@Steven_Bonnell I will never compose myself in such a way again on any public show. I'm sorry for those that support me that thought I acted like a child
Even Destiny thinks that you are pathetic if you support his appearance. I guess that does not stop a lot of his fans :D
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On October 24 2012 21:17 [NSL]BansheeHero wrote:@Steven_Bonnell Show nested quote + I will never compose myself in such a way again on any public show. I'm sorry for those that support me that thought I acted like a child
Even Destiny thinks that you are pathetic if you support his appearance. I guess that does not stop a lot of his fans :D
At least he's man enough to admit it . Don't expect the same thing from ClownControl, though.
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i aggree, however LoL and SC2 audience aren't that much different like in american idol and Breaking Bad case...
Starcraft is a much more complex game and is hard to follow if you have no idea what is going on. You don't need to be top 8 GM to understand the game from a spectators viewpoint, but you need to understand the game to know whats going on.
LoL is a lot more straight forward and anyone can follow it with little game knowledge.
Do you see any room for improvement in SC2 client that could appeal more to the casual player? Yep
So what are we going to do about it? Nothing, as IdrA said, or keep trying to pressure Blizzard? To change the actual game, no, we cannot do anything about it. But, the players/casters can change the way the game is presented to the spectators. The spectators can change it by starting community events like Barcrafts, clans, etc...
Dear Mr. djWEAT, I watched your show last night (Inside the game) and I have to say I was quite disappointing. First of all if you are going to have a guest like Destiny on the show you AS A HOST should try to tone the discussion down and on a level that doesn't involve you or your guests screaming at each other. Second is what the fuck dude ? You saw the 2 EG guys high fiveing each other and still yell at Destiny for ragequtting on the show? Who is really the kid?
Anyways props to Painuser the only grown up on your show and congrats to you wheat on making another Avilo drama.
On October 24 2012 21:23 Fueled wrote:Show nested quote + i aggree, however LoL and SC2 audience aren't that much different like in american idol and Breaking Bad case...
Starcraft is a much more complex game and is hard to follow if you have no idea what is going on. You don't need to be top 8 GM to understand the game from a spectators viewpoint, but you need to understand the game to know whats going on. LoL is a lot more straight forward and anyone can follow it with little game knowledge. Show nested quote +Do you see any room for improvement in SC2 client that could appeal more to the casual player? Yep Show nested quote +So what are we going to do about it? Nothing, as IdrA said, or keep trying to pressure Blizzard? To change the actual game, no, we cannot do anything about it. But, the players/casters can change the way the game is presented to the spectators. The spectators can change it by starting community events like Barcrafts, clans, etc...
While i do agree SC2 is a harder game to master, LoL isnt easy to follow either, i had never played a MOBA before and when i saw LoL first the first time i had no idea what was going on. Its not even fun to watch without game knowledge.
On October 24 2012 21:28 themoo_ wrote: Dear Mr. djWEAT, I watched your show last night (Inside the game) and I have to say I was quite disappointing. First of all if you are going to have a guest like Destiny on the show you AS A HOST should try to tone the discussion down and on a level that doesn't involve you or your guests screaming at each other. Second is what the fuck dude ? You saw the 2 EG guys high fiveing each other and still yell at Destiny for ragequtting on the show? Who is really the kid?
Anyways props to Painuser the only grown up on your show and congrats to you wheat on making another Avilo drama.
Last night was the first time I have watched a show hosted by DjWheat and needless to say I was v. disappointed. Your conduct quite frankly was far worse than Destiny, you bought him on the show as a guest to portray his viewpoints only to circlejerk with the EGidrA/incontrol.
As a host you made little to no attempts to have an organised conversation, the only person who had valid points was PainUser which you did not give him space to talk and when Destiny left you got up and screamed like a retarded kid trying to look gangster. It was so embarrassing I had to mute the stream for that 30 seconds. Really really shit to put it the least.
And PainUser is right, our scene is going to die if Blizzard doesn't intervene or we do something to make Blizzard intervene.
On October 24 2012 21:23 Fueled wrote:Show nested quote + i aggree, however LoL and SC2 audience aren't that much different like in american idol and Breaking Bad case...
Starcraft is a much more complex game and is hard to follow if you have no idea what is going on. You don't need to be top 8 GM to understand the game from a spectators viewpoint, but you need to understand the game to know whats going on. LoL is a lot more straight forward and anyone can follow it with little game knowledge.
I dare you to do research on that part. Take 100 regular people from the street and let them watch a LoL game and SC2 game. I bet you what ever you want most of them (if they watch any sport in the world) will understand SC2 better then LoL.
