>: (
This whole show is embarrassing now. I think they tried to come out somewhat funny, but it ended badly. Wheat and incontroll, tune it down and let smarter people like Painuser talk for once.
Incontroll was somewhat funny in SoTG, but I think here he was just disrespectful. Wont be following him anymore
And whenever a heated discussion is going on, Wheat should trying to cut in and give everybody time to talk. Everybody just tried to talk louder and that way to get the floor.
I still love this show and everyone on it, but this was horrible. While both sides make valid points, they don't need to scream like middle schoolers over each other. If there would've been some level of organization, it could've been a great discussion. Either way, people are getting a little overly offended and picking sides when in reality both sides make good points and idiotic points and nobody, like in politics, is 100% right 100% of the time.
On October 24 2012 22:06 CmdrDashy wrote: This may seem harsh but Wheat, Incontrol and (not as much) Idra come across as massive cunts in this. Why take the fucking piss? Why? It does nothing for your arguement here, if anything I am going to take you less seriously with your stupid comedy/raised voices.
And yet I find myself asking if you personally even deserve an opinion on this..
On October 24 2012 21:36 xzidez wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 21:23 Fueled wrote: i aggree, however LoL and SC2 audience aren't that much different like in american idol and Breaking Bad case...
Starcraft is a much more complex game and is hard to follow if you have no idea what is going on. You don't need to be top 8 GM to understand the game from a spectators viewpoint, but you need to understand the game to know whats going on. LoL is a lot more straight forward and anyone can follow it with little game knowledge. Do you see any room for improvement in SC2 client that could appeal more to the casual player? Yep So what are we going to do about it? Nothing, as IdrA said, or keep trying to pressure Blizzard? To change the actual game, no, we cannot do anything about it. But, the players/casters can change the way the game is presented to the spectators. The spectators can change it by starting community events like Barcrafts, clans, etc... Actually.. Both Sc2 and LoL were televised here (yes Im from sweden).. And the day after at work they had no idea what LoL was all about while they understood the basic concepts about SC2.. I would actually argue that LoL is harder to understand for a viewer than Sc2... The reason LoL is getting more viewers is simple because they have more players playing it.. I play Dota 2 pretty often and even I have problems "getting" lol.. That shit has way to bright/comical graphics to make any sense... Now if I imagine if I wouldn't be familiar with the conept (and having played it)... All I would see would be a giant clusterfuck.
SC2 is WAY simpler to observe on a basic level.
i dont know how you can even argue that it was idra's and incontrol's fault here. they said several times that destiny is right about blizzard being not good enough etc. destiny just doesnt follow their conversation, he starts screaming like there is no end and doesnt answer to THEIR points at all. idra somewhat impressed me that he was calm for so long and did really intelligent statements there (like destiny's post just made it worse etc, and i am no real idrafan at all, but now i think hes pretty smart^^)
and now all calm down and wait for hots, it seems blizzard tries to listen more, maybe it will help
On October 24 2012 21:36 xzidez wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 21:23 Fueled wrote: i aggree, however LoL and SC2 audience aren't that much different like in american idol and Breaking Bad case...
Starcraft is a much more complex game and is hard to follow if you have no idea what is going on. You don't need to be top 8 GM to understand the game from a spectators viewpoint, but you need to understand the game to know whats going on. LoL is a lot more straight forward and anyone can follow it with little game knowledge. Do you see any room for improvement in SC2 client that could appeal more to the casual player? Yep So what are we going to do about it? Nothing, as IdrA said, or keep trying to pressure Blizzard? To change the actual game, no, we cannot do anything about it. But, the players/casters can change the way the game is presented to the spectators. The spectators can change it by starting community events like Barcrafts, clans, etc... Actually.. Both Sc2 and LoL were televised here (yes Im from sweden).. And the day after at work they had no idea what LoL was all about while they understood the basic concepts about SC2.. I would actually argue that LoL is harder to understand for a viewer than Sc2... The reason LoL is getting more viewers is simple because they have more players playing it..
Well Geoff is getting a raise and he knows that StarCraft II is objectively the better game so everything is good. We don't need more, casual, players, screw that.
