I fully agree with you guys opinion and don't think Sc is dead in any way but you could have put it there on mature way and not utterly lose yourself and act like a small child.
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Netherlands8351 Posts
I fully agree with you guys opinion and don't think Sc is dead in any way but you could have put it there on mature way and not utterly lose yourself and act like a small child. | ||
Romania4926 Posts
On October 24 2012 22:59 OKMarius wrote: One of the weirdest things in the episode was Incontrol not thinking the guys who pirate the games matter. Maybe I misunderstood his point, but that was what I gathered at least. Of course they don't matter in the period where they're playing the pirated version of the game, but how can he not see the chain of events that happened to so many who started out by playing a pirated version of bw or wc3? First of all, he must not remember the sales numbers of BW over its 10 years existence. That game doesn't need his concern and pity. http://vgsales.wikia.com/wiki/Best_selling_Blizzard_games Second he doesn't acknowledge that piracy means easy access and mainstream. That's why the trend is to give the client for free for games and be clever to charge the masses differently. Thirdly he makes the false assumption that 100 pirated copies = 100 lost sold copies. Incontlol, don't ruin your esports image. It's the only thing keeping you afloat. | ||
Chile1335 Posts
On October 24 2012 21:34 Pwnographics wrote: Last night was the first time I have watched a show hosted by DjWheat and needless to say I was v. disappointed. Your conduct quite frankly was far worse than Destiny, you bought him on the show as a guest to portray his viewpoints only to circlejerk with the EGidrA/incontrol. As a host you made little to no attempts to have an organised conversation, the only person who had valid points was PainUser which you did not give him space to talk and when Destiny left you got up and screamed like a retarded kid trying to look gangster. It was so embarrassing I had to mute the stream for that 30 seconds. Really really shit to put it the least. And PainUser is right, our scene is going to die if Blizzard doesn't intervene or we do something to make Blizzard intervene. This reminds me of the avilo incident... but now it's destiny, same people raging (Idra/Inc + Guest)... this childish attitude that the EG duo is showing is what gets SC2 to not be much liked from people from "outside" the game, this elitist kiddo attitude. | ||
Australia62 Posts
On October 24 2012 22:49 Vertigro wrote: And yet I find myself asking if you personally even deserve an opinion on this.. A hasty reply but swearing is good and spelling is fine | ||
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Romania257 Posts
On October 24 2012 22:49 Vertigro wrote: And yet I find myself asking if you personally even deserve an opinion on this.. 3 post troll , all made in this thread, account created today. Just ignore him from now. | ||
510 Posts
It was disappointing considering that both sides actually had some fair arguments in the discussion, and a lot more could have come out of the discussion. Destiny had one really good point, the game quality is important to keep people interested. I am losing interest in tournaments really fast, and the main reason is that I get a deja vu every time I see a spine crawler wall go up in a PvZ. The game has become more and more boring to watch, and it does not have to be, at a point a couple of months ago there was more build variety, there was a chance in early, mid, and late game. But now there is one build for zerg to rule them all. Protoss has only a single coin flip build to counter, and terran has variety but is hugely unpopular outside of korea. Now, I agree with Idra and InControl is that the community can play a big role in fixing this, and I think it can be fixed in the same way that Brood War was fixed, maps! Both the community and professionals should make a more active effort to create more interesting maps where more builds are viable, where race chances are equal, not somewhat equal, but purely equal. Maps that can bring interesting games in early, mid, and late game. I will start watching SC2 much more again if the game diversity returns (I think the expansion can help fix some of the unit issues, but the maps also need more diversity and we all know Blizzard is not great at creating maps). | ||
601 Posts
If i was the host and some kid came into my show, raging, shouting, always talking over others and cutting them off, i would have thrown him out of the call instantly. Thats all destiny did. Rage, shout and cut off the others. Destiny is incapable of having a serious discussion, his raging and shouting arent even the main issues. Even after idra agreed with destiny that blizzard is doing a terrible job (that was idra´s stance since forever) destiny didnt stop herping about the same thing the whole time. The discussion had no progress to it because destiny just didnt wanna listen to the other guys arguments at all. In his eyes, he is right and they are wrong, thus he didnt listen to them and kept on interrupting them. To make it even worse, destiny pulled the "im right and you are wrong, i plug in the last word and then ragequit, leaving you with no way to respond" card. That card has "i am 10 years old" written all over it, and destiny pulled it. Funny how painuser really was trying to make a point that they wouldnt reach the same viewer numbers as back in the beta. He seriously thought for a second that the viewer numbers were greater during the beta. Good thing wheat told him whats up on that one. | ||
Germany220 Posts
