Much, much, much, much ado about nothing. Should Xeris' have chosen his words more carefully? Yes. Does it really matter? No.
[NASL] All about Avilo - Page 6
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United States5765 Posts
Much, much, much, much ado about nothing. Should Xeris' have chosen his words more carefully? Yes. Does it really matter? No. | ||
United States440 Posts
But yea, the end result is reasonable. | ||
United States540 Posts
On March 23 2011 03:53 avilo wrote: What the hell is your problem? What is with this random bashing, look at wtf is posted and going on. If you were in the same situation I would support you because it's absolute bullshit that they told me I am being removed from consideration and accusing me of cheating/hacking their polls. Like jesus christ, they say the poll doesn't matter, but then they go and tell me they are removing me from all consideration and that I am a hacker/cheater? You bitch about everything and like to pretend you had more than 43 votes and a "top level player", as if the people in NASL are trying to work against you. And yeah, the poll doesn't matter, but that didn't stop you from making a blog about it, or calling the people in NASL elitist, assholes, and everything else of the like. If I was in the same situation, I wouldn't try to make such a big deal of it and try to look like a victim. It's not that you hack or whatever, it's that you complain and are so negative towards NASL that this starts to happen. | ||
United States10796 Posts
On March 23 2011 03:54 dAPhREAk wrote: @xeris--anyone ever consider why Avilo stayed quiet while he received 25,000 votes? Since he only allegedly has 500 fans, it is a wonder why he would even think it was legitimate. Did he contact you to say that he thought he was being trolled? or was he willing to take advantage of the situation so that he can get into NASL? Very good question. Also Avilo, if you read the thread you will see they say they don't know who cheated the system, but when the frauds were out, you had only 43 left, so the reason you were picked was not the case anymore. Seems pretty cut and dry to me. | ||
United States243 Posts
On March 23 2011 03:58 I_Love_Bacon wrote: You know what would be nice? If every person who talks about tournaments acting in a "professional manner" had to conduct themselves in a professional manner on these forums or when dealing with the tournament admins. Much, much, much, much ado about nothing. Should Xeris' have chosen his words more carefully? Yes. Does it really matter? No. This. Also, inb4lock User was temp banned for this post. | ||
456 Posts
On March 23 2011 03:58 avilo wrote: It's obvious that they have to backtrack, because the mocking tone Xeris has shown me in emails/PMs is pretty disgusting, and he knew he accused me of hacking/cheating and that he had told me via email/PM that they were removing me from consideration because "I cheated" and they cannot on "good conscience" sacrifice the "legitimacy" of the tournament by letting me be on the backup list because their userpoll people said I cheated. So he made this thread b4 I made it myself essentially. as several people already pointed out, your also being removed from the standby list because they used that list in relation to how many votes you got. Turns out your votes are fake so your off the list because you aren't in even the top margin of voted in people. Keeping what I said in mind please kindly get off this martyr position you have about elitism and what not and realize that this is the internet. | ||
United States4100 Posts
On March 23 2011 03:54 dAPhREAk wrote: As one of the 43 people that voted for Avilo, I am sorely disappointed. I wanted to see him get owned in the first round when his bit-by-bit-prime rushes failed. please reconsider taking him off the waiting list. @xeris--anyone ever consider why Avilo stayed quiet while he received 25,000 votes? Since he only allegedly has 500 fans, it is a wonder why he would even think it was legitimate. Did he contact you to say that he thought he was being trolled? or was he willing to take advantage of the situation so that he can get into NASL? Why the hell do you think I ever thought a lot of the votes were legitamate? Everyone knows their polls were trolled/hacked, and whenever some random person on bnet msg'd me about it, I'd always jsut tell them that a couple thousand votes might be legit, but the rest of the poll got trolled by someone, and it's out of my control. Seriously, stop bashing me, I would want the NASL to have nothing but success like most people, but I doubt they will have as much as they want if they do stupid shit like this and have to backtrack over everything they do because they don't know wtf they are doing. | ||
United States1591 Posts
On March 23 2011 03:54 dAPhREAk wrote: As one of the 43 people that voted for Avilo, I am sorely disappointed. I wanted to see him get owned in the first round when his bit-by-bit-prime rushes failed. please reconsider taking him off the waiting list. @xeris--anyone ever consider why Avilo stayed quiet while he received 25,000 votes? Since he only allegedly has 500 fans, it is a wonder why he would even think it was legitimate. Did he contact you to say that he thought he was being trolled? or was he willing to take advantage of the situation so that he can get into NASL? I don't think that's a good line of thought to focus on at all. Nobody should be held accountable for the actions of others in a situation like that. Anything can happen on the internet. | ||
United States220 Posts
1) He is accused of doing and mocked 2) He didn't do 3) Bashed by community You guys are crazy. I wasn't a fan of avilo before this but now I think I will be. Going for it without a team and everyone bashing him constantly, good for him. | ||
United States4100 Posts
On March 23 2011 03:59 SiN] wrote: You bitch about everything and like to pretend you had more than 43 votes and a "top level player", as if the people in NASL are trying to work against you. And yeah, the poll doesn't matter, but that didn't stop you from making a blog about it, or calling the people in NASL elitist, assholes, and everything else of the like. If I was in the same situation, I wouldn't try to make such a big deal of it and try to look like a victim. It's not that you hack or whatever, it's that you complain and are so negative towards NASL that this starts to happen. Hey dude. I'm screwed if i do, and if i don't. If i don't speak up, then these guys just walk all over me and say i'm a cheater and barr me from their league. IF I do, then people are going to give me flak for defending myself, etc. | ||
Nauru12397 Posts