One of the weirdest things in the episode was Incontrol not thinking the guys who pirate the games matter. Maybe I misunderstood his point, but that was what I gathered at least.
Of course they don't matter in the period where they're playing the pirated version of the game, but how can he not see the chain of events that happened to so many who started out by playing a pirated version of bw or wc3?
I can't speak for anyone else, but I will never watch another one of Djwheats, Idras, or Incontrol's streams again, or any stream in which they participate in casting / hosting.
Their behavior tonight was down right disgraceful, and they showed zero class. It was some of the most pathetic bullying and gang-shaming I have ever seen.
I can't believe I even used to be a fan of these guys. Get the fuck out of your god-bubble.
If I was trying to run a business meeting I wouldn't have Destiny in there. He'd be running coffee for us or taking phone calls in a low cut skirt. I don't think your analogy holds up.
Oh, and this comment by Incontrol? Are you fucking serious?
Thank god Painuser was there to maintain some sanity, but oh wait, you guys shit on him too.
So cringe-worthy, Wheat fucked up horribly.
Destiny, love you dude, but wtf, so much yelling and I think a part of you knows you're wrong in some aspects of your argument but you've gone too far with it to retract parts of it.
idra made a good point at 1:36 but I think it's a bit rich of him to talk about negativity when any up and coming player in NA who beats him on ladder he tells them they're trash etc.
Only person who came out of that good was painuser.
A pretty good show, because it shows you that perhaps SC2's dwindling popularity is actually a natural thing, a comeuppance of sorts. The community does not deserve to have a prosperous scene when these are some of the figureheads in the community. I understand, they got sponsors to satisfy as long as they can before the gig is up and they have to either get a job or switch to another game.
Why would anyone want to support any of these people (bar Painuser) when they tell you to follow them on Twitter, FB or watch any of their games, or buy any product they are sponsoring? I understand ironically "lol dey be trollin mon!" but why should i spend a few hours every weekend or so to follow some tournament where people like these are in them?
At the end of the day, how much can you really expect from a bunch of guys who play videogames all day? I mean sure they call it the "pro" scene, but as we have seen with players and teams very little is actually professionalism here.
Soda drink and hardware manufacturers gotta sell their products somehow
On October 24 2012 23:00 ch33psh33p wrote: I can't speak for anyone else, but I will never watch another one of Djwheats, Idras, or Incontrol's streams again, or any stream in which they participate in casting / hosting.
Drama Llama much?
User was warned for this post
Listening to this episode now, I just want to say I am disappointed in most of the hosts.
They don't seem to realize the reason Destiny's post has such a big impact is because it is in tune with what majority of the community has been feeling and frustrated for awhile. Maybe the hosts lived inside their bubbles that they don't know the front line is like.
I can't believe I had to search through 40 pages to not even find the MP3 for the show ;_; at least MIKster started a one more game mp3 archive thread so I can grab them there... but seriously folks, calm your butts. People disagree sometimes. Life goes on.
Oh nevermind, mp3 isn't up in his thread either... Guess I gotta wait
On October 24 2012 23:00 ch33psh33p wrote:I can't speak for anyone else, but I will never watch another one of Djwheats, Idras, or Incontrol's streams again, or any stream in which they participate in casting / hosting. Their behavior tonight was down right disgraceful, and they showed zero class. It was some of the most pathetic bullying and gang-shaming I have ever seen. I can't believe I even used to be a fan of these guys. Get the fuck out of your god-bubble. http://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/11zmh2/who_else_was_disgusted_when_you_saw_incontrol_and/c6qyah6Show nested quote +If I was trying to run a business meeting I wouldn't have Destiny in there. He'd be running coffee for us or taking phone calls in a low cut skirt. I don't think your analogy holds up. Oh, and this comment by Incontrol? Are you fucking serious? Thank god Painuser was there to maintain some sanity, but oh wait, you guys shit on him too.
Real classy incontrol. Wonder if people are gonna call his sponsers, and show them what that they are throwing money into.
True. It was so clear that painuser was trying so hard to keep it civil. But the others turned him down and kept the discussion in the gutter.
