A few more plays come to mind after reading the OP. Sorry that I can't provide specific links. Perhaps someone with more time can find these and add them in the format requested.
1) In Leenock vs Clide game 3 on Shakuras (you already have it listed under Ultralisk Surprise), Leenock scouts about 8 blue-flame Hellions heading towards his base early on in the game but he has nothing to defend. He walls off the front of his base with evo chambers at the last minute to stop them getting in. It wasn't a huge "OMG" moment but I thought it was a fantastic example of thinking on-the-spot, and you don't get to see a Zerg wall very often.
2)Tester's defence against FreeSaga was fantastic, but there was also another game in GSL1 where he defended a ridiculous Marine SCV all-in in close positions on Delta Quadrant. He looked completely dead at one point but then somehow kept a few Stalkers alive and held it off. It was definitely just as sick as the two gate defence.
3) The ending of the epic Masterasia vs TTOne game, it's probably the game of the year so you should try to include it somehow.
Even though people are posting "entire matches" it's best for the effect when you just post 3-10 second clips of what's happening, then fastforward to the effects it has in the match. For example, fruitdealer vs hongun, the scene should start as the all-in is happening, show the beginning, fast forward to most of the buildings destroyed and him warping in more, then fastforwarding to him winning the match, etc.
Which GSL match was it where the Zerg (I think) faked an economic build by transferring a large number of his drones to his natural and then attacked with a huge amount of units? That game needs to be in the list.
The original Pimpest Plays vids had a really big hand in getting me interested in SC pro matches, I remember watching some of them while a complete noob and being awed at some of the stuff that I saw but at the same time confused for a lot of them because I had no idea what was happening (Medics blinding all the observers etc etc) and had to get them explained to me.
IMO one of the most important things to note when creating such a video is ease of understanding for non-sc2 players or casual players who understand basic understanding of the game but don't get all the intricacies. What this means to me is that a video such as this should really only focus on micro oriented things. Things like GuineaPig's probe pumping are great and all but its really a pimp play in the macro sense of the game, and its effect is delayed. This is a problem when you're trying to show something really cool to people who might not understand or even appreciate the macro part of the game especially when you really should only be dedicating less then half a minute of the whole video to it.
Now compare this to Foxer or MvP's marine spreading against banelings, watching a marine spread like theirs is like watching something magical happen, its micro based, it fits nicely into a 30s clip, and best of all its easy to understand for somebody who only has the most basic grasps of game mechanics. All somebody really needs to know is that banelings deal lots of damage to clumped up low health units, they don't even need to know about the extra damage to light units.
A video like this is really a highlight of the most exciting parts of watching SC2 pros play and while ingenious macro play (not macro games specifically, but the idea that what they're doing is pimp because of a macro advantage they get out of it) is fun to watch for people who understand the game, the type of people who these videos are meant for will not find them interesting at all.
Also note that while an entire game might be epic and exciting and back and forth, you're trying to highlight key moments of game play that somebody watching would be able to say, "what he did was really cool". You can't just say the whole leenock vs clide game belongs in pimpest play because the vast majority of that game was them running around avoiding each other. It was sure fun to watch but remember you can't include a whole game in a 30s section of your video.
Basically I think that you should really be focusing on micro play, epic flanks, smart spell usage (emping whole groups of sentries, etc), hero units, etc. Things that you can show a casual sc2 player and they would be able to understand with a 1 sentence explanation.
On December 17 2010 16:31 FuRong wrote: 3) The ending of the epic Masterasia vs TTOne game, it's probably the game of the year so you should try to include it somehow.
This is easily the pimpest play of the year for me.
On December 17 2010 16:31 FuRong wrote: 3) The ending of the epic Masterasia vs TTOne game, it's probably the game of the year so you should try to include it somehow.
On December 17 2010 16:31 FuRong wrote: 3) The ending of the epic Masterasia vs TTOne game, it's probably the game of the year so you should try to include it somehow.
There were many epic moment in the 40 mins game of TLO vs LiquidNazgul in the TL invitational (I think it was the TL invitational). Back in the days when TLO was still pretty unknown and not yet with the liquid boyz.
nexfreesaga put a double proxy gate next to ssks' base without even scounting, freesaga fakes a cannon rush to make ssks use probs to destroy the pylon...But guess what...tester is lactose intolerant and countered this cheese really hard.
If Tester was lactose intolerant wouldn't cheese kill him?
On December 17 2010 16:31 FuRong wrote: A few more plays come to mind after reading the OP. Sorry that I can't provide specific links. Perhaps someone with more time can find these and add them in the format requested.
1) In Leenock vs Clide game 3 on Shakuras (you already have it listed under Ultralisk Surprise), Leenock scouts about 8 blue-flame Hellions heading towards his base early on in the game but he has nothing to defend. He walls off the front of his base with evo chambers at the last minute to stop them getting in. It wasn't a huge "OMG" moment but I thought it was a fantastic example of thinking on-the-spot, and you don't get to see a Zerg wall very often.
2)Tester's defence against FreeSaga was fantastic, but there was also another game in GSL1 where he defended a ridiculous Marine SCV all-in in close positions on Delta Quadrant. He looked completely dead at one point but then somehow kept a few Stalkers alive and held it off. It was definitely just as sick as the two gate defence.
3) The ending of the epic Masterasia vs TTOne game, it's probably the game of the year so you should try to include it somehow.
About 2), I think you talk about his game on Metalopolis close pos, he was botleft against topleft. There wasn't any scv but it was like 3 rax vs 1 gate fe, an enormous mmm force against very few things, and he defended without losing anything (or close) It is definitly qualified for a pimpest play, that was shocking, everyone thought he was dead.
I don't know if this has been nominated yet if it has I apologize, but how about HuK's mothership mass recall rush in the finals of gosucoaching weekly cup during the beta. Everything past the mass recall is pimp in my book!
Can't think of a good title. HuK vs. Drewbie Match 1 Steppes of war Gosucoaching weekly finals
Wasn't impressive at all imo.. :-/. Would have won the fight without it, makes it far less epic, even if it original, which I'm not sure it is. Anyways would people please give the time when the scene happens so you don't have to watch 8 minutes to find where the clip itself happens? :-/