On October 24 2012 21:23 Fueled wrote:Show nested quote + i aggree, however LoL and SC2 audience aren't that much different like in american idol and Breaking Bad case...
Starcraft is a much more complex game and is hard to follow if you have no idea what is going on. You don't need to be top 8 GM to understand the game from a spectators viewpoint, but you need to understand the game to know whats going on. LoL is a lot more straight forward and anyone can follow it with little game knowledge. Show nested quote +Do you see any room for improvement in SC2 client that could appeal more to the casual player? Yep Show nested quote +So what are we going to do about it? Nothing, as IdrA said, or keep trying to pressure Blizzard? To change the actual game, no, we cannot do anything about it. But, the players/casters can change the way the game is presented to the spectators. The spectators can change it by starting community events like Barcrafts, clans, etc...
Actually.. Both Sc2 and LoL were televised here (yes Im from sweden).. And the day after at work they had no idea what LoL was all about while they understood the basic concepts about SC2..
I would actually argue that LoL is harder to understand for a viewer than Sc2...
The reason LoL is getting more viewers is simple because they have more players playing it..
Disgusting display from everyone bar PainUser. Especially djWheat, like what the fuck man? What'd you expect from Destiny.. you knew his pretty vocal about his shit AND 3 of you were basically ganging on him and making him look like some massive idiot instead of just having a MATURE discussion like people your age should be fucking having. I'm a huge Destiny fan but I'll admit I'm pretty disappointed in the way he handled himself; but at least he apologized..
How old is wheat ? I know he has to side with idra/inc because they share the very same sponsors but still, that was beyond pathetic.
On October 24 2012 21:42 Lukeeze[zR] wrote: How old is wheat ? I know he has to side with idra/inc because they share the very same sponsors but still, that was beyond pathetic.
From his behaviour I'd hazard a guess somewhere between 13-15.
I had hard time figuring out whether djwheat was the host or Painuser was the host. It was just....embarassing...
On October 24 2012 21:42 Lukeeze[zR] wrote: How old is wheat ? I know he has to side with idra/inc because they share the very same sponsors but still, that was beyond pathetic.
He is around 35
This may seem harsh but Wheat, Incontrol and (not as much) Idra come across as massive cunts in this. Why take the fucking piss? Why? It does nothing for your arguement here, if anything I am going to take you less seriously with your stupid comedy/raised voices. Healthy debate is fine and healthy debate entails concise well worded opinions. I understand that people may trying to be funny but when the game you make a living off is in such a tumultuous period shouldn't cool heads and community figures prevail? I had never really though as the Starcraft community as that immature, sure kinda immature and generally impartially but fuck compared to the other gaming communities we kinda almost had it sorted. It seemed to be "We can try and change/improve otherwise the game will literally die" v "We can describe reasons why numbers are lower and therefore improvements or seeking improvements is not worth it, blizzard despite being unreliable will do it" I think its more pragmatic to push for those improvements sooner rather than later.
Being impartial is cool.
Ad Hominem is not cool.
You can tell a bad debate when no one pauses for thought. Instantly disagreeing, rehashing the same arguements with out adding anything and then argueing about what they are argueing about.
Uhg... At least we are passionate.
The post above is a real post. A genuine opinion communicated well.
The rest of the whiners and dramaqueens need to fuck right off.
I think i'm not playing sc2 for year - but still i watch Pro-gamer and tournament streams. So i really don't care about how many players in there - for me "casual sc2 watcher-lover-fan" online of 200 pro-gamers is better than 100k of common players\casuals(like me). And i know a lot of people, who playing only dota\lol and watch sc2 tournaments, people who never played single game in sc2 multiplayer. For me sc2 is something more than game - it's like show, or something like that. I think that I will not buy HoTS (or even play it if they make it f2p) - but i'm 99% sure, that i'll watch sc2 streams and tournamets.
On October 24 2012 21:02 5ukkub wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 20:57 Kambing wrote:On October 24 2012 20:48 5ukkub wrote: Well it's allways possible to be better! If LoL is able to have so many viewers, why SC2 can't?!?
Because the core experience of Starcraft 2 is not as casual-friendly as LoL. And in this age of the internet where there are a variety of free indie games to play out on the web, the perfect custom map system will draw neither developers nor casuals to the game. So you think it needs to stay this way? Maybe something could be done to make SC2 more casual-friendly? Because sitting and doing nothing is THE worst approach.
The obvious thing that everyone agrees on is F2P puts butts in seats, but as ItG mentioned, that's in Blizzard's court to make happen. Not to mention that moving the game to a F2P model is a tremendous, risky undertaking that is not something that can happen overnight.