On March 23 2011 04:01 avilo wrote: Why the hell do you think I ever thought a lot of the votes were legitamate? Everyone knows their polls were trolled/hacked, and whenever some random person on bnet msg'd me about it, I'd always jsut tell them that a couple thousand votes might be legit, but the rest of the poll got trolled by someone, and it's out of my control. Seriously, stop bashing me, I would want the NASL to have nothing but success like most people, but I doubt they will have as much as they want if they do stupid shit like this and have to backtrack over everything they do because they don't know wtf they are doing. I would like to take back my vote. You only have 42 now. | ||
United Kingdom1973 Posts
On March 23 2011 03:58 Technique wrote: And players like incontrol can? :D I mean i'm sure he will get invited and every1 knows he has 0 achievements in sc2. Also 43 votes on avilo seems low to me, since i'm sure he already had more then that from people over at alone. Perhaps they should just do it fair all together, that basically means only invite Idra from NA and some of the top guys from EU and rest koreans. Then you have the real top 50. I honestly hope iNc isn't invited either; he hasn't shown himself to be top 50 in the world or close yet at SC2. That said, he's not really part of the discussion at hand. | ||
Norway847 Posts
On March 23 2011 03:43 Deadlyfish wrote: Am i missing something? Why are people being so disrespectful towards Avilo? I'm sure it was just a misunderstanding and everything, but even in this thread people are calling his stream crappy and laughing about how only 43 people actually voted for him. The guy didnt do anything wrong as far as i understand? I am just a little confused. I guess it's just people being idiots or whatever? If you read basically any post on him from this thread it should be pretty easy to see why people have a negative attitude towards him. I am honestly starting to think that he is just trolling. As regards to "accusing" him of hacking\rigging the vote them said. There was 1 sentence that implied that in the first PM, and it has been retracted. And its pretty apparent regardless of what he has or has not done to be slightly suspicious, I mean assume your house is robbed and you see a guys car outside with all of your stuff in it, is your first thought\reaction that someone took all your stuff and put it in that guys car to troll you? The only reason people do not believe it is avilo is because it is so obvious that nobody could ever be stupid enough to think that they would get away with it or whatever. But then again this is the internet so you never know. | ||
United States5765 Posts
On March 23 2011 04:01 avilo wrote: Seriously, stop bashing me, I would want the NASL to have nothing but success like most people, but I doubt they will have as much as they want if they do stupid shit like this and have to backtrack over everything they do because they don't know wtf they are doing. Jesus. So much sense of false outrage. Did they accuse you to the public of being a hacker, cheater, or shady individual? No, Xeris dealt with you through PM's in a manner that wasn't ideal, but hardly the insult you're making it out to be. Also, you want the NASL to be fail. Your repeated spiteful comments in this thread and others are 100x less professional than Xeris' comments to you. | ||
GreEny K
Germany7312 Posts
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Canada1293 Posts
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United States148 Posts
On March 23 2011 04:02 avilo wrote: Hey dude. I'm screwed if i do, and if i don't. If i don't speak up, then these guys just walk all over me and say i'm a cheater and barr me from their league. IF I do, then people are going to give me flak for defending myself, etc. I legitimately do not understand your thought process here. In reading the entire thread so far it was made clear by xeris multiple times that it could have just as easily have been someone else. I don't understand what you're not seeing there. | ||
United States161 Posts
On March 23 2011 03:56 avilo wrote: ...I don't give a shit if they don't let me in their mile high club or some shit... I doubt any of the applicants meet the prerequisites for that club. | ||
8748 Posts
Since there's no way to tell WHO actually did the votes, it's basically Avilo's word that he didn't versus uservoice's evidence that all his votes were rigged. I don't understand how anyone could think this is a good way to look at it at all. It's a fact that the votes were rigged. No one is disputing it. The number might be in dispute, but that's not important. It's not in dispute that at least about 18,000 votes were rigged. Is there any evidence that avilo is responsible for the rigged votes? Absolutely not. That's all you've got is motive. But then there are alternate explanations, like this whole "let's spell Athene on the front page" thing and haters of avilo who just want to screw with him by giving him fraudulent votes (he has gathered plenty of haters just because of his passionate posts on And you've got avilo saying he didn't do it. Now look up again at what I quoted at the start of this post. It doesn't make sense to say "it's avilo's word against uservoice's evidence that votes were rigged." That's all you can say is "We've determined that votes were rigged. We've got an accurate vote count now. We'll work from there. We were unable to obtain any leads or evidence that might point us toward the culprit so unfortunately we won't be pursuing it or taking any actions against anyone." In my opinion, Xeris/NASL should apologize to avilo and NASL absolutely should not penalize him in any way. | ||
15 Posts
On March 23 2011 03:54 RoboBob wrote: And then try to argue that you're not accusing him of cheating. Wishing doesn't make it so. You can't even argue that statement as a typo. Seriously, you folks need a PR guy. The league hasn't started yet, and you've already made a series of rookie PR mistakes. I gotta give you guys credit for the transparency, but stuff like this makes your organization look very unprofessional. Absolute truth. The NASL owe Avilo an apology. You straight up accused him of cheating with no proof. He has every right to feel hard done by, he never claimed to be a shoe-in for a spot in the top50. But to be turned down, called a cheater, AND removed from the standby list is a completely disgraceful thing to do to someone. I am not a friend or fan of Avilo, as a relative noob to the sc2 scene I have no idea who he is. But fair is fair and you are in a position which holds some sway with the community just by being a part of the NASL organization. By throwing out that accusation (and yes you did accuse him) you have branded him as a cheater and cry baby forever. He will never hear the end of this. Its extremely unprofessional and really does not bode well for the future of the NASL. edit: Tyler beat me to it. Perhaps his name will lend my point some weight. | ||
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