Patch 1.3.3 PTR - Page 79
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Massive units are not affected by concussive shells. If you think they are, you are wrong. It's SPORE crawlers that are being changed, not SPINE. Please read carefully. | ||
United States1198 Posts
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United States664 Posts
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152 Posts
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United States456 Posts
On April 26 2011 23:23 HwangjaeTerran wrote: Maybe, if I wasn't so scared of those goddamn zealots ^^ Don't skimp on mech -- Go pure mech and replace marines with hellions. Zealots will disintegrate. Hellions are pretty powerful when you have 10+ | ||
United States695 Posts
I'd like to see the change be to armored targets only. Hoping salvage changes to 50% happy with rest. edit: changed any to every, obviously conc shells should be able to allow kiting of units, but not every single unit. | ||
France318 Posts
And please people try to think a bit before posting, some points does not make any sense, when they are not simply wrong (like the post i´ve seen with the gates units coming 5s faster, "and even more when chronoboosted", simply false) ... | ||
United States456 Posts
On April 26 2011 23:29 lariat wrote: They also took out any form of flyer stacking in the game in this PTR patch. Mutalisk harassment, how I will miss thee. Magic boxing, how I will miss thee. Less micro in the game now ![]() Is the PTR live and this verified? Before work I saw the changelog but changes were not live. They specifically fixed the viking flower, but a work around was found -- I assume the stacking only affects the new method? Has Thor Splash became obsolete? | ||
Canada393 Posts
On April 26 2011 23:21 TimeSpiral wrote: No. Terran, in TvZ did not get buffed here. We got nerfed, again. Ghosts are OP against Protoss? No. Ghosts are required to fight on even grounds with Protoss. That is why EMP has a special shield-drain attribute, because of Protoss specifically. If you miss your EMPs, even by a little bit, the Protoss deathball will win the fight overwhelmingly. If Terran lands perfect EMPs they could trade supply, or possibly come out ahead and try to carve out a quick advantage. Ghosts were fine in TvP, even before the EMP nerf. The EMP nerf was basically for Zerg, lol. It seems like every Terran nerf is for Zerg! excuse me? did you just say terran needs EMP to stay on even grounds with protoss to TRADE supplies? if you think terran TRADES supplies after emp, then ill tell you that protoss gets ripped off liked crazy in that trade. when have you ever seen protoss units come out on top after emp? and you are complaining about about missing emp and "landing perfect emp" ? wow, just wow, cloak + aoe + instant dmg is not efficient enough yet for you? | ||
United States195 Posts
On April 26 2011 22:56 TimeSpiral wrote: The bunker is on the only defensive structure in the game that does not increase area DPS for cost. It's the only defensive structure that can be halted mid-construction by a minimum of a single worker unit. Its sole advantage was that it added a little durability to barracks units that are stationary, in the form of "armor (HP)." You're essentially paying for additional HP per unit in a given area plus get a slight range buff. If the bunker was destroyed, or mass repaired (this costs money), the salvage feature was negated. That was the primary benefit of a bunker. This is a silly, and stupid change. It is also the only defensive structure that can be repaired and the only one that can be placed anywhere with no other requirements. Its almost impossible to place a spine offensively(early game) without doing a hatch cancel or something expensive and the cannon requires a pylon which is even more investment and more time to stop the attack while the pylon warps in. The bunker is a strange thing and the ability to place it anywhere with no other requirements is its biggest advantage IMHO. On April 26 2011 22:56 TimeSpiral wrote: I'm on the fence about the Ghost. We'll have to see how that works out. Seems like it could be a buff, but where are our free spell casters (Sentry/HT)? + Show Spoiler [tongue and cheek] + Slightly kidding about this, but those two units are stupid cheap for their value. Zerg gets buffed? Cool. I don't mind that, especially since they are terrified of the necessary Infestor nerf and don't appear to be getting one any time soon. Ghost will be an even better counter to broodlords now. Also ghost drops will be stronger. Not sure how it will play out though like you said. The infestor is super strong against marines now and still not that great against deathballs. I think this is not the intended effect when they changed it. I love it versus marines now but I feel its a little OP and does not really help much more than it did before against the protoss deathball. I'd trade having no infestors in ZvT for something, anything, that helps against voidray/colossus. LOL | ||
United States1074 Posts
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Croatia679 Posts
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United States23 Posts
On April 26 2011 23:31 Ipp wrote: Is the PTR live and this verified? Before work I saw the changelog but changes were not live. They specifically fixed the viking flower, but a work around was found -- I assume the stacking only affects the new method? Has Thor Splash became obsolete? You are right and the poster you quoting is incorrect. The changes about flying units stacking is regarding that problem (or bug) you mentioned, it doesn't affect the muta micro nor the magic boxing (how in the world would it affect it anyways). | ||
United States1010 Posts
On April 26 2011 23:32 Logican wrote: excuse me? did you just say terran needs EMP to stay on even grounds with protoss to TRADE supplies? if you think terran TRADES supplies after emp, then ill tell you that protoss gets ripped off liked crazy in that trade. when have you ever seen protoss units come out on top after emp? and you are complaining about about missing emp and "landing perfect emp" ? wow, just wow, cloak + aoe + instant dmg is not efficient enough yet for you? I'm not going to get into the argument where each of us craft a specific scenario that proves/disproves the point. I will however clarify my point for you - I think you misunderstood it. Terran is required to land EMPs on several Protoss deathball compositions. Even one missed EMP and it is likely the Terran will lose the engagement in such a one-sided way that the game is over. It is possible for the EMP to end the game for the Protoss, but the more typical outcome is that it evens the playing field in the fight. I don't expect everyone to agree with that, but in my experience as a player and a spectator, that is how EMP is intended to work in TvP. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On April 26 2011 23:29 BaLoO- wrote: Good patch overall. Let´s go. And please do something for the PvZ in the next, at least one or 2 more range for corruptors would not broke the game, and would have a tiny impact against the stupid death ball (from a master protoss having offracing in zerg for the beginning of season 2). And please people try to think a bit before posting, some points does not make any sense, when they are not simply wrong (like the post i´ve seen with the gates units coming 5s faster, "and even more when chronoboosted", simply false) ... Im glad they are fixing PvP(but ZvP is obviously a glaring glaring imbalance in the game) It seems to me that they are either waiting to bust out a bunch of changes for HOTS or zerg really is a forsaken race.. | ||
Turkey2037 Posts
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Canada1324 Posts
They seem to be forgetting how stim research was nerfed last patch. | ||
United States354 Posts
On April 26 2011 23:12 TimeSpiral wrote: Roger, it's called formatting. Is it not apparent that the bold style is to create the feeling of headlines and sub-headlines? Deal with it. + Show Spoiler [zany theory] + Or is he actually saying bold text implies some level of authority over non-bold text? Lol. If this is so I should have not even replied at all. (2) Terran didn't get nerfed? Good luck explaining that one. The Ghost and the Raven are the most expensive spell-casters in the game. That remains unchanged. Moving some of the gas cost to minerals is a plus in early game (when Ghosts are not used) and may encourage a few early Ghost plays, so like I said, I'm going to let this one pan out. The bunker change is a nerf (no way to argue that), and the Archon buff is an indirect nerf to Terran bio armies (this is debatable). The amount of kiting and micro required to fight an a+clicked Protoss deathball is already silly, this is just going to make it much worse. This will probably encourage more Terrans to transition into Ghost Mech in lategame versus Protoss. Maybe this is a good thing. Only time (and Blizzard) will tell. you cant seriously think a-moving is all it takes.. if u try marine vs zealot on both sides ull get an idea of what its like from our POV.. CMON On April 26 2011 23:12 jacobmarlow wrote: Horrible changes to protoss. Now zerg has an additional 40 seconds to do whatever the f they want. We already have so many limited options in terms of tech this makes it a lot lot worse. Literally this means the end of any pressure protoss players can put on zerg, unless we try to chrono out units early with the reduced build times. i agree i fill our options are being limited severly. after kadarian amulit nerf noone makes HTs anymore this is just forcing us more 1 dementianal... ![]() | ||
Germany380 Posts
i'm wondering how the ~30s "nerf" would prevent two protoss opponents from 4gating each other :D afaik, they had PvP in mind - i see it affecting more or less the other MUs. | ||
Canada753 Posts
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United States1010 Posts
On April 26 2011 23:43 Juanald wrote: you cant seriously think a-moving is all it takes.. if u try marine vs zealot on both sides ull get an idea of what its like from our POV.. CMON i agree i fill our options are being limited severly. after kadarian amulit nerf noone makes HTs anymore this is just forcing us more 1 dementianal... ![]() It's not a hit to skill level, or a jab at Protoss players, at all, but most Protoss deathballs are a+click compositions. That's just how it works out usually. HTs are still 100% viable in both PvT and PvZ it just takes a little more planning now. | ||
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