I actually think sitting and doing nothing is not the worst approach. At some point, the Starcraft community needs to accept and embrace what it has and what it can work with (which is ItG's argument). The worst approach is sitting down and raising shit storms over things they don't understand or can't change (software development) which also deters people from the entering the scene.
On October 24 2012 21:16 bobbob wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2012 20:57 Kambing wrote:On October 24 2012 20:48 5ukkub wrote: Well it's allways possible to be better! If LoL is able to have so many viewers, why SC2 can't?!?
Because the core experience of Starcraft 2 is not as casual-friendly as LoL. And in this age of the internet where there are a variety of free indie games to play out on the web, the perfect custom map system will draw neither developers nor casuals to the game. Making a map in WC3 was usually a much simpler way to create certain games and publish them. As a person who played DotA and other WC3 maps, I miss games such as Battleships (Was extremely popular at some point, a few clans formed around the game), Space Command (doubt many people knew of/enjoyed this, but I liked it), NOTD: AM (the community died out on this Rougelike map as WC3 grew less popular, the NOTD on SC2 by comparison is trash IMO), Warlocks (the origin of Bloodline Champions) Even short distractions like Uther Party, Hungry Hungry Felhounds, Predator, are no longer around. I'll bet that almost no one knew that someone tried a remake of Warlocks in SC2. I personally didn't like it because acceleration worsened the game, if anything. I've only played one custom game in SC2 that I thought was legitimately good, and that was The Star Strikers, which is a bit like soccer/football. Most good mapmakers in SC2 either work on fun maps that never see the light of day because of the arcade system. In SC2 you have to WORK to get players to test your map, and then even if those players thought it was the best map they have ever played, they can only try and host it with their 2 other friends. The system is a complete turn-off for mapmakers and people who want to play custom games. A lot of simple game ideas start in a map, and then can later get transformed into a full game. Look at Bloodline Champions (before it went to crap), or DotA
Yes. I think the development story for SC2 maps is severely lacking. SC2 maps could be a great place to prototype new ideas, but there are much better supported platforms to do this that have the potential to reach a large audience.
Custom maps made sense back when we (the gaming community as a whole) didn't have any better options out there. However, now we do, so as is, custom maps are not a good answer. And the list of things I think need to change to get it there are pretty ridiculous:
(1) Re-branding/advertising of the SC2 map editor as a Game Marker-esque system to rapidly prototype games. (2) Simplified map editor with better documentation, in-depth tutorials targeted at a non-programmer. (3) Incentivizing developers to use the map editor via tons of exposure (not just in client, but community spotlights for customs, web content such as reviews, "picks of the week" revolving around customs). (4) Incentivizing developers to use the map editor via money. Pay-for map models don't make sense for all but the highest-end of games. But an in-game system to tip map makers is more appropriate given the scale. (5) Incentivizing players to play custom games by making the game f2p, and making customs the highlight of the UI rather than competitive Starcraft.
That's just a ton of shit to do and it's a total 180 on what Starcraft means for most people, i.e., e-sports. I think Blizzard is better off adopting the Valve standpoint of "we'll be a core competitive game, damned the people that come" and catering to the people that are already here with good, core competitive features such as the mass obs client.
Just watched the show, pretty dissapointed with Incontrols input, the high-five was super immature and not needed as they agreed with most of what Destiny said in his original post.
Destiny I don't think is ever a person who has really shown that he is or should be the flag bearer for serious problems within the community, but with this debate seemed to me really about him and other people getting frustrated with Blizzard's complacenty in attracting other players. I don't think the game is dying or is going to die, but it has serious problems that can and already have been fixed by other games and indeed by Blizzards pervious games. But I do think that what the pro scene and the community at large has to refocus there attention from balance in the upcoming expansion becasue that can (and has been) patched in... and instead focus on the audince the game/exansion will attract and how that audience experiances the game, an audience that has no interest in 1v1's, ladders, tournaments etc etc becasue if you can get 10 people like that, it will only take one of them to watch a stream, video of pro play and be like "hey this is pretty awesome and the people talking are funny" and tell his friends who are just playing 2v2v2v2v2's... that's how you grow and having that disscussion and bringing it to the front is what people should really be doing..
..improving tournaments helps but really having a more unified voice to tell Blizzard what the game needs can only help.
but thats just my oppinion.
Wow that show was miserable.
I usually like Incontrol's way of expressing himself but this time he was just acting like a douche... I kinda giggled when Idra came up with the "WE are going to the make the game better" by leaving games early and openly insulting opponents ? No need to say that the high five was a miserable display too.
Credit to Painuser though, always loved the guy <3