breaking bad and American idol, sides with Incontrol/IdrA as a host. Prevents PainUser from talking when he's the only one trying to be objective. And then throws one of the most full retard scenes I've ever seen. I even linked that scene to some of my friends who don't play video games so they could have a good laugh at a 40 year old man screaming about how some guy didn't want to talk over Skype anymore. He was by far the worst host I've ever seen...The host should not be going ape shit in any circumstances... It's the fucking host... You don't see Obama vs Romney hosted by Rice, then when Obama goes well fuck I'm out of here. Rice jumps out of her seat screams you fucking cop out RAHWAOHNF LOOLOLOLOL. You NEED to stop comparing a sc2 show to the FUCKING PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES... Honestly if you cant understand the difference between a presidential debate watched by people all over the world interested in electing 1 person the leader of the strongest country in the world to a weekly, passionate and sometimes conversational starcraft show you are not worth talking to. It is DJwheats show, he inst simply the moderator. He constantly voices his opinion like and idra or in control (in every episode) its 100% understandable for him to get upset after Destiny acted like that after being invited on to the show.
He got upset that someone he invited got on the show got insulted and then threw back insults...okay...
On October 25 2012 00:08 Voreau wrote:Show nested quote +On October 25 2012 00:04 Pwnographics wrote:On October 24 2012 23:57 Voreau wrote:On October 24 2012 23:52 Pwnographics wrote:On October 24 2012 23:46 Josh111 wrote: I think people just get a hard on getting upset at incontrol and people he is associated with..
Incontrol presented an argument counter to what destiny was saying, yes he said some jokes and poked fun but so did destiny.
You guys lost respect because djwheat was passionate? and everyone who is "upset" are completely ignoring Destiny who is as guilty as any one else in the show.
They had an argument and people raised their voices... big fucking deal, get over it. How do you guys exist in the real world? Yeah, Destiny is guilty, he admits it... And he apologized... What's your fucking point mate? The host isn't supposed to be 'passionate' if that's even an excuse. If Obama vs Romney had a 'passionate' Romney supporter, then wtf? Are you even switched on? And being passionate is an excuse for what djWHEAT did? Then you can excuse nearly everything Destiny has fucked up on as being passionate. What did djWHEAT do? Get pissed off cause he brought a guy on HIS show, supported by sponsors, and said guy acts like a child and then gives up completely by insulting 2 of the hosts and hanging up? That was utterly disrespectful to one of the most tenured, respected and knowledgeable names in eSports. Who is Destiny compared to djWHEAT?? Absolutely nothing. djWHEAT's reaction was completely justified given the circumstances. What did djWHEAT do? Let's see... He invited someone on his show to give an opposing argument to add depth to the conversation. He then refuses to let said person finish their argument or even start it. Makes some random obscure analogy to breaking bad and American idol, sides with Incontrol/IdrA as a host. Prevents PainUser from talking when he's the only one trying to be objective. And then throws one of the most full retard scenes I've ever seen. I even linked that scene to some of my friends who don't play video games so they could have a good laugh at a 40 year old man screaming about how some guy didn't want to talk over Skype anymore. He was by far the worst host I've ever seen...The host should not be going ape shit in any circumstances... It's the fucking host... You don't see Obama vs Romney hosted by Rice, then when Obama goes well fuck I'm out of here. Rice jumps out of her seat screams you fucking cop out RAHWAOHNF LOOLOLOLOL. It's not THAT Destiny got off of skype, it's the manner in which he got off of skype. If you can't understand that, I don't know what to tell you.
He made a snarky remark and then left the call, and that justifies a solid minute of screaming... okay...
EDIT: Sorry double post.