On October 24 2012 23:04 Vertigro wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 23:00 ch33psh33p wrote: I can't speak for anyone else, but I will never watch another one of Djwheats, Idras, or Incontrol's streams again, or any stream in which they participate in casting / hosting. Drama Llama much?
exactly! I´m sure Destiny can handle this! They are kind of grown up ppl!
LOL Yep, all is fine; InControl is getting a raise!
Jokes aside, this show was pretty terrible. It was my first time watching Inside the Game, I have watched some SotG before (I don't like that show too much but it can be entertaining now and then) and this was pretty much the same thing but with more screaming. I think that djWheat needs to be more of a moderator and less aggressive in his argumentation for this show to be good.
Regarding the main topic of discussion, I don't think SC2 is dying. It's probably not going to be the largest e-sport out there, but on the other hand there is no need to call it a quits just because you are not the largest. Just as in regular sports, there are a lot of different sports out there and they do, somehow, manage to live side-by-side; with both casual players/athletes and pros..
Reporting this link to the mp3 for those interested.
On October 24 2012 23:12 ShotgunMike wrote:LOL Yep, all is fine; InControl is getting a raise! Jokes aside, this show was pretty terrible. It was my first time watching Inside the Game, I have watched some SotG before (I don't like that show too much but it can be entertaining now and then) and this was pretty much the same thing but with more screaming. I think that djWheat needs to be more of a moderator and less aggressive in his argumentation for this show to be good. Regarding the main topic of discussion, I don't think SC2 is dying. It's probably not going to be the largest e-sport out there, but on the other hand there is no need to call it a quits just because you are not the largest. Just as in regular sports, there are a lot of different sports out there and they do, somehow, manage to live side-by-side; with both casual players/athletes and pros..
Exactly. And while someone can make the counterpoint of "Well, there's a lot of crossover between esports titles!", there's also a lot of crossover in sports. I don't know a lot of sports fans who only watch football, or only watch basketball. Lots of people watch lots of different sports, and companies sponsor multiple sports leagues, too.
I do think we won't be the biggest, but we don't need to be.
I think destiny is just stirring up the largest shitstorm he can so he can get more viewers, since nobody seems to want to watch him be bad at LoL...
On October 24 2012 23:13 Doodsmack wrote:Reporting this link to the mp3 for those interested.
You guys are, weirdly enough, making a bit the same mistake that was made on the show last night and just blowing things way, way out of proportions, there wasn't really that much irrational discussion and both sides had valid points. Most of all it is weird to see djWheat getting all the shit when his worst moment was just a response to what Destiny did wich was just petty. Going out like that has no justification, insult them all you want, but be a man to take the response.
Despite that, it seems that the good arguments that came out of it are just being ignored. djWheat made a dam good point with his comparison between breaking bad and american idol, one thing that needs to be well defined is that having allot of number doesn't translate into having better content, the same analogy can be done with the music industry, Justin Bieber does not produce better content the Radiohead or Porcupine Tree, so before you can evaluate this whole situation you need to define well what success means, because if you are going only on numbers, you are giving everyone opinion the same weight, being a 13 old kid who only thinks about hello kitty or a 30 years experienced musician, and that just translates wrong. Following that, it also really bothers me that LoL seems to be considered the best thing ever out there and everyone refuses to discuss what the games actually are and they just look at the numbers, LoL itself is not a role model for e-sports and for a competitive scene, it is mostly the new shiny thing on the block that everyone seems to want to play for shits and giggles for a couple of hours and it needs to have allot more time of continuous success and actually have a big tournament filled with cheating or match fixing drama or things not blowing up before we can really evaluate what it is. It has a lot of potential, but things are just starting
On October 24 2012 23:04 Vertigro wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 23:00 ch33psh33p wrote: I can't speak for anyone else, but I will never watch another one of Djwheats, Idras, or Incontrol's streams again, or any stream in which they participate in casting / hosting. Drama Llama much?
Nice job providing a rational argument.
When will you realize, they're disrespecting you just the same.
Attacking other users won't accomplish anything. But if it floats your boat, keep on doing it. Maybe it'll keep the scene alive.