On October 24 2012 23:21 monkybone wrote: I love djWheat, Idra, Incontrol and Destiny, and I found their little conversation nothing but entertaining. How worked up some nerds get is beyond me. It's absolutely pathetic to watch all the hate in this thread. All the people talking DIRECTLY to incontrol, insulting him, is disgusting. And he's defending himself against a pack of retarded wolves (no idea why he wants to do this). I am starting to lose my faith in this community, we are supposed to be mature, but this thread is living evidence of how god damn retarded some people react to a little emotional debate on the internet. I'm really ashamed. And don't get me started on reddit. well maybe it was kind of insulting and sometimes heated discussions like this one can offend ppl wich are not even paticipating at it. so many haters here can´t handle some kind of mature ppl bashing each other! Both sides had some valid arguments it´s kind of sad that neither of the sides could respect that. Somthing is for sure insultig Incontroll isn´t correct at all! | ||
United Kingdom261 Posts
On October 24 2012 23:21 monkybone wrote: I love djWheat, Idra, Incontrol and Destiny, and I found their little conversation nothing but entertaining. How worked up some nerds get is beyond me. It's absolutely pathetic to watch all the hate in this thread. All the people talking DIRECTLY to incontrol, insulting him, is disgusting. And he's defending himself against a pack of retarded wolves (no idea why he wants to do this). I am starting to lose my faith in this community, we are supposed to be mature, but this thread is living evidence of how god damn retarded some people react to a little emotional debate on the internet. I'm really ashamed. And don't get me started on reddit. Thank you!! Someone who apparently has more than 4 brain cells, quite depressing to keep reading the same retarded, doom prophecies which now run hand in hand with over-sensitive cry babies calling for the head of anyone who dares show a sibilance of personality >< | ||
Germany90 Posts
Now all my hope rests on the new state of the game... | ||
United Kingdom1153 Posts
![]() Anyways nice job Incontrol / Idra / DJWheat / painuser, although don't always agree then can express their points without sounding annoying and avilo/destiny-like. | ||
Germany605 Posts
why now people? | ||
United States499 Posts
Destiny is correct, to a point. The onus is in fact on Blizzard to improve their game. Chat channels, a better way for UMS maps to be played by casuals, unranked 1v1, whatever. The problem is that Blizzard not only knows that they need to fix all those things, they know that we know that they know they need to fix all those things. And they still don't do it. No amount of #saveHotS twitter bombs or whiny reddit threads are going to make blizzard do anything. This is where iNcontoL, IdrA, and DJWheat come in. They know that this is the case. They also know that there are things they can do that have the potential to increase or at least hold steady the amount of people participating in SC2 as an eSport. So they do them. They aren't worried about what Blizzard is or is not doing. They know that it's pathetic for there to be "lag screens at Blizzcon", but they can't make those lag screens not happen. So they focus on other things, things that they can improve and change. And that is the real difference between what Destiny was saying and what ITG was saying. On another note, I think DJWheat's "explosion" after Destiny hung up was not only warranted, but completely the response I was expecting from him. Because let's be honest, it was a "pussy-ass cop-out" on Destiny's part. The entire argument devolved into something that was deliciously devoid of fluff, which is why I watch DJWheat's shows in the first place. | ||
Germany227 Posts
LOL. Im loving the side story about pencils. Anyways I think Destiny was right in his argument but should have just stayed calm and keep cool, this way he took his own credibility away a little. Thumbs up for painuser he seems like a reasonable guy. Wheat, Incontrol and Idra just act like highschool clique guys, totally embarassing for their age to gang up on one guy like that. If you guys had a serious, calm discussion on the points destiny brought up, i would be interested to watch it, but I dont want to watch such a yellfest again. | ||
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Iceland54 Posts
On October 24 2012 14:47 iNcontroL wrote: I didn't insult destiny the entire time. So tired of people being able to just post lies on forums. Yeah eyah you get ignored and nobody replies but fuck you. I was insulting during my rant which was hammed to all fuck up. He then did the same thing during all of his rants where he injected personal insults yet I get all the credit? ALSO what the FUCK. ONLY on the internet would a fucking high five be anything other than a stupid fucking joke. I DON'T ACTUALLY HIGH FIVE GUYS. I Haven't since highschool when I played football. STOP BEING SO NECK BEARDY I hope you realise you are a neck beard oO | ||
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Germany182 Posts
On October 24 2012 23:36 themoo_ wrote: I hope you realise you are a neck beard oO cant believe people hate on idra and incontrol after the show. they were clearly the ones with the better arguments and tried to dicuss the topic. destiny just shouted his opinion over and over again and didnt even try to start a real conversation. for gods sake, pls watch the show and dont post such dumb lies over and over again, its really annoying | ||
Netherlands8351 Posts
On October 24 2012 23:21 monkybone wrote: I love djWheat, Idra, Incontrol and Destiny, and I found their little conversation nothing but entertaining. How worked up some nerds get is beyond me. It's absolutely pathetic to watch all the hate in this thread. All the people talking DIRECTLY to incontrol, insulting him, is disgusting. And he's defending himself against a pack of retarded wolves (no idea why he wants to do this). I am starting to lose my faith in this community, we are supposed to be mature, but this thread is living evidence of how god damn retarded some people react to a little emotional debate on the internet. I'm really ashamed. And don't get me started on reddit. How can a community be mature if what it watches is far from it ? | ||
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