On March 25 2011 00:52 CidO wrote: incontrol day9 (he has smurf accounts no one knows the id's of for obvious reasons) artosis
Day9 may be potentially high skill, but he doesn't get a lot of playing time, which is what you need to stay up with the game and current trends and builds.
TBH I think Day9 isn't as good a analytical caster as people give him credit for. I think he's a great play-by-play caster because he adds a lot of excitement to the games, but he seems behind in the "meta-game"? He probably doesn't play enough so his understanding of the game isn't as good as Artosis.
It's definitely Artosis. The only reason Artosis isn't in the GSL competing in every season is because of the fact that he and Tasteless were the only people available for English casting, forcing him to spend a great deal of his time commentating rather than playing. He really is a great player and, as we all know, understands the game far more than most.
On March 25 2011 00:54 bobq wrote: You know, I'm kind of surprised there hasn't been some grand crusade to discover what accounts Day9 plays on. It almost makes me think the internet is respecting his privacy in not wanting to share that info, which would be pretty awesome.
Also, it'd be pretty awesome if we started building stat sheets for casters: "Day9's got a solid 10 for Analytics, but his 6 Playing Skills can't compete with inControl's 9". We could use game knowledge, analysis, humor, playing skill...
Well the thing is, if day doesn't give people his char name, how will they ever find it? I'm sure some of the pro's know his smurf accounts, he has one for each race, but they also have their own and they know not to reveal someone else's smurf account..... I would assume many masters (gonna assume day9 is masters purely based off his BW background and how much time he spends thinking about the game) have played against him and been completely unaware.
Also, I think as much as we'd like to know his smurf accounts, we all love him far too much to expose him.
Artosis propably, but I guess Day9 would be best if he would play more 1v1 :>
Artosis Gretorp Day9 thousand others HD Husky
On March 25 2011 00:45 FOUTWENTYSIXTY wrote: Husky for sure. Husky is a diamond player?
i would say its close. either artosis or rotterdam.
On March 25 2011 00:58 GGPope wrote: It's definitely Artosis. The only reason Artosis isn't in the GSL competing in every season is because of the fact that he and Tasteless were the only people available for English casting, forcing him to spend a great deal of his time commentating rather than playing. He really is a great player and, as we all know, understands the game far more than most.
Yea he lost in the last qualification game for Code A last season. So I mean if he played full time he should be able to make it. Although qualification is a bit random.
On March 25 2011 01:00 SeizeTheDay wrote:Husky is a diamond player?
Husky might really be a grand master parading as diamond to make his casts more noob friendly. Who knows if he smurfs ;p
Gretorp,Sheth and Incontrol are sponsored players on pro gaming teams,u cant count them as commentators,i mean if anyone who ever casted a game gets to be called a "commentator" than its Idra for casting few gsl games and TLO for casting IEM finals.
Now for the real commentators id say its Day9,Artosis and Tasteless are all there,but since they dont play much i guess we cant know whos better.
Im going to have to agree with the masses and say Artosis. He's the closest anyone has gotten caster-wise in the GSL. I dont think anyone really knows how good Day9 is, so I cant count him. I would say incontrol....but I dont know, I just dont view him as a caster quite yet. Probably wont until the NASL because he's just starting out as a caster. Part of me thinks Artosis has better PvP than incontrol too =P
Calgary25963 Posts
On March 25 2011 00:43 decaf wrote: Chill is low masters I believe. I've plateaued at 3200 with random.
This thread is hard to answer because who is a commenatator? Is Destiny a commentator? Is Combat-Ex a commentator?
And what is skill? Are we talking about results or theoretical skill? Or theoretical potential?
Fuck it I'll just answer Artosis.
brothermacK <3 maybe day9/artosis/greptorp/incontrol should make a poll for this
Incontrol or BigT ... artosis is probably a close call too
Only one way to find out, do a casters tournament, I think it's been brought up before but how cool would it be to see some of those guys going at, Chill vs Day9 vs Artosis vs Husky vs Gretorp vs incontrol vs etc etc
artosis for now but i think if day 9 comes back to progaming he would be the best.(or at least I would